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Latest revision as of 23:03, 19 November 2021

Shopping: For... Pete
Date of Scene: 19 November 2021
Location: Various Shops, NYC
Synopsis: Clarice's master scheme to cheering up her brother by letting both of her younger brothers teach her some of the things she missed growing up seems to be a success! Thus far.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Going completely out of her comfort zone, Clarice talks the boys into a shopping trip - for some fancy things 'for Pete.' She's not so clueless that she doesn't know exactly how this is going to go, and she's steeling herself for it.
    ...the things she'll do for her brothers.
    And so the trio emerge from one of Clarice's portals at an upscale make-up shop. They have an appointment in a little bit at a private retailer of intimate appearal in a short time - but she's working up to that.
    "Alright. What do we need to make our favorite Drag Queen really shine?" Clarice asks in a bright tone - glad that Rahne isn't here for this. The pair of them would probably both die of embarrassment.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo only took a little convincing which took the form of Pete thinking, 'Clarice in a mini skirt' and then both were ready to go shopping for 'Pete'. In fact they were both giggling over the conversation in their heads.

"Oh they are going to /love/ this," Pete announced as they arrived to the upscale place.

"You mean that in a sarcastic tone, right?" Theo asks, then looks at the shop. This was not his thing at all, but a chance to see Pete talk make up with supposed experts? He couldn't pass that up.

Pete walks over to Clarice, a big smile on his face, "You're about to enter a world of high class, snooty bitches who think they're better than you just because they work in a place like this. Remember to flash your smile, throw money around, and remind them that magenta is the color of choice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We're here to get things for //you// though," Clarice replies - maintaining the charade for a moment. She's sure it's going to last about 30 seconds before the both of them have her in a make-up chair, teaching her about- is foundation a thing? Her brow wrinkles up in thought.
    "Should we get anything for Theo?" she asks. "Don't boys do anything to help them look their best, too?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo stares at Clarice. "From in there? No. Not a dang thing guys need in there." He gestures to the store as he talks like it's some sort of evil monster. "Guys who man-scape might get moisturizer, but it's a make up store Clare, other than Drag Queens, Actors and really insecure guys who want to look like models, but really aren't."

Pete chuckles and nods, "He's not wrong there, but there are so many choices for /you/."

They both start cackling, each hooks an arm into Clarice's and they guide her into the store... she's doomed

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The things she does for love...
    Clarice only protests weakly as the pair guide her towards one of the women near a make-up chair, letting out a quiet, "I thought it was //Pete's// turn for a splurge, though!"
    She quickly finds herself in the chair, with a make-up woman who looks only momentarily intimidated by the complexion of the woman sitting in front of her. "When am I ever going to wear make-up?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete immediately starts instructing the woman on what colors to mix to match Clarice's complexion, calling them by their proper names, and even helping with the mix.

"It's all in the base colors darling," he states as she shows her exactly what she should already know how to do. He's in heaven.

Theo steps up beside the chair. "Clare, there are lots of times and places you could get dressed up, paint on a face and hit the town. I'll get you good money, it's your money but still," he grins. "I'll bet Rahne would /love/ to see you all painted up, in a teddy, hair all pretty... so she could undo all of it quickly."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    In a teddy? Theo really should pick his words more carefully - because Clarice is trying to figure out why Rahne would be impressed by her wearing a... teddy bear costume? There //must// be something she's misunderestanding here. "Rahne was perfectly happy with the northern lights," she protests, as she watches Pete helping the make-up artist mix up a batch of custom foundation for the magenta-hued woman - because they certainly don't carry foundation in those tones.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete really is in heaven, and oddly the usually prissy ladies are listening to him explain how to use existing foundations (all the expensive stuff they sell of course) to make their own shades and how to remember how they did it to be able to repeat it. He may or may not have gotten an education in the art of make up from the internet, hours upon hours of listening to prissy girls go on and on and on and on about shit that didn't matter to get the golden nuggets of information.

For a moment Theo stares at Clarice in a way that clearly indicates he just can't grasp the level of things missing from her education, then he starts laughing, "Oh Clare," he shakes his head alittle with that laugh. "Pete, she doesn't know what a teddy is." He then calls.

"Right, that's the next store," Pete calls back then the pack of make up artists head toward Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...I didn't have school friends," Clarice protests quietly. "Or an internet connection." Or free will, but mentioning that last part is always a downer.
    "I already made us an apointment at- well, here." She pulls out her phone, bringing up the information on the shop, and offering it to Theo. Honestly, teddies are just one of the options on display - she just doesn't realize they're //called// that.
    Even with her mild trepidation and discomfort at being at Theo and Pete's mercy in regards to something she knows so little about - she can't help but smile a little. Her 'nerfarious' plan seemed to be working, at least some, given the way Theo laughed.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
As the ladies, and Pete get to work on Clarice's make over, Theo looks at the offered phone and even shows Pete. This may not be the sort of thing Theo enjoys, but he /did/ enjoy doing it with Clarice and Pete.

"That place looks like a lot of fun," Theo comments, not about to go into the fact that he was the one person who should not be going there. Let's face it, sexy woman were his thing after all.

"Clarice, we shopping for both of us there?" Pete asks, the starts in on the foundation.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You can get anything you want there, Pete," Clarice promises - even as the foundation is starting to get smeared into place. She allows her head to be gently and professional turned first one way and then another.
    "You know we're not leaving here until you're done up as well," she adds - briefly locking her gaze onto Pete. She's not doing all this alone!

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete smirks, "Yeah, yeah, sure, me too... hold still and close your eyes," and he's back to work.

He's actually learning a few things he didn't know, better ways to blend, then into eye shadow and blush and Clarice doesn't have time to complain or move. Theo is watching, not that he cares but Pete does does, so he grins and watches.

"At what point do you realize you lost?" Theo asks with a grin. "You may have thought this was all about Pete, but Pete likes living dolls to play with and guess what you are?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "At what point do I admit... I kinda thought this would happen?" Clarice counters - a smile cracking her lips as she manages to open her eyes to peek at her two brothers.
    "I don't really care as long as we're having fun together." Pulling out her phone, she quickly unlocks it, and tosses it to Theo casually. "For the album," she suggests. They can still hold onto some family traditions, after all.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo catches the phone and starts taking some pictures of the work in progress, then will get the finished work when they are done. He also takes a picture of the really cute girl at the cash register, but that's a different matter entirely.

"Now I have a purpose," he announces, then passes Clarice's phone back to her and gets his own to continue the random photos. Lately he's been taking random pictures that he uses as flashes in his videos. "I'll make sure to get lots of you in a teddy for Rahne though," he adds.

Pete chortles. "Don't worry Clarice, we're almost finished and I'll stop him from taking pictures of you if you don't want them taken."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, no pictures of, uhh..." The color of Clarice's cheeks darken - but it's even harder to notice under the make-up being applied to her her features. She glances at her brother for a moment, before turning to study her features in one of the mirrors set on the nearby counter. It's both fascinating and mystifying how the make-up subtly changes her appearance. After a few moments of silence she admits - almost grudgingly - "I guess you'll have to teach me some of this stuff, Pete..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete had also already been putting things into a bag that Clarice would need, that he would need to help Clarice, he was planning ahead. "We'll also need some more of the eyeshadow in spring colors," he tells one of the ladies, then look back to Clarice. "I can do that, and at that level, not Drag Queen levels."

Theo adds some colored lip gloss to the bag, not for Clarice, that one is for Rahne. He has a prank all planned that involves it. "You really do look nice Clare," he offers with a smile. "Some women do that every day, which seems like much to me, but to go out once in a while? You bet."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah - not 'Drag Queen,'" Clarice agrees. She's seen enough videos now to understand the aesthetic a little bit more. "Something more... naturally. But we should get you all Drag Queened out before we go," she insists again. "So you can be 'fabulous.' I mean - not that you aren't all on your own."
    Her gaze follows everything Theo adds to their collection of items - the sponges, and brushes, and different make-up items, puzzled curiosity on her features. It seems like an awful lot of stuff...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo may not enjoy putting make up on himself, but he remembers the numerous hours of listening to the 'girls' talk about it. Now he listens to Pete talking about it, so he knows what's needed for all this. Pete mean while is adding a couple more things to the bag then looks back to Clarice.

"I don't think you quite understand how it works," Pete says with a smile. "You don't just 'drag queen'. It's like not Superman and a phone booth, though I wonder how does it now that there aren't any phone booths." He pauses a moment, thinking about that.

"A cross dresser is someone who does it all the time Clare," Theo continues, since Pete got distracted. "A Drag Queen does it for a show, or an event, or a party... Pete's still deciding if he's a cross dresser or a drag queen, or both."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh," Clarice replies, trying to turn that over in her mind. "So then... you just don't want to today?" she muses in a thoughtful, but admittedly still slightly puzzled tone. If he doesn't want to then - well - he doesn't want to. That, at least, was simple enough.
    "Well - at least make sure you add some things for yourself to that pile - it's my treat. Any of the make-up, or glitter, or... whatever it is you think you need," she offers grinning at Pete - even if she doesn't get to.
    She doesn't need to fully understand it, after all, does she? As long as she accepts it and supports it. That's the more important part, isn't it?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete took Clarice's hand and helped her to stand from the chair. "There are times when I want to get dressed up and go out," Pete explains. "But I don't have the right dress, or heels, or hair..." he taps his own head. "... I did find a nice new wig however, so long and lovely, I promise I'll wear it for Thanksgiving."

Theo grabs the bag to take to the register, since Pete has Clarice. "See, I think Pete's a cross dresser, cause he likes to dress up as a woman just for every day stuff, but not all the time... it gets really confusing, but labels suck, right? It shouldn't matter. Pete's, Pete. Maybe well get him some every day dresses."

Pete snorts, "You just want to see me in that floral sun dress."

"I do Pete, god help me I do," Theo laughs.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Pete is Pete - and we adore him just the way he is, regardless," Clarice agrees, letting him help her up, and wrapping her arm around him in a comfortable, casual way. She lags a little bit behind Theo - watching him move, and then looking up at the taller figure beside her. "He's doing a little better - right?" she murmurs quietly. The distraction is - for the moment - managing to lighten his load? She certainly hopes so, anyways. That was the real point behind this trip.
    Though - maybe it was a good idea for more reasons than just that.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete slips his arm around Clarice before leaning to whisper in her ear.

"Yeah, he's doing better, he's not thinking about it and focusing on other stuff. He'll be okay though," he kisses her cheek. "Cause he's got the best sister." Then he urges her forward.

"Oh look, they've got that shade of red you like Pete! You called it 'fuck me red'," Theo says holding up a lipstick and matching nail polish, then adds to them to the bad. "He's been wanting those for a while now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice flashes Pete a grateful look for the kind and reassuring words. And certainly - it's useful to be able to //confirm// what she sees with her own eyes. She, and Pete, and Lydia would be there for Theo - and he'd be alright. And maybe - just maybe - she could bring father around eventually. ...she hoped so, anyways.
    "Oh, good, worth the trip then," Clarice declares brightly. Letting go of Pete, she wraps Theo in a brief hug, her head tilting in to rest against his. She lets go of him after a moment, though, to offer her credit card over to a cashier. "We have... well, a little over half an hour before our appointment. Should we grab a quick coffee first?" she asks. "...or do we want to hit Mootant Milkshakes - //again//?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both Pete and Theo say at the same time, "Milkshakes!" Then look at each other and laugh.

"With fries," Theo adds. "Smothered in cheese."

Pete gives Clarice a 'told you so' look then adds, "And onion rings."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Fine, fine. Milkshakes," Clarice agrees with amusement. After she's rung up - the trio disappears into another of her portals to enjoy one of the most unhealthy snacks possible. "So how's the 'We Will Rock You' music video coming out, anyways?" she asks as they step through. "I still think it's a mistake having me sing for the thing. But I support if I do - Pete can do," she gives the boy a challenging look - as the portal closes behind them.