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Latest revision as of 16:34, 5 October 2021

Cheat Day
Date of Scene: 04 October 2021
Location: Big Belly Burgers
Synopsis: Tony drags Pepper out for burgers and fries.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
"Right. So future-Tony might be somewhat unhappy about the salad-heavy evening ahead, but sometimes you need to live in the moment. That's living: being present. Sitting in a slightly sticky booth with fries, meat, and a judging glare from your best girl," Tony chatters.

Tony's relaxed, one foot pushed accross onto the chair set up like a first wall of defense against random people approaching at the end of the booth. He's not in a suit, but dressed more simply. Still, there's no confusing who he is, and there's been a number of reactions to Tony Stark being outside in a public place. For the most part he's been left alone - there's just been a few people that saw the car outside and came in to peek, take some weird stalkery pictures, and depart. Tony's ignored it, though he's never rude to fans and he isn't rude now. Just not /welcoming/ while eating his fries.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Evenings," Pepper corrects. She's sitting a touch straighter in the seat, a little self-conscious in her place at a burger shop. She is also dressed down, but ever aware of cameras, she's in a fall designer set made by her friend (and sometimes confidante). It's a shirt and pants, jacket atop to keep out the chill, colored in more natural tones. "Plural." Her tones are softly amused; she's definitely teasing him, but.. not really. The days ahead are going to be (re)filled with something a touch more nutritious. "As it is, I've asked Happy to try to pull back from the pizza a little."

Sad fact is, there isn't anything in the shop that doesn't scream 'over indulge' in the place, and having been thwarted in the fries department in that there were no sweet-potato fries to be had, Pepper's settled for the regular fries. A small.

"I'm just glad we didn't do this after the Met." This years Met gala was yet another New York City night to remember; stars out and an entire evening of 'see and be seen'. "Thank you for that, by the way." She's wearing the ghost of a smile that is usually worn by her, her tones affectionate.

"And I'm not judging." There's a pause before, "Okay, I am. Complet- what did they put in these fries?" A hand rises unconsciously, a bite taken.. and green eyes stare at the potato.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Addictive substances," Tony deadpans smoothly, "But let me check." He leans across her to take one of /her/ fries (as if they were different?) and tastes it. "Okay, not as addictive as mine, but still heavily laced with pleasure." He encourages her to have one with chili cheese on it, but not in a pushy way. He's not trying to make her ill if she doesn't want any.

"I know you prefer other places. But I like coming down out of the tower, off the throne," Tony teases lightly. "Don't want to lose touch with real people."

As if Tony were ever really in touch with 'real' people in any capacity. He's too far outside of normal experience to get it - too much silver spoon. Perhaps it is more dangerous, in a way, that he thinks this gets him to a place of understanding better. Still, better he do it than not at all.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's gaze follows the hand as it reaches to take one of her fries; they're not different, other than they're not covered in heart-burningly delicious chili and queso that passes for cheese. She's enjoying herself, even if this is 'out of the norm'. "Mmmhmm.. should we call the health department?" Her words are quiet so as not to allow anyone to hear //that// bit of conversation.

She accepts the offer of a chili cheese fry with grace, her hand cupping under the laden offering so nothing falls onto the table (and she can eat more of it!).

A nibble, and it's gone, with her head canting slightly, eyes narrowing a touch in consideration. "I think you are going to be up all night."

That, of course, doesn't mean she doesn't reach for another one. "You know there's a scientific study out there that other people's food doesn't have any calories, right? I think it was Johns Hopkins."

She pulls back after the second fry, wiping her hand on a napkin before setting some hair to tuck around her ear. "This is fine," she concludes. "Not on the list for take-out, but it'll do."

She knows that he tries to get out, to mingle, but it's always different, and on his terms. Not many people in the world can say that. Not at all. Not even politicians. Presidents. Stars. They all //need// the public.

"Mmm.. I have a meeting set up with City Hall. Something about a more centralized CCTV system. They asked if we'd come and sit in and listen to the presentations. Would you like to join me to sit with some more 'real people'?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"I mean, if your call to the health department involves recommending this place because it is delicious, then sure. Everyone should enjoy a good burger, health official or not," Tony responds. He's in a good mood, a mood appropriate for batting the verbal tennis ball back and forth with her.

While Tony does enjoy this food, he isn't doing an all-in gorge of gluttony on it either. He isn't hugely hungover and trying to soak up the alcohol in a mass of fat and grease to speed his recovery. The heavy food, without the rest of the alcoholic backdrop, isn't as great as memory serves.

Tony looks at the still remaining food, and ventures thoughtfully, "Feeling a bit /old/. But not in a bad way." He lifts a finger to catch her so she doesn't rib him about that. "But it does feel bizarre to come to terms with that this food really is terrible, and perhaps my body temple should not have its lawn covered in greasy litter." He's sad, there's a mourning for this process. He loves his burgers but there's enough age on him to shift his view of it.

"Still. Sometimes you gotta throw a party." Or a lot of parties, depending on Tony's current outlook and attention-seeker needs.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper does catch that slightly mournful, almost nostalgic look back at the fact that it simply doesn't taste as good as he recalls, and reaches out to touch his arm. "No, not a bad thing. I think it just means that you actually do like the salads I make for you." And the goji smoothies that are surruptitiously left in places where he can find them. "Which means I get you for a little bit longer." The moment of serious care and affection is there, and is then tempered with that smile, concluding, "I know I still won't be able to get you to come out to yoga with me."

Parties, though? Pepper shakes her head and reaches for her glass of water (who does that? Not even diet soda?!) and takes a quick swallow. "I think this is an easier party to clean up from than most."

Tony Stark has posed:
"There should be a middle ground in there, though. Not quite scorched kale leaves, but not quite lard cooked in lard," Tony says, using one hand for each item, and then drawing them together to touch fingers in the center. Well, not really the center - he's cheated more towards the lard side. Deliberately. It comes with a wink.

"Yoga? I feel like you might not want me to be in a group of yoga-pants women, so you know, some of this is to keep your jealousy at bay," Tony teases her relentlessly. "If you want to yoga in the penthouse I could observe, you know. Maybe participate with my own spin into making it a contact sport."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A laugh does sound in the presentation of those balances, and she reaches up to take his hands in hers briefly to hold them. There's no escaping the affection there, coupled with the humor, all enveloped in what most would call 'love'. "It'd just be to show you off." For once, he'd be her eye-candy?


Brows do rise, and Pepper cants her head slightly, that smile turning into something of a smirk. "I think they have a different name for that, but I think if you're up to learning a couple of the basic yoga positions?" She shakes her head soon after, however, that expression still playing on her face, green eyes glittering, "We'll see."

Pepper looks back down to the food on the table and considers, "I'm not sure we should even pack this 'to go'."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Your lack of faith that I don't already know the 'good' positions distresses me," Tony says, with a very put upon 'distressed' face that inclines into hurt-puppy. The man can adjust his charisma at will, into a dark-eyed look, but he entirely fails at innocent. His puppy-face is still bad to the bone.

"We'll see," Tony echoes, though, with a spark of surprise. When Pepper teases him in this way, by adjusting when he doesn't expect, it's always exciting. Pepper's fun.

"To go? Nah," Tony answers, with a discarding motion of hand. Table contents already forgotten. "I have a budget high enough to have newly made food later," Tony whispers, like it is a secret, while pulling their hands towards him to put a kiss on her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Her gaze doesn't leave his eyes, and for that moment, there is simply no one else in the shop, no one else in the world but the two of them. He's too damned handsome, and even the attempts at innocent tugs at her heart. It's one thing he's never lacked for: charisma. Charm.

And the knowledge on how to use it.

Pepper's smile broadens; she likes to surprise him. He's hard enough, so the little victories are held closely. It's the intimate moments that she never wants to share with the world. Let the paparazzi have their day with this; they'll never know what is discussed.

"I see. So that's the limit of slumming it like real people, then?" She's teasing again. After all, how many can boast of personal chefs? "I think we can safely say you have a pretty good budget for food."

She's ready to go; they do have their car out front, and the shore storms have long since passed, leaving behind evenings that are chilly but clear. One can almost see the stars, even in the City. "I think we'll skip the tiramasu tonight. I don't think it goes with chili cheese fries."