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Latest revision as of 03:40, 28 September 2021

Date of Scene: 27 September 2021
Location: Jubilee's Apt - College House
Synopsis: Noriko chases after Jubilation to tell her that she sabotaged her snack and then didn't do a good job of hiding it. Jubilation confronts Noriko about something far worse and it doesn't go well. Jubilation kicks Nori out.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Noriko Ashida

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    The forest surrounding Xavier's stirs a little as the local wildlife hears the scream of Jubilation Lee. After an unsatisfying stare down with Michael Erickson's predator armor at the pool, paired with a bubbling frustration with herself over, apparently, losing the bird she captured to eat, Jubilee stormed off into the night. After her thirst for blood and conflict was sated thanks to a brief but brutal interaction with a pair of squirrels, Jubilee returns to her temporary apartment in the College House.

    Clickclickclick. Jubes unlocks all three locks and slams the door shut behind herself. She throws her empty backpack across the room with a frustrated shriek. It hits the wall with a thud, a most unusual noise for an apparently empty bag. Jubes blinks a couple times before turning around to lock the door again. Clickclickclick. She storms across the room and gives the couch a tug. It slides across the floor and slams into the door, apparently to keep it shut should anyone with keys decide to come calling. Jubes stomps back to where the backpack fell and picks it up.

    Jubilee shakes the backpack and feels the dead bird bobbling around inside. She quickly unzips it and stares at its contents in disbelief. Did she just kill the bird when she threw the bag against the wall? "...I'm losing my mind..." she quietly whines to herself. Squirrel blood and viscera drips from the corners of her mouth and chin...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
When Jubilation storms off, Noriko is left standing there for a moment in her towel.  She takes a deep breath, two, three, more, more as she rakes her fingers through her hair, clenching.  "You fucking idiot," she mumbles as crackly tears well up her eyes ever so quickly like new lenses.  She swipes at them as she grits her teeth and rushes to put on her gauntlets.



Noriko was not expecting resistance to the door.  "Fuck this shit."  She puts her shoulder into it and digs her heels into the floorboards to scoot the couch as she presses the door open.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    What's a vampire supposed to do when she's feeling low? She can't exactly grab a pint of ice cream and watch Bridget Jones. Vampires hate both things, don't they? Jubes settles on a pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized pink hoodie. She comes out from the bedroom and returns to the backpack. Jubilee's gaze lifts when she hears the clatter at the door.

    "Oh, leave me alone, Nori!" Jubes shouts at the door. She doesn't bother waiting for a response. Instead, Jubilee stomps over to the window. She slides the window up and throws the dead bird outside.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko squeezes through the cracked door and then easily moves the couch back to where it should be.  "No.  It wasn't you.  The bird.  It was me-I screwed up."  Her towel is wrapped around her waist, her hair damp, and eyelashes still matted and eyes already red.  "I'm so sorry.  I got you another one but I think I hit it too hard."  Normally Noriko would notice Jubes tossing the bird, but it's a very subtle clue that she's swiping at her eyes in that moment.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Oh," is all Jubilee says about that. "Okay."

    Jubilee glances at the window momentarily and then wipes the squirrel blood off of her mouth with the back of her hand. She shrugs her shoulders and then walks over to the door. After opening it all the way, Jubes stands waiting with her back against it. Just like that, she's over it. It's good to know she's not losing her grasp on reality. Unknown to Jubilee, some vampires are known to go crazy. Poor devils.

    And yet, she still stands there at the open doorway, apparently so Noriko can leave.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is so used to emotions taking time to process with others that the sudden switch in Jubilation causes her to blink.  The speedster remains frozen, fixing Jubilation with an astonished look.

"You're kicking me out?"  Noriko closes her mouth, feeling like she's on the edge of some wall of water about to fold in on her.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's eyebrows rise as her head tilts down a little. This expression looks very much like a nonverbal way of saying 'why are you still here?' Jubilation's capacity for anger has increased quite a bit since her return from the grave and right now Noriko is in her sights.

    "I bring up something that bothers me and you use it to make fun of me!" Jubilee exclaims. An index finger is pointed at Nori. It turns out that the bird was a pretty small thing in this mess. "So, how about you just get the fuck out so you don't miss third period?" School is obviously not in session at night. Jubes is just trying to strike deep and give Nori a little taste of her own medicine. Unfortunately, she's a vampire and they have a natural lean towards cruelty.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"What?"  Noriko doesn't seem tense at all, not like someone who should be looking for an exit...but she's a speedster.  It's her way.  The idea is she can see things coming.

"I don't remember making fun of you.  I remember telling the bird guy to read the room and fuck off," in her awful way, but this is /Nori's/ perspective.  "I'm not leaving.  I think it's your third period.  Not mine."  Her jaw sets defensively as her eyes lock onto Jubilation in a far away stare.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    For a mere moment, though one likely to be quite a long one for Noriko, Jubilation's anger is interrupted with surprise and hurt. Did Noriko just suggest that it's her moon time? That's a pretty cruel thing to say to a human, let alone a vampire who no longer has the usual set of bodily functions. Her mouth hangs open for a second, utterly shocked.

    "Get. Out," she growls.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko can see the impact of her words, but she didn't expect a lame comeback about Jubilation's nocturnal schedule to be...a thing.  Little does she know what daggers she's throwing tonight.

"What?" Noriko manages to get out, but it's almost as if she never said it.  It's softly spoken and pales in comparison to the moment.

But Jubilation's words hit Noriko hard.  The place, handed to her by the teachers, one that isolates them already, now her weapon.  Not against the world.  Against Nori.  Noriko is not welcome here.  A familiar feeling rushes back into her, swamping her heart and head.

"Fuck you!" Nori yells before taking off so fast the door gets slammed off its hinges somehow.  She must have thought it was a push vs pull or vice versa.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation doesn't get to respond to the little micro-moments of a speedster, so all she's left with is Nori cursing at her and her door falling off its hinges. Jubilation closes her eyes and --- well, she tries to take steadying breaths but there's really no point in that, is there? Not only do they not help to calm her down, they serve no physical benefit to her. Jubes slowly lowers herself to the floor of her room and places her face into her waiting palms.

    Noriko has hurt her feelings, twice, and broken her door. Jubilee lifts her face to stare at the hallway outside of her apartment, red smears going down her cheeks. "I'm dead..." she says, miserably, and puts her face back into her palms again. Now there's nothing that separates her from anyone who might find themselves with a sharpened piece of wood and a little courage.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko never wanted to go in the first place, and for that reason, she ends up somewhere outside of Jubes' apartment off to the side.  She leans back against the wall and slides down to the ground.  She can always run and hide if she hears anyone coming, she figures.  For the foreseeable future, this is where she will stay, and probably eventually fall asleep.