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Latest revision as of 05:45, 28 October 2021

Just Another Robbery
Date of Scene: 26 October 2021
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: There's a bank robbery! Shadow-Spider and Storm stop it.
Cast of Characters: Ororo Munroe, Miles Morales

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Sometimes it's rought, being a member of the X-Men and not being one of the telepaths. It's hard to tell where the next threat's going to come from, what the next crisis you're going to face is. It could happen anytime, come from anywhere.

    Of course, sometimes you don't need to be a telepath or precognitive to see the trouble coming. Sometimes you just see a late model Buick with no plates parked outside of the Federal Reserve with a twitchy looking guy behind the wheel.

    Ororo Munroe watches enough police procedurals to know that's not good. And she's seen Die Hard With a Vengeance before.

    Also, the blaring alarm and the sound of rapid automatic weapons fire from inside the imposing building is kind of a hint at what's going on. The only problem is, Ororo's not Storm, weather goddess of the X-Men right now. She's dressed down, or at least as dressed down as she gets, a snug black leather jacket over a white tanktop, faded black jeans, and some knee-height leather boots. She's certainly still eye-catching, but not in a heroic sort of way. And her powers aren't exactly aspected towards dealing with individual robbers. Still, the wind begins to pick up, stormclouds beginning to form and rush in... if there's no one else around, she'll just have to make due and play it by ear.

Miles Morales has posed:
     If there's one thing Spiders learn, it's that they're bound to stumble across trouble eventually. There's lots of it in this town, and they attract more than their fair share. Deciding to patrol the financial district today because there hadn't been a bank robbey in a hot minute, Miles was swinging between tall buildings representing incalcuable wealth wearing his self-made suit using borrowed webshooters. Thwip, swing, thwip.

He glanced up at the sky. "Oh great. Looks lie the weather is going to turn." And then he heard sounds of gunfire from within a certain building, taking note of the car parked out front. He redirects his latest webline to send him in a long arc up, to land on the face of the bank. Studying the obvious getaway car, he suddenly disappears from sight. He doesnt move, he just seems to be gone. Having gone stealth, he silently drops down to the ground next to the car. Dropping flat to the ground, he quickly fires off some blasts of webbing at the axles of the car, gunking them up to the point where they're not going to be moving anytime soon. Then he hopped to the top of the getaway car lightly and waited. There was a very slight thump, but if the driver gets spooked and checks, he won't find anything. He somehow hasn't noticed Ororo yet.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo feels an immense sense of relief as she glances up and sees an almost-familiar figure flying through the air. It's A Spider-Man! ...She's fairly certain it's not the original one, certainly he's worn a black suit before, but it wasn't quite so stylish.

    And he certainly couldn't go invisible. That must be handy. Still, as Ororo's formulating her plan, which so far is 'unpleasant wind gusts and looming cumulonimbus clouds', the robbers come bursting out of the doors, classic robbery really, automatic weapons, heavy duffel bags, four men in ski masks. Really, she'll say this for the costumed villains, at least they put some effort into their outfits.

    And while Ororo might not be able to go invisibl, she's a former thief, she's got an almost preternatural ability to avoid lines of sight, to not draw attention, and so while the sound of gunfire followed by bank doors slamming open has the street emptying, and the driver in the getaway car looking up towards the bank, she's sneaking up on the driver's side door. After all, he's going to be _behind_ Miles, and she figures she can at least deal with him while Miles has to deal with the heavily armed career criminals.

Miles Morales has posed:
     If Shadow-Spider knew he was having his fashion critiqued by a semi-literal Goddess, he might be a little more self-conscious. As is, he's waiting for the men to draw closer to the car, then he speaks aloud. "This is your conscience! You feel bad for robbing the bank, and are going to return the money and turn yourself into the proper authoritieeeeeees! You won't try this again once you get out of prisonnnnnn!" No doubt causing a great deal of confusion to the four men and the driver below him, since ther's no visible source for the voice.

    As they begin to wildly point their weapons here and looking for whoever it is messing with them, Milss fires off double web-shots at the barrels of two of their guns. Clogging them up, then yanking on the line to rip them out of their arms entirely. "Just kidding! I'm guessing you guys can't hear your conscience anymore."

     This is probably followed by a sudden spray of gunfire from the other two, that familiar tingle in his brain prompting him to dart off of the roof, passing under the streams of bullets, manuivering to get closer to the armed men. "I have to ask, why do you guys still try this sort of thing? Even the criminals with superpowers can't succesfully rob a bank these days! What chance do a half dozen guys in ski masks have?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo thinks fast... well, actually, pretty slow. She should have realized this was an option before the crooks made it to the door. Sure, thunder clouds could provide plenty of lightning, but she has full, stunning control of the weather. And weather means fog. There's a sudden rolling bank of it flooding into the bank entranceway, she figures Miles has some way to compensate, but the already confused thugs won't know what's going on.

    And that poor driver, well, of course once a costumed hero shows up, the engine revs, because _he's_ got to be the brains of the operation, at least in figuring 'Well, time to not go to jail'. But of course, the car manages nothing more than a slight jerk before that webbing locks it tight.

    And while Ororo might not have Betsy's martial arts training, or Logan's metal skeleton, she knows how to throw a punch. And the guy's not even expecting it. But it's still heroic to sucker punch a robber! Or at least that's what she tells herself as she lands a blow to his jaw, feeling his head twist and his body slump in the seat. Justice is blind, so it's not like she's going to see that. All her statues have blindfolds on anyhow.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Ooookay. That was kind of weird. The sudden arrival of fog in the street was confusing to Miles, since there'd been no hint of it before. It's clearly some superhuman thing going on. But, it's not setting off his Spider-Sense, so he focuses on what he's doing. he moves into the midst of the four men, launching a kick from a spider-crouch, catching one of the two remaining assault rifles and sending it spinning up into the air, then quickly gathering himself and launching into an uppercut at the guy with the last one. The first to be directly hit, his relatively small looking fist connects with the mans jaw with enough force to lift him sightly off of the ground, hitting the 'button' and sending him sprawling unconsicous. He grabs his weapon before it drops to keep it from possibly going off on its own, then swings the butt of it into a second mans stomach. When they can't even see him due to the fog, dealing with a quarter of normal human thieves was a simple matter.

    The whole fight lasts a handful of seconds more, the sounds of fists and feet thudding into flesh audible, and then a burst of what looks like oddly colored electricity before it goes silent. Then abruptly Miles is landing on top of the getaway car again. "Hello? I know somebody is here, why don't you...oh." And then he notices them just... standing next to the drivers window. Somebody in civillian looking clothes. The white hair kind of stands out though, and as he looks closer his eyebrows sort of crawl towards his scalp. Wow. That is a remarkably striking woman. He's glad he's wearing the mask, because his cheeks actually flush. He clears his throat, and tries to pitch his voice to sound more superhero-ish. "Thank you for your assistance. It's much appreciated, Ma'am."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Once the sounds of punching and 'Ow, I wish I wasn't taking this punching' die down, Ororo gives a little flourish to send the storm clouds and fog away, and suddenly it's just another fine, clear autumn day. If anything, it might be a touch sunnier than it was before.

    Ororo can't help but grin at that attempt to sound super-heroic, nodding her head and shrugging lightly, "Oh, not a problem at all! I mean, I didn't really do anything." Eyebrows perk up as she tilts her head, "But I don't think 'ma'am' is really necessary, you're not one of my students! Ororo will do. I'd... say Ms. Munroe, but again, that sounds pretty student-y."

    She sighs out and shakes her head with a little laugh, "I mean, you could call me Storm, that's what the mediac coverage usually says.... no point in hiding it, right?"

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles scratches at his neck. "I'm, uh, Shadow-Spider. Its nice to meet you Ororo. I've seen you in the news and stuff. I'm a big fan of your work." He hops off of the car, arcing over Storm and doing a graceful flip before landing on his feet past her. He tilts his head as he hears sirens approaching in the district. This is Financial. They're probably always ready for the latest robbery. "Maybe we should talk somewhere else though, unless you want to chat with the cops when they get here." Assuming the X-Woman agrees, he'll crouch, then leap hiiiigh into the air onto the side of a nearby building and quickly race up it. He's seen her fly in news clips, so figures she can keep up.

     After getting to roof level and moving several buildings away, he'll finally stop on an empty looking rooftop and perch on something handy. "It doesn't seem like you were expecting to do any crime fighting today. Did you just have bad luck happening to be there when a robbery happenned?" The black and red clad spider tilting his head to the side as he studied her.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo follows along with a soft laugh, "Well, thanks! And... yeah, we should probably get out of here, I mean, I didn't plan to deal with police reports today."

    She follows along, and apparently she _can_ manage more subtle manipulation as she follows Miles up to the nearby building, smooth, effortless flight? Totally something she can handle. She sighs and nods her head downright ruefully, "Oh yeah, totally just stumbled by. I was trying to take a shortcut to the subway stop.... I guess I probably should've just flown. That's what Rogue usually does."

    Still, it's not like it was a -huge- inconvenience, and now she's got a Shadow Spider she can call on if she needs... spidery help! Sure. Totally. They'll just have to exchange Twitter handles or some jazz. All in all, a perfectly good day.