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A New Future Draws Near
Date of Scene: 03 October 2021
Location: King's Chambers - Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: T'Challa invites Steve over for a discussion about the thing that's been on his mind more lately: how to pull back the curtains on Wakanda's secrets. Also, to tease him a little.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Steve Rogers

T'Challa has posed:
'Would you meet with me at the embassy? I would like to discuss an important matter with you in person.' was the simple communication sent from T'Challa, King of Wakanda, to Steve Rogers, Captain of America.

Following the response, T'Challa waited patiently in the main room of the Wakandan Embassy, the building otherwise shut down to all other business or visitors during this time. He is clad in dark garments, consisting primarily of a long-sleeved undershirt and pants, all in black, along with a dark purple, sleeveless 'vest' with a length down to about the knees, like an overcoat. Down the front of both sides of the vest, white designs of a tribal nature.

He stands with his hands clasped behind him, a pair of Dora Milaje at the door.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's considerate enough to not keep T'challa waiting longer than necessary, and it's not long until the hum of his old Indian motorcycle can be heard entering the Embassy grounds. Steve's dressed in his usual, understated way; jeans, a flannel shirt, work boots. Though he's technically being 'escorted' by the Dora Milaje to the royal person, he walks as if they're a guard of honor. Steve approaches T'challa with a smile, offering a clasped thumbgrip, then a one-armed hug. It breaks after a beat and he braces T'challa's shoulder, assuming a more serious mien. "Your Majesty summoned me?" he says, and a little mirth dances in his eyes at the feigned obsequiousness.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa returns the greeting, a rather Americanized one at that, then he gives his own guard a more traditional Wakandan salute before telling them, "If you will excuse us, this conversation is one we will have in private." They take the hint, return the salute, and take up a position in front of the doors to his own chambers.

"Steve, you know you can call me T'Challa and I will not take offense. Sometimes I believe you do not do this just to see how I will react. Please, follow me." Into the King's Chambers he goes, where the contrast of black and white is on immediate display. A variety of healthy snacks have been laid out, mostly fruits and juice, some cheese and crackers. "Make yourself comfortable." He gestures toward the couch and its soft white leather, while he places himself nearby so he can face Rogers with the coffee table in between.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I think it's because of your old man," Steve suggests. "He said something to me once about 'Any court without a jester is a kingdom with a fragile ego'. Though it was the other way around with him," Steve clarifies, following T'challa's pace without hurry. "No one except his friends knew he was royalty. I guess I did it back then to remind him that at least one person in the city knew who he was."

At the invitation Steve takes a seat, politely putting a few snacks on a plate and leaning back against the sofa with a relaxed and comfortable posture. "But I'm guessing you're not here to reminisce about the Defenders. What's on your mind?" he inquires, his casual body language and tone aiming to put T'challa at his ease.

T'Challa has posed:
"Ahh, I think we are very different, Baba and I," T'Challa remarks, and he steeples his fingers before his mouth for a spell, likely calling up a personal memory or two. "Wakanda does not have a jester in the traditional sense, but spend enough time around Shuri and I and you might think otherwise about that." The Princess is not here on this day. "As much as I enjoy hearing what others thought of T'Chaka, this is true. There are other things of greater importance on my mind."

He pours himself a cup of tea, the coloration reddish-purple. "Would you like to try a cup? This is called sobolo, a hibiscus tea, and it is from Ghana. It tastes much like a grape or cranberry juice and is often used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and aid in weight loss." A pause, then he clarifies, "None of which are issues I am dealing with."

Whether Steve accepts or not, and if he does T'Challa will pour the cup himself, the King continues. "I do not specifically hide who or what I am, but there are times I have gone out under a different name for various reasons. You may remember Shuri and I are working on a matter in the Bronx. It has helped me realize more clearly something I have been struggling with making a decision about. I am sure you have an idea of what I mean."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Please, thank you." Steve leans forward to accept the drink with both hands, and takes a sip. He nods in approval and sits back with it once more, easing into the sofa again. "I'll admit covert identities have never really worked in my favor," Steve says with a wry smile. "But I'm not everyone, and everyone's got their own reasons for it. Sometimes discretion and a good disguise is better than the biggest gun." He sips the tea and nods encouragingly at T'challa, listening with careful attentiveness.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa points out, "You are the face of an entire nation, and before you say the same of me, remember we are in that very nation right now. You are much easier to recognize than I am."

The cup is lifted in a brief gesture of acknowledgement before he sips at the same time, then he cradles the clear glass in his hands. "Panthers often move in stealth, but there are some matters that do not allow for such things. Doing what we are in the Bronx, we are trying to rehabilitate an entire neighborhood, full of families, many of them broken, who lack hope along with the means to improve their standing."

He clarifies, "We are not simply giving them anything without expectations that they will work to take ownership of some parts of it themselves. This way builds pride in self, pride in each other. It is my hope that they will see that with the effort and hard work, and someone who has taken the time to see them as people rather than statistics, the violence, gangs, and drugs will drop. But there will be questions. 'How can Wakanda do this? How can a small, third-world country in Africa rebuild an American neighborhood and make it better?' You see where I am going? I have brought this up with Princess Diana. I understand they are going through a significant change of their own with who they allow in Themyscira."

He puts it plainly. "I believe it is time the world learns the truth about Wakanda, but I am not so naive as to think it will not impact others. Others like you, like the Avengers, like the Justice League, and so on. America itself."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve nods along, slowly, certainly aware of how the political landscape on the island is changing. "I talked to her about it, yeah," he remarks. "She's... cautiously optimistic," he decides. "There are some factions who hate the idea of opening the borders. But conservativism, that's a fact of life in every culture. Some people hate change, some people welcome it."

"So tell me, what would you be doing differently than you are now?" Steve inquires, sitting back again. "Bringing in tourists? New residents?" he guesses. "It's not as if Wakanda's exactly easy to get to. Flying people into the caldera is the sort of thing you can't try for a little while, and then--" he makes a twisting motion. "Turn that spigot off if you change your mind later."

T'Challa has posed:
"I will have to visit, as it would be rude of me to turn down such an invitation from the Queen's daughter," T'Challa says of Diana and the offer that's been extended. "I would be lying if I claimed I was never curious to see it with my own eyes, and the irony there in relation to Wakanda is not lost on me."

As for what his country would bring to the table, he is direct about it. "Aid. Technology. Vibranium. These things would be more in the open, much more. You will hear from time to time a small amount of Vibranium being smuggled here and there. This is by opportunists looking to become wealthy for themselves, rather than prospering as a unified whole, together. I need not remind you the one called Klaw is still out there, undoubtedly seeking profit of his own whether he is tied to HYDRA or not. We have unfinished business, he and I."

Shaking his head, he explains, "I do not necessarily mean Wakanda opening its borders to the world for tourists. That is a discussion I have yet to have with the clans back home. I am still expecting resistance to this much alone, but a King must make difficult decisions. It would be easier for us to remain a mystery, for our secrets to remain known to a select few such as yourself. But the world is changing rapidly, and my conscience will not allow me to remain disconnected from it, only acting through more stealthy ways. But understand, many in your own country will not be ready to learn the true bounty of riches Wakanda enjoys. This is also not a curtain that can be drawn closed again once it is parted."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve nods silently, listening with careful attention. When T'challa concludes his words, Steve takes a few deliberate moments to turn his brain towards the problem, elbows on his knees and hands folded thoughtfully under his chin with his eyes finding a middle distance towards the wall behind T'challa. It's a weighty issue, and it speaks to his affection for T'challa that Steve does him the courtesy of turning his full focus to the topic.

"I never made it to Wakanda," he remarks, finally, and turns his steady blue eyes up to T'challa again. "We talked about it. Me 'n T'chaka, I mean. I know he wanted to bring everyone-- all the Defenders-- to see it someday, show off what his kingdom was like. He could paint a picture with words, lemme tell ya," he chuckles. "I know he and Jor-El had plans to see the city before Jor-El returned home."

His face goes more thoughtful a beat later. "He was a curious guy. Your dad, I mean," Steve clarifies. "He liked discovering things. Wanted to meet new people, learn about new cultures. I know there was a lot of resistance to that back in his day. Sounds like it's still going." Hands spread and he leans back again. "Strategically... a siege mentality can't sustain you forever. Wakanda's got a lot of question marks around it, no mistake. The question is, do you get out ahead of that? Forge alliances, share information, engage with the UN and G12?" One hand turns, palm up-- then, the other. "Or do you hunker down and stick to your guns, and hope that... China, or Russia, or Khandaq, don't hat up and come after you?"

Hands lift, weighing both options, and drop to his lap. "But that's just military strategy, and I'm sure your generals and the Dora Milaje have told you all that already. I think the world's ready for Wakanda. You can finally start pulling the curtain back. But you have to know, that's a two-way street. America's a melting pot, every possible culture's recognized here. My question for you is: Can Wakanda handle the change?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa spends time studying his cup of tea while he listens to what Steve has to share. Now it's Cap's turn. This is what he asked to speak with the man for. His perspective. His experience. His advice. He could get all he wants from his own people, and has. This will impact more than just Wakandans.

"I think, given enough time, if my father were still King, he would have eventually arrived at the same place I am at now, or close to. He never showed you Wakanda? We should fix that, and very soon. Before much else. I believe you should see it all before the rest of the world does. Tony has, but there was a necessity there and it has been kept a secret." Which, he clearly expects to remain so at this point.

A wistful sound escapes him, and he would lean back further but the way he sits does not provide him with a backrest. "Yes, I fondly remember 'Storytime With Baba.' I feel I have the same joy of discovery as he, and perhaps he is the reason why. As a child, I was fascinated by the tales of Bast, of the Black Panther, knowing Baba was both King and Protector. Now that responsibility is upon my shoulders, and it is not a responsibility I will hide from."

A couple fingers drum out a random tapping beat against a knee, then he says, "Some will always be resistant to change. It is much easier for a river to flow along its natural path, rather than to carve out a new one. Water follows the path of least resistance, and man is much the same. But when that path becomes blocked, a river must be able to divert. We must be able to as well, but unlike the river, there are times we must make decisions that will be difficult simply because they are the right ones to make. I would be looking after my people if I kept all of what Wakanda has to offer to ourselves, but I would not be looking after mankind. I am not the one to be that selfish. Wakanda can change, and I must be the one to lead it."

Fingers steeple again. "There will be alliances. Perhaps with Themyscira. Preferably with America. I do not boast when I tell you China, Russia, Khandaq, or many other nations, they would find it much harder to attack us than they may think. Putting that aside, are you suggesting we might establish embassies ourselves, for those we ally with?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I think it would be... a good gesture to set embassies up with the G12," Steve says, cautiously. "Wakanda's bloodied a few noses in the past. Demonstrating that you want to be a ... 'team player', I suppose, would buy a lot of goodwill. And that leads to alliances, down the road."

"Jor-El told me, there's some common history with his planet and Wakanda," he observes a beat later. "You might talk to Superman, also. Not that he has any political authority, but he's as incorruptible as they come. If he tells the President to take Wakanda seriously, that's just one more point in your favor. And some people don't have it put together, so it can't hurt to remind them that the King of Wakanda *is* the Black Panther. A little publicity and you could engender a lot of good will. Especially from countries where the Avengers have stepped in to deal with a mess. You've got a lot of reputation banked, and if you're going to come to the table, best bring a full hand."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa decides it's time for him to stand up, because he feels a pacing coming on. He's quick to say, "Do not feel obligated to rise. I am in thought, and I find being in motion sometimes helps me with it." He does this with hands clasped in back, staring off into the distance through one of the large windows.

"The existence of this embassy was done as a good faith gesture by the Americans, to give time to sort matters out. They will be expecting finality on this soon, whether it means establishing an American embassy in Birnin Zana or closing this one. The time may be right to create the first embassy in Wakanda, and fulfill that part of the negotiations. With an American embassy on board, others would surely follow."

After all, the United States is still one of the world's superpowers, and American officials and intelligence, more than any other, stand to be impacted by Wakanda's truth.

"I agree about Superman. He may be from another planet, but I would wager that after you, many see him as another example of being as American as one can be. If you have his trust, you have much on your side. Using the reminder that the King is also the Black Panther, it cannot hurt."

He sends a look toward Steve, over a shoulder, "There is a charity calendar I agreed to pose for. Its release could either be the most fortuitous timing possible, or the most detrimental. Depending on how it goes, I may need to thank or scold Shuri." There is a hint of a smile with this.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve just smirks and shakes his head ruefully, looking skyward for help. "Heaven help the USA when all the lonely single women see the King of Wakanda on a calendar," he says, dryly. "You're going to get so many marriage proposals, they'll be hurling themselves over the gates with a slingshot like that coyote cartoon."

His quiet chuckles fade after a few seconds. "Well for what it's worth, you know the Avengers have your back," Steve says, after a beat. "I can say with certainty that few countries have the sense of honor that Wakanda's leadership has show. Past and present kings included." His head nods, subtly, the gesture one of genuine salute rather than being merely playful. "And I'd be happy to be one of the people at the groundbreaking ceremony when the world sees what Wakanda can offer it."

T'Challa has posed:
"I am reasonably certain I have already made one of your magazine's 'Sexiest Man Alive' covers at least once or twice. I do not keep count," T'Challa points out, lifting a brow toward the other man. "We may be in direct competition there, in which case I hope you are prepared to lose again."

Clearing his throat, he remarks, "A few proposals ought to get Shuri and others off my proverbial tail in that regard, as well. A King, in his mid-thirties, who has yet to marry a Queen? Do not think I have not heard whispers amongst my own people. Bast's gifts are good for more than just combat."

The more serious side of him returns as he says, "I know you and the Avengers do, which is why I have sought to speak with some of you before I go further. I wanted to hear your thoughts and concerns, and perhaps see if there was a matter I have missed or a direction I can solidify as the right one. I appreciate your words and your friendship, and I would not think of seeing an embassy opened in Wakanda without you by my side. From there, we will see what comes."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve gets to his feet and offers T'challa a clasp of the wrist. "I know I say it a lot," he tells the monarch, "and that kings stand apart from one another. But your dad-- he was a hell of a guy. And a damn good friend. I know he'd be proud of you, and what you're doing," Steve assures T'challa, making eye contact. "It can be hard to bust molds and break with old traditions. It takes a special kind of courage. And you've got it in spades." His loosely closed fist lightly impacts over T'challa's sternum, a reassuring gesture. "If there's any advice I can give you, it's to trust your gut. But I've got a feeling you already knew what you wanted to do, and you just wanted to say it out loud to a friend." He grins suddenly at T'challa.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa meets the gesture, holding it as long as it feels like it ought to be. "Ahh, I miss him often. I do not know your personal beliefs, but in Wakanda there exists the Ancestral Plane, a parallel dimension where the soul exists outside the body once the body is no more. You may think of it as an intense dream, but I believe it to be more than that. I have spoken with my father once or twice this way, and perhaps it is time I do so again."

He meets the man's eyes and gives him a firm nod. "You are a fine example of American spirit, justice, and fairness. That you knew my father and speak of him so highly means much to me, as do your thoughts of me. I could say I do not need your approval or that of anyone else, but the truth is it helps me know I am taking a path of reason and sense, rather than acting on impulse without accounting for the details that matter. It is true I would not be at this point if I was not certain I wanted to do this, but how I do this is still important."

Stepping back, he gestures toward the plates of food. "Now, will you help me in finishing off these snacks, or shall we go find ourselves a giant pizza someplace nearby?" He adds, conspiratorially, "Whichever you decide, I am sure the Dora Milaje will be eager to join us. I can already hear one's stomach growling. At least, I am fairly certain that is the source."