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A Gift Exchange
Date of Scene: 30 October 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: Clarice and Theo exchange birthday gifts, and talk about the past.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has kept herself busy - between work, planning her next hunt, and helping Doctor Hatahway with her newest patients, and who can blame her? But she hasn't lost track of the date, and even as she works and envelope sits next to her, as well as a small, gleaming, polished wooden case with an inscription inlayed into it in a darker script. Her gaze is focused on her screen at the moment, however, as she painstakingly reads through a message - occasionally having her computer read aloud to her words that continue to stymie her, rather than taking the time to sound them out as she works.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo has some how managed to keep up with his classes, help H & D with the computer, keep and eye on his unit of trained killers, and in there some place, found the time to make Clarice her birthday present. His birthday being so close to Clarice's had always been a hard time growing up. His parents had always celebrated his day, but at the same time mourned the loss of their other daughter.

When it came to the unit however, he was constant and there, demanding to be a part of the reports. He gave the adults their one time outside the room to talk, but after that he has insisted on being there... and Mystique agreed.

Sitting now at his computer, he was holding a small USB drive and looking at Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    After working her way through the last of the report, Clarice lets out a sigh, stretching and rolling her shoulders. Reading was slowly getting easier and easier, but it was still frustrating to her. It's as she stretches, and rolls her shoulders and neck, that she catches Theo looking her way and offers an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I should have freed up more time for your birthday..." But she'd been using work to distract herself. If she were to be honest with herself, she'd realize Theo had probably picked up on that.
    But she's not particularly skilled at being honest with herself.
    "I, uhh, got you a little something," she remarks - touching the box sitting beside her.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo stands up to walk over and offer the USB drive to her. He was well aware of her mind. He didn't need to be Pete to know she was still freaking out. She had good reason to, given what he'd found out so far, so he let it go and let her hide in her work.

"It's alright," he says quietly with a smile. "I know you're distracting yourself. This is for you, for your birthday. You don't need to worry about me or mine, you have work to do."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice takes the USB drive with a hint of surprise, turning it over in her hands as she studies it, wondering what Theo had put on it. She'd expected he'd get her //something// - she just didn't expect it to come in the form of a USB drive. "It's //your// birthday, not mine. And worry's entirely the wrong word, you know. I did get your something, though. ...cards first, right?" She asks, handing over the greeting card sized envelope.
    "What did you put on here?" she asks curiously, just before Theo opens the card.
    When opened, the card pops up reveal the shape of a grand piano. The sheet music set onto the piano is printed with the first few bars to 'Happy Birthday' - not that Clarice knows enough to recognize that particular touch. Written on the card with her meticulous, and slightly clumsy hand is a message. 'Theo, I'm glad I could be here with you to celebrate your first birthday as your true self. Getting to know you has brought me more joy than I ever expected. You will always have my love and support. Happy Birthday, and may the coming year bring us more joy. Your loving sister, Clarice.'
    "It, umm, took me a while to write," Clarice admits a bit nervously. In fact, she'd written it out on her computer first, to make sure she had the spelling and grammar and write - before carefully copying it in her best handwriting. She didn't hand write things often - not if she could avoid it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For the moment Theo just ignores her comments about his birthday and all that non-sense, he reads the card, then re-reads it, tears forming in his eyes.

"Your handwriting is fine," he sniffs, wiping his eyes. "Thank you Claire." Then he hugs her, the package forgotten. Honestly he didn't need anything else, that was perfect.

While hugging he says, "You worry too much about your handwriting, but really it's great."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's awful, but you're kind to say otherwise," Clarice answers - her voice catching in her throat as she returns the hug tightly. "I meant every word," she adds more quietly. "You... and Pete too, you're the best gift I could ever get." Even with all the bumps in the road. Tears gleam in her eyes, as she holds her brother to her, tightly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo kisses his sister's cheek, then stands up again and nudges the USB.

"I used the equipment and instruments at the school," he explains. "It... it's a song. I wrote." Wow, there are no words in his head cause emotions. "Anyway, you can listen to it when you want."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You wrote me a song?" Clarice answers with surprise, looking down at the stick still in her hand. Well... she wants to hear it //now// - so she swivels in her chair to insert it into her computer, opening the drive's contents so she can get the song to play.
    Beside her, the wooden box still waits. The wood is polished and gleams with a purple hue. Inlayed into the top with a black material is an inscription. 'For Theodore Ferguson. When words leave off, music begins. Your loving sister.' Silver hinges shine on one edge of the box.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The song is about five minutes long, a soft melody of piano, violin, cello, a flute and light drums. There are no words, merely a soft, happy harmony of the instruments, something you could dance to at a party.

Picking up the box, Theo looks over the inscription and runs his finger over the wood. "It's so pretty," he comments, chewing at his bottom lip. The box alone is perfect, but he's pretty sure she put something in it, so he opens it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice listens to the music with rapt attention - the thought of someone writing a song, writing one for //her,// had never occured to her before. Who played the other instruments? Theo couldn't play them all - could he? So he had to get his classmates to help - to make a present for her? She smiles at she listens, tears still in the corners of her eyes - which may be why she doesn't notice him picking up the box.
    Inside, the box reveals a velvet lined base of fabric so deep purple it can be easily mistaken as black, with a cream, linen lined top. On the linen is a symbol which combines the letter W and S into a branding logo. These details probably barely register, as the tie clip and cuff links carefully secured into place on the velvet draw the eye immediately. Shimmering white moonstones and gleaming black jadeite are set into polished platinum bases to recreate in miniature a piano keyboard, three times over. Stamped into the metal, on the back of each piece, is the same 'W S' symbol, as well as the initials 'TF.' Apparently the order was a custom piece. Particularly minute inspection will also find the 'PT 999' mark that signifies its pure platinum content.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo stares at the cufflinks and tie clip with wide eyes. The detail was amazing, the pieces exquisite and detailed. Blinking back more tears, he wipes his eyes on his sleeve then hugs Clarice again.

"They're beautiful Clare, thank you," he whispers, then steps back. "The song..."

Now he let's it finish playing so she can hear the whole thing, then he says, "I didn't get to finish the words, I ran out of time recording the instruments. The violin and cello are tricky instruments, but after a little practice I was able to get them recorded." He fidgets a little now. "I'll get the words finished and record the singing, then add it all together when I can, maybe my christmas." He teases.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm glad you liked them. I hoped you would." She was pretty sure he would - but it was always nice to have it confirmed. Clarice leans into the hug. Even with everything going on - this moment was perfect, and she'd trade it for nothing. "You played all the instruments?" she asks then, sounding curious, and a bit confused. "I thought maybe some of your classmates helped you with it. How many instruments do you play?" It's not just the piano?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo sits himself in Clarice's lap to continue the hug and not be hovering over her.

"Uh..." He mutters. "Piano, violin, cello, flute, drums, guitar... I pick up an instrument, get the basics from someone and can just, hear the music and play it. I'm not an expert at them, not without practice, but it seems I can hear the music no matter what."

Stepping back again, he takes out the tie clip to look over, noting now the marking on the back. "These really are amazing Clare, I'm going to wear suits to school just so I can use them."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice returns the hug tightly, but releases him when he goes back to admiring the craftsmanship that went into the little jewelry pieces. "You'll be the best dressed student on campus," she remarks with some amusement. "Though you don't need to wear a full suit for the tie clip - you could just do a dress shirt with a tie," she suggests.
    "I might have splurged a little this year," she admits in a wry tone. "But it was worth it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo turns the tie clip around for Clarice to see it, a grin spreading across his face. "Come on Clare, this amazing accessory demands a three piece suit, silk shirt and silk tie, and the cufflinks, why they go on casual light wool only. Surely you realize that."

He's still teasing of course, he'd ear it on a tshirt if he could, but he can already see in his head the suit that they need to go on. He walks over to his desk now and opens the drawer, from it he removes a small pastry box and walks back over to Clarice and offers it to her.

"I had Eddie make this for you," he says.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh, obviously. I'll leave how to wear them to your far superior fashion expertise," Clarice replies in amusement. Then she adds teasingly, "I'll already have an idea for another set in my mind, you know." Though she's not sure she'll go the custom order route the second time - assuming she find something she's satisfied with.
    She accepts the pastry box - giving it a sniff before she opens it. "I didn't think to order any sweets," she admits.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo shrugs, "That's okay, I already ate the other one from that box." And then he grins, and opens the box to the more over the top cupcake. Large like a muffin, the cupcake is red velvet and the frosting is sweet cream cheese, but it's the pattern of magenta flowers over the top of the cupcake that is over the top. Hundreds of tiny little magenta colored frosting flowers, mounded up together, with a white C on the top.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - if Eddie made it, it's going to be delish. I don't usually picture him going to all this trouble to make somehting pretty." She admires it for a moment, before sticking her finger in the frosting, and licking it off. Mmmm.
    "Isn't this normally where we put candles in and sing a song, and make a wish?" she asks with amusement.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo pulls out a single candle from his pocket and stabs it in the cupcake, then a lighter to light it.

"I'm not singing," he says, then pulls out his phone and cues up the birthday song sung by some acapella group. "I plan ahead."

When the song ends, he indicates the candle, "Now you make a wish and you blow it out." This kid plans for everything.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Shouldn't we both blow? Since we both have birthdays?" Clarice suggests, nudging her brother with her foot. It doesn't take her long to think of a wish, as she waits for her brother to either agree - or complete rebuff her suggestion of blowing the candle out goether.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo smirks, "That one is for you, but if you insist."

Leaning down he kisses her cheek again, then counts down, three, two, one and lets her blow it out anyway, but he does fake that he's blowing really well.

"I haven't anything to wish for really, Clare. I have it all. Best sister, best brother, and a unit of killer mutants," clearly the last part is a tease, so he nudges her. "They are doing really well Clare, stop worrying so much."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Then what have I got to wish for?" Clarice counters, giving Theo a smile, before her expression slowly grows more seriously. "I know they'll be alright. We'll help them, because- well, because we're all completely stubborn, and we won't have it any other way. That's not why I..."
    She doesn't finish the thought, instead she dips her finger into the frosting for a second time, licking it clear as she remarks, "The frosting it really good - I'll have to remember to thank Eddie."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pulling his chair over to sit down beside her, Theo grins a little. He wants to know what she was about to say, but he'll wait to ask. Instead he says, "You know Clare, you don't have to hide yourself from me. You always try, always keeping on a mask of who you think you should be, and behind that mask is the real you."

Tapping the icing with his finger, he then taps the end of her nose. "Red velvet cupcake, it's what dad used to have for his birthday every year."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice glances away for a moment, a flash of both guilt, and pain showing on her features for a moment. Theo isn't wrong, and she knows it.
    Theo's comment about their father, though, has her gaze returning to him. "Is it?" she asks quietly. She's hungry for all of these little tidbits - whenever they pop up. All the little things that you take for granted, that are sometimes so hard to think of when you're asked 'what was it like growing up with them? What were they like?' She wipes her nose clean with the back of her hand, before finally picking up the cupcake for a small bite.
    As she savors the bite, the fingers of her right hand start fiddling with the green, tigers eye bracelet she still wears on her left.
    "Staring my past in the face is painful," she finally admits in a quiet voice, her gaze directed down, and to her left. "Being face to face with what I was like... back then. I've never really been able to see it from the outside, with a clear head." It was confronting. "And knowing that you're seeing it too, it's- ...I don't know."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo lays a hand on her shoulder offering a soft smile.

"Who you are now, isn't who you were then," he begins softly. "I know you faced the same thing they're facing right now, that Mr. Creed was there to help you through what we are helping them though. I also know you want to protect me from that truth, all the truths, and yourself, but you can't do that and be my sister. You have to let me in."

He looks back to the cupcake. "Every birthday, he'd make them himself because there wasn't a bakery that did it right. Twelve cupcakes, and hand made frosting, not as pretty as that mind you, but I think Eddie wants to get his pastry chef on. Dad loved sweets, too much, so he limited them to special occasions."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't know what I would have done without Mister Creed - who I would have become," Clarice admits in a quiet voice. "I wasn't a person then. Not really. You see what they're like." She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before she adds, "I did terrible things back then. I know it wasn't my fault, and I know it wasn't a sign of weakness, but I still- I don't like the people close to me seeing it. I don't like seeing it. I want to help them, but- everytime I see them, I just want to run away." The urge is almost overwhelming.
    "What other sweets did he like?" she asks without looking up. "Or was it just the cupcakes, and the conkies?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo sighs softly with a slight shake of his head. "What you don't seem to get Clare, is that the people close to you /should/ see it. They should know what you went through and the amount of sheer fucking will power and determination it took to get past it. Sure, Mr. Creed helped, but /you/ had to be the strong one and fight through it and emerge on the other side a winner, the victor, who you are now."

He sits back in his chair, "Dad liked lemon meringue pie, and he liked blackberry pies. He liked red velvet and carrot cake. All cookies, except Oreos, he hated those. He loved ice cream, but preferred to make his own over buying it from the store," he pauses. "Do you want to know what he made on your birthday every year?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It just feels very private," Clarice explains, her gaze still directed down, and to the side. "It feels like... Like being naked," she admits. "Exposed."
    It's as Theo mentions her birthday that she finally looks up again - surprise and curiosity showing through her pain and discomfort. "He made something?" she asks. "...for me?" When she wasn't even there? When they thought she was dead?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
He nods with a smile. "Every year, as the other kids were running around dressed on costumes to trick or treat, I helped dad make tamarind balls," he explains. "My job consisted of listening to him talk about how the first time he snuck you one, at the sake of 18 months old, you seemed to love it so much you followed him around wanting more. Heard it every year."

A bottle of water appears in his hand, which he twists open and takes a sip, then offers Clarice the bottle. "Once they were made, we each ate two but only two, one was wrapped in bright green and purple paper and taken to..." he clears his throat a little. "... your grave. The rest, went to the neighborhood kids."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice listens to the little story with rapt attention. Theo was the keeper of their family history - and she was hungry for every tidbit he could offer. The water is sipped when it's handed to her, but it's clear that's far less important to her than this revelation about tamarind balls. "We should make some," she suggests. "We could use Lydia's kitchen - in her apartment. No need to bother Eddoe."
    She's silent for a half beat before adding, "It must have been hard growing up - practically sharing your birthday with me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"Nah," Theo offers. "I had my day on the thirtieth, every year. What it ruined was Halloween," he teases, looking over at her. "Honestly none of is was hard really, for me. It was hard watching mom and dad go through the pain every year, but they only let it linger that one day of the year. I told you before, I didn't live in your shadow, and I didn't. They tried really hard to make sure that they loved you and that they loved me, and the two didn't clash or over shadow each other."

Taking another sip of the water he adds, "Eddie has three kitchens in this place, did you know that? The main kitchen where all the buffet food is made. The secondary kitchen where special orders are made and the third kitchen for private use, you just sign in for when you want to use it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's good." For just a moment, pain and longing flickers over Clarice's features, as she can't help but feel all over again how much she wishes she could have met them. "I mean - they did everything they could to keep you safe. They must have loved you so much..."
    She lets that drop, though, as she adds, "I never realized. I mean- I've never cooked, so... I would like to make them. And you know how, since you made them every year?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo nods, "Oh yeah, burned into my brain permanently Clare, as in I could dream the steps and still make them perfect." He grins and nudges her again. "We can make some tomorrow if you want. I'll make a list of what we need, then we can pop around to get the parts from all over and make them. I'd say let's take one to your grave but A) that's morbid now, and B) it's not there any more."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice returns the nudge, but her tone is serious as she replies. "Well... We need to take one to mom and dad. They made them for me all those years..." They should return the gesture, shouldn't they? "Then we could share the rest, with the rest of our family," she suggests. "But... yeah. I'd like to make some with you, tomorrow. I feel a little bad that- well, I'm not sure if I even really remember the tamarind balls. Maybe it'll all come back to me when I eat one."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo slips his arm around Clarice's shoulder with a smile, "You'll remember once you have one. The tamarind fruit is difficult not to remember, so it'll punch you in the face with the memory and the feels."

Laying his head on her shoulder now he says, "I think they'd like that. Green and purple paper, little white ribbon to tie it. I can remember exactly how he wrapped it."