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Latest revision as of 00:18, 12 November 2021

Wednesday Night Meeting
Date of Scene: 10 November 2021
Location: Swordfish Bar
Synopsis: A happy moment for two.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Peggy Carter

Jane Foster has posed:
Oatmeal stout: it's what's on tap. Probably thanks to someone pulling strings, an upstate brewery's best option now languishes in Jane's glass. The heady foam gives a warm shine to something that smells better than it tastes, and that's simply because the dark brew boasts delicious aromas fit to make her smile despite herself. A faint caramel and maple lick beckons her to take another sip, a bit too fast. It's the lovely sort of evening to lounge in, misty and wet, where spies would gather in West Berlin and Vienna. In New York, it means being cold, but the bar is warm and surrounded by friendly coworkers who all belong to the big bird agency.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A little bird got back to Peggy that Jane was here, and meaning to catch up with her colleague (and now friend), Peggy bowed out of the office and double timed it across the street to her old office. Which was now a bar. She still couldn't really believe that. Stepping inside, still in her gray plaid suit from the day, she gives a flickering glance to the room and then a wider smile as she sees the scientist's familiar visage. High heels carry her quickly to Jane's side and she settles in, "Room for one more?" She asks with a smile.

Jane Foster has posed:
Dr. Foster by night tends to be where most astronomers are: out working. Not so today, though the misty state of celestial affairs hardly stops her from peering into the sky. Instrumentation digging into the ancient history of the Big Bang or the expanding universe hardly does its work in an hour or even a week, giving her freedom to lounge around and socialize. The fact Peggy Carter's almost famed office serves as a local watering hole is never unamusing, least of all when the woman herself shows up.

Jane is trying and failing not to sip the stout, on her way to a second sooner than she might like. Looking over the rim at Peggy when certain timbres of murmurs or conversations change, she follows the source and then breaks into a smile. "Plenty. Besides, if there wasn't, we could make it." Jessica Drew's taught her to be scrappy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A husky chuckle escapes Peggy's throat and she nods in thanks, slipping up into the high chair at the table, right across from Jane. "Well then, glad I came over when I heard you deigned to bless us with your presence and *not* be working." Peggy eyes that beer a moment, almost hungrily, but when the server stops by rather promptly (She is the Chief, after all), she gives him a warm smile, "Just a pot of tea, if you would. Thank you." And sends the young man on his way.

Jane Foster has posed:
The square table somehow manages not to be wobbly, probably due to R&D or an irritated party in the past levelling out the base. A good thing, since Jane leans lightly against the edge. "Blessed here? I wonder if you mean to substitute your own name in there," she asides to Peggy and watches through a loose wave of her dark cocoa hair. The loose waves make a curtain down one side of her face, the rest pulled back. "Remind me to send over the cocoa caramel amaretti tea I found last time we went to Burlington. Something truly sublime in that, you'd never think it was an herbal." The smile comes easy to her these days, though listening is just as comfortable. "Not working, free to lounge? This must be our blue moon. Tell me what six projects want to get in the way, I'll protest. Loudly."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"That sounds lovely. Especially if it's herbal. Something I can drink all day and night without someone giving me a look." Not that Peggy ever let someone stop her from drinking her gunpowder black tea all day and night, but perhaps there is some reason she shouldn't nowadays. It's no matter, she smiles to the server as he brings over a steaming pot of something decent and a mug for her to pour it in once things are done brewing. She then looks back up to Jane, arching two brows, "I was... going to eventually ask about the 084s, but... No other work. And we needn't yet. Even you get a night to mostly relax."

Jane Foster has posed:
"The caffeine levels are low. Jemma and I quite require all the tea we can get, and constantly favouring a black will keep us up all day or night." No doubt distinguishing who is who on that problem, since Jane up all night goes par for the course. Gunpowder black is better than lapsang souchong, and those very much are fighting positions otherwise. "Believe me, we live altogether too much in our tea tins. No contamination of samples due to loose leaf, though." Fitz and Simmons might be perishing at the concept they would ever allow such defilement of their lab. Ever. Her thumb circles the side of the beer and she sets it down, perhaps Peggy's example instilling a need to play the part. "Every night is a time to relax, believe it or not. I live by the mandate of balance where it can be found, and that includes a commitment to be present in the moment." The philosophical turn brings a smile. "No future projects. Past and present, fair game. Though you seem very content right now, I must say that suits you."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a certain relaxation that has come over Peggy now which she'd not held in many years. Jane isn't wrong about the word being contentment, even if she still held the weight of the organization on her shoulders. Being called out on it, however, gets a little laugh from her. She subconsciously twists her wedding ring around that left ring finger, as she waits for her tea to steep.

"Yes, well... We finally settled the matter of Daniel being able to remain in this time. A few weeks ago now, actually. And SHIELD is no longer in hiding. We're cleaning up the other messes -- in great thanks to you -- and recruiting again. I am Chief of an organization I love. Why shouldn't I be content?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Contentment could be familiarity, the purpose of an organization or the place. No longer hidden in effing Delaware, where nothing real ever happens, has to be worth something satisfying to the body and mind. "New York winter and traffic," she replies with a dry amusement threaded around her tone. "Anyone who braves being out there or a week of your responsibilities, even you, might be a bit stressed. I'm not privy to every geopolitical move. Hopefully no one tried to spark an international event in the past twelve hours." She's generous. Jane can afford to be so, still glowing a little on the buzz of the stout. Mm.

"Daniel will be anchored without an issue? Excellent. How did that manage to be achieved, if you feel privy to ask? That kind of accomplishment needs appreciation," she asides. "SHIELD coming back to its proper place takes the work of all hands. Everyone from Captain Rogers to Jameson in purchasing did that much. Recruiting /is/ exciting. I do hope we've found ideal candidates."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"... Depends on how you define 'ideal'. Probably not by the text book, but I think they bring something interest and needed to SHIELD. I suspect you've already met one -- a certain Jonathan Sims? He's... an interesting one. I knew his grandmother well. He needs a lot of polish but he'll do alright in the end." Peggy has carefully dodged the question of Daniel, finally pouring out a good dreg of her tea. Black and caffeinated, probably unwise this time of night, but she seems to be avoiding the booze for whatever reason.

"As for Daniel... it's... Complicated. and I don't even remember all of what happened. A mix of magic and a... strange timeline protecting society? I wish I could tell you it all but... I can't. So, tell me how YOU have been, instead?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"I have, as well as Agent Blackwood. Something which recommends Sims to me, above and beyond being an excellent student of the arts and humanities. A complementary function when so many of us are intensely scientifically minded. We can use more of that." Jane strokes her hair behind her ear, where it promptly falls right back where it was before. She could be amused or annoyed. Ignoring the effect comes naturally, letting Peggy speak and fill the interstitial silences that register firmly as compatible. Never mind that the stargazer spends the vast majority of her days in outright silence, speaking a few words over twenty, thirty, forty hours.

Her gaze lifts curiously at the matter of a timeline. "I understand, actually. The same... presence, I think, has been conjectured to keep us on the right path somehow. How droll that sounds coming from me. Quantum physis, pushed far enough, grounds the concept of matter and forces showing a certain predisposition to act in a certain way, even when opposing forces might push them aside. I've had opportunities to ground my understanding, and bend the Hayden Planetarium to a new series of winter sky events. Something to keep imagination brewing and distract from showing up in the middle of India for no apparent reason." A chuckle lingers.

Peggy Carter has posed:
At news of Jane's approval of Jonathan, Peggy's smile warms a bit more. She was quiet forceful and firm in her 'recruiting' of the man, and Peggy is glad to see her instincts about the matter working out. "Good. And I've always been fond of Blackwood. I'm just happy we have both of them now." It's like Peggy is filling out baseball team. A team of brilliant minds and strange talents from all around the world. But she still considers them her team.

She takes another sip of her tea, not even bothering to doctor it. If she's having a whole pot right now, she'll savor every inch of it. She blinksi n surprise about the planetarium and the showing up in India. "...should I be worried about this...India thing? No cover ups I need to handle? You know you can always call me."

Jane Foster has posed:
A nod and glance for those passing through the bar, then Jane returns to the smile. Peggy is a small node of gravity unto herself. Overlooking the margins goes against her instinctive nature. "Blackwood is a solid man. When we were aboard the freighter, his first instincts were protecting Becker, rather than getting into the thick of it." Which says something in her governed opinion. "Considering Romanoff didn't light him up, she seems to approve of him as well."

The baseball team adage isn't far off the mark. Some of them have rare abilities and some happen to have an unnatural batting average by sheer luck.

Eventually she might think about tea. "No cover-up. I have a religious festival if necessary, though we'll be moving over the border for a black market gem show."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That gains both of Peggy's brows arched. "A religious festival and a black market gem show? Sounds like it's going to be quite a night. If you need more back up... You know who to ask. I've been trying not to hover too closely with your work," Peggy smile a bit warmer, "You've been doing most excellently without me, so why fix what is not broken? But still, tell me. One bit of proper work. How has the hunt been going?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Unfortunately we've missed Diwali, but the schedules of those who deal in illicit jewels apparently ignores convenient overlap. Attempting a recovery during the festival celebrating the goddess of good luck feels troubling." Jane reaches for the stout again and then takes a sip, long and satisfying, creating a long pause. "Being resourceful with information and good cover is part of a wider plan, and I appreciate fully how much work it takes May or Coulson to arrange all the moving parts. Then deal when they fall apart, as they endless do. I haven't been doing the hardest ones that we need without you. Small insertions. Wilson and Romanoff have been over my shoulder in those cases, graciously letting me lean on their experience."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The older woman leans forward, her hands folding on the table as she turns a little more serious. "Jane. Every mission report I've read has been excellent. You can go on these missions without me. Even the big ones. I... I might be taking a bit of a break from the field, in truth. But... If there is one you really would like me to be present, let's do it. Tell me which and we will plan it together. Sooner rather than later." Peggy believes every word she's saying, though her confidence in Jane seems absolute now, she will give the back up if it's needed.

Jane Foster has posed:
There could be a spark of fire buried behind sepia, seen only at angles. So much conversation can happen without words, flowing across nonverbal avenues to build a stronger connection or undermine a point. Either way, the astrophysicist is something more skilful at reading between those lines and projecting a more controlled message than someone unaware of them at all. The hint of a smile and the balanced point of a question allude to humour without outright stamping it. "What if I want you there? Understandable that someone of your significance wouldn't take the field at the drop of a hat. But you are always welcome." The invitation is delivered, and there, she can stare at the glass for a moment. Ah, where /did/ the beer go?

"Let me consider the one that needs the lightest touch. I fear you and I are both too high profile to walk up and collect 024." No trouble there, just the Lazarus Formula. Formulae.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Jane admits to wanting Peggy there, the Chief gives a somewhat softer smile, "Trust me, I... I do want to be there too. The temptation to charge off on every mission is still great. You would think I'd shake it after all these decades on a desk, but... I miss the thrill of the field. So, tell me which one we're going on, and I will be there." Just hopefully sooner rather than later. Peggy isn't certain if Jane's got the hint about matters, but she's also not speaking more openly in this place.

Instead, she takes a long sip of her dark tea and relaxes back in her chair just a bit more, crossing long legs beneath the table so one dangles free, the heel of her shoe off of her foot and hovering mid air. She blinks at the mentioned 084. "...Lazarus. I... remember that one. It's missing too?" She looks near ready to swear. "No, they'll fight for that one. But we need to get it back."

Jane Foster has posed:
"I don't believe anyone who ever goes out to the field loses an interest for it. Our cases may draw us elsewhere. The teamwork and in-the-moment reactions differ quite a bit from the other perils and thrills work brings." Like the pair of them push paper or deal with high-stakes meetings, mundane concerns as a shared remit in the government office. Nothing at all could be further from the truth. Jane breaks into a low laugh. "I could envy you, were you not such a wonderful person. You instead have every reason for happiness after fighting like Hel to get there." The poignant note's there, but then catching the elusive traces is hard for a woman who knows the fine art of invisibility -- and dying teaches so very much.

She shifts off the stool. "Care for any appetizers while I go be a better person to myself and get some tea?" The offer is there, since getting a fresh order is important. Give her a minute and the matter gets settled over at the bar. Her return comes as smooth as anything, moving through the world just as normally as anyone would. Any oddity in her? It's brutally hard even for someone looking for it, until the knives come out. Bullets. Disir. Problems, them.

Warnings then for the chief; even if she's speaking to Peggy, the two dualities exist. "Bit worse than that. Whatever copy we had, they've been reformulating or convincing the gullible or ambitious to improve for them. Intel we can dig up on short notice would imply our least-favourite mad scientists aiming high on getting the contract."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh god yes, I should eat... Something. Salty and fried, preferably. I think they have fried pickles? I trust you." Peggy puts in the order for the first thing her stomach screamed it wanted. Tea and fried pickles -- at least Peggy hasn't changed over the ages. She finishes her first mug and pours out her second while she waits for Jane, that quiet smile still on her features.

But it doesn't last. When she gets that news, her face falls, and her stomach does as well. "Oh... Oh hell. That's... not good. That's in fact the very opposite. We need to make this a priority, get the original formula back AND their research."

Jane Foster has posed:
No one judges. Or they might but they keep it to themselves because the Chief's food preferences do not matter here. The kitchens would have a fit perhaps if she asked for saffron-crusted Scotch eggs poached in miso rosewater and folded into a whiskey fondant, or something truly worthy of initiating lockdown and full attacks. Pickles are easy for Jane to acquire; hardly odd, the order.

Unfortunate news delivered by stargazing brunette gets the response she anticipated, and therein is why no smile touches her mouth or either of them. "Quite. The formula's being delivered in Geneva. Unfortunately to one of the world's most fortified vaults and I expect our choices exponentially drop when we enter. Getting out is the harder part. I'll keep you informed as it goes, and should anything fall, call in whatever you need to see it done. At least the assets are in place. Past that, I am following up on a stone purported to draw in monsters, and keeping tabs on that suit we lifted from the freighter. I don't know what kind of technology it involves, though give Fitz a few months to replicate it."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slow nod comes from Peggy, taking this all in. She still looks worried, but her trust in Jane is true so, after a few moments, she takes a breath and resets her smile on her porcelain features. "Yes, well, as awful as that is, it sounds like you have it as much in hand as anyone possibly could. I know I chose the right person and," Peggy's smile turns to a grin, along with a warmer glimmer in her eyes, "After all of this, I strongly suspect another promotion will be coming your way. Well deserved." She raises her mug in a quiet toast to Jane already and takes a deep sip of the freshly filled cup.

Jane Foster has posed:
"I tapped Ms. MacIntyre and Agent Simmons as the experts dealing with that. Both have the medical experience and sound respect for something able to do what 024 does." You never know who is listening. Jane dashes any hopes of an easy path in the days ahead for a lazy 084 recovery, but similarly might raise up a different prospect. "Once it gets home, they can do what they need. At this point, my concern is figuring out where we can anchor the rest. Speaking of rest, make certain you get enough and do not get /overly/ concerned about this." Lifting her brown eyes, the amusement becomes that much kinder. "We have practically half the liaised Avengers leaning in as need be. Bright minds you put together, I just stand there with my hand to my head wondering how I got authority over any. Like teaching the experts, it's always a bit bemusing. But it feels right when we can recover something that shouldn't ever be walking out and about. There, enough said of that."

Who can run away from compliments? Jane Foster can, really. The only ones that ever stick are never said, so they can approach her by stealth. "Thank you for having faith in me. Some days, I think it's a bit crazy. Leadership is hard, /so/ hard. How do you do it? How did you do it when no one would take us seriously?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Hearing the whole run down of Jane's process about the matter, Peggy gives her a firm, reassuring nod. The olde rwoman wouldn't have done it any differently herself and she seems content to move on. "You've got it handled. I'm proud." She adds at the end of Jane's explanation, a little laugh of affirmation coming to the 'Enough' statement.

Then the woman asks that question. The one she's been asked so many times and never quite knows how to answer. Peggy shrugs slightly, "I just... I did it. I did everything they let me and then some. I kept proving them wrong. And, uh, probably broke a few laws along the way. But eventually I did such good work so often, they couldn't ignore me. And then Howard stole me away and we founded SHIELD and it didn't matter. I was the boss." Peggy states with a grin, "But it is... exhausting. I worry a lot. I'm so lucky Daniel is as in love with this organization as I am. We really have dedicated our lives to SHIELD as much as to each other. If not a little more. And we both understand that."

Jane Foster has posed:
"I accept that as reason enough. It still persists -- the board of the American Natural History Museum, a place that owes its existence partially to the likes of Marie Curie. Here, in New York, we still face all kinds of odd challenges. I'm certain that Lady Sif's method to punch them after smiling will not go down, but doesn't that sometimes sound tempting? I can't vamp, after all." Her laugh is soft as a dream, shimmering as Jane eases back into a place of calm satisfaction. For the moment, when her tea shows, and she can pour out a cup. Unlike a heathen, the milk goes in after, proof of knowing her way around!

They can have a nice evening together, and they can almost be normal. Peggy probably gets so many hours of that, rare as it is. "You're a package deal, aren't you? That certainly helps. Any relationship without acknowledging SHIELD would bound to nosedive. It proves a balancing act with a third party of a very large building." Or the Moon.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Luckily, Daniel knows what he signed on for. In SHIELD and in marriage." Peggy states with a wide smile. And then she lets them fall into smaller talk, more relaxed and comfortable. Some bits about the weather, more recommended teas -- Peggy is on a ginger kick right now, it seems. Appetizers and desserts are split, really both of them going a little while. And, at the end of the night, they both leave in better moods than they came, a bit more energy to save the world in them for having had each other's company.