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Latest revision as of 01:02, 22 September 2021

August Visitors
Date of Scene: 20 September 2021
Location: Michael's Condo, Murray Hill
Synopsis: After some surprise and misunderstandings, Cal'hatar is sought out by another of his people on this planet - and wrestles with what that will mean for the future.
Cast of Characters: Michael Erickson, Ka'shira Raptorethi

Michael Erickson has posed:
    It's been a long week.

    Dealing with vampiric teenagers, mysterious androids and chemical fires, nevermind his quiet work with the Xavier School, even Michael's superhuman stamina has been taxed. Lying on the couch, fresh from Westchester County, he's barely managed to shed shoes and suit jacket before dropping onto one of the sofas of his austere three-bedroom condo, something that he's put more than a decade of paychecks into purchasing. No art, little color other than gray and cream. Pictures of nature on the walls, but not so much artistic as just...bald appearances of things. It's a copy of a human apartment, an office translated into living space. He knows it. He doesn't care. It's not like he gets visitors, right? He stares at the ceiling. Quietly. Letting silence soak in.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     It is perhaps in the next breath, a moment after he's comfortable on his sofa, that his door buzzes. The woman waiting behind that door? Tall, athletic, and naturally thin, she's draped head to toe in Earth couture. For the moment, her hologragh disguises her, emitted from a sleek device on her wrist that resembles a SmartWatch.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Well it's not like the doorman is going to refuse to admit her; wealthy people come up to see him from time to time, potential clients and established ones alike. His eyes open and staring skyward, they close with a huff as he hears the door buzzer. Who the Hell's coming up to see him this late? Agent Drew, maybe? Surely not Jubilation. Well. Nothing for it. Michael gets to his feet, groaning faintly as he does - and, yawning, steps out of the living room and down the short corridor to the front door, where he peers through the peephole.

    And who the Hell is that?

    Reaching for the intercom, he speaks, his baritone voice etched around the edges with exhaustion. "Yes? How may I help you, miss?"

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     "Raptorethi." She supplies her last name after the 'miss.' Her cultured tones might sound generically 'European' to most Americans. However, to Michael, he might better identify it. "I'm sorry for the hour. I was hoping perhaps we could speak." She stood stoically by the intercome as they spoke, calm and composed.
     After another brief pause. "I'm hoping to offer you an employment opportunity."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    What even time IS it? Michael checks the chunky silver watch at his wrist and frowns, noting the hour. Looks at the woman through the peephole again. Resigns himself to fate.

    The door swings open and there he is, still in slacks, socks, shirt and tie. Squints at the woman for a long moment. "All right," he says then, gesturing for her to enter the spartan grandeur (if you can call it that) of his home. Very very modern. "Come in."

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     As the door opens, Ka'shira studies the man on the other side. She takes in the sock-feet. After a long moment, she steps in. "Thank you."
Following him into the apartment, Ka'shira's grip switches her handbag from one arm to the other. She pivots on her high-heels and turns to face her host. "If I've caught you at a bad time, I can come back at a more decent hour, tomorrow. I've been traveling and I'm afraid I am not used to local time sones yet..." She uses coded language until she is sure it is safe to speak openly.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    For a moment he's about to say something, but decides that being polite is the best way to go. "No, it's fine," he says with a chuckle, gesturing for her to enter further. "I'm just getting home from a very long week. If you can bear with my being a bit casual in my own home, I can bear with the hour."

    Down the hall he goes, gesturing for her to follow. "Get you a drink? What's your preference?"

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     "Then I apologize for my inconvenient timing." She adds, chuckling as well. Once inside, she started to relax, easing into her role.
     The click-clack of her heels followed Michael down the hall. Ahh, drinks. What did the locals drink? "Whatever you are having is fine." She replied with what she hoped would be a safe answer.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    "I have a lot," he says, walking to a liquor cabinet filled with a selection of bottles. "Do you not have any preferences?"

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Eyes tracked over the variety of bottles. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with local choices yet. Perhaps you could select a decent wine." She said with a grin, obviously not trying to be difficult. "As I said I've been traveling. I've only arrived earlier."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    That gets a chuckle from him. "I don't drink wine," he says. "So, for a lady of your apparent socio-economic strata, it's going to be a vodka tonic." Which he then proceeds to make with a chemist's flair and determination, knowing well what goes where. Why, he even looks human. Acts human. But of course, she knows that he isn't.

    "So," he says after a moment, mixing a part vodka with three of tonic water over ice and stirring it slowly. "I'm not a detective, I'm a security consultant. And if you called my number you'd know that I don't see people without an appointment, so I'm wondering why you'd risk being rude to come out to my own home in the dead of night to see me." He offers her the highball glass with its sparkling cargo. "I assume it's important. Oh, and sorry, I don't have any limes."

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira watched him, a sculpted brow lofting. She was quiet through his alcoholic chemistry. "I wasn't looking to hire a detective. I apologize if I've breached f protocol however, the telecommunications on this planet is far from secure." It was easy just to dispense with pretense at this point. She reached with her opposite hand to turn off the holograph device at her wrist. While her appearance didn't alter greatly, it revealed her Shi'ar nature. "I wish to hire you as security. My understanding is, you are far more familiar with this planet than I am."

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He's quiet for a long moment. A very long moment. The hand with the glass remains there, and his expression is still. Then, after a moment, he puts the glass on the top of the liquor cabinet. His expression changes, grows all the more stiff. Glacial. His throat makes the sounds of High Shi'ar in all its intricate formality.

    "I do not know why you are here, my lady," he replies. "But I feel that you need very strongly to understand: conquerors are not welcome on this planet. The Empire especially. Perhaps you may wish to return from whence you came."

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira plucks the glass for offering hand. "I'm not altogether certain what a lime is, but I am sure the drink is fine without." She smiled warmly, without any mockery. "I think the term 'jet lag' is the fitting colloquialism? Yes, jet lag. I'm afraid I must blame jet lag on my lack of manners." Of course, she brought new meaning to the phrase, with how far she'd traveled.
     Her manner remained warm and inviting, despite how frosty Michael had become. She too switched to their native language. <"I've traveled alone, and I would make a very poor invasion force. I'm here at the behest of my family. We support the new Majestrix and wanted to learn of the planet that helped put her on the throne. My mission is diplomatic, not military, I assure you.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < Jet lag doesn't begin to cover what you're saying. > He slips from the high Shi'ar to the common Glorkon, and he frowns. < Well I'm not sure why you're here, then. That is, in my house. When I am blackballed in the Empire -- you know who I am, I assume. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira sighed and took a sip of her drink. Whatever she had been expecting this likely wasn't it. She set the glass on the bad and regarded Michael simply. <"My choices are a little limited."> She said by way of why she' chosen him. <"And I have said, already, I'm here to hire you, as security. I don't know this planet, you do. While I am capable of dealing with most situations that might arise, I am otherwise alone. So having a guard, even one exiled by the Empire seemed the wise course of action. Besides, you speak High Shi'ar //and// Glorkon." She added the last with another smile, just a touch teasing.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I speak French and Spanish, too, > he points out. He leans against the wall, now, arms crossed over his chest. < Why are you /here/? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira's smile brightened. <"See, an added bonus."> She took another drink, just to make sure she still disliked it. Well, it was tolerable. Studying him, she crooked a feathered brow. <"What are you expecting me to say? That I am here to kill you? To Seduce you? Neither. I mistook the time, and came to hire you. I have no hidden agenda. I did not realize this was your domicile."> She set down her drink. "Perhaps this was a mistake." This last, she said in English.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < The genie is out of the bottle, as the humans say. > Michael gestures. < I want to know why you're here. On this planet. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira sighed once again. <" My answer is not going to change, no matter how many times you ask it, and this is growing redundant. My family supports the Magestrix. I was sent to learn about the plant. That is it. I am a diplomat. Not a general, or an assassin.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He's quiet for a long time. < I will discover if you're lying, > Cal'hatar points out - his eyes are sharp, and for all his years on this human rock, the presence of another of his people is bringing out the inquisitor in him. < Know that. But let us assume you are here for exploratory means. You've yet to introduce yourself. Formally. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     The young woman across from him smiled. She forced the expression, but mostly out of whithering patience than dishonesty. <"I'm not lying. I'm doing my best not to be insulted, but in your place I would likely be the same. ">
     Ka'shira then drew herself tall. "I'm Ka'Shira Raptorethi. Third daughter to J'nar and Kya'drial, Second son to the Matron of Raptorethi. Exalted..."> She continued to expound, a bit more on bloodline and titles. He did ask for a formal introduction after all.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    That's some introduction.

    His eyes narrow, but at least, for the moment, he relaxes. < I've never heard of your family to be big friends of the former Majestor, > he says. < But then again I've been on this planet for over forty years. Very well, my lady. You of course know who I am. So you need a guide? Protection? Did you not bring your own retainers? Certainly you seem to have already supplanted yourself among the native population. Of what service might could I possibly be? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"As I said, we support the Majestrix, and have before she was, the Majestrix."> A small grin returned to her lips, features that remained unchanged. <"I need both a guide and a guard. As you said, this planet does not look kindly to conquerers. After so recent an attack, I felt it would be unwise to bring a retainer. And judging by your reaction to just myself, I think I decided correctly."> She gestured down to her couture attire. <"I have some funds, and some material items. I haven't secured even a lodging yet. Temporary or otherwise.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    His lips flatten a bit. < ...I can recommend some hotels, > he says. < It will depend on what resources you have brought. I assume you intend to live as you did on Chandilar, then. > Very watchful, this man. His eyes seem as though they intend to peel back her heart with their gaze, reveal her secrets. Suspicious. < It does not bother you to stand here with me? Knowing that I have acted against the Empire? Fought our own kin? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"Well, I don't need to live in palatial grandeur, but I don't intend to live in squalor, either."> She answered, lifting the highball glass once more. <"My understanding is, the monetary resources should let me live comfortably.">
     As he continued to watch her, she just smiled and took a sip from her vodka tonic. <"I can't say that I'm enjoying it."> She said humorously, trying to lighten the conversation some. <"I am not accustomed to being the subject of an inquisition."> She then added, <"It was a necessary action. Even if it was //against// the Empire, it aided the Empire. As long as you aren't making a habit of it, we should be fine.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < These people will never let the Empire take this world. > This said with grim, quiet conviction. < And neither will I. So long as we are of this understanding, then so be it. > A pause. < The authorities will want to know about you. You'll need to come in. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira took in a deep breath, about ready to argue she was //not// there to conquer. However, since he seemed to be moving on, she let it go. <"The only conquering I intend to do is by smile."> She stated, her current smile broad and playful.
     She took a sip of her drink and watched Cal'hatar over the rim of her glass. <"Which authorities?">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He frowns, still, but he nods all the same. < It might be suggested this makes you the most dangerous of all, > he says. Cal'hatar takes a deep breath. < Sit down, please. I have been remiss in my suspicion. I hope that you will forgive my...gruffness. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira simply nodded and moved to take a seat. <"If you forgive my lapse in manners, I shall forgive yours. I wonder though, which authorities you wish me to meet? This planet has so many, with no true global governing system.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Cal'hatar goes to sit on one of the living room sofas, crossing his legs as he settles back. < SHIELD, > he replies. < The primary government organization dealing with global action against planetary threats. I have sworn to assist them. If you're legitimately seeking to serve as a diplomatic channel between Imperial houses and this planet, however discreet, you would do well to be known. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"I can only claim diplomatic service to my family, I in no way represent IMperial interests."> She pointed out plainly. She, however, seemed inclined to acquiesce. <"How do I go about setting up an appointment? Do you have a point of contact?">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I will set up a meeting. > He laces his hands upon his stomach, considering her. < You'll probably want to be prepared for far more scrutiny than I. I demonstrated my worth in combat. But....they are intelligent. And politicians are not unwelcome. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Her lips twitched at the corners as she continued to smile. <"I am not just a diplomat. I have trained at the finest Military Academies since I was a small child. I will demonstrate whatever it is they wish to see"> She nodded, <"Yes, please set up the meet, that will be most appreciated.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < We are Shi'ar, my lady, > Michael says blandly. < And of noble birth. We have /all/ been attending the finest cadres since childhood. And they have knowledge of many races, though ours is new to them. Do not expect to impress them terribly with mere status as an offworlder. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"I simply was pointing out, if they wish to see fighting, I can fight. It was no boast meant to impress."> She looked at him a long moment. <"Do you //like// other Shi'ar? You seem rather prepared to see the worst in whatever I say, so I can only wonder.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I am preparing you for people who will not find us impressive, > he replies, brows arched. < Trust me, it is the finest thing that I can do. Otherwise your patience - which I do acknowledge is plentiful - will be tempted. As for liking other Shi'ar, I must admit... > He sets his jaw, considering. < I am not sure. It's been forty-five years since I've spent time with another of our people without being given orders. Honestly, since I've been gone, I've come to realize that we're rather enormous bullies. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"Well, frankly, if they aren't impressed with my smile, then I have no wish to be on their planet."> She replied tartly, but being facetious. <"I wasn't even born 45 years ago. Am I conforming to your experience with the rest of our kin? And, if my main weapon is a smile, am I really being a bully?">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I'm over seventy cycles old, > he points out, and sighs. < Perhaps I'm just an old man, set in my experiences. I just don't want these people to end up another client race of the Empire. Tell me - you were trained in these academies, my lady, but did you ever go to war? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira finished her drink. <"I am impressed by your loyalty to your adopted planet. Your biased mistrust of me, however, is tiring. I've already had a rather long trip, so I should perhaps see to lodgings for the evening."> She pulled her purse into her lap and fished out a cell phone. <"Here, if you'd like to program your contact info into my communicator...">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < Call me biased if you want, > he says with a grunt. < You weren't here. And you've done very little but show up and ask for help - which I've not refused, you'll note - and talk about your pretty smile. > He takes the phone, dialing in numbers. < Perhaps we'll have a better time on our next encounter. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"No, I came here and offered you employment. I did so, because you and I are likely the only Shi'ar on this planet. However, if you'd prefer, I can hire a few humans instead. I was trying to be charming and disarming, but I see I have failed, even before I began, simply by being Shi'ar.>? She stood, slipping her phone bag into her bag, and reactivating her holo device. <"You are correct. I wasn't here, and that is exactly my point. I think instead, I should leave my info with you, and that way you can decide if you wish to go into my employment, or not.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I'd prefer you to be honest. > He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair, now. < I don't care about charming, or disarming, my lady. None of that has any value to me anymore. But if you can do that, next time? > He offers her a smile, albeit a very lopsided one. < Then yes, I'll protect you. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"I have been nothing but be honest. You have simply decided to not believe me. I see this was a mistake. Thank you for your time, I'm sorry I wasted it."> She then headed for the door, without leaving her information.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    No. She's right - she /did/ come in here trying to be pleasant. She /did/ try to be honest. So why is he so resistant? Why so...

    This isn't /her/ fault.

    He's quiet for a moment, watching her head for the door. < No, stop. > Cal'hatar runs a hand through his hair again, lips pursed, and he shakes his head. < Please. I...look. Will you give me a moment to try and do this again? It's... > He shakes his head, running now that hand over his face in sudden frustration. < I'm sorry. I haven't seen any of our people in decades, and when I did, I ended up having to turn guns on them. I...please. Sit. Let's try this again. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira stopped and turned back towards him. She took a deep breath and attempted to school her features. She hadn't lost her temper, but she was very close. She studied him, looking for a trap in his words, or posture. After a moment, she nodded, her smile finally returning, though considerably, less. <"I did show up at your home unannounced, and at a late hour, I think."> She conceded and returned to her previous seat.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < No... > Cal'hatar draws a deep breath and gets to his feet, heading back to the liquor cabinet. < It's been a very long month or so. That /started/ with the Imperial attack on this planet. And...honestly, I haven't felt very charitable toward our people of late, it's true. But that isn't your fault. And, frankly, I was partially prodding you to see if you were telling the truth, or if you were here to try and murder me. > A thin smile. < Killing with kindness only, as it happens. >

    Michael reaches deeply into the cabinet, around a couple of heavy decanters - and produces a sculpted bottle of golden crystal that is very clearly of Shi'ar manufacture. < I brought this with me from home, > he tells her, hefting it by the neck. < Axlos nectar, from Jolineer. Have you had it before? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira began to relax once more. It took her a moment, but once she recovered, she recovered completely. <"I understand, I am happy to start new. Please feel free to call me Ka'shira."> It was rather informal, but she was making an effort to start fresh.
     As he asked about the liquor, Ka'shira looked over. She disabled her holograph once more, and shook her head. <"No, not that I recall.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < Cal'hatar of Chandilar, > he replies, frowning at the bottle. < Last son of the house of Atlex. Blacklisted now, I imagine. Officer Third Magnitude, Imperial Intelligence Cadres. > Cal'hatar uncaps the crystal bottle, getting a pair of slender flutes from the cabinet and pouring a dazzling golden fluid into both; a vapor escapes both now, golden and sparkling like the liquid from whence it comes, and as he caps the bottle and brings it with the flutes puts it on the coffee table with his own glass. Hands the other out to her. < Also formerly. As far as I'm aware, my commission has been dissolved and my name cast into the Infamy Registers."

    He adds, as he makes to sit down, "You can call me Cal'hatar, obviously. Some of the natives here call me Cal."

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira accepted the flute, raising it to eye level as she observed the glittery vapor. <"Now I am certain that I've never had it."> She waited a moment, before taking her first sip.
    <"Cal'hatar."> She repeated, as likely 'Cal' was just too informal. <"Glad to re-meet you.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Nevermind the fact it's actually like, half a name. < It's quite nice, > he opines as he sits down again - and it is, heady but light, a swirl of warmth stirring inside the body as the liquid vaporizes almost upon contact with the tongue. < That bottle's had a long time to cure, too. Got it on a transfer on the way back from Jatuur, after its pacification. > Ah, yes. Pacification. The sign of any benificent society. < Have you been there? Jatuur? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira savored the intoxicating nectar a moment. She looked across the table once more. <"It's delightful."> She agreed about the drink. Lips pursed as she studied Cal once more. She was a bit more subdued, but her smile remained genuine. She shook her head. <"No, I've never been.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < It's far out on the edge of the Empire, > he explains. < Nothing really to worry about - at any rate. You said that you need security. I can assist with this, though you need to be aware that, as a side effect of the battles with Imperial forces on he surface, I...have been bonded with one of the androids of the Raptor Fraternity. > He sets his eyes on her, sharp chips of blue glass. < Are you familiar with that group? They are...obscure, even in the Empire. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira took another small sip of the golden nectar. <"Raptor. No, it sounds familiar but I can not place it. Is it some sort of battle gear?"> She queried. <"Why is it something I should be aware of?">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < Long have they served to further the ends of the Empire. > Michael takes a sip from his glass, sighing as the wonderful stuff settles through him. < Intelligent machines, bound to Shi'ar operators - working as partners, but with the machine serving as the leader. During battle, I was nearly killed when fighting against a unit of Death Commandoes that were dispatched to kill certain humans on the planet. > He does not, of course, go into /why/. < I bound myself to one of the Raptors who were part of the attack force. Now it is I who control the machine, not the other way around - and they do not like that. Regardless of who sits the throne, I shall have them as an enemy. Eventually, they will try and get revenge. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira listens attentively. She leans back on her stool, likewise taking a sip of the golden nectar. <"This truly is amazing."> She says in praise of the unique drink. Ka'shira falls quiet though, as Cal begins describing the contention with the Raptors. <"It reminds me of a story told me in my youth..."> She trails off, trying to remember what little she could recall. With a shrug, she continued, <"Well, I suppose we'll have to deal with that, whenever that trouble arises.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < If I am, truly, to protect you, > he says, tipping his own glass to his lips - and letting his eyes drift closed. < Throne's Glory, I'd almost forgotten how that tasted. > Then Cal'natar's eyes snap open and he clears his throat. < Ah, if I am to protect you, you need to be aware of what is taking place. It is the responsible thing to do. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira nods, <"Thank you for informing me."> She said succinctly. She glanced down at her drink, swirling it gently in the glass to release another puff of glittery vapor. <"I understand, but I still feel you'd be my best option to fill this position. If you feel the risk is too great, I'd understand.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I do not at present. > He considers. < I will draw up a standard contract. This will be between our human personas, obviously. And as for arranging a meeting with SHIELD...well. When you visit, I suggest you drop holography sooner than later once a meeting begins. It will likely be easily pierced once you meet them, so I do recommend that you do not attempt any manner of subterfuge when you meet them. The humans already see the Empire in a poor light. This is my experience with them. They appreciate forthrightedness, even if they may not believe it at first. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira nodded. <"I'm using my name. I'm rich, and European, which apparently allows for some eccentricities."> She crossed her legs and regarded him calmly, with a nod. <"I won't attempt to decieve shield. my disguise is primarily so I don't cause panick in the streets, and for my protection.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    A laugh escapes Cal'htar at that, a shock of humor that sounds almost like a caw. < That's about right, > he says, nodding his head and lifting his glass to her in appreciation. < It's like the difference between the capital and the southern continental cities, to be sure. Lots of old nobility still in Europe, too. It fits you. > As for the rest, he nods. < I imagined you would not, but it would not be fitting a protector not to impart my experience. Perhaps you might do better, of course. I am but a soldier, regardless of my breeding. Not a diplomat. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"We had some inteligence to base my identity on. Anything else I shall have to improvise as I go, but I do believe all of my necesary documents are in order."> She took another sip from her narrow flute. <"I apreciate your wisdome."> She replies, genuinely, in regards to the SHIELD advice. <"Are their any other entities I should informm or will SHIELD suffice?">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < I probably provided it at some point. > He chuckles, taking another sip from his glass - then falls quiet a moment. < You might extend your hand to the students of the Xavier Institute, > he begins. Cal'hatar's lips purse. < I...what do you know about why the Fleet was here? >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     She nodded, <"Yes, you very likely did."> She agreed, but her tone made it obvious that hadn't occurred to her until now. At the mention of Xavier's, she paused. <"Do you think that would be wise? For one, I don't wish to remind anyone of trauma, for another, I also don't want to put myself at risk.">
     Ka'shira shifted in her chair and took another sip of her lovely golden beverage. <"I don't know much. There was someone or someones that the Empire felt was a threat to Imperial interests.">

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < She is the host of the Phal'kon. > Yes. The Destroyer. < She and her fellows are genetic mutations of baseline humanity - mutants, they are called here. Long persecuted by baseline humans, they possess all manner of powers. The girl is the host of the Phal'kon in this age...but it is different within her. Strange. It serves as a constructive element here. I witnessed it save the lives of people. >

    Which is...well. It's like watching Satan save souls. But here we are.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira set her glass very carefully on the coffee table before her. Primarily as a means to keep from dropping it. As the color drained from her face, she went a slightly more pale shade of purple. <"I think it wise, for the time being, that I perhaps avoid the school.."> She sat back in her chair once more, trying to absorb what she'd just been told.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < You may find me a fool, > he says. < But it was the order to kill her that made me turn against the Empire. > He takes a sip from his glass, eyes set on her. < I have been watching her for twenty years, since it was first detected that the Phal'kon dwelt within her. She is not your enemy; the Majestrix knows this. She was there when the Death Commandos attacked. She knows that the girl is innocent. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     <"Twenty years?"> Ka'shira repeated numbly. She watched Cal like he'd suddenly grown a second head. She was mentally trying to sort through the information and one could almost see the process. Finally, she seemed to reconcile most of it, and she gave a brief nod. <"Well, that explains all that, then."> She concluded matter of factly.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He gives her a tight smile. < I don't mean to drop things on you, > Cal'hatar says, clearing his throat. < I do not know what is known and what is not. I have been here for forty-five years in my service to the Empire; I was, originally, sent to monitor the Kree, but this planet is full of advanced individuals. Altered humans, mystics, mutants, other offworlders. > He takes a sip from his glass, watching her from over its rim. < It is most cosmopolitan. I expect the former Majestor also saw it as a threat, over time. >

    Which, you know. His intelligence, his fault. Right?

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira shook her head. <"No, I'm adjusting, it's fine. Just a lot to absorb at once."> She picked up her glass once more, taking one of the final few sips. As he spoke about the Former Majestix, it occurred to her that Earth might not only seem a threat but likely also, an asset. This she did not say aloud, as Cal had already accused her of being a conquerer. Since this was hardly her objective, she saw no reason to add to possible suspicions unintentionally.
    "Well, now that's I've adequately digested that, is there any other startling information I might need?"> She asked, her grin returning.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    < Nothing immediately comes to mind. Oh. > Cal'hatar sits up a bit, looking across the coffee table at her. < You'll find yourself often very frustrated at first at the technological disparity. It's like living in a historical exhibit. But you will, eventually, find yourself getting used to it - and I can assist you in the technological items of the day, of course, and how they're used. Throne knows I've watched it all develop from the background. >

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira rose, evidently feeling this a logical conclusion to the meeting. <"Thank you Cal'hatar. I mostly have the communicator figured out, so I'll send you my contacts later. For now, I really should see to lodging. Thank you for the drink."> She commented politely as she headed for the door.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    He rises also, nodding once as she moves to depart. < Ask the doorman on the way out, in my name. He can direct you to suitable habitation for your tastes. > The last thing he has for her on this evening - he has not had to extend noble hospitality to a fellow peer for many, /many/ years, but it feels no stranger to him than it might have all that time ago. < Go with Sharra's grace, Lady Raptorethi. We will speak again soon. >

    And when she is gone, he drains his flute - and what was left of hers - before putting the bottle of precious, alien nectar away. Drops onto the couch. < It begins, > he says to himself, and flops back against the couch, sinking into its leather cushions. Reaches into his pocket for his phone.

    And so it does.