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Latest revision as of 16:48, 14 March 2020

The Heat of the Night
Date of Scene: 13 March 2020
Location: Bowery, Lower East Side
Synopsis: The Scarlet-Spider stumbles upon Firebrand trying to break into a building that housed a Recording/Mixing studio called Eastside Sound. It's not known what Firebrand was up to or his motivation for trying to break in. The Scarlet-Spider drove Firebrand from the scene.
Cast of Characters: Russ Broxtel, Ben Reilly

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    1:31am. The city that never sleeps is never quiet. But it's cold. Too cold to walk alone. There are strangers in overcoats hurrying on home. Tonight, many have been walking in the rain. Ducking into taxi cabs and seeking shelter from the rain and the chill that it spreads deep to the bone. Clouds hang low enough to cover up the tallest buildings. But in the Bowery, most of the buildings are 5 - 15 floors. Most of the sodium vapor street lamps glow with a orangish hue. There are some mercury vapor lights here and there with their white illumination. But what stands out the most is atop the 4 floor building of 152 Forsyth Street. There's a reddish orange glow, like fire. But it's not blazing out of control. More like a controlled burn. Perhaps a bum lives on top of the building, Perhaps he's got a 55 gallon drum up there and is burning something inside to stay warm. Or maybe not.

    Atop the building is a man dressed in a red/yellow costume. He stands at a small access door and is using a super power or something to cut the handle and locks off the door. He's taking his time, trying to shelter the flame so no one will see it. Also trying to be quiet and /stealthy/. Then again, he's a guy in a red and yellow super suit. How stealthy is that?

Ben Reilly has posed:
Well it's unfortunate then that there was another figure not too far away trying to steal a dry moment under the eaves of a building to get something to eat. Or rather to eat the something he rbought. His red suit is a pretty vibrant color, standing out usually, but in the rain and the overcast skies it's not quite as obvious as it normally would be. The blue hoodie totally helps with that. Sure. He's just about to pull up the bottom of his mask and try to get in a bite of lunch when he spots the glow. Easier to mask sight of things from the side and below than it is above. His head tilts to the side a little bit, eyes focusing, studying what's going on. As he eats his sandwich. Because a spider's got to eat okay? He finishes it in quick order though so he can observe, and once gone he moves in for closer observation.

A hand flicks out, web line connecting to a building nearer to the figure in the costume, a quick pull sends Ben flickering across the street and into a better position to observe. He clings to the wall for a moment before he speaks up, voice raised to carry over the sound of the wind and rain. "You know! Trying to cut your way through a door is illegal. Unless you're like... a licensed locksmith. Which something tells me you're not. So how about we step away from whatever your'e doing there and we can both go our seperate ways yeah? No violence? I let you go, you don't try to roast me. Sounds like a plan to me."

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    Firebrand had already cut the doorknob and one of the deadbolt's off. He was half way cutting around the second deadbolt when the voice interrupted his work. He freezes, the flame is extinguished. He grumbles and then looks up and around for the origin of the voice. "Yeah, you got me. Caught me red handed."

    When he spots the source in the spider outfit, Firebrand's hands will raise as he steps back. Both hands come alight with fire as it's belched outward toward the hero.

    Firebrand was only starting to play possum. Instead, he springs an attack with the retort, "But there's no way in hell I'm gonna let you stop me from what I gotta do!"

    Flames streak from Firebrand's armored gloves through the air toward the wall crawler. FOOOOOOOOOM!

Ben Reilly has posed:
The only problem with trying to play possum with someone who has Spider Sense? It doesn't tend to work. Ben jumps into the air, over the arc of the flames from the first feinting attack, and then uses a webline that's flung out to yoink himself away from the second set, his body flying like a dart to where he secured the line of webbing. "This is totally unnecessary my dude!" He calls over from his new spot where he's clinging to in classic spider person pose, deep crouch with one hand planted on the bricks and the other out and ready to flick web for a quick getaway. "Like seriously. Go home. It's rainy and miserable out and I really don't wanna fight you. I mean I'm going to. But I don't want to. You know? It's rainy. I just wanna go finish my lunch. So how about you shut down the furance and we just go home?"

As Ben is talking he's pulled his hand away from the bricks and is adjusting something in the web shooter of his right hand, while keeping that hand ready to make an escape. "You seem like a nice enough guy. I mean wouldn't you rather be home eating pizza or something than fighting me?"

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    Turning on his heel, arching his neck, Firebrand tracks the hero's movements. His hands stop projecting the flames. However, when he's fully turned around toward the hero. Firebrand offers an unpleasent rebuttle with an assumption (based on the hero's powers and similar costume). "How about this, Spider-Man; How about you go home, have some pizza and forget you ever saw me? Cause if you don't, there's gonna be a fight and you're gonna lose."

    Again with the attack without waiting for a response; Firebrand's right hand raises and a gulf of flame flows toward the web-head. In this action, his right foot steps forward and his body turns slightly to the side casting his left hand back toward the door. It's expected that in the next round he will blast the door with the other flame spewing gauntlet. Thus accelerating the mission since he was spotted.

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly is more than happy to try to keep out of range and easy shot of those fire powers. While sure the suit might give him a moment's resistance, and sure he'll heal the burns, it will still -hurt- dangit. And he doesn't want to get burned. So if Firebrand moves closer ben climbs higher, or to the right, or to the left, trying to keep well enough away. "First. Not Spider-man, though I do get that a lot. It's the hoodie isn't it? Knew I should have gone with Superman Blue instead. Two it-HEY!" He's cut off as fire lances upwards towards him, his spider sense alerting him a moment before the danger begins. He snaps a webline out and rockets across the sky to land very close to his original perch when he first started talking to the fire wielding villain.

"You... totally won't though pal. I could go grab a dump truck and hit you with it. Preeeetty sure that would end the fight. And collapse the building. Which is why I don't want to do that." He flicks out a hand and launchs a pellet at the door that Firebrand was burning his way through. That pellet upon impact will blossom into a thick web with tendrils anchoring it to the wall around the door, and to the roof of the building underfoot. "Come on. Lets talk this out. What's really bothering you Firecracker? Cherry Bomb? Oh I know! Thermite! It's thermite right? Pleeeeease tell me it's Thermite. That would be a really cool villain name."

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    The arc of fire from his right hand leaps toward the moving hero. But range is really a thing. Fire only goes so far. 30-60 feet before it diminishes into a wide plume.

    Without looking at his target, Firebrand's second gauntlet alights and blasts the door that the hero just covered up with webbing. Firebrand was expecting to hear an explosion and be able to duck into that roof access. Instead, nothing exciting is heard. He turns to look at the door and sees the webbing and the door. He exclaims, "Dammit, Spider-Man. You're just slowing me down."

    His body turns to face the door, leaving his flanks open for attack. Both hands raise up and he will focus on blasting the door with dual gauntlet attacks. Flames leap out toward the webbed door.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Look. Firecracker. Because at this point you don't get a cool name like Thermite. Why do you need to get in there so bad? Is it to save a dying family member or something like that? Because if so I'm pretty sure we could find a better way to help them. Otherwise if it's just money and general criminal stuff? Which is so boring by the way, then we have a problem." As Ben is talking he flicks a couple more of those pellets towards the ground near Firebrand's feet, intending to secure him to the roof so he can't go anywhere even if he does manage to get the door open through the webbing. "I mean really we've got all day to talk this out Firecracker. And I woudlnt' be surprised if the police show up at any moment. I'm pretty sure people on the street will have noticed the giant gouts of flame you've been firing everywhere."

As his mouth is running and Firebrand's flames are... flaming Ben is using his web shooters and web to weave together what looks a lot like a bag. Or a cocoon. Said bag is just about Firebrand sized, so his intent on what he's going to use it for is pretty obvious. "Sure you want to go to jail buddy?"

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    The double attack from the gauntlets will overwhelm the webbing; destroying it and slagging the door. He can project super hot fire that's super hot.

    He really wasn't into giving out his name. But now that the puns don't stop, he's gotten to the point of annoyance. He looks down at his feet and sees the webbing has pinned him to the rooftop. He growls, "It's FIREBRAND! Dammit!"

    Footnote about rooftops in NYC. Most use a plastic and tar covered fiber to seal the interior from rain covered in limestone chips. This is common practice in medium rise brick buildings. This is going to be a problem.

    His outburst is accompanied with a sheath of flame that engulfs his body. A damage shield of emitted flame from tiny little emitters scattered around the super suit. Those emitters create a 6" flame aura around him. This will start to burn away the trappings of spider webbing at his feet (it will take 2 rounds) but it also ignites the rooftop in his immediate area. He didn't count on that. He mutters, "Oh crap."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly wasn't counting on the whole lighting the roof on fire bit either. "Uhhh dude. Not cool!" He calls down as he watches flames start to lick along the rooftop. "Not cool!" Ben's Firebrand bag is put to the side for the moment as he launches several more pellets to try and put the fire out, hoping to smother it and stop it from continuing to burn. "Okay bud. This is your last chance to just go home. Otherwise? You go into the spider bag. And I am pretty sure I can reinforce the spider bag faster than you can burn it. And then you go to jail. So what's it going to be Bunson Burner? Spider bag and jail? Or just go home? Because the choice between those two seems very very obvious Burning Man. I should call the Human Torch and let him know someone is trying to steal his job. And is also really bad at stealing." Ben is still trying to talk his way through this fight rather than get close and try to get the spider bag over Firebrand.

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    Yes, it is raining. But the super-heated flame that Firebrand generates is hot enough to vaporize the water and ignite the tar-paper. The web pellets strike the flame, blanketing it in certain areas, but it's spreading pretty quickly.

    The pellets that adheared Firebrand to the rooftop melt away and he's suddenly free. He looks at the door, looks to the wall crawler and says, "Dammit." and realizes that he needs to flee.

    A silent alarm was triggered when the door was blown. Firebrand hadn't gotten that far in his B&E to disable the alarm. Police sirens can be heard off in the distance.

    Flame Jets from his boots ignite and Firebrand leaps into the air. This also spreads flames across the rooftop. He calls out as he starts to depart, "This ain't the last time we meet, Spider-Man. Next time, you're goin down."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly meanwhile is very busy firing pellets and web from his web shooters trying to smother the fire as best as he can. "Again. Not Spider-man. Though I super appreciate the comparison. He's really cool you know. Selfless. Good guy. Bye Zippo!" He shouts and waves to the fleeing Firebrand. "Oh make sure when you want my attention next time to ask for Scarlet Spider! Not Spider-man! Otherwise they'll send the real deal after you!" Web web web. Thwip thwip thwip. Trying to stop the fire from burning down the building.

Russ Broxtel has posed:
    Zoooom goes Firebrand, streaking through the sky like a flaming meteor fleeing the scene. Leaving the Scarlet-Spider to deal with the mess. Or not. Depending on his motivation. But at least he, with the help of the rain, can put the fire out without too much trouble.