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Latest revision as of 05:15, 16 October 2021

The Costume Conundrum
Date of Scene: 14 October 2021
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Kitty works out what to wear for Halloween, with Quentin offering suggestions.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Quentin Quire

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde is sitting in the Recreation Room on one of the couches. A fire is going in a fireplace, the day outside just cold enough the fire could be a nice thing to have. Lockheed definitely thinks so. He's lying in front of the fireplace close enough it would be a bit unpleasantly warm for a human.

Kitty has her laptop on the coffee table in front of her, but right now is holding a bowl of cereal that she's working her way through. Crunchberries from the looks of it. Kitty eats a lot of cereal, or did when she lived at the school. Mainly for not being a very good cook.

"Hrm, I don't know, Lockheed," she says, looking at the screen before taking another bite of the cereal. With no one else present she doesn't mind talking to the space dragon with her mouth full. "I want something, you know, tastefully sexy, not slutty sexy," she says, motioning to the laptop screen with her spoon.

Lockheed just lays there, eyes closed. Whether this is signaling agreement or disagreement, only he, and maybe Kitty, know.

Quentin Quire has posed:
    Quentin's entrance is.. not understated. Little about him can said to be. Today he's wearing a white shirt that says LIFE IS SHORT, SO IS WOLVERINE across the front in solid, thick black lettering. The door rumbles the pops open a few moments before Quentin makes his way in, a little flutter if purplish power dissipating from having been used to force it open as Quentin moves through it.
    He glances aside at Kitty as she speaks, eyes drifting briefly to Lockheed on his way through the room . He's wearing a pair of skinny jeans and some small circular sunglasses tinted orange. His shock of pink hair is unstyled, jutting in a flame-like spray of hair up from his head. His feet drag across the ground with every step, worn black sneakers making scuff-scuff sounds.
    He pipes up, around bites of the absolutely enormous churro he's munching on. "See-through is always hot." he comments, chin lifting over at Kitty before he takes another emphatic bite, sending a spray of cinnamon and sugar onto the floor and chewing it in one side of his mouth a few times before continuing to talk on his way over to the windows, "That's like almost your thing too, right? Like not really, but /close/." amused with himself, clearly.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quiet scoffing laugh. "Well, more phase through than see through," she confirms. "Trying to work out what to go as for Halloween. Also not sure if Warren is going to be around for it or not, so not sure if I need to come up with something that works as a pair," she says.

The laptop screen shows a browser that is open to a site with costume ideas. Some of them are things for sale, others are things people have made and posted pictures of. "I could just go old fashioned and be a witch or something like that," she says. "Everyone expects me to dress up like Leia or Boomer or someone from science fiction," Kitty says.

Then pauses and rubs her chin. "Leia," she murmurs thoughtfully to herself. "By the way, nice shirt. Has he seen it?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
    Another bite, another careless spray of sugar and cinnamon as he listens, nodding some. "Right." he says after a swallow. "I mean Phase-through would be hot but also kind of only for a moment, you know?" he says with an amused smirk.

    "I mean sci-fi is kinda obvious for you don't you think? I mean don't get me wrong you'd look great in a Slave Leia outfit, it just.. why do what's expected?" he asks with a shrug. The churro is bitten again, then again, polished off with a quick bite-bite. And Quentine dusts his hands, chewing and glancing down at his shirt at her comment.

    "Oh, no yet." he says once he's swallowed, making his way over to the couch to stand behind her, bending at the waist to lean forward and look at the available options. "Mm. Witch is too boring. Can you like.. like hm. If you phase, can you keep stuff stuck in you? Like an arrow or something? Because then you could do some sort of like.. like undead cheerleader thing with a Jason knife actually stuck in you - make it super realistic. Show off those powers."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty hrms quietly. "Well, I mean, I do LIKE the sci-fi stuff," she says, turning to look at Quentin as he looks over her shoulder, and giving him a grin. "I could phase the knife through myself, but I couldn't really keep it there too well," she tells him. "Would have to keep my hand on the handle. Probably easier to just do a prop one," she says.

She scrolls the web page down. There are some traditional witch outfits, and then some that are a bit more risque. Some much more than others. "Slave Leia, hrm," Kitty says. "I don't know, that one might be a little too much skin. Especially if it's cold. And actually, not even sure where I'll be wearing it too. For the school? Too much," she says. Kitty's graduated and gone off to England before returning with college degrees. And having helped found Excalibur while there. Now she's working part time as a guidance counselor at the school.

She looks back to Quentin. "What about you? Dressing up?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
    "Yeah but everyone /knows/ you like sci-fi stuff." Quentin counters. "Which is what makes it obvious. And hm, that sucks. I mean the prop one is still good, but it'd be /cooler/ if it was just a real knife." said with a small lift of his chin. He leans a bit and places his hand on the back of the couch as he considers the screen.

    "I mean what else would a Leia costume be? Like just a white robe, some buns? You gotta go /iconic/. You're wearing spandex half the time anyway as an Xman." he points out, leaning forward over her shoulder to eye the screen for a second a little more closely. "Hm. What about Samus? Could have a big bulky suit if its cold and change into like the Zero Suit deal when you move inside? Let's you accessorize - throw a Metroid costume on the dragon and you're solid."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde hrms quietly. "Also I should keep in mind what Warren might wear if we end up going somewhere together. I mean, there's of course a number of winged things that would work for him. Or, fold them down and just about anything for a man would work too, so not like it has to be something angel related," Kitty says.

Kitty taps on the laptop and pulls up some footage of Carrie Fisher from the original Star Wars. "You know that silk had a way of... draping," she tells him. Indeed, it's not exactly the least revealing garment, given that it covers all of her. "But, anyway, let me think. I actually have a Kree energy sword I could use for a light saber. I could do a female Darth Maul? Darth Maulette? Darthette Maul? Though his was a double-sided light saber wasn't it," Kitty muses.

"Really who am I kidding. Some demon will attack Earth on Halloween. Not like it's ever a quiet night," she says with a sigh.

Quentin Quire has posed:
    "Fair, fair." Quentin says noddinga little bit. "Throw a cloak over him and he's Obi-wan. Put him in a white outfit and he's Luke. Give him a backpack and he's Han on Hoth." Quentin lists, ticking them off as he straightens up from the couch, nodding to himself.
    "I mean gender-swapped Darth Maul is /not/ the worst idea you could come up with. And the Kree energy sword would totally work, just wrap the handle up right. -- Could just do like.. Jedi Leia too? Grab yourself a Luke Jedi robe and bun the hair, use the sword, it's all set." said as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and glances around the room for a second.