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Campus Visits From Near And Far
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Gotham University campus
Synopsis: A visit to Gotham U brings Stephanie Brown into contact with Roberto da Costa. Coffee is drank. Jokes are made. Glorious.
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Stephanie Brown

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Gotham University, that sort of counted as a school. If Roberto had his way, his mother would be teaching at nothing less than Ivy but hey, since she divorced his father, he couldn't blame her for wanting to set her own path.

Speaking of paths, the young Latino in the long coat, looks thoroughly lost, looking at the map he'd picked up at at info kiosk for all the prospective students looking to come here and check out their new stomping grounds. For Roberto, it was just about finding the archeology building, his mom's office, and then going for lunch like he promised to do before some Gothamite stole the hubcaps off his Maseratti.

Sighing, Roberto lowered the map, and looked around for someone who might be able to shed a little light on his navigational issues.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Surely there's a song in the air. The tinny guitar sounds of Nancy Sinatra's These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbyAZQ45uww) accompany a girl as she strides confidently across the Gotham University commons. It shows in her walk, the feeling of being on the college campus infusing the blonde girl with a certain something extra.

A trio of male students come towards her along the highway. The blonde gives them her brightest blue-eyed smile... only to see them walk past, completely oblivious to the visiting high school girl's existence.

That song Stephanie Brown was hearing in her head suddenly screeches like an old phonograph needle across a record. She gives a deep exhalation of air, blowing at some strands of blond hair that have fallen across her cheek. "What'd you expect, Steph?" she asks herself with a shake of her head.

Spotting the information kiosk, Stephanie hefts the small bookbag back up fully atop her shoulder and walks over to it. She picks up a map, though glancing around the area. The sound of someone else's frustrated sigh causes her to look over towards Roberto. She hesitates but a moment before saying, "Everything ok?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto's fully engrossed in his map again and misses Stephanie's entrance, complete with mental soundtrack and record scratch when the three boys walk right by her without a second look. Roberto however does a little better, when his sigh is replied to with a question, he looks up, distracted, "Yeah, I'm good," he says his voice touched with some sort of latin accent, it fits with his darker complexion. Then he takes not of Steph and does a bit of course correction. "Actually, that's not true, I'm completely lost," he says before nodding at her book bag, "You go here?" he asks hopefully.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown watches as the young man with the darker complexion gives the distracted answer and otherwise not paying her any real notice. The next mental record doesn't even really have time to queue up in her head. There's just the sound of it breaking in Stephanie's ears.

The blond pulls her jacket closed a little more and starts to walk off when Roberto looks up again and addresses her. The teen pulls up short, stopping and turning back to him. Stephanie draws herself up a little taller, using all of her 5'7" and attempting a poise she figures college coeds must have. And then lets it all out like a balloon deflating back to her regular stance. "No, not really. I'm visiting campus actually," she tells him.

She probably expects the boy to turn away again with this news, and blurts out, "But I've been on campus a number of times. Maybe I could help?" she offers, hefting her bookbag's strap a little higher on her shoulder again as she offers what she hopes is a helpful expression.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Steph looks so dejected when she turns to walk way he can practically see the miniature rain cloud over her head like in a cartoon, though as soon as he speaks up it seems those clouds turn to sun and he smiles, before she deflates once more.

When she perks up yet again to blurt out she might be able to help, Roberto puts up a hand, chuckling at the roller coaster ride the last couple of seconds had been. ""Well I was going to say I pay in coffee for directions, and I still do if you know the way, otherwise I was going to say it's more fun to be lost with company," he offers. "What do you say? Think we can figure this place out?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's smile grows a little bit at Roberto's easy demeanor, and the welcoming tone of his words. "Coffee is an acceptable form of currency in these parts," she confirms with a knowing nod. "We can probably give it a whirl," she says, moving back over towards Roberto.

She glances down at his map. "Where are you trying to get to?" she asks him. Stephanie pulls out her phone to glance at it. "And, are you heading for a class you're going to be late to or anything that I should prepare for a professor's glare if I'm with you walking in late?" she asks. She looks over Roberto briefly. No bookbag, so maybe not.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Great," Roberto says when Stephanie accepts his trade, coffee for directions. "There's a bit of a catch of course, I am probably also going to need directions to find the coffee, just saying up front."

"I am looking for the offices for the archeology department, but this map seems mostly to be showing me lecture halls," he says holding it out for Steph to have a look, before he shakes his head, "No, no class," he hehs, at that. "I mean, /I/ have all sorts of class, but no I'm not late for one. "Just trying to find professor da Costa's office," he says before extending a hand, "I'm Roberto by the way."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Roberto's joke about not having class gets a soft grin from the blonde-haired teen. It seems about her sense of humor. "Archaeology, probably over in the science building I'm guessing? Unless they are in the museum, but... I have no idea if they have classes in there. We could try the science building first, anyway," she tells him.

As Roberto introduces himself and offers his hand, Stephanie places hers in it. "Stephanie," she offers giving him a soft, warm smile before looking away from his gaze. "It's over this way, the other side of campus," she tells him. "And, coffee house, that I can /definitely/ help you find," she says with a smile. "There's a nice little one, just over off the edge of campus. Real relaxed. Sometimes there's someone in there playing guitar, or keyboard or whatever."

If Roberto is ready, Stephanie will start walking in the right direction to reach the science building. "It's really a beautiful campus. Especially on a nice sunny day," she says. As opposed to running across rooftops at night.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The grin for Roberto's joke is noted and it brings a smile of his own to his lips, "Yeah, those were the two I was considering, so at least I know someone else agrees with me, even if I'm wrong," he says with a light chuckle and a shrug.

He gives Stephanie's hand a firm shake, cocking his head as she looks away, but letting his hold linger just a second or two longer. "Sounds like a long trip," he says of the trek to sciences, he checks his watch. "How about we provision at the coffee house and then we can make the trip over after that? That is, if you've got the time, where were you headed?" he asks her as he follows along in her wake. He looks around, "It's not bad," he admits, the sunlight made the place seem fresh and full of energy. "And kinda pretty, definitely not what I think of when I think of Gotham."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie nods in agreement with Roberto's suggestion of an amended destination. "Coffee first works," she agrees. "I promise I won't even run off on you after you've paid up the coffee but not yet found your archeology department," she says. "If you trust me that is. I'm told I have a very trustworthy face," Stephanie says, trying to affect a trustworthy face but the way her lips keep quirking with her suppressed smile probably make it more suspicious than not.

Stephanie walks alongside Roberto, through the quad that is just starting to turn green as the warmer weather is arriving. "You say that like you don't expect to find pretty things in Gotham, Roberto," she tells him, pressing her lips together and giving a sad sigh. "Ah, my poor city and her reputation," she says with an exaggerated shake of her head. "So, whereabouts are you from then? And, what takes you to the archeology department? You'd look good in a hat and whip... but I'm not sure you're from Indiana."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"That face?" Roberto says drawing things out for a second. "Not trustworthy," he tells her with a smile. "Looks like I have something on my face making me look ridiculous but you're not telling me," he says, shaking his head then adding. "So, cute I'll buy, trustworthy?" he shakes his head.

Roberto looks around as the pair crosses the Quad, "Well it doesn't have that reputation yeah? Poverty, crime, guys dressed like bats," he says with a shrug and a smile as she asks where he's from. "Rio," he tells her. "By way of Westchester," he says. "I know my hometown can go toe to toe with Gotham for crime, but you see we cheat, we've got those beaches and the tanned girls in bikinis as a distraction, Gotham should look into that," he says with a solemn nod.

"As for his destination, he chuckles, "Yeah, I could totally rock the Indy, look, and honest answer? My mom just started working her, and I'm meeting her for lunch," Roberto explains. "Lame I know, but hey, she's been wanting to teach for awhile now, just other things," like his father, "Got in the way."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown walks along in silence besides Roberto for several steps and then gives a bit of a smiling shrug. "I can settle for cute," she says finally, looking over to flash that smile towards him before looking back.

They are slowly crossing campus, students moving about from one class to another, while others recline on the grass, talking or checking their phones or engaging in other activities. The sight of so many people about in one place gives Stephanie a soft smile.

She looks back to Roberto. "Wow. So Rio, to New York in winter. That does have to be a shock," she agrees. She stuffs her hands into her jeans pockets. "Could probably write a note to the mayor. About the need for more tanned girls in bikinis. We're also big into corruption, so include a hefty enough bribe and he might make it happen."

Stephanie gets a soft grin. "I don't think we'll see anyone dressed like a bat today. They seem to like the night from what I hear. Which is surprising. They say black is already slimming, so why not show it off in the day, I say?" Stephanie tells him. Mental note: Have to use that one on Tim.

The blonde nods slowly. "That's great that she's a professor. So is the leaf going to fall near to the tree, or do you want to do something else with your life?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto chuckles as Steph flashes that smile his way. "You'd better," he says of settling for cute. "This isn't a negotiation," he teases before settling in to make his way through the quad, looking at the people around them as they pass.

"Rio by way of Westchester," he says. "Used to American winters, went to school there most of my life, but just came back from Rio... a few weeks ago now, so yeah, I'm feeling the chill a bit more than I'm used to, it was just heading into fall when I left." There's a snort about talking to the mayor, "Well the corruption thing is something our cities have in common," he says. "Well, if this is your city, I guess I shouldn't assume just because your in a Gotham college you're from Gotham."

He chuckles about black being slimming, "Why do you think I wore this jacket," he says doing a cat walk turn holding his lapels out. "And just in case you're wondering, no, I'm not Batman, or Nightwig or whoever the dude that used to wear booty shorts is calling himself now."

"Me? A professor? Nah," he gives his head a shake. "If I could choose what I was going to do..." he frowns, he actually doesn't know..."I'd do something that wasn't that, but my career was chosen when I was just a twinkle in my dad's eye or whatever. My family owns one of Brazil's biggest companies, when my dad kicks, it's my turn. to run it. I don't have any sibling to pawn it off on."

He frowns a little and says, "What about you, Stephanie? What's got you out here if this isn't where you go to school."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie holds up both hands in surrender, relenting on accepting the 'cute' moniker. It leaves her smiling over at Roberto. The campus that had begun to feel a little too much like a bigger version of her high school life, seems to have taken a better turn.

"I am indeed a native Gothamite," Stephanie Brown confirms to Roberto. "Born. Bred. Ah... incubated. And.. percolated. Given how much coffee I've had the last year or two, definitely percolated," she says, listing out all the ways that Gotham is she, and she is Gotham.

The male model's pose gets a gentle laugh and a soft clap from Stephanie. "And it's working," she says, starting to steal a glance but then realizing he'll see it, she tries to look away discretely instead. "I think they have, you know," Stephanie says, looking back to Roberto at the mention he's not Batman. "Bigger ears," she says, reaching up and breaking his personal space as she brushes a finger over an earlobe. "Also probably you should look unhappy more. Because with huge ears, you'd probably be unhappy," Stephanie says, and grinning inwardly at the dig even if Batman never hears it.

Crap, he'd better not hear it. She's already worried as it is that he's going to turn up on any patrol and force her out of her costume for good.

That thought is pushed out of her head as Roberto asks about her. "Oh, me? Well, I'm... um... I'm still in high school. Visiting to see if this is where I want to go to school," she says. And just like that, she expects any interest the handsome, tanned, well-built, rich boy had, will fade away.

High schooler. It's like the plague. Just less palatable.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
From what Roberto had seen of college campuses he'd agree, college was like high school 2.0, now with more drinking, but that never bothered Roberto, social hiearchies wheter in Brazil or at Xavier's were things that traditionally had a da Costa at the top. He expected any college he decied to grace would be much the same.

There's a snort for the percolated joke, "I hear you there, went away for awhile from my old school, now I'm trying to catch up," he makes a face to give an idea of what's that like for him. "Not the study nerd type, so I am pretty much living on coffee and Captain Crunch." Also sunlight, which is what he's really living on and why he could maintain a Ronaldo body on a college stoner diet.

The discrete look doesn't really work, Roberto catches it but he doesn't say anything, nor does he really argue when Stephanie steps into his personal bubble to touch his ear. "So, you're saying Batman's Will Smith then?" Roberto, reasons. "But nah, he's the hole in your theory, big ears, but seems to be happy all the time.," he points out.

He steps away before Steph gets to her shocking confession, which is met with a nod, "Wanna know a secret? Me too," he tells her. "I know what you're thinking, how can this suave man of the world still be in high school?" he makes a face wondering how best to explain /that/ story with so much of it being unshareable. "Was in a car accident," he lies. Lame end to the story. "Riding with a friend of my dad and he got drunk and crashed the car." Crashed a car, pumped him full of solar radiation? Same thing right? "Spent the last little getting ready to go back and if I mainline coffee I'll be finished my senior year in May. How about you? Please tell me you're at least as senior too? Because wandering around a college campus talking to a junior?" he hand wobbles. "Sort of sketchy," he says /really/ hoping she wasn't a junior.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's smile is a soft, warm one as Roberto's reaction to her dreaded case of high schoolitis is a positive one. "Yep, senior. Turned eighteen last month. Not really sure what I want to do in college. Not even sure if it's a good idea for me to go. I've never been the best student. But my mom's kind of pushing me. And, well, we have a deal, and holding up my end, means giving college my best try," she says.

As they walk along, Stephanie looks over, tucking stray locks of gold behind her ear. "I kind of took you for... I don't know. A sophomore. College I mean," she tells him. "Sorry to hear about the car accident," Stephanie adds in a gentler tone. "But if you need a coffee IV, this is the place," she says, motioning to a little coffee house on the corner. She walks over towards it, saying, "Oh good, looks like someone's playing," she says, glancing in the windows as they near the door.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto flashes an easy smile Stephanie's way "Almost free then, nice," he says of the pending end of her high school sentence. "And me I'm turning 19 in like, ugh, six days, things have been crazy, don't have a venue picked our or invites sent." Clearly birthday party in Roberto's house was a very different thing from Stephanie's. "Might not do anything this year, it'll be awkward, family stuff." He gives his head a shake. "Sorry, oversharring," he says.

"Good to hear," Roberto grins Steph's way about him looking older than he was. He surveys the coffee house which seems to meet Roberto's standards as he gives it a little nod before holding the door open for Stephanie. "Whatcha having?" he asks her. "And remember the deal, no ditching me until we've found my mom's office."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie smiles as Roberto holds the door for her. Stephanie's wearing a pair of blue jeans. They are actually her nice ass jeans. Every girl has a pair called that. The one that makes her look best. She hadn't actually worn them intending anyone special to notice them. They just help give a girl a boost of confidence. And Stephanie figured she might need one on the college campus.

Along with that is a mock turtleneck that clings to her body a bit. She unfastens her brown jacket and lets it hang open once within the warmth of the coffee house. "Hmm, how about a nice warm cappuccino?" she asks. "And I promise. Last thing I want to do is have you hunting me down, finding me wherever I might dwell," Stephanie adds, starting to walk further into the place before pausing and looks thoughtful about whether having Roberto hunting her would be that bad. She flashes him a little teasing smile and then says, "Want me to go stake us out somewhere to sit?" she asks.

In the back corner, a boy and girl of college age are seated on stools, one playing a guitar, another with a microphone, though the boy on the guitar is just tuning it at the moment.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Of course Roberto checks Steph out, and it's clear those jeans are doing their job, his gaze doesn't linger over long but he definitely looks.

As for Roberto's wardrobe, well, he's here to see his mom, so he's got a simple black V neck t-shirt and pair dark blue jeans on, both understated but flattering. He nods to Steph's drink choice, "Sure thing," he tells her and then says, "Yeah, grab us a spot." Then he goes to get their drinks, coming back a little while later with two oversized cups balanced on saucers in his hands. "Here's your payment," he says. "And you were right this is a pretty nice place," he says and glances over at the pair set up to perform, before settling into his chair and looking to Steph. "So, you were saying your mom wanted you to go to university? Gonna go here?" He slides her coffee over.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie removes her jacket, hanging it up on a peg on the wall nearby, and then stakes them out a seat on a loveseat with a coffee table and end tables in easy arm's reach. It's right back near the duo getting ready to perform.

When Roberto rejoins her, Stephanie smiles and accepts the large mug on the saucer. "Thank you," she tells him warmly. "It is, I always like it here. I live up in Coventry so don't get over here as much as I'd like." the decor has a very warm, earthy tone. With Spanish tile across the floor, and comfortable furniture, and whoever chose the artwork has fine taste.

Stephanie leans back carefully in the chair before taking a sip of her beverage. "Mmm. Thank you," she tells Roberto again. "Yeah, she kind of... has winkled me into it," Stephanie says with a sigh. "I'm not quite sure. I think I'll try to go here. It's here or else start out a community college and then maybe try to transfer later. I wanted to do that actually, but Mom is pushing me to jump in with both feat. Which... ah... usually people are trying to stop me from doing that, if I'm honest," she says with a soft, slightly blushing laugh.

"So your father and the company. I guess he's probably grooming you for it then? How do you feel about it? Is that a career that you want for yourself?" Stephanie asks. Not that long ago, talking to someone in line to inherit a such fortune would have left her a bit tongue-tied. DID leave her a bit tongue-tied. Now she's at least had some practice.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto takes a look around his dark eyes studying the place and it's decor, okay he may have shot a wink to the girl with the guitar, what? Is Sam the only one who has a thing for musicians? Though that doesn't detract from the smile he gives Stephanie as he takes a sip of his coffee, mming, "Yeah, this place is really good, pretty much the perfect college coffee shop right?" he says. "Can just imagine some college rom com ending here, with the guy crashing the stage and singing some cringe love song to his girl to win her back, from the rich douchey guy that looks like me," he says with a little bit of a self-aware grin. He's a Chad, and knows it. "Speaking of you don't have a boyfriend who's going to burst in and sing do you?" he asks her.
efore moving on effortlessly to schools, "I say do what you want to do, if the worst that happens is that you end up disappointing your mom, then count yourself lucky, but at least you'll be living your life not someone else's plan for it."

"Oh yeah, my father's been grooming me from day one, my ABC book, had 'A is for Annual Report', and 'B is for Bear Market' in it," he jokes. "And if I had my choice? Probably would have played football, or soccer to you uncultured American swine," he says grinning to take the bite out of the insult. "At least when I was younger, now, firefighter," he says, that was close to a member of the X-Men right? "Help people, with a little bit of danger thrown in too." He shrugs. "But there's a whole company of people counting on me and I can't trust the board for shit, so, it's got to be me."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie breaks into soft chuckles, blue eyes shining her smile over towards Roberto at the picture he puts in her head. She responds to his question with a little shake of her head. "Nope, no boyfriend," she tells him, and picks up her cup and is about to take a sip when she suddenly stops. "Wait, wait, you said no /singing/ boyfriend..." She pauses there, the cup held poised near to her lips. "Nope, nope, none of those, either," she says more conclusively while her eyes twinkle slightly.

Stephanie looks pensive for a moment. "With Mom it's not really being made to lead the life she wants for me. It's more of a... mutual self-improvement agreement. We both have things we want for the other that will be tough to achieve. And so we're each agreeing to take those things on. And we'll both come out better for it. But even if I hit a point I might not be willing to do it for myself? Well, I'm not just doing it for myself. I'm doing it for her too," she says.

It's a lot for Stephanie to say at once. She's talkative, but not long-winded. Especially about this kind of stuff. And it's little surprise she turns very quickly to humor afterwards. She gives Roberto a soft shove in the shoulder when it won't cause a coffee spill. "Get out. You as a fireman? The calendar possibilities alone are awe-inspiring," she tells him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Good to know," Roberto smiles over the rim of his coffee letting the subject go at that, clearly enjoying playing coy for now.

What Steph says after that gets a much more serious nod from Roberto, "I get that," he says not prying into what her mother had to do to hold up her end of the bargain. "The obligation thing. Well for what it's worth, my vote is on this place, I mean community colleges are cheaper, and I guess good for finding out what you like and what you don't but might as well enjoy a bit of style, right?" he says waving at the shop, but the gesture takes in the grounds around them as well.

Though he leaves that topic alone too in due course seeing Steph had said a mouthful and letting that breathe a moment by delving into humour. "Right?" he says of the calendars, "Really I'm caught between too obligations," he spreads his hands, palm up, like a scale. "One one hand," he lowers his left hand, "The thousands of employees at da Costa International," he says, then raises it back up and lowers the right, "Or the thousands of women denied seeing me in a beefcake calendar," he grins then, "Keeps me up at night."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie steals a glance over at Roberto out of the corners of her eyes, trying to not be very overt about it. "Well, you know," Stephanie says. "There are people who work two jobs. Dual-careers," she continues in a serious-sounding tone. "Make the ends meet. Contribute to society. Even if one job is just part-time."

Stephanie digs in her pocket, pulling her phone out. She unlocks it. "Oh hey, look at this. Even has a camera on it," she says as if surprised to find her phone comes with that. In 2020. "You know, if you were ever looking to maybe try it in an amateur sense before going pro..." she says, trailing off and doing her very best to just sound matter-of-fact about it.

There are little spots of color on her cheeks though as she says that. She's into her camera on her phone. One of the last pictures she took is up on it. It's a picture of Gotham from somewhere way up high, at least tall building level, though but no signs of the building itself in the picture.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto takes another smiling sip of coffee before he sets down his cup. "Well, I suppose I could juggle both, out of a sense of obligation," he jokes.

When she digs out her phone and offers to help him practice, before his big modeling break, he grins, "That sounds do-able," he says. "But if you're going to be my photographer, I'll need to see some of your work," he nods to the phone and holds out a hand to have a look at what she's looking at.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's swallows as her mind races. Trying to remember what is on her phone. Not that she as pictures of Red Robin or something on there. But a snapped picture her her cape flapping in the breeze in frame is a possibility.

One doesn't get on rooftops with a homemade grapple and rope from the hardware store without snapping a picture now and then.

Stephanie looks over to Roberto and hands the camera over to him. "Not that I'm like, Ansel Adams. But I figure certain things, you really can't mess up a picture of," she says, glancing towards Roberto. And then away, realizing her face might be coloring a bit after the comment. She goes for her drink for a distraction.

There are three or four other shots of Gotham from on high. There's also pictures from gymnastics, some of them in practice uniforms, others in obvious team uniforms. A couple of them show Stephanie, someone else having snapped them for her while she was on a balance beam or having just dismounted the uneven bars.

Another is a picture of a pretty woman nearing forty. She's holding up a hand as if to stop the picture, but is smiling.

There are also pictures of an old Honda motorbike. It looks pretty aged, parked in a parking lot. In the background, Roberto can see a sign reading Coventry Gardens Apartments.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto waits patiently while Steph's mind races and once he has the phone he looks through the pictures one after the next. Lingering longest at the gymnastics shots (of course), the views from up high, and the woman in her forties. He turns the phone at the last one, "Your mom?" he asks with a smile.

He goes back to flipping, "So did you go from gymnastics to parkour or something? These pics look way high up," he says showing one of the ones, from up high, before flipping back to oggle one of the gymnastics ones again. He doesn't oggle long, before he puts his plan into motion, hopping out of her gallery and into her contacts, looking at what's there only long enough to find the + button and add his number. That is if Steph doesn't punch him for messing with her phone first.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown leans over closer to Roberto in the loveseat so she can see the pictures he's looking at more easily. Her shoulder ends up gently against his. Stephanie manages to avoid letting out too much of a sigh of relief that Spoiler's cape, staff, nor other equipment make any appearance in the photos.

As he's getting to the gymnastics photos, the duo start playing finally, drawing Stephanie's attention over to them for a few moments. They start out snapping fingers as the woman begins singing "Mack the Knife" before the man joins in on the guitar.


The song brings a smile to Stephanie's face and she looks back, leaning against Roberto as he brings up the photo of the older woman. "Yeah, that's Mom," Stephanie says, her voice warming noticeably. "She'd just got off work working an extra late shift. And got home and saw I'd gotten up to make dinner for her. She had such a beautiful smile I couldn't resist," Stephanie says. Her own smile grows at the memory. She has her mother's smile, that much is for sure.

Stephanie notes what Roberto is doing in her contacts, but doesn't say anything, just watches with a softer smile. "Yes, I'm on the team and then... I do a lot of parkour. Like to get up on the roof, when they don't lock the doors in these big old buildings," she says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Yep, totally safe! Besides Roberto isn't looking at much besides Steph, her mom and the view in those pictures. But mostly Steph, those gymnastics uniforms are something of a revelation.

Though he's not a complete horn dog about thing, he smiles as the duo starts up, and when it comes to her mom, he smiles, "She's pretty, see where you get it from," he says, and it doesn't even seem like a line. "It's cool you and she get along like that, it's nice." He smiles warmly at her before switching to the view and then the contacts, entering his name. "Yeah, I like to get up high too," he tells her. Though with him it's flight. "Peaceful up there, easier to focus."

Then he looks over at her, handing the phone back. "Added my number in there, think you've definitely got the chops to be my photographer," he says, returning to the gag. "You want to set up a shoot, send me a text," he offers with a grin.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie smiles as she looks at the photo of her mother. "Yes," she is, she says with a soft smile. "Has had a hard life," Stephanie adds quietly. She looks over to Roberto, a shy smile showing as he mentions Stephanie having her mother's looks. "We didn't always. It's been pretty rough, if I'm honest. That's one of the reasons I want to make this work. With the college thing," she says, looking away and giving a little shrug of her shoulders.

Stephanie takes the phone back and says, "I... uh, don't really have a photography studio, per se. But I'd be up for another cup of coffee sometime," she tells him with a small smile. "So how often do you make it out this way, anyway? You said Westchester? That's up north of New York, right? Is it nice there? What about the school you're at. If your mother is here and you're father is running a company - in Brazil I gather? - then must be some kind of boarding school? Or are you staying with family or something?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods, brushing against Stephanie as he reaches for his coffee again, listening, "Sounds like you're close, it's the same with me and my mom," he wrinkles his nose "Even if she's the worst about getting on me about school. Apparently just because she's got a PHD she thinks we can all do it," he jokes. "But it's good you want to help out your mother go to school, and who knows, it might even be some fun."

Roberto chuckles, "Coffee would be fine," he says. "Not really looking to become a model or anything, just thought it was a good angle to get us to hang out again," he says honestly having a sip of his coffee. "Hit me with a text so I can have your number too," he says. "Well if you don't think I'm a creep or whatever." A smile at that.

Roberto laughs again at the string of questions, "I feel I should be writing some of these down, let me see, not often, yes, yes, yes, boarding school?" he frowns going through his mental list before answering more helpfully. "Yeah, it's a boarding school in Salem Center, it's not as bad as you'd think, the people are pretty awesome, and yeah it's on the far side of New York from here, but, my Mom's here and she's on her own for the first time since she's been married and so I'll be making the trip down a lot on the weekends." Barring disasters for mutantkind, and the usual things that keep him and his classmates occupied.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown pulls out her phone and unlocks it. She taps something into it while holding it so that Roberto can't see it. Stephanie hits send on it and then sets her phone down on the coffee table, while Roberto's phone dings just a half second after. Her text:

> Totally not a creep. *smiley face emoji*

Stephanie turns towards Roberto a little in the love seat, leaning her head on the cushioned back of the furniture which is quite comfy really. "Sorry, that was a bunch of questions at once, wasn't it?" she says with a rueful chuckle. Her expression grows into something sympathetic. "How are you handling that? I mean, parents splitting up and all. If it's just happening now, at least they waited until now. But even then... not like that kind of thing is easy on anyone," Stephanie says, her tone making it sound like something she takes pretty seriously.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto quirks a brow and shifts so he's facing Stephanie while she types out her mystery message, when his phone pings he puts down his coffee and pulls it out, the latest StarkPhone of course, and checks.

Hot Latino Guy (yes that's what he set his contact to) > Good to hear. *party emoji*

Roberto lowers his phone and waves off the apologies, "It's all good, but if you're considering what to major in, may I suggest journalism?" he teases lightly before growing more serious with her follow up question. "I'm okay with it," he lies poorly. "They were never good together, my dad's old fashion?" he almost makes the joke that he's so old fashioned that Amara's dad would be like damn dude get with the times, but that's a joke with a very limited audience to appreciate it. "Like women should stay at home and have babies not root around the jungle for old relics kind of old fashioned. My mom's my mom, she doesn't go in for being anyone but her. Anyhow, long time coming but the family back home is all up in arms, Catholics, divorce, you know how it goes." Not to mention to the millions his mum was entitled to that the family didn't want to let go of.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's attention is on Roberto as he shares about the family problems. "Oof. Yeah, I can imagine how that would end up with her needing some space," she agrees with a small nod. "You seem like you probably fall closer to your mother than your father, I'm guessing? Or do you like keeping women out of the jungle too?" she asks, Stephanie's tone going lighthearted for the final part to make it more of a joke than a real question.

"Sounds like your mother has a good head on her shoulders though. It's not an easy world. Even as far as things have come, most of the world is still a man's world. She sounds like a good inspiration, really," Stephanie says, fingers twirling the end of a lock of blond hair without realizing it. She looks like she's in thought. "I don't really know what I want to do. Can't say I think I'm a fantastic writer to be a journalist. I've sort of... focused on getting by to just make it to this point, really. So, if you didn't have the company to deal with, any idea what you'd do? Or still sticking with fireman?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Right?" Roberto says about his mom. "I totally get why she needs some space and get out of Brazil for a bit, even if it is to Gotham," he says sliding that little tease in with the serious. "Me? Yeah, I mean I was a little like my dad when I was growing up because it was just how I thought I should be, but my old girlfriend kept threatening to kick my ass and then I ended up in New York when I was a kid and the other kids at school sort of got that sort of thinking out of me. So, yeah not for keeping girls out of jungles, board rooms or anywhere, really," he smiles, breaking into a chuckle. "Really haven't thought about this stuff, or how things changed, but if you met some of my teachers and the girls at my school, they make my dad's attitudes seem pretty dumb." A smile plays on his lips as he imagines how telling Jean, Betsy, Kitty or Rogue to stay at home and make babies would go.

"Yeah, the world is full of dumb people with dumb ideas," he says. "Look at Genosha," he says with a shake of his head. "Anyhow, I get just trying to survive, and hey, if you can talk your mom into it, maybe take a gap year, figure things out." As for the other question, "Still going with fireman, but mostly because I've never really thought about what I'd do otherwise, it was always what I was going to end up doing."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The little dig on Gotham gets a joking gasp from Stephanie, and she reaches over to give Roberto's side a tiny pinch. She was sort of expecting to be able to pinch a bit more skin but instead finds firm, toned torso. She rests her hand back on her leg, willing herself not to reveal her thoughts with a blush. And somehow manages this time.

"Well good, glad to hear you've got an open-mind. I'd probably be like that old girlfriend and threaten otherwise," she tells Roberto whilst peering at him with a speculative eye as if pretending to wonder whether he got it all out of his system.

At the mention of Genosha, Stephanie's expression falls a little bit. "Yeah. That still... I can't believe anyone would do that. I mean.." she says, shaking her head. "Mutants are people, as much as you or I are. Who cares if they have differences. Everyone's different. I mean, you're all perma-tan fireman. And I'm... utterly awesome," she says, casting about for a way to refer to herself, though doing it in a more light-hearted tone than when she was referring to the tragedy.

Stephanie moves an arm to rest on the loveseat's back, resting her head against it as she looks at Roberto. "I don't know that a year off would be good. I'd probably have a hard time going back to school after it, to be honest. I'd get caught up in... in other stuff, I'm sure," she says. Patrolling. Or, more likely, flipping burgers. Ugh.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto doesn't notice Steph's reaction to it, but he does grin rather proudly at the attempt to pinch, lifting his shirt a little to show off his abs with their almost shocking lack of body fat. "Not bad right?" he asks her before tucking his shirt back in.

"Good to know," Roberto smiles about Steph willingness to threaten him if he eve turned to his father's backwards ways.

He nods somberly about Genosha. "Yeah, we're all people, but some people just can't get over that some of us are born with powers and others aren't," he says. "It's a raw deal sure, but we get on with our lives, it's not like the ones with powers asked for them." He pauses then, offering an apologetic smile, "Sorry, it's a subject close to me, I see a lot of similarties between mutants being born with powers and me being born with a company to run one day. It sounds good on paper but there's a lot of downsides most of which is they didn't ask for it."

Then like Steph he does his best to lighten his mood, reaching out a hand he says, "Well there's hope that one day perma-tanned firemen and the totally awesome can live together in harmony."

He nods about the year off, "Gotcha, going to power through on inertia, I can respect that."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie can't help but glance down as the abs are revealed. Good Lord. She clears her throat and says in the nearest to a nonchalant voice as she can manage at the moment, "Well, you know. I mean. It's not a bad start." She looks away, but her head turns first while her eyes drift sideways to keep her gaze lingering as long as possible.

She looks back to the duo singing and playing the guitar. "They are good. Really good," Stephanie says before she looks back to Roberto as he lightens the mood. "I'm good with harmony," she tells him, reaching over to lightly rest her hand in his offered fingers. "That is... living in. Not the singing variety. You'd be better recruiting a couple of off-key cats having a fight in the back alley, if you want the singing harmony," Stephanie tells him with a sheepish grin. She has a nice enough sounding voice when she talks at least.

Stephanie looks over at Roberto for a bit and then she says, "So, just, ex-girlfriends shaping the man that you are today? Or is there someone special out there currently sculpting away?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
That was the reaction Roberto was looking for and he keeps the shirt up just a little bit longer as a result. He also can't help but notice a few other people noticing which was always good for the ego.

"Yeah, they're alright," he says with a nod as Steph puts her hand on his, chuckling as she elaborates on the sort of harmony she's good at. "So, better at being all kumbaya than singing it, gotcha," he says. "Myself, I'm awesome at karaoke however this is a minority opinion held so far by," he counts with the fingers of his free hand until only his index finger is extended. "By one, me, but I don't let the haters get me down," he nods sagely before breaking into a smile.

Roberto arches a brow, before his brow knits in consideration, "No, I don't think so," he says finally. Then as much to cover the moment he had to think about things he says, "I am currently accepting applications, so if you know someone who might want to apply send them my way, but be sure to let them know the process is very competitive and not everyone who applies will be considered."

He squeezes her fingers her hand still in his, while shaking his head at himself. "You ever hear yourself sometime and just think, god I'm such a jerk?" he asks her with a laugh aimed mostly at himself.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a soft laugh, blue eyes flashing, on the subject of Roberto's karaoke. "Maybe we are a match then. I tried out for choir once. They told me something along the lines of," and Stephanie switches into a deeper, more serious-sounding voice, "While it's admirable that you try to make up for lack of pitch with extra volume, we don't feel you're the right person for us at this time."

She gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Doesn't stop me from doo-whopping in the shower anyway," she tells the Brazilian. She watches then as he replies to her question about his current situation. And the question about reactions upon hearing one self.

Stephanie exhales, blowing at a wisp of hair in front of her eyes. It falls back into place where it had been as she says, "I don't normally think jerk about myself. More like... dork. Definitely," she tells him. "I don't think you're a jerk. Though I get the feeling you're a bit more... outgoing on such matters?" she says, trying to pick her words carefully, and making one of those screwed up faces towards him as she sees if she succeeded or not.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto laughs, "Ouch that's cold," he says of the rejection Steph got. "Though I could definitely see you as a sings in the shower type," he tells her, and for a moment he seems to be weighing something in his mind but thinks better of it. For the curious, it was if he could see a show sometime.

There's a grin for Steph's comments, "I've also been called Dweeb, though only by one person and they had a whole 90's thing going on," he explains, "And out going how? In seeking applicants to be my next 'sculptor'?" he asks going back to his coffee.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives Roberto a quick shake of her head as he comments about her being the sings in the shower type. "I'm a double threat," she corrects him with a knowing nod of her head. "Singing /and/ dancing. Moves like you've never seen. Graceful as a... not a gazelle, but one of those other savannah animals that you swear it's a gazelle but the voice over guy from Animal Planet always calls it by some other name," she tells him knowingly.

The blond gives a soft laugh and a shake of her head. Blue eyes flash as she says warmly, "Nah, I don't think Dweeb fits you. It might fit /me/, granted, but not you." His fingers on hers are something very much in her conscious thoughts as they talk about his next sculptor. Sculptress? "Yes. You seem to have that kind of vibe. A little. Plus the... ah.. the six-pack, you know."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Yeah it's really hard not to make a comment, so he does, "Double threat, huh? Sell tickets? It sounds like a helluva show," Roberto teases with a bit of a laugh.

Roberto makes a face as he considers the question, "Yeah, you've got me pegged there, I'm pretty forward about, 'seeking applicants'," he says. "So, I might as well put out there and make this weird or not now, but if you wanted to apply I think I could see your application to the top of the pile."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The first comment brings a soft laugh from Stephanie. "Well, Mom makes a pretty touch doorman to get past, tickets or not," she tells Roberto, while giving his hand just a little bit of a squeeze where he's holding it.

Holding her hand. That's not something she's used to doing with someone she's just met. Or someone she's long ago met. Pretty much anyone, really. And when he expresses interest that openly, Stephanie freezes for a moment, not quite knowing how to react.

"Oh. Ah. I mean, super hot Brazilian fireman seeking nice girl for jungle treks and lattes makes for a great Tinder ad. That is..." Stephanie says, kicking herself as inside and outside voices become intertwined. "That is, I... ah... ok, remember when you said the thing about hearing yourself and thinking 'jerk', and I said, for me it's 'dork'? Yeah. That's happening now," she tells him.

Stephanie reaches up, brushing back stray strands of hair that just fall back in before her right eyes once she's done pushing them aside. "This... application. Does it have an essay section?" she asks, biting her lip.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"I could slip her a hundred if that's going to improve my chances," Roberto says before having one of those moments where he circles back to think about what he's saying, "Not that I'm saying your mom is your pimp or any other implications like that." He says before smiling again.

"Yes, actually, but you covered that part with your text, A+," he says with a grin. "Just have to pick a time and a place to set the date," he says.

His phone bings and he takes a look, still holding Steph's hand, he sets it back down. "My mum, she's coming to pick me up, instead, but we've got a bit of time to figure out our date."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Our date. How can two simple little words be at once so wonderful and so horrifying. They'll need to pick somewhere to go. And Stephanie will have to pick something to wear. And her hair, how on earth is she going to do her hair. He's rich and probably used to all sorts of beautiful women with expensive hairdos that are perfectly done.

Stephanie takes a deep breath, both figuratively and literally. "Sure, I could... um, what's good for you? I could... really this week anytime," Stephanie tells him. "I could try to come out to Westchester. I have a bike. Honda that is, not a Schwinn. Or, if you are back in Gotham at some point. Or, well, anywhere really," she says.

She gives a little twirl of her finger towards herself. "Explicit Stephanie, that's what they call me," she tells him in a self-deprecating tone at her failure to give him anything concrete there.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto seems a great deal less flustered by the prospect than Stephanie, he just sits back and watches, apparently enjoying the show.

He nods "Should be able to make the trip, and I saw your bike in your photos, pretty nice," he says meaning the Honda she had been working on.

He chuckles, "Going to be back down here for the weekend, so Saturday night if that's not too soon?" he offers.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a small smile and shrug about the bike. "It runs," she says. Then gives a sigh and an eye roll "/Most/ of the time, anyway. It can be tough to keep going sometimes," the girl says. "Sort of... finicky. I guess she and I have that in common," Stephanie adds after a moment's thought.

Then realizes how that might sound. "Not that I'm high-maintenance. I mean, I'm normally... no one doing maintenance, actually." She runs her hand through her hair at admitting that. "So, yes? Saturday night, that sounds great. Did you want to... ah, more coffee? Or, there's some dance clubs we can get into," she says, a number of the places around the university taking those under 21 of course, not wanting to turn away customers. Even if they drink the cheaper stuff, their older friends might not, and might not show if the whole group isn't allowed in.

Stephanie's thumb moves a little bit on Roberto's hand where he's holding hers. "Can at least show you that kind of dancing," she says with an awkward, but pretty smile.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods about the bike and takes another sip of his coffee, "Well, I can pick you up if that's the case," he says. "My car usually runs as long as someone's not taking the wheels off of it," he says. "Long story." He adds, before grinning, "I don't think anyone would mistake you for high maitenance," he tells her before having a sip of coffee. "And that's a good thing, if you ask me, a lot of girls wear that like a badge of honour but it usually means it's just full of themselves," he says.

"Sure, pick a club around here and we can go," Roberto says. "Say around eight? My birthday's on Tuesday, so I'll probably have to grab dinner with my mom when I visit this weekend, but she'll want to get done early to grade papers and look over house plans," he says.

Though Roberto can't help but say, "At least?" brows raising suggestively.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a little shrug and a wry grin. "It comes easy. Don't have that much to be full about," she says, the words said before she can stop them, and leaving Stephanie mentally kicking herself. Just great, Steph. Convince him you're the loser you are before he even has a chance to determine that for himself.

Stephanie follows it up with, "But I guess it makes me easy to talk to. Or, I hope." There, something positive. "Eight works great... and... oh, your birthday? I'm glad you said something," Stephanie tells him.

His questions about 'at least' makes Stephanie laugh and she gives his shoulder a tiny shove. "I mean, as opposed to the singing and dancing you wanted a ticket to," she tells him, with another teasing eye roll.

Her soft blue eyes end up focused back on him. "I'll look forward to it. Saturday at 8, then. Can text you with where," she agrees.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto just doesn't comment as Steph gives her own ego a kick, it's that rich guy thing, pretend the unpleasant thing didn't happen.

"It does," Roberto confirms with an easy smile. "I mean here we are," he says, nodding to where they've sat for this last while their mission forgotten. Brows raise at the birthday remark, "You're not going to sing are you?:" he teases, before getting on to the show part of things, before he laughs and asks, "So, both the dancing and the show aren't on the menu?" he asks her.

Okay now he's just trying to make her squirm.

But he nods easily enough about their plans, "Sounds perfect," he says giving Steph's hand a squeeze.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a soft laugh rather than squirming at least. "Not on the first date. Or the second. Third... fourth? While I live in my mother's apartment at least. Like I said, she makes a tough doorman." Stephanie grins over to Roberto though and says, "But, I'll look forward to some dancing with you in the meantime."

She squeezes his hand back and then glances at her phone. "Glad I ran into you, Roberto," she tells him. "I was sitting there dreading the whole college experience, and here I'm not even a student, but found something nice about the whole college thing," Stephanie says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Wow, four dates, well I love your confidence," Roberto jokes grinning brightly at the tease. "But yeah, looking forward to dancing with you too."

A silver Mercedes pulls up out front an older dark haired woman behind the wheel, she honks twice, and Roberto glances back, "That's my mom," he says turning back to Steph. "Glad I ran into you too, made getting lost a lot of fun," he says then barring any injury or ducking, he leans in and kisses Steph's cheek. "Until Saturday," he says getting up but not walking out to the car just yet.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The blond girl smiles at the kiss to her cheek. Smiles very from people to people, but Stephanie's hits a level of brightness that many would struggle to reach. "Until Saturday," she agrees, rising to her feet, hands going into the back pockets of her jeans, but staying there rather than following Roberto.

She glances out the window and sees the driver of the car looking in towards her. Egads. Spotted! Stephanie hesitantly pulls a hand out of her back pocket to give a little wave and a soft smile towards Roberto's mother. She turns back to Roberto. "So, hope your lunch is the only thing that gets grilled," she says with a little grin. "See you Saturday."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto could go all day on the wattage from Steph's smile and he grins at her, "See you Saturday," he confirms, walking backwards towards the door, eyes on Steph. Though that changes quickly when he sees her wave, he glances back at his mom in the car, and sighs, "Mae de Dios," he says shaking his head. "Totally going to get grilled right next to lunch," he says with a grin. "Hope you're not planning to take archeology next year!" he tells her with a chuckle then heads out to the waiting car. The woman inside giving Steph a quizzical look before turning to greet her son and drive away, already asking him about who that blonde girl was.