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Latest revision as of 11:30, 15 March 2020

Phones and Kisses.
Date of Scene: 13 March 2020
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Alton and Christine meet before class. Alton pays 3 of the 5 kisses he owes, and the phone. The debt must be paid...
Cast of Characters: Christine Lake, Alton Schmidt

Christine Lake has posed:
The morning after the big First Date, and Christine has been all smiles throughout the day. While she's usually positive, there's been a sort of 'heavy burden' aspect to her personality as well. But now, it's like that burden is gone. She even seems to have a spring in her step, dressed in a denim skirt, floral print longsleeve blouse, white leggings, and blue sneakers with white trim. She's engaging more in her classes and drifting on Cloud 9 in between.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
A young man woke up with Things To Do this morning. First, before school started, he had to run to the nearest store to pick up the latest model of phone. Of course, it's completely paid for. He explained it was to be a gift, and which number to attach it to. In short, the phone will work when he presents it.

Second, he had to find last night's date. And...there she is. Excellent. Well, since his charge is gone...he checked by shaking hands with the poor phone salesman...he is now free to do a few of the things he couldn't do last night.

These things involve taking the girl in his arms, dipping her, giving her one of those 'classic movie kisses' all while smoothly slipping the new phone in the back pocket of her skirt.

Naturally, the PDA draws the usual hoots, hollers, and "Get a room" from whatever poor souls happen to wander by. Alton didn't bother to check who was watching and frankly doesn't care.

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine squeaks in surprise as she's suddenly dip-kissed. While tense at first at the unexpected move, she melts into it, relaxing and putting a hand on Alton's chest. She rolls with it, not even blushing at the catcalls. Once the kiss begins to end and she stands upright with Alton. Christine takes a deep breath, a languid and dreamy expression on her face. "wow...*That* was worth the wait..." she says. She playfully sticks her tongue out to all the giggles and twitters, "Well, you're in a good mood today," she says to Alton as she takes his hand and entwines her fingers with his. "Guess you had a good nights rest. Pleasant dreams?" Thre's a little smirk to go with that question.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Well, if you're gonna make a lady wait, you should do the best you can to make it worthwhile." Alton grins widely, and lets her hand take his. He wonders how long it'll take her to notice the phone. Her mind probably didn't process it's there, which means he did a great job of kissing. Excellent.

"Oh, I may have dreamed of a few things. But unlike most people, I get to make my dreams come true when I wake up in the morning." Because hey, being able to kiss someone like that? Totally a good dream to have.

Christine Lake has posed:
"Flaterer..." Christine says with a smile, then gives him a rther lingering peck on the lips. As they walk, the phone is noticed and she pulls it out to examine it. "What?" she asks in mock petulance. "No gold outer case?" She giggles and squeezes his hand. "Thank you. It's seriously very nice." Taking a moment to check, she nods and proclaims, "Looks like all my contact and cloud data transfered over. So, excellent job!" Christine lays her head against Alton's shoulder for a moment. "I really don't know what I did to deserve you in my life."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton chuckles, and, "Went with black on purpose. If it looks like everyone else's phone, they'll just figure it's nothing special." And if it's nothing special, people won't try to steal it or abuse it or other such things." Because hey, hiding the quality of a thing is usually a good idea. And oh, hey, there's another kiss. Alton leans forward into that one, and it's about as hot as the one before it. "I could ask myself the same thing. The world feels different."

Christine Lake has posed:
"Less threatening," Christine says with a nod. "Less lonely. There's more...hope." She rubs her thumb over Alton's palm as they walk. "I mean...I know there's still evil out there. People and things that I'm frightened by. But I'm not *as* frightened as I was before. And the things that seemed impossible to face? I feel like they're still gong to be hard, but they can be beaten. Kind of the same for you?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"It's the feeling of being lonely. And then reaching out into the darkness and finding another hand there waiting to take yours. Sure, it's still dark...but now there's another hand in yours, and you're not alone. You'd be amazed how much courage you can find when there's someone at your side." Hmmm. "Well, hopefully nobody decides to commit any crimes today, because I've got things to do today. That was only 2 of 5, ya know..."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine smiles, squeezing Alton's hand. "That's exactly it," she says with a nod. "A physical reminder that you're not alone. And...you know...maybe this is all just hormonal, or whatever for teens like us. But I'm not as concerned about it lasting forever or anything like that. I'm happy and feel safe *now*; and that's sort of what counts." At the mention of the number of kisses, she giggles and shrugs. "Hey, worrying about that could make me loose count. Maybe even intentionally." But, the mention of potential crime does get her to frown a bit. "So, are you planning on going out tonight, then?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Probably. I'll have to find Crush again. Cops have Partners. There is a reason for that. It'd be silly for heroes not to also have partners. We all have exploitable weaknesses, so we have to look out for each other out there." He seems have Xio boxed in as his 'work buddy' and will continue to do battle out there. "...Kinda wondering if any other kids with training slipped in. Not everyone with powers is ready to face a villain...but some will be."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine just nods. She wants to be out there with him; to be the one he can count on. But she knows the she could be more of a hinderence than an asset at this point. "I think I'll talk to McIntyre in a few days about seeing if I can get like...an internship or something to learn more about my powers. And if you give me the name of a studio or dojo or whatever, I'll check it out and start taking weekend classes. Which would leave only the costume to figure out." She looks at Alton, smiling. "Think your tailors also work with women's styles?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton hopes for that too, that he'll be able to take her into the field, do the battle couple thing. That'd be fun. But..."Yeah, I can have an outfit designed for you. Style might be a little unusual...we want you to look like something you're not when you're shrunk...maybe all black, so people think you're just a fly or an ant and not a shrunk person."

The dojo, though, is easier. "Oh, right. The Krav Maga Dojo, it's in NYC..." And he gives her the address. "It's kinda brutal starting out, but it gets easier."

Christine Lake has posed:
"Hmmmm...." Christine thinks for a bit. "If they think I'm a bug, what if they try to step on me or squash me while I'm infiltrating?" She ticks her head to the side as she asks. "But I understand the idea of being small and unseen. It's a good idea. Maybe not totally black, though? There could be, like, dark purple side pannels and accents; just to give some color when I'm at normal size or bigger?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Something like that. We might make it look like a specific type of insect. We have heroes called the Wasp and Ant-Man, after all. So you can pick your favorite bug and we can make the outfit to match." Cause hey, if it's good enough for Avengers, it's good enough for kids just starting out.

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine bobs her head from side to side, unsure of the idea. "I mean....it kind of makes sense. But if I'm using the name MinMax, what does that have to do with insects, you know?" She shrugs and lightly presses her side into Alton's as they walk. "Lots of stuff to figure out. I mean, who knew that starting off a hero ID was so complicated? Well, if you want to so it right, I mean."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Well, yeah, there is that name too. But until you have your first outing, everything is subject to change. Because the media doesn't know who you are until you want them to know." So, no rush for that part. A final answer is only truly required from those who are ready to fight. "Just have fun with it, try different things in bug size, see where it takes you. See what's fun, even."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine is about to respond when the warning bell rings, signaling that it's almost time for next class. "Talk about it later?" She leans in and gives Alton a kiss. "I've got cheerleading practice tonight, but maybe you can stop by my place after? Or give me a call?" She starts to go, then turns back and gives Alton a long, lingering kiss on the lips. "Just in case I don't see you before tonight. Be safe." And a wave later and she runs off to her next class.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
And that's 3. Hmmm. Well, he'll have to make sure she gets the last two before he goes patrolling then. Don't want to miss the window. Besides, he promised her some really exciting kisses too, and those haven't happened yet. "...We'll catch up, I promise." One way or another. He'll see to it.