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Late Night Tea with the Wolverine
Date of Scene: 08 November 2021
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Laxmi and Logan meet in the evening - and awkward conversation leads to a glimmer of hope for the future.
Cast of Characters: Laxmi Mallick, Logan Howlett

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    The conversation with Dashenka hadn't gone much further - but it hadn't really needed to. The large, stoic Russian girl had excused herself shortly after, leaving Laxmi to finish her small bowl of ice cream and after cleaning up - she emerges from the kitchen to find Logan lurking there, bringing her up to an abrupt halt, and causing her skirt to swish around her ankles, the sequins and beads catching in the light. "Logan..." she remarks in surprise. "I- uh... I hadn't expected to see you... here," she remarks - color darkening her cheeks as she clasps her hands together in front of herself.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had heard people talking in the kitchen, but did not want to interrupt, so he was leaning against the wall just outside the kitchen. He'd just been patrolling like he did every night, and saw no sense in getting involved in a larger conversation, then when he had though about joining, the conversation turned in a direction he really felt he did not need to interrupt.

As Laxmi stepped out however, the sparkle and elegance of her attire immediately grabbed his attention, eyes looking the outfit over from head to toe. It was beautiful, just as she was.

"Would it have been better is I was," he moves a few steps back and leans against the wall again. "here?" He doesn't fully understand what she was embarrassed about, he's often all over the place.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "No, I- either's fine, I just..." How could she even begin to explain her embarrassment? She reaches up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, offering instead, "We had a fundraiser for the Holiday Hope record this evening. It's been a long evening. I suppose, it just slipped my mind - your evening patrols. I, uhh... Were you looking for some coffee?" she asks - gesturing back towards the kitchen.

Logan Howlett has posed:
A smile touches Logan's lips but he shrugs slightly. "Just came across the kitchen at this point in the patrol," he offers, then adds. "You look very lovely Laxmi, I hope you enjoyed yourself."

He wanted to say more, but for now he left it there. "You were headed to your room?" He then realizes something and takes another step back. "We need to change location if we're going to talk, I know your customs, don't want you to get in trouble."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It was a good evening," Laxmi admits. "I'd never been part of something quiet like it, and honestly I hope it happens again next year." She smiles at Logan, though as he brings her customs up once more, her discomfort begins to returns. She glances down the hall, then looks back to him before finally deciding, "It's fine. It's not like my family has any way of knowing what goes on here at the school, anyways. And besides - I'd say this still qualifies as a 'public' location, at the very least." Given how many people were in the kitchen together not long ago? It goes to show anyone could come by at any time.

Logan Howlett has posed:
One brow lifts but Logan accepts, it's her customs he just tries to keep to them, tries very hard, even if he doesn't want to.

"I heard what you said," he admits from his new place. "About convincing your family to change, or accept change. I didn't mean to listen in, but... I have good ears."

Offering a smile he continues with, "It's not an easy thing, but if I can help in some way, let me know."

He gestures back toward the kitchen, "I'm going to get some coffee, if you'd like to join, I'll put some water on for tea... you can go change if you'd like, then join me."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "No need to change," Laxmi answers quietly. "It's fun being a bit dressed up." A bit? She follows him back into the kitchen, though she does maintain about an arm's length distance still.
    "You heard //all// of it?" she asks quietly - stopping by the center island in the kitchen, with her hands resting on the counter. She hesitates a moment before asking, "Why... would you want to help convince my family?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan keeps that distance, and once in the kitchen maintain is to go around her to the empty coffee pot. Collecting the needed items from the cabinet, he goes about the process of making coffee, and while he's at it puts a pot of water on to start heating. Somewhere in the middle of all this he pauses however and stares at the cabinet, rather than her, and had to find the right words. So as he gets back to making coffee, he takes that time to find them.

"Do you want the blunt answer, or should I pad it a little for you?" He finally asks, then turns around to lean against the counter and wait for the coffee to brew.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi's silent only for a few moments before she decides, "Blunt, please, Logan." Her hands, folded over the counter, do begin to grip together, as she watches him move around the kitchen, preparing the drinks. "Thank you for the tea, by the way," she adds politely.

Logan Howlett has posed:
A single nod is offered to her request, so Logan is blunt.

"You are mostly happy with your life the way it is, but you long for something more. You want to be part of the American culture and yet maintain your own culture for your parents." He pauses there, wondering if he was too blunt, but it didn't matter, he was going to finish. "I want to help because I want you to be happy, and I wouldn't mind the opportunity to prove I'm more than I seem, to you and your parents."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I already believe you're more than you seem, Logan," Laxmi answers in a quiet voice, her gaze dropping towards her hands. "I'm not unhappy, you know. I do like it here at Xavier's - and I have things significantly better than so many other women in this world. Even if it's still not ideal." She shakes her head slightly before she adds, "I guess... part of me never really looked at things - not really - until I had to try to explain them for Dashenka. There is no reasonable way to explain it all - is there?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan turns to collect the tea pot from the cabinet and set it by the stove, then collects the three types of loose tea that are presently there and shows them to her to pick which one she wants.

"The only reasonable way is exactly how you did it," he offers, a little more softly. "It is a cultural thing, but you won't find many who understand or can accept it. I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. I don't like it, but I can accept it."

Turning back now to collect the hot water, he adds it to the pot and checks the temperature. He doesn't want to burn the loose leave tea, so the temp has to be right.

"I know you are happy at the school," he finally says, and offers her a smile. "For the most part, but there are still things you want to do that you stop yourself from doing because of that cultural noose hanging over your head."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi indicates the chai - she grew up on it, and she really does prefer it, listening in silence as the man speaks. "Well. I wouldn't use the word 'noose' but - yes. It does stop me from some things that I..." She lets out a heavy sigh. "I do love my family, and I know they do honestly want the best for me. I just- it would feel dishonest of me, to start flagrantly ignoring the traditions I was taught, just because I know they have no way of seeing it. It would be disrespectful."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Collecting the basket for the tea leaves, Logan measures it out then slowly lowers it into the hot water so it can start steeping.

"Of course your family loves you, you're an amazing and beautiful woman," he comments without thinking, just let's it fly right out there and then realizes he said it, so quickly adds, "And you're their daughter, they want what's best for you even if it's from a culture that most can't and won't understand." Good save... not.

Collecting a cup for the tea from the cupboard, he also grabs a coffee mug at the same time. Trying to make it all seem casual and relaxed, even as he is mentally kicking himself. Some things you just don't say, he knew that, but he let himself get too comfortable with her and said it.

"So it takes you back to convincing them, if that's where you truly want to go, other wise you continue as you are and continue to keep explaining a culture to people who likely will never understand or accept it."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi's gaze flicks towards Logan at the compliment, then back towards her hands once more. "They worry that I'll 'ruin' myself, and that no one will want me if I do," she remarks in a quiet voice. "It's all they know, and they don't really understand the culture in the United States - and I'm honestly not sure how I'll help them to understand it. I grew up here - they didn't."
    She offers him a small, wry smile. "I don't suppose you have any ideas?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Honey, sugar and cream are set out by the tea pot as Logan listens. He had no real working ideas, just the one that had played through his head a few times, late at night, while patrolling.

"Your parents never learned anything about American culture?" He asks as he pours the tea into the cup, then offers it with the condiments on a tray by sliding it down the counter to her, without approaching her.

"Alright, so that means this needs to be approached from the angle that even an American, or Canadian," he adds that part for himself of course. "Can accept their culture, in return for some acceptance of the other's culture."

Pouring himself a cup of coffee next, he adds nothing to it and turns around to lean back against the counter. "Or they need to be shown that not everything in the cultures outside their own is... bad."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I don't think it's fair to say they never learned //anything,//" Laxmi answers. "But when it comes to matters of morality, and decorum - they don't have the most complimentary things to say about American standards about such matters." She starts adding cream, and a little sugar to her tea - though there's a noticeable pause as she's adding the first scoop of sugar.
    "Can you accept their culture?" she asks quietly, looking up towards him. That was what he was implying, wasn't it? "You want to approach my parents?" she wasn't misunderstanding him, was she? "But I thought that you felt... that it wouldn't be safe."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Yep, he said too much, no backing away from it now.

Logan offers a smile and a very slight, almost sheepish shrug. "I understand your culture far better than most," he explains first. "There are similarities with it to the Japanese culture, which I know quite well and openly accept."

Getting into the freezer he grabs one ice cube to add to his coffee, not that he needed it but he needed that moment to think. Burned mouth would heal instantly after all, but no sense in burning when there was ice right there.

"It likely wouldn't be safe," he finally says as he turns back. "That's what my brain screams every time I think about it, and I have thought about it... a lot. The truth is, I think it's all in my head, linked to the past, and I cling to it out of fear not out of necessity. So yes, I can accept their culture and yes, I've considered approaching your parents."

With the full admission out there, he takes a sip of this coffee, burns his mouth anyway, it heals and then he adds, "But I never would, not without talking to you first and well... I doubt seriously you'd... I mean... shit."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    For a few moments, a broad, dazzling smile crosses her features as she watches the man floundering uneasily, before her expression settles into more relaxed lines. "I like you, Logan," she answers simply, but softly. "But I'd just assumed... between my culture, and my family's attitudes, and your own concerns and discomfort, that there was no real point to... Well. To expecting or hoping for anything." That said, she finally picks up her tea, taking a small, cautious sip.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan clears his throat a little, trying to recover from his moment of stupidity, but the half smirk, half smile that lands on his face indicates he doesn't really care about the fluster.

"Your culture was never an issue with me," he says first, taking another sip of the coffee, still forgetting it's hot. No matter, heal and continue. "Your families attitude may be an issue, but that wouldn't stop me unless you said it stopped me."

Now he takes a moment, choosing words carefully so they made sense since in his own head, they don't. "My discomfort... its not really that at all, because I like you, a great deal. What makes me pause is... my own fears." He sighs a little, because this still doesn't make sense in his own head. "So many have been hurt cause of me, so I keep myself away from people, acting like that's how I want to be, but truth is, I don't like being alone. I like people, some people... there are some I don't like obviously, but... hell, this isn't sounding at all right."

Reaching up he runs his fingers through his hair, then for a moment looks toward the wall to get his head straight. "I don't want you to get hurt and have it be my fault, but I don't know if that's even a risk any more because I don't remember most of what happened in the past. Does that make sense?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "That's what I meant by discomfort, Logan," Laxmi replies readily - but gently, with an encouraging smile. "It simply seemed like a more politic way of putting it." Some don't respond well to being accused of being //afraid//. "And it makes perfectly sense. I do understand why you feel so uncomfortable. As I said, it's part of why it didn't feel appropriate to push for anything beyond a friendship. If it helps, though... I'm not afraid."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan studies her for the longest time in silence, perhaps he was letting his nose read for any changes in her or perhaps he was just thinking. He never once had thought she had interest in him, but he thought that about pretty much everyone. One nighters, a trist here and there, certainly but actual intersest... nope. So how to handle the many different angles of what his brain was saying, that's where he found himself now.

Taking another sip of the coffee, almost rolling his eyes at the stupidity, he sets the cup down. One more burn that heals later...

"If anyone else around here called me afraid, I'd call em a bloody liar," he admits with a smile. "Which as you know, would be a lie as well... but you saying I'm afraid, that's just what I needed to hear actually. The only thing to fear is fear itself, and if you aren't afraid, I won't let the fear control me. So where does that leave us? Should I plan a trip to your father to talk?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    The entire conversation had been leading towards that question - but when it actually comes, Laxmi feels both flustered, and a decided swell of pleasure. She picks up her cup for another small sip, the cream having helped to cool the drink considerably. "If you wanted to... I wouldn't protest," she admits. "I'm honestly not entirely sure how he'll respond, though. I know my mother's been working to find me a nice Hindi boy, but..." She doesn't want to be anyone's property. It's a bit of a stumbling block, that.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods, folding his arms across his chest since he can't sip coffee yet. He knows the question had been loaming, and wondered how when it finally came to light, she would handle it. The flustered was expected, the other not so much.

"Of course they would prefer a Hindi boy," he says in Hindi. There is an accent, but it's not too bad all things considered. He continues in Hindi, mostly so she knows he's fluent. "And your father may say no flat out upon looking at me, but that doesn't mean I won't show him the proper respect, give the correct gifts, and make the appropriate offerings. If he says no, then it goes back to being your choice what happens next, if anything."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Surprise registers on Laxmi's features as he begins to speak - her tea, which had been lifted towards her lips, slowly lowering back to the counter's surface without a sip having been taken. She, too, begins to speak in Hindi, "I hadn't realized..." she says quietly. "Are there many others at the school that speak it?" she asks. "I..." She actually allows herself to feel a flush of home before she remarks, "Maybe he won't be too terribly opposed, after all." She really would prefer not to go against her parent's wishes. To show that much disobedience... "You know about our faith - you don't believe in it, though. Do you?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grabs another ice cube to drop in his coffee, then stirs it around in an attempt to cool it off.

He continues to speak in Hindi, a little practice never hurts. "I don't think there are any others here who speak it," he offers, thinking for a moment. "Nope, can't think of anyone else who does."

Now he takes a sip of the coffee and it's perfect, so he takes a second. "I know a bit about your faith, not all of it by any means, but no, I don't truly believe. I've taken the time to learn about a great many faiths and beliefs in my years, seeking answers to questions, but have yet to find one that explains the existence of human kind better than science does. That however doesn't mean I dislike or disrespect any faith, that's not my place."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi nods her understanding. Of course, it would be even easier if he believed - but as the Hindi faith teaches, there are many paths to Moksha, and if he doesn't have a belief system of his own - at least he won't be trying to convert her away from her family's faith. "I see," she remarks, finally taking another sip of her tea. "Well. I honestly can't be sure how my father'll respond, but I hope..." She doesn't really need to finish the sentiment. They both know how she //hopes// he'll respond.
    With a small hint of mischief in her voice she adds, "We have our own secret language, then."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan actually laughs, not loud but a full on deep laugh and winks at her.

"It would seem we do," he offers playfully, still keeping himself across the room from her. One step at a time, which means his next step was the correct gifts for her family, mainly her father, and his clothing. He knew how to clean himself up, he's even trim back the side burns.

"Doesn't mean I'll be making inappropriate comments... yet," another wink. "But at least you know you can talk more freely, and openly, without others hearing."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - I'd just assumed no one at all understood it. Honestly, it's nice to know that someone does," Laxmi replies with a wry, amused smile. She takes another sip of her tea, her gaze resting on Logan as he continues to sip his coffee. "I'm not keeping you from patrol, am I? I know how seriously you take everyone's safety."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shakes his head slowly, before continuing in Hindi. He needs the practice, seriously, there are a few words that he has to pause and remember.

"Technically, this is a break time, then I head out to the east side to check the forest and wrap back to the school." Another sip of the coffee is taken, since the temperature is exactly right. "Jubilation isn't always at the school at night any more, some nights she's in New York, so some nights aren't as stressful as others."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi nods her head at this explination - though there's a faint frown and pulls at her lips at this news. "And we're sure she's not doing any harm while she's in New York? I mean - obviously protecting the students here is our highest priority, but she's also our responsibility, and if she's doing any harm in New York..." She wouldn't be hunting in the city, though. ...would she?
    "We do know how she's getitng her sustenance... don't we?" She hasn't been terribly involved in the girl's care and 'treatment' - but perhaps that's an oversight.

Logan Howlett has posed:
A frown spreads across Logan's face for a moment, but he lets it disappear just as quickly as it appeared.

"All I know is that she's going some place with people that are helping her," he explains. "People who know more about her condition than we do. I doubt she's hunting at all, she refuses human blood... which leads to a whole new level of problems, but some how they are helping her because she hasn't lost control of herself."

He studies his hands for a moment, thinking about what hasn't happened with Jubilee and nods a little, "I would say that what ever it is these people are doing, they are helping. So perhaps a little less worry is required."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi nods, and her posture relaxes considerably. "Good. Is there anyone at the school in contact with these people? Or- well. She is 18, isn't she? I suppose she has a right to her own privacy..." But perhaps she'd be willing to waive it?
    "I'll admit, haven't told anyone in my family about that situation. I doubt they'd take it well, if they knew." Her parents could be so superstitious...

Logan Howlett has posed:
At this admission from Laxmi, Logan nods a few times, "That would be bad. From what I recall you saying about your parents, I don't think your parents would understand even a little. The presence of a vampire in your life," he actually twitches a little, thinking about her culture, her parents and that statement. "... best you don't mention it I think."

He pauses there, remembering something from earlier, "Also, I didn't mean to imply that your parents knew nothing about American culture, only that perhaps there were still a lot of things they didn't know."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I don't intend to," Laxmi confirms. Instead, she was subtly making sure that Logan wouldn't inadvertantly bring it up - since they were on the topic, anyways.
    "There are a //lot// of things they don't know," she agrees. "Or that they misunderstand, and misjudge. They aren't against their biases," she explains with a wry smile. "I wish it weren't so, but..." She shrugs helplessly, before taking another sip.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan hmms quietly, taking another sip of his coffee, "It sounds to me like you may need to prep me with what is safe and what isn't. I don't want to say something that will get you in trouble with them, and let's face it, I likely would if I don't know what they don't know about."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well. As long as you paint me as the perfect picture of demure Hindi purity..." Laxmi remarks in a teasing tone. "Though they already know about how I parade myself on stage, and display my mutant gifts. They admittedly protest to me displaying my mutant gifts publicly, more than than the fact that I perform at all. They think I'm making my life more difficult by not hiding who I am," she explains. "But they agreed it was my choice." She'd had to fight for it, though.
    "They aren't completely unreasonable, though. They can be convinced."

Logan Howlett has posed:
This makes Logan hmmm again softly.

"I won't lie to em," he then says. "So if they ask if I'm a mutant, I'll tell the truth... though that likely will end the deal right there, won't it." He sighs, running hand through his hair again. He didn't want to fuck this up, though he was pretty sure her father would throw his out after accepting gifts and the right words offered, the answer would be no, piss off, in a nicer way of course.

"Unless you think I should lie," he then adds. "I don't really want to, but... you know as well as I do, that information would likely put an end to the idea all together."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi shakes her head. "They're not opposed to mutants, Logan," she clarifies. "I'm a mutant, and they love me - and they know I've chosen to be a part of the mutant community, and doing what I can for mutant rights and equality. The only wanted me to keep it secret for my own sake." She smiles a bit sadly as she adds, "It might have been an issue if I'd shown interest in someone like Kurt, or Hank..." Someone with obvious, and undisguisable mutation. "But I don't think it would be a deal breaker - and I'd never ask you to lie, or say anything you're uncomfortable with. That's- it wouldn't be a good foundation, anyways."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan actually looks relieved to hear that. He doesn't lie well, he knows it. He can fake it, avoid answers, look the other way, but lying was next to impossible for the man.

"Lies are like a disease, once you tell it, it start to fester and spread. I prefer the truth, even if the truth hurts or isn't what someone wants to hear," he admits with a half smile. "So I'm glad you said that, cause... I wouldn't have lied either way."

Wooo, she passed a small test he didn't even mean to put out there. "If they ask my age however..." now he looks to her and there is a serious expression on his face. "That's personal, and I'm not decided on if that should be a truth or not, so I'd like your opinion on it. HOw do you think your parents would handle a mutant who's a hundred and forty years old?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    That... she hadn't even begun to consider, and it shows in the way she blinks in surprise as the question is asked. "I- ...that probably would be an issue," she admits. "I don't think father would like it - at all. But I can't imagine he'd actually directly //ask// your age. He's simply assume it from your appearance. The fact that you're a mutant will almost certainly come up - since he'll ask where we met."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chortles a little over her reaction to the question, but her answer is about what he expected.

"I got no idea what age I look," he says with a smile. "But the more I think on it, the more I realize that not many people know my real age. I've forgotten more than some people know, which doesn't make it any easier, but I think..." he pauses here, to make sure of what he thinks.

Finally reaching over he adds a touch of cream. He realized too late that he made military grade coffee, and no one wants that, too strong. "I think it better to keep that full age to ourselves, not because I want to lie to your parents or hide it from them, but beause... it really is something very personal."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - I can guarantee they won't hear it from me," Laxmi answers with a wry smile. "And - genuinely, I'm glad we're on the same page when it comes to honesty. I've never been one to lie to or mislead my parents." As, doubtlessly, she's shown through her unwillingness to stay from her upbringing.
    "You don't remember much, if anything, about your own childhood, do you?" she asks with some sympathy and concern.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods about being in agreement, before he finally carries his coffee over to sit at the table. He'll be walking the rest of the night, so time to take a load off and relax.

As he sits down, the question hits him and for a moment he sits there motionless. "I remember... bits and pieces," he offers quietly. "Things here and there, like fleeting thoughts. I know I was sick a lot as a kid, spent a lot of time inside because of it. I..." he pauses, a slight tilts to his head. "I remember that the man I thought was my father wasn't really my father, but... I don't remember who actually was my father, or how I learned it."

Looking her way, he offers a smile, "It's alright that I don't remember Laxmi," he then offers. "It wasn't a good childhood really, from the parts I can remember. I loved my mother, I remember that much, and that's enough."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Every child needs love," Laxmi replies, giving him a warm smile. "It's good, at least, that you're certain of that much. And I suppose it's always healthier to look towards the future, and build the future that you'd like - instead of looking back at a past that can never be changed." She takes another sip of her slowly dwindling tea, looking towards Logan as she stays leaning against the counter. There's a part of her - a large part of her - that longs to join him. But if he's going to be talking to her father anyways, why not keep things as they are for now? So he can present things in the best light, and stay completely honest when he does? She lets out the faintest of sighs as she comes to this conclusion.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Finishing off the coffee, Logan sets the cup on the table.

"I think my not-father cared, but me being sick made it hard for him," he offers. "I don't really think about it that much. There are so many holes in my memory, including complete years of my life just not there any more. Sometimes I'll remember something and have to figure out where it's from, and sometimes I never know, it's just a random memory."

He chuckles a little at that, clearly just accepting that that is how it was for him. "Honestly, never much thought toward the future either, not until recently. I spent a long time in a haze of 'don't give a fuck'. Charles changed that."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Adults need hope for a future - every bit as much as children need love," Laxmi replies, some concern leaking back into her voice. "I'm glad if Charles helped you find that again. I mean - I know there's something to be said for living in the moment, to being truly present. But I think that can be taken too far, as well."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan turns his head now to look at her again, something he had been doing in fleeting glances because she looked so damned lovely and it distracted the brain, the correct brain.

"Charles did help," he confirms. "For the first time in, I don't remember," this makes him chuckle again. "I actually think about having a future and what I could do, not what I should do or have to do. I look past this moment to tomorrow, next week, next year and... brace yourself... I'm making plans."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    If she were to tell the truth - Laxmi was enjoying each of those little glances, and the way he has to look away again afterwards. Rather than commenting on it, though, she takes a sip from her tea, shifting on her feet so the sequins flash in the light.
    "Making plans? Utterly scandalous," she replies with some amusement. "It's definitely a good thing, though. I've been making my own plans, of course. I'm hopeful that this album might be good exposure for me and the band. I mean - I'm glad to help the charities, of course..." But it seems agreeing to help with the album wasn't a //completely// altruistic decision.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan looks back to his coffee cup, empty though it was, and decides on a second cup. Standing he takes another one of those fleeting glances to watch the sparkles of her outfit, that doesn't stay fleeting and walks himself into the fridge. Subtly was normally he managed to be an expert at, not to night it would seem.

Completely ingoring what he'd walks into the fridge, he takes a step to the side and pours more coffee. "I've been meaning to ask you about that," he comments, still pretending nothing happened. "What is it exactly that keeps you from making an album?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    One of Laxmi's hands goes to her face to cover her lips as she lets out a quiet laugh, mirth sparkling in her eyes. She definitely seems to enjoy the affect she has over him, even if she continues to refrain from commenting on it directly.
    "Well - we've released a self-published album," Laxmi answers. "But... we haven't been able to convince any of the labels to pick us up yet. Honestly, I think it's the combination of a mutant, metal band, lead by a female with dark skin..." She shakes her head. "No one wants to take the risk."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan snorts, adding cream to the coffee this time, and even a little sugar.

"Let me go talk to em," he then comments. "Moronic chauvinistic assholes don't get to stay in control like that, unless they learn their lesson. I mean Halestorm is out there, making music, female lead, heavy metal and rock. Double standards shouldn't be tolerated."

And then he reigns it in and glances to her with a hint of sheepishness to his grin, "Or not, but I could ask around, see about getting you a better recording studio offer."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I think the problem is - if I were //just// a female, or if I were //just// dark skinned, or //just// a mutant - we'd have more of a chance. But when you add them all together... No one seems to have any faith in out chances," Laxmi explains with a tone of regret in her voice. "But maybe if we can generate enough buzz after the charity album. If enough people enjoy the song..." She lets out a sigh. "We'll have to wait and see."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan walks back over to sit down at the table. "None of those things should matter," he states rather firmly. "Ever hear of Baby Metal out of Japan? We'll get that record contract for you, one way or another."

He chances another look, not that he can't walk himself into a fridge. "It's getting late though, you should get some sleep and I should get back to my patrol and planning how to speak to your father."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I'll admit - I haven't paid much attention to music from Japan," Laxmi remarks with a thoughtful tone. "I'll look it up, though. And unfortunately, Logan - to record labels, that stuff matters. //All// of that stuff matters."
    He's right about the hour, though. It's been a long, fun night - and she's starting to feel a little tired despite the tea. "Well, like I said - I wouldn't dream of interrupting your patrol." She takes her cup to the sink to wash it, and her hands. After she's put it away, she stops near Logan, just within reach. There's a moment's silence, before she lets out a quiet sigh. "Goodnight, Logan. I hope the patrol goes well." She then continues out the door of the kitchen.