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Latest revision as of 22:08, 20 September 2021

Morning talks
Date of Scene: 20 September 2021
Location: 6B - Elektra's Condo
Synopsis: Colleen and Elektra talk some about the latest events. And how scrambled eggs AREN'T made.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Colleen Wing has posed:
She had been staying with her friend since the burning of the Chikara dojo, well Elektra's and a few other places. Couch surfing was something she had become quite adept at, not wanting to overstay her wlecome in one place too long. However, Elektra's was different. It was at Elektra's that she felt most at home, the place of a close friend that she felt comfortable with and even safe. It was true, the burning of her Dojo had been a big loss for her, but it also took something else; a sense of safety. She had clearly upset a powerful faction and as part of her was proud of the effetc she had caused, it had left her with a sense of discomfort.

She had come back late, real late the night prior. She had not really said where she was going, but that was Colleen sometimes; indepenedent. Yet when walking into where Elektra was doing her morning exercises her appearance did little to give hints as to where she had been and what she had been doing.

Barefoot, the young Sensei pads her way towards her friend, a pair of running pants and a black Hello Kitty t-shirt. Her had runs through her wet hair, proof she must have just showered, but it is the small cut on the corner of her mouth and the ever-growing bruise on her left eye that she has made no effort to hide that tells the story.

"Morning you. Excercising. Of course." She tosses an envelope on the table and then moves to plot herself on the floor, sitting cross legged beside the Assassin. "Rent. I don't take charity. You will accept it." She smiles over to her friend and shrugs. "I earned that..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Chez Elektra has been a busy place apparently. With Colleen couch-surfing (even if there were more than enough rooms in the 'small' penthouse), along with a young girl she had apparently adopted and Selene, the vampire that Colleen had met a while back popping in from time to time. Or rather, with quite the regularity. Yet no matter how busy it was there was one thing that no one could take from Elektra and that was the morning training.

Having gone through a set of sword postures and katas she had then given one of the wooden dolls a good beating, now sitting on the ground in a lotus position and breathing heavily, recovering and meditating. Eyes do open when Colleen comes in and she follows the young woman with her eyes, brow arching in hat questioning manner of hers.

"I am hurt. You go out to have fun and you don't even bring me." A tsk. Yet it's when the envelope is put on the table that she figures it out.

"You went back to the fight club." It's not a question.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Her tone is casual, and as she brings her feet into her, checking her posture and exhaling softly. Apparently, if she is on the floor, a little light stretching is in order. "I wasn't going to. Well I /was/ going to go and just watch. Maybe bet a little. You know, try and double up." Another depe breath is taken. "Some guy got a lucky punch. Flatnose Flaherty went down in like thirty seconds and I lost more money then I felt like I could lose." There is a small pause and she smiles over to her friend. "So...I tossed my name in."

Her brow quirks as she considers her next words seemingly carefully. "So I tell the guy running it last night I'll take the Gauntlet. You know. Three fights. Once one guy taps or is knocked out the other comes in. No break." She shrugs again and raises a hand to touch her eye lightly. "Asshole took a sucker punch while I was climbing off the second guy. Okay fine he did not break the rules...but I broke his nose."

Her arms move to support behindher, leaning back some and staring straight ahead. "I got pride at least right? Promise next time you can come along. A few were asking about you."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"That's what you get for betting on someone called Flatnose. Should had expected that nose didn't get flat because he could move away from his opponents." A smirk is on Elektra's expression as she extends one leg forward and starts on some stretches, gritting her teeth at the effort before exhaling. No light exercises here!

"Sounds like you are making good use of your time." Oh, was that a jab at Colleen's night activities? Not that an ASSASSIN can condone anyone's activities but ..., there she is. "But do tell me next time you go. I could use the exercise." a beat, "What about the dojo? Any advancement on that so far? Or rather, a plan.." a faint grin.

Elektra finally climbs back up to her feet, doing some arm stretches. "And I hope you know Gao is mad after what you did. She has been making my life difficult as of late. Which means we will need to take care of her."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen smiles and actually laughs at Elektra's comment. A laugh that had not been heard for quite sometime around the Condo. "The man can take a hit..hence the flatnose. Hello?" She too rises ot her feet and stretches in a way that woud suggest she does not care who is watching, her body contorting in ways that actually look more painful then usefeul. "It just so happens that the biggest hit he took last night was when he bounced his head of the ground.."

A hand goes through her hair once more, the black locks still damp from the recent shower. "I am trying ot make good use of my time, that was more like a side activity. You know, extra-curricular activity. Trying to broaden my resumee'." She gives her friend a wink and then sags her shoulders. "Ah the Dojo. Yeah about that. I need a sponsor. Like someone who might want their name attached to a tax write off to benefit the children and their futures."

She turns to face her friend places a hand on her shoulder gently if allowed. "You know some rich person who wants a partnership or to look good. I am sure I can find someone. Yeah that's my plan."

She removes the hand and nods once, nibbling her lower lip and moaning softly. "I am sorry. Yeah, I kind of went and pissed the Gao off huh? I didn't mean to get you involved. Well I am glad you are, don't get me wrong. Oh wait that came out wrong." Another bite of her lip and a soft expression. "You're right. She needs to be dealt with directly. She won't stop until she eliminates her problems...and that is me...us."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Well, you took hold of the narrative instead of continuing to let Bakuto lead the orchestra. It was a good move. But there are consequences, as with everything." A brief nod given and Elektra apparently done with her own stretching, folding her arms together and resting a shoulder against the wooden dummy she was beating up earlier. "Of course that the drug hideouts you pulled out were mostly Gao's. She is not happy. And she sent a few people after us already." a small frown on her expression.

"And that's another thing I wanted to talk you about. You haven't seen her around yet but there's a young girl, from the Hand, that has been working for me." The frown continuing on her expression, "She was caught in the middle of all this, and I decided it was better to pull her out than continue to let her down the path she was going towards. The girl -is- angry at the world though, but you never had much of a trouble with problem students, maybe you could speak with her." a beat, "She is called June. She should be around sometime later today, or tomorrow. If you want to come by."

As for the partnership she smirks, "I might know a person or two. I didn't spend all my money on this small penthouse after all. Of course that associating with you may tip my involvement against the Hand." a chuckle. "More than it is already, that is."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I'm not much of a follower. Besides, I did not like the way he was conducting it. Every move has consequences, but that does not mean that the moves should not be made. I hope I made Gao so mad she wet her depends and I will not be happy until her and Bakuto are no longer an issue. I am sorry if they have given you trouble. It was not my intention to get you so involved. Yet, truth be told, I am glad that you are. I am not foolish to think that I can handle them by myself. I suppose this means I am off her Christmas card list. Damn."

She starts to walk towars the kitchen, waving a small finger of /come with me/ given to Elektra. "Let me make you breakfast while we talk. Then when I screw it up I can go get us something." Sheopens the fridge and pulls out some eggs while ontinuing to speak. "A young girl from the Hand? Oh how cute you went all Danny Rand on her." She peers over her shoulder and flashes a sweet smile. "Rescuing young girls going down the wrong path of the Hand. I will most certainly speak to her with all the Colleen charm I can muster. I handle anger well and know what it is like..as you do to have ties to the Hand." An egg is cracked into a pan. "How do you like them? Let me just start by saying they all end up scrambled so...."

As the egg is cooking she turns and rest against the counter. "Oh was I suggesting you?" Is she feigning suprise? "I could never ask such a thing. I do have some /other/ ideas. Yet, if you really wanted too assist, I would forever be in debt to you and I am not sure that is something I oculd live with." She is trying her best to not let a smile come to her stoic expression."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Liar." Is Elektra's reply, "You very much want me involved with it. And well, you got what you wished for." again the brow arching when Colleen asks for her to go with her. "It's almost as if you live here, mm?" a low chuckle at the proposal to do breakfast. Yet she doesn't seem to object, starting on her way across, feet padding quietly across the floor. A vague gesture given at how she likes her eggs. She doesn't seem to care on how they are prepared!

"Yes, talk to her. Figure out if there's anything to salvage. I don't think she's too deep into that rage, but we'll see..." As the eggs start getting cooked she walks over to the fridge, opening it. A jar of OJ is brought out and she puts it on the kitchen table. "I thought Danny would had flown in by now to save you on his white horse, if one is to be honest." a roll of her eyes, "But who knows? Maybe someone who *actually* knows business finally stole his company away from him." bit of a sadistic little smile on her lips. Look, Danny *is* the mortal enemy of the Hand, it's normal that Elektra won't like him that much!

"But yes, I can see about helping you. No more drab colors like the ones you had on your last dojo though.."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Scrambled eggs it is apparently, told by the small wince and stepping back from the stove as she tries to flip it. "Well that was a fail." She lets her shoulders fall and talks while she pushes the egg about the pan. "Forgive me Elektra, I simply cannot get enough of your attention and I figured if my life was to be consumed by Madame Gao I needed to have you involved as well." The egg is finished and set on a plate on the counter, another one cracked.

"She is a young girl lost, confused and afraid. Looking for a place ot be accepted and is going to latch on to anyone who gives her validation that she is worth something. I am sure she has not completely bought into the Hand's doctrine completely. I will talk to her. She will without a doubt find me an endearing role model and she will be fine." He words as often are stated with that subtle Wing sarcastic tone."

However, she does laugh when the mention of Danny is brought up. "Give him time. I am sure he is trying to decide the best way to do so without stepping on my toes, bruising my ego and stealing my thunder. I may or may not have told him that this is my fight. Not that it matters to him."
%Another scrambled egg and the burner is turned off as she moves to sit at the table, poking at it with her fork while she speaks. "Drab colors? I call it sweat stained brown thank you very much." She sticks her tongue out to the assassin. "A place fitting for everyone to want to come train at. You know Chikara dojo had some pretty big names want to train within its drab colors." She waves a finger idly at the woman across the table.