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Latest revision as of 09:25, 2 October 2021

Busting chops in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 30 September 2021
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: June, Ben, and Gwen have sandwiches!
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Ben Reilly, Gwen Stacy

June Connor has posed:
    "No, I said I would TRY to get the firesafe open," June answers, standing in the alleyway behind a local bar. A beige combination safe hangs from her right hand.

    The warm days are fading, so she seems to have dressed to enjoy what is left of them. Which is to say, she isn't wearing much that is modest. Her red top reveals more than it covers, her whole belly exposed, and the black straps of her bra contrast against the red spaghetti strap. A tattoo of a dragon weaves in and out of the clothing on her back and side and belly. More notably, her left shoulder displays one of a red handprint, the sign of the Hand, for those in the know on such things.

    "Yeah, well you didn't, and so I don't owe you nothin, June," the man says.

    "I got it for you, that'll be good enough," she answers. "Now cough it up."

    "I didn't want them to know I was after it. You took the safe, and so now they are keen. So give me the safe, and I gotta figure out how to deal with the mess you made." The man that she's dealing with is significantly larger than her, but she stands her ground. "Nope, pay up or I take it right back and tell'm who hired me."

Ben Reilly has posed:
So a set of circumstances has forced Scarlet Spider to go super retro with his costume. Wearing a crimson red body suit, mask, and all, he's got a baby blue hoodie over the top with a black spider symbol on the front! Which is a shame because he really liked his fancy new costume... "Stupid Nanites." Seriously. "Who makes nanites that only eat clothes?" It's all inorganic material, if we're being specific, "Yeah, but it ate my clothes."

This argument could honestly go on all day.

Who has the time?

Ben, apparently, who is swinging through Brooklyn on his way back to Gotham after doing whatever Ben's do while they're in NYC. At some point, however, he ends up getting hungry. Which isn't new or unusual, and stops at his favorite sub shop. "Angelos... with fresh veggies and never frozen meat..." His mouth is practically watering. Stepping up the line, in full costume, with a cellphone in his hand to text, finally, June, >- Hey, want to get a sandwich sometime?

hey spider-man! "I'm not spider-man." oh, you look just like him! "Because I have on a mask? Hey, there's Ray Mysterio, does /he/ look like spider-man?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
When you have a JVD-tailored outfit you don't really need to worry about the change of station, or getting a shawl for the cold. Stylish all day, every day! Of course that if only her father -knew- of Gwen's night activities a shawl might not be the only thing he'd suggest. But that's just details. And ones she really doesn't want to be thinking about just yet while she swings about Brooklyn. Finally back in familiar New York after a small stretch in Gotham. And what a stretch it had been. Still, it hadn't brought the answers she needed about who had shot her father so now she is back out here...

A thwip and she is swinging up across a pair of buildings, not far from where Retro-Ben and Always-in-danger-June are. Call it coincidence! Or accident..

Still, she spots the small commotion by Angelo's and ..., is that Spider-man? And what kind of awful suit is -that-? She rolls her eyes under her mask and swings over, a small flip in the air and she lands near Ben. "Don't tell me ..." a beat, "... your suit got destroyed again?" she may be confusing Ben with someone else. But that someone else seems to have a penchant for losing suits too!

June Connor has posed:
    The larger man frowns. "You are askin' for trouble, kid," he tells June. "You ain't gonna last long if you take an attitude like that." June feels her shorts pocket buzz, and she pulls the phone from her pocket. Nope, not that one.
    "Hold on," she says, as if this wasn't important enough to not check her messages. She pulls the OTHER phone out of her pocket. "Who is this?" She didn't save the number. She puts the safe down, and makes a point of putting her foot on it before typing back, uncertain who she's texting at the moment.

-Yeah sure, now?

    "You're checking your texts? Are you serious?" the man seems on the verge of rage. June just gives a mock frown, one that seems to say 'cry about it.' That's when she hears people calling out about Spiderman, and she and the man both look to the end of the alley. "Shit, we doin' this or not?" she asks, using the time crunch to her advantage.

Ben Reilly has posed:
All of Pete's adoring fans are now circling around him because where Ben knows of Angelo's, he knows about it because Peter does. When Gwen, Ghost Spider anyways, lands beside him and asks about his suit being destroyed -again-.. "I don't like the judgement in your tone of voice.. I was-" He turns to someone who calls him Spider-Man, again, "-Not Spider-Man. Scarlet Spider. I'm Scarlet Spider see?" Motioning at all the red he's wearing, "-It's scarlet. And..."

Facepalm, both hands. Stop playing around, Spidey, he's such a kidder.

"This is why I hate leaving gotham." Said to Gwen, does he know this person? Probably, maybe, he's not sure. Things are so weird. Sometimes people just come along and they're like hey remember that thing we did sometime between now and March? and Ben's like, oh yeeeaaah, that thing...

He's about to say something to Gwen when his phone rings, one finger held up in the universal 'hold up', while he one handed replies.

>- Yeah. I'm at Angelos in Brooklyn, do you know the place?

"Where was I?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There's a moment there in which Gwen considers if this may just be someone cosplaying as Spidey. Hey, it happens. But then he's also being so adamant in saying he is -not- Spiderman. That requires study... And study she does.. Hip thrusted to the side, one hand up and holding her chin, masked face up and down on Ben's overall posture and bearing. Mmmhmmm. Foot tapping on the floor.

Yep, that's Peter. Couldn't fool her best friend!

"Nice try." young voice under the mask, and familiar enough, or at least the way she is talking seems like she knows this person. "Are you giving me the cold shoulder because I haven't been around as much?" she shakes her head a bit to herself.

"Anyway, I will join you. Meat and veggies as usual?" she asks. Well, it's not really a question. She knows that's what he gets -all- the time.

The happenings at the alley are still going unnoticed by Gwennie. At least until her spider sense starts flaring out at imminent danger. But June getting in danger? She never gets in danger! ... Amirite?

June Connor has posed:
    June has a stare off with the man, who is also aware from the calls of Spider-man that there may be heroes nearby. "Half."
    June pauses to look at her phone. "Angelos, holy shit. That means... she smiles That spider isn't going to stop her, or at least she doesn't think so, "Three quarters on the dollar," she answers. "I'm walkin', so you better make it quick if you want this thing." She starts heading toward the edge of the alley, right out to where she'll be visible to Ben and Gwen.

    "Fine," he declares. Jun stops, actually visible to both Gwen and Ben. She stares for a second, not expecting Ghost Spider to be in ths mix. Suddenly it's risky again. "Uh.." she nods, turning around to see the outstretched bills. Three Benjamins. It wasn't a big job. But hey, gotta make a living, right? SHe takes the bills, and hands the firesafe over. The man quickly tucks back into the alley, leaving her to whatever fate she might have. The money goes into her back pocket, as does the phone. She doesn't answer the text.

    Instead, she weaves between the gummed up traffic lock stopped at the light, and pretends that everything is completely normal. Did anyone see that? No, surely not.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Okay that's creep creep.

Ben's head turns to the side to regard Gwen, who does sound kind of familiar now that he thinks about it, but he can't place from where. "I see where I messed up, I should have been more surprised when you did the flippy stuff and landed beside me." Nodding, trying not to be too inspective when she tells him his usual order, "That was my mistake..." One hand presses to the black spider on his sweater, "I was caught up in all th-" Oh hey it's Ghost Spider and Spider-Man! "-No, don't do that. I'm not Spider-Man. She might be Ghost Spider, but I am not Spider-Man... Ghost Spider."

his shoulders slump, "That's so much cooler a name than Scarlet Spider." And that costume. He actually reaches out to inspect it, tugging at be of the material on her shoulder. "Huh... You've got a cooler name and a real honest to god suit that's way cooler than mine?"

Hell, he can't even get people to call him by his lame Spider Name.

"Oh, hey there she is." Pointing and waving at June as if a dude in a red and baby blue costume is hard to see. "Hey! Over here!" Waving her over. Completely unaware that Gwen and her are familiar with one another so this should be fun.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Now this is turning weird. Gwen folds her arms together, inspecting Ben again. Sure, Peter sometimes has his jokes and all, or at least the Peter she remembers. The one from her world or this one? Sometimes it's a mess in her head. But still, he never takes it to such extremes. So some doubt starts to creep in. That this might just not be the actual Peter.

The problem is, who would it be?

And lets not forget all the OTHER possibilities. A multiverse traveller? An amnesiac Peter? A doppleganger from that mirror universe with all the cthulhus that was plaguing their city a while back? Look, Ghost Spider has seen some shit..., and it scarred her! Gladly not visibly! Yet now she has a mystery to solve. "Fine.." she finally says, ".. Scarlet Spider. And don't worry, it may hurt at the start but in terms of branding you'll pretty much enjoy having a very different name from Spiderman..." like how she changed hers from Spiderwoman! "But the question now seems to be on -who- you are if not Spiderman. Because I just feel like I know you.."

Further talk is interrupted when Ben starts waving at someone and .., it turns out to be June?

Look at that, the Gotham crook is back. She lifts one hand up and fingerwiggles towards the approaching June. By the way she does so it almost seems as if she is smirking under the mask. "Hello June." Yep, she knows her.

June Connor has posed:
    June has a little smile on her face, like the cat that ate the canary. After all, she just finished some business not but a few feet away from two super heroes. "Hey," she answers. She gets honked at as she finishes crossing the street, and flips off the driver without even looking to see what the cause was.

    She strolls up, glancing at Scarlet Spider, and at Ghost Spider. "Didn't know you was bringin' a girl," she says, the tone implying that there might be something more. "I was actually just around the corner, crazy weird. And crazy weird meeting you here, huh?" she says with a tilt to see Gwen. "Here I thought the city was big."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Oh, you two know each other? Hey, have you considered the possibility that you're just so popular that you /think/ you know me?" Ben asks curiously of Gwen, even though he knows perfectly well why she seems to be so familiar with him. His hands rest on his hips, super sassy with his weight on one leg. If he broke into a runnway walk, who would be surprised?

"Bringing a gir- Oh, her. Nah, we're not.. Remember how I said things were complicated the other night? I think she's gotten tied up into the complication too. Hah, crazy how that all works, it's best if we don't even mention it at all because it'll just be confusing and oh look it's our turn to order." While it's impossible to see due to his mask, his eyes dart back and forth between them...

Then he turns suddenly and walks towards the window.

They bought it.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Oh, Gwen knows that expression. Someone has been up to no good! So of course that Ghost Spider leans in towards June. "Yes, not big enough for you not to have gotten into trouble it seems.." she calls out. Did she the exchange? Maybe not. But who knows how those spider senses work! And some don't some spiders just have hundreds of little beady eyes looking everywhere? Maybe she's the same under that mask! "Yet nothing is exploding just yet so seems we are safe for the moment."

Bringing a girl though? She raises her hands up briefly. "No no, we are just friends.." a pause, then a look to Ben, "... I think?" she seems a bit confused for .., some reason. Might just be all the complications Ben is talking about.

And then it's their time to order and .., Ben just goes to a window? "Ok, I will order for us?" and she does? Starting to go through the veggie and meat sandwiches. A glance to June. "What will you be having?"

Seems likeGwen might be paying for the sandwiches, though it bears the question on where the heck Gwen actually keeps money on that suit considering how tight and form fitting it is. The miracles of a JVD design!

"How do you two know each other?" She then asks.

June Connor has posed:
    June listens to Ben's ramble. Totally buying it, yeah... "Yeah, we gotta work on your bullshitting skills," she says simply. She grins to Ghost Spider's suspicion, but whatever the case, she seems to be content to leave the details a mystery. She shrugs, "Just-" how is she gonna say it? "Were sight seein' in the same area," she decides is the best answer to Gwen. "Ghosty and I ran into some bad guys," she tells Ben. "Helped each other out a little I think." Is that a fair answer? Probably not, but then, June is rarely fair.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Scarlet's shoulders go stiff when Gwen asks that question, a familiar Peter manuever when he's been caught up and isn't going to be able to get out of it... Seeing as he's not entirely sure June wont break his balls by just telling the whole story. "Yeah, we ran into each other in Queens." See, this is classic Ben. He gets away with it and then shoves his foot in his own mouth.

Lips purse.

Thankfully behind his mask.

Hands once again on his hips as he waits for the orders to be placed, thankful that Gwen has offered to pay since he /might/ be able to get a sandwich for himself, but was absolutely not going to be able to afford to pay for everyone. "June, you get around, huh? I guess you do too, Ghost." So does he, though?

"We're just a bunch of tourists. Isn't this great?" Hey Spider-Man, you mind if I get a picture for my kid? "Sure, why not." Because he's getting tired of telling them he's not Spider-Man.

"Say, Mistaken identity!" Peace Sign.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Oh, yes. Gwen is quite familiar with Peter's evasive skills. Great where it comes to physical evasion. Not so great on evading QUESTIONS! Where's your danger sense now, eh? So as the two of them work on a story on how they met Gwen simply looks between them in a 'I-don't-believe-you' kinda posture that is rather familiar too. It involves crossing her arms, tossing a hip to the side, lowering her chin just a bit. "Sight seeing. Uh-uh." a look to June, "Got to work on bulshitting skills too, June." but then she shrugs, chuckling under her mask.

And with the sandwiches being ready? It means she's busy carrying them over to a table. And indeed money is produced from SOMEWHERE to pay for it. Don't ask.

"But yes, to answer. We met in Gotham. Where I ran into some bad guys." totally including June in the definition of 'bad guys'. "Things went from there.. I am hoping you are keeping out of trouble, for your own sake."

As fans start crowding Ben she lets out a chuckle. "How does he do it... So popular.." the kind of popularity she has yet to achieve! At least in this world ...

June Connor has posed:
    June arches her brow immediately. "We get around? Wow. So that's why you texted," she comments, glancing at Ghost Spider. Of course she knows that's not how he meant it, but it's really hard to resist. He's such an easy mark.

    "I'm doin' ok, haven't had more than I can handle in the last forty-eight hours or so," she shrugs. "It's like a record." She waits on the sandwich watching Ben take his photo. "So, does he do that a lot?" she asks. "Like some sorta damn celebrity." She rolls her eyes. "What is it that makes you guys wanna like, dress up and get everybody to look at you, anyway?" she asks, not specifically to either one of them.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Wh- no, I di-, I wo- but..." June's comment about him texting because she gets around has Ben flustered, obviously! He really is an easy mark, "How would I even /know/ you get around? Gosh, that's not what I meant at all, I just mean you know a lot of people and- oh you're messing with me." Because of course she is.

"Ugh." Sandwich in hand, he stands with it dangling at his side staring at Gwen with his head cocked to the side. She really does seem to know a lot about him... or Peter rather. Which is the same thing isn't it? Is it bad if he just sort of basks in it for a few minutes? Yes, yes it is, stop doing it Ben.

As for the crowds gathered around him? He has told them consistently that he's not Spider-Man, so he doesn't even feel guilty about this! They're going to have their bootleg photo op with K-Mart Brand Spider-Man and like it. "Sure, I'll sign your- what is this?" It's an action figure.

Of Iron Man.

Which he shows to Gwen and June, head tilting the other way, What is he suppose do with this?

"Fame and fortune, obviously." Is his answer to June as Ben shakes his head and signs the Iron Man action figure card.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
See? Gwen's mind doesn't go there. She knows Peter is a pure soul. He wouldn't imply such! Which is why she starts laughing when June speaks up on how she interpreted it. A bit of a shake of her head, mostly to herself. "Careful, Scarlet." she comments, "Putting your foot on your mouth so much makes you easy bait for June here.." and now that sandwiches have been given around it means it's time to eat! She lifts the lower end of her mask just a bit so her mouth and chin can be seen and takes a bite.

"And well, June. To answer, it doesn't usually start that way. Some just get real popular." a glance to June, "Saving the world helps, or when it's someone people really relate to." like a friendly neighborhood spiderman! "But this mostly serves to hide our identity, as I am sure you are aware.."

As the Iron Man figurine is then shown it makes Gwen's mouth jerk to the side. "It's not even the same colors! Who's going to mix a yellow armored figure with ..., that?" with 'that' being that retro suit Ben is wearing. 'THAT'.

"And I missed on the fortune, unfortunately.." dramatic little sigh. Maybe Miss Instagram spent it all on the suit. Would that be a surprise?

June Connor has posed:
    June quirks her mouth. "Seems like kind of a power trip, if you ask me," she says, not afraid to say what she thinks. "I mean, you help a pretty fucked up justice system make people grab their ankles, and everybody acts like you're so great, and most people can't really fight you to stop you. Beat the shit out of other people to standing ovations. Usually looks like the only difference between the heroes and the villains is public opinion."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Once he's handed back the Iron Man with Scarlet Spider, not Spider-Man because his hypocracy has limits, Ben walks back over to Gwen and June. Just in time for him to hear her analysis of what it means to be a hero. "I never really pictured myself as being very well received in the public opinion, but I feel like there's a steep disconnect between reality and what you're saying. Just because the justice system is flawed doesn't mean people who can do good shouldn't... I've never helped put anyone in prison who were innocent of those crimes." He hasn't raised his mask or opened his sandwich to eat it.

Nodding to the citizens walking up and down the sidewalk, "It's always the same song when it comes to people who live outside the law. Oh, you guys help corruption... No, I don't. I help them. Her." An old woman crossing the street. "That guy." Someone coming over to help that old woman cross the street. In New York. Because it does happen. "Don't be a hypocrite. I kind of figured you weren't completely legal, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt..." His shoulder jerks up in a shrug.

"I should have known you wouldn't do the same."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"A power trip?" That makes Gwen's head cant to the side. She is just about to share her rather heated opinion on how wrong that is when Ben steps in and does so. And pretty much with her own opinion and conviction on what it means to be a hero. So she nods in his direction, "We are not here trying to solve all the problems of the world, or what you think might be a corrupt justice system." a gesture to some of those people out on the street, "It's about helping others. One person at a time."

"That's what we all should aim to do. Maybe the world would be better if everyone thought like that.." an idealist for sure! But also selfless.

Still, that's a very Peter Parker speech. So yes, Ben gets a stare out of Gwen right after saying those things. Oh yes, she is going to dig into this. Dig dig dig. "Not going to eat your sandwich, Scarlet?"

June Connor has posed:
    "OK, well, at least we've established we're both assumptive assholes," she laughs without a lot of heart behind it. She doesn't even bother to argue her origin, or perspective. "I mean, I help people. I helped you the other day." Was that helping? "But really? Some of us are too busy taking it from behind to get all 'help our fellow man'. If that's like, honestly what you want, is to help people? Sure, fine, whatever. But don't fake like everybody you sweep up into the garbage doesn't have their own story," she takes a bite, what is this? Veggie and meat, like the others, of course, and she points at Gwen. "And the justice system /is/ corrupt. Hell, you hear about that shooting down a couple weeks ago? Captain from Queens at Staten Island? You think that was above board?" She smirks. "I tell you it wan't." Does she know something?

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Sure." Ben nods to June, "They have stories, but they rob from people. They hurt people... and as much as I'd love to let them talk through their emotional baggage, that's not how the world works. If I stand on the sideline and don't do anything, the one time someone gets hurt, that's on me." He shakes his head and shrugs, still holding his sandwich. "I give people every chance to do things differently. When I'm chasing them, land on their car or... whatever the situation, I give them all the chance in the world to just stop. They don't, so I can't. I don't live in a black and white world either, and I'm not nearly as nieve as I seem. Just because someone has a story doesn't make what they're doing 'okay'.. Doesn't matter how bad that story is."

He considers the last thing she says, glancing at Gwen with a raised brow she can't see. "What? Shooting, huh?" She might know something, but he doesn't. He sure does sound a lot like Peter, yup. And he's still trying to place where he knows her from too.... because he's certain that he does know her now.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Yes, we are all conditioned by where and how we grew up. I know this." Does she really? "But go and be an ass to someone? Hurt them? You can be sure I will be there to try and stop it. And while I am sure sometimes we might feel we don't have a choice that's an illusion. There's always one. Even if it may only be to strive to be better next time." Gwen says, tone without hesitation. It is clear this means something to her.

And that she feels guilty about something.

When the shooting is mentioned there is a clear tension that comes to Ghost Spider's posture. She stops mid-bite on her DELICIOUS sandwich and just stares at June a moment. For the split of a second there is a flare on anyone's danger sense, that latent violence close to going out. And from Gwen. Yet she stops herself by taking in a deep breath.

"What do you know about the shooting?" her tone has changed. It's serious now. Too serious perhaps.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't pursue a defense. It's not like she doesn't know she's actually guilty of plenty of the contests the others have presented. She chews her bite. She feels that vibe come off Gwen, and her chewing slows. Green eyes shift to the Scarlet counterpart, and back again.

    "Yeah..." she slowly answers Ben, and swallows. "There was a shooting a couple weeks ago at Fort...whatever it is down on Staten Island. Some police captain or chief or somethin from Queens was where he shouldn'ta been." She's answering Ben, but her eyes keep looking at the white mask. "Some kind of arms deal, or tech deal, somethin'. I mean, I'm not really in the middle of that, so I don't know shit. But I know it has somethin' to do with cops tryin' to upgrade to deal with shit above their level, and they ain't doin' it by the book, so to speak." She arches her brow. "Only know about it because...well because it's a fuckin' mess. I know enough to keep my ass out of that one."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Wait, Captain Stacy?" Ben blinks a few times behind his mask, head bowing to consider the implications of what June is saying. The sudden interest from Ghost Spider, the tone she took when the Captain was mentioned. His head cranes just a little, turns enough that it's obvious he's looking at Ghost Spider. There's a jumble of thoughts in his head, sure. He remembers some of the things Peter remembers, but he also remembers other things. Things that haven't come up, so he hasn't had to think about them to know that he remembers them differently.

"Captain Stacy is a good man. If he was down there, he was trying to stop it." He seems adament about that. Looking back to June, brow furrowed beneath his mask. He's been out of New York too long, clearly. He really should have heard about Captain Stacy being shot. Mentally kicking himself for not going to visit or... well, that wouldn't be a good idea, but something. "Do you know who shot him?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
With Ben coming to help her out Ghost Spider looks up from June to look at him, thankful little smile on her lips that are still visible as she was eating, "He is." a good man that is. And it does seem as if she knows him too. Too well maybe. "I was near when it happened..." which may explain on her interest on the case too.

At least to those who do not know she is Gwen Stacy!

"And I have an interest on that particular case." More than an interest most likely. Gwen's eyes go back to June, "If you could find out info about that, I'd appreciate it." she then tells June.

Of course that with her focus about knowing more about her father she doesn't even question on -how- Ben, or Scarlet Spider, would know of Captain Stacy. But she will surely remember this conversation later.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a look at the two and the sudden extra interest in what she thought was an aside comment. Unlikes the others, she is just chewing her sandwich with the lack of concern of anyone who might have little more connection to it than any other news story.

    "Hell if I know, I ain't magic. I just know of it because I heard about it like third hand." She takes another bite. "But, I mean, I ain't gonna pretend I'm anything other than I am, right?" she says. "Getting into places and finding things out is kinda what I do. Make me an offer." See, she helps people!

Ben Reilly has posed:
This isn't really Ben's show, but he'd gladly help Captain Stacy if he were able. Money, however, is something he's supremely short on. So his contribution to the offer is pretty meager, "My undying gratitude." See? At least he's got that going for him. Since he doesn't have two dimes to rub together.

A glance is spared Gwen's way. Shoulders shrug helplessly. He doesn't seem inclined to beat it out of June though. She might be infuriating, but... Not /that/ infuriating.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Scarlet's undying gratitude. And mine as well. You should consider how good it'd be to have two spiders that have your back, June." Hey, it's a good offer. Yet the talk about her father reminds her about it all again, and that brings a sour taste to her mouth, so she gets up to her feet.

"Anyway, I need to go. But think about it June and then come to me with an answer." Yes, she will make sure to exchange phone numbers if they so wish. Tip tap on the screen and all that ritual. Yet when that is done she is on the go.

"I will catch you later." a longer look given to Ben, "And you. We should talk. Soon." She steps out to the streets, shooting a web and THWIP, there she goes.