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Latest revision as of 03:07, 10 October 2021

Saturday! In the Park! I know it wasn't the fourth of July!
Date of Scene: 09 October 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Hot dogs in the park. Heather buys for everyone and meets Miles. Artistic skills are implied!
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Miles Morales

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Autumn is in the air. The temperatures have come down from blistering hot, down to just hot, and then down to warm. The day is in the mid 70's, with a nice breeze flowing through the park as the photographer takes the final few shots of Heather in her tight jeans, designer blouse in a variant of the peastant cut / style... and what she calls her 'shitkicker' boots. Nice stylish leather almost motorcycle style boots.

    Yes, the shoot is all about the boots. Thus the poses that highlight the legs and feet as she moves about. But those final shots come and Heather smiles joyously, "Great timing! I am famished!" she exclaims, despite it being only an hour or so sine her last large snack / meal.

    And so, she strides over and pecks the photographer on the cheek before turning to saunter towards the Hot Dog cart twenty feet away. Hey, the guy has sold to her a lot. He has learned that if she is in the park, it helps his bottom line to be nearby.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Somebody who would never get a modeling job is Miles Morales. He's not unattractive or anything. But he's a bit on the gangly size. Maybe a little awkward looking. Despite that he moves gracefully down the walkways of the park. He's a light gray hoodie and a pair of slightly loose jeans. He usually doesnt wear anything short, since it made hiding the costume a lot more convenient. As he moves he occasionally bounces on his feet, humming to himself while his eyes are distant, seemingly pondering something or other. He doesn't seem aware that there's a fashion shoot going on in the area, and isn't really watching the other people around him at the moment. It's rare to have a peaceful day as superhero, which Heather could probably relate to.

     He does notice the hot dog truck when he picks up then scent though, perking up and glancing around before heading towards it. It seems he's not the only one hungry, and he settles into line behind a blonde girl. His hands in his pockets, he rocks on his feet and resumes the humming, some upbeat tune that sounds like it should be off-beat but somehow isn't. Eventually he pulls a phone from his pocket and checks the time before returning it. Glances at the back of the person in front of him, and tilts his head. He doesn't know fashion that well, but it looks like a pricey outfit. Not what you'd expect to see at a random hot dog cart.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Hi Maurice!" says Heather, greeting the vendor with a beaming smile. "The usual please."

    And the vendor grins back, "Yes ma'am. One Danielson Special coming right up. You are fortunate that Maurice is here or you might waste away to nothing. All skin and bones.." he says as he opens the steamer he uses to keep things warm from time to time. From within, he pulls a paper plate with three of the biggest, most everything-loaded chili dogs that anyone has ever seen.

    "You see, I knew that you would be needing an order. So I had it prepared five minutes ago." he says with pride as Heather hands over a handful of cash. But she smirks as she sees he did not feel challenged today. So she adds a new level of challenge to his day.

    "Oh, you think you've beat me huh?" she asks with a chuckle as she pulls a hundred out and hands it over, "This is for anyone else who wants a hot dog." And then she turns to face the crowd, "Everyone! Have a dog on me!" she yells with a slick smile on her face. Well, facing her, she is a bit more recognizable.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles half-listens to the banter between Heather and Maurice. He pays more attention when she turns around to fae the rest of the park. He takes a step back when she yells, looking at her with slightly wide eyes. "Free dogs? Sounds good." Hmmm. There's something about her that seems really familiar. Like he's seen her around before. But you'd think he'd remember meeting somebody like that! He slides past her to take his place and grins over at Maurice. "Gomme the works." Then he looks at Heather again, "So, what made you decide to share the wealth with everybody?" He'd like to say he expects random acts of kindness from people. But sadly, he's dealt with way too many unpleasent folks in his time to do that.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Glancing back to a now nervous Maurice, Heather chuckles and says, "There. Got your work cut out for you now Maurice." she says with a grin. And then she turns to regard Miles, her smile as genuine as it gets. It's far better looking than the model's plastered on smile she usually uses.

    "Well, just an old joke between myself and Maurice here. He told he that he could handle whatever I ordered, whenever I ordered it.... and sooo.."

    That said, she turns and says, "So Maurice, can I help you out? Help get these good people some eats?" she asks as she steps around the cart.

    And the agent who was on site for the shoot steps forward with a grin and calls out, "You hear that?! Heather Danielson is buying everyone lunch! Isn't that great?!"

    And she sighs, "I hate when he goes into P.R. mode." she mutters before reaching for an extra apron to put on.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles laughs, glancing between the blonde and the guy behind the cart. "I see. I know how that can be." He waits for his own hot dog to be ready, arms crossing over his chest. His brows furrow together as the agent arrives and calls out to the crowd. "Heather Danielson. I feel like I know that name." He really isn't a fashion guy. But, well. He's a teenage boy. So he's seen a few models. He looks at her again more closely. Hmm. She IS very pretty. Maybe she's an actress or something? "Sorry I don't recognize you instantly. I can be like that with faces at times. I'm Miles, by the way. Since I know your name. Miles Morales. Nice to meet you." He gives her another smile. It's genuine too! Even if not one that's going to have her agent try and recruit him. He looks overall like just any other teenager. He rubs his nose with a finger. "I'd offer to help too, but, uhh. I'm not that great in the kitchen."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I prefer it most days to -not- get recognized. But if it helps.. you can imagine me in a blue spandex suit..." She offers a hand to shake in greeting. "I also go by Knockout when I am representing the Titans." she adds before holding 'The Works' order out for him. "And here is your order Mister Morales." she adds.

    Then she returns to helping prepare things. "Well, my Dad has been known to rock and roll on his grill, and I am a -total- Daddy's girl." she admits as she grabs the tongs and starts up the next order's hot dog before Maurice starts loading it up with toppings.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles takes the hand in question and shakes. "Oh hey, a superhero? Awesome. Always nice to see somebody that likes to help others." He grins at her and takes the hot dog. "Mister Morales? Just call me Miles, Miss Danielson." He takes a big bite out of his food, doing his best not to get the abundance of toppings all over himself. He manages it somehow.

     "So. The Titans? They seem like one of the better known groups. Obviously, I've never really met them. They cool people?" He steps out of the way of other people wanting to order and take their dogs, studying her curiously.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Serving up order after order, Heather seems to have the habit of working and talking down. But she -has- volunteered at many a soup kitchen line.

    "We're like a family. I even live in the tower. But... they have a pool on the roof, so I get plenty of time in a bathing suit... at least when it's summer." she adds with a smirk.

    "So Miles, what brings -you- out to the park today?" she asks. "You don't seem like a groupie hanging out to watch the photo shoot."

Miles Morales has posed:
     A light flush touches his cheeks at the talk of her hanging out in a bathing suit, and Miles clears his throat. "Well, that sounds.. convenient. Guess you wouldn't want to go to a public pool. Would be a lot of gawkers there." He shifts in place a little, then takes another bite of his hot dog to keep himself distracted. Eventually he swallows then answers her. "Me? Just out walking. Thinking. About school, art, that sort of thing. School and stuff keep me busy, so sometimes it's nice to just wander around and take in the sights, you know?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I don't mind public now and then." offers Heather with a shrug. "I mean, I won't be in this line of work if I hated being looked at right?"

    She shakes her head. "So many women act like they want to be noticed, and when they are, they get all offended." But she hands a plate to the next customer and smiles as she hands it over before looking back to Miles, "So Miles. You're an artist then?" she asks. "Maybe I should ask you to draw me sometime."

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods his head to her. "I guess you wouldn't be, yeah. I tried to get a modeling job once. They told me I'd put all the other models out of business so they couldn't ethically hire me. I had to agree that was the right thing to do." He pops the last of his food in his mouth and chews before swallowing. "I am not going to even pretend like I understand how women think. I'm at least smart enough to not be that deluded." He shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms again. "I usually draw more abstract stuff. But I guess I could do that sometime. Though I'd be surprised if we ran itno each other again." He smiles over at her. "I mean. I don't really run in the fashion OR superhero circuits. And I suspect I'm not gonna be seeing you enrolling in my school anytime soon. But maybe."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, I already graduated. Back in St Louis. But..." Heather grins and reaches into her back pocket. From within, she snatches a business card that reads: TITANS... KNOCKOUT...And gives an email address along with her name. Total public ID. "Reach out. I'll make an appearance somewhere. Maybe I -could- come visit your school, tell folks you invited me or something." she adds with a wink.

    Then she hands another plated chili dog out.

Miles Morales has posed:
     There's another flush on Miles cheeks as he takes the card from her. "Maybe. I'll give you a call sometime at least." He tries to say it casually, but...yeah. Clearly not the best dealing with the opposite sex. He still slips it into a pocket. He glances at the lines. "So, uh. You seem to have a lot on your plate..." Pun? "Sooo, I guess I'll leave you to it. Nice meeting you, Heather." He waves to the model superheroine, then turns and walks off a little quickly.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    With a salute, Heather remarks, "You have a good day Miles. Can't wait to hear from ya! Your art skills are good, and I might hook you up with my agent!" she calls out.