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Latest revision as of 23:04, 19 November 2021

War of the Soul: Intelligence Gathering
Date of Scene: 17 November 2021
Location: Cedar HIll
Synopsis: Tynan tries a spell on her own, only to summon something much bigger then she intended.
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Satana Hellstrom

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The sun has just recently set, and Ty has been reading the Book. She decided to try a spell that she's seen. The woman draws a circle, and makes a few runes. She reads the Book again, and makes sure everything is right. Off in the distance, there's a man whose fingers keep moving. He frowns a bit as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Can't that kid just cast the spell already!!! I mean, its a simple...Wait, thats not how you draw those runes! Damn that kid! She's going to screw the spell up!", he says. The man starts to get up.

    Ty takes a deep breath, and before the man can get over there to stop her from chanting, the woman starts her mantra. She takes her Kabar knife, and makes a small cut on her hand, and presses it against the edge of the circle. The spell has been cast, and energy starts to gather rapidly. "DAMMIT!", the man yells out. "Stupid fae magic must of made her screw the spell up! That or she doesn't know how to do a proper circle!", he growls. Ty keeps the chant up, building strength into the spell...Things start to get dark around her, and the woman wrinkles her nose, as if something foul smelling reaches her nose.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana hears the call. Power builds as something tugs at her being. She pulls up her wards and delays the summons. This is wrong.

It's not her Name that's being invoked, but she's feeling the tug anyway. And the flavour of the magic is ... tainted, somehow, with repulsive bursts of greenery and floral scents.

"Fucking. Teenagers."

Another crowd of Satanist wannabes playing games with forces they don't understand. Probably have some cheerleader whore laid out for the 'sacrifice' that's the real reason for their ritual. Name like Jeri 'Bury Me in a Y-Shaped Coffin' Goldman.

Time to eat.

She could have pushed off this summons with ease, but, especially since she could FEEL the incomplete Circle, Satana chooses to arrive.

Never make a demon lord choose to arrive. It doesn't go good places. Another 13 dead teens coming up!

"WHO DARES SUMMON ME!?" Satana's voice booms from inside the suddenly smoke-filled Circle, bringing with it the stench of ...

... wait. Hubba Bubba? What? OK, there's a small brimstone component, but the area is saturated with the scent of Hubba Bubba. The 1979 original, for those who track such things.

The smoke clears and inside the circle is a ... nude woman. A woman who would pass as human except for the glowing red eyes.

"WHO DARES SUMMON...OW!" Satana takes a threatening step toward Tynan and feigns being injured by the Circle. "Take this damnable Circle down, child, or I will have your soul!"


"Where are the rest of your coven?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The man pauses a moment. Oh crap! That...girl really screwed up! He stops casting the fae magic, and starts to carefully back away. The shimmer on the Book drops, and Ty can see what she was soppsed to cast. She blink a few times. "...I was sopposed to be pulling a minor fae...Not a minor...Imp? The hell? This isn't the spell I was working on...", Ty says. The merc blinks a few times, and looks at the woman. "Ummm, coven?", she asks.

    Ty stretches out a little bit, and looks at the circle, then at the woman. "Oy, don't give me that crap...This circle doesn't injure things...people...I don't knows...", she says. Ty looks at the circle again. "I think...First time I tried this. And why do I smell bubblegum with supher...", she asks. The woman looks at the book again, and starts flipping through the pages. Satana might notice that there's...many schools of magic in the book.

    "I'm still working on what did I call? A Sidhe? That can't be right.", she says. The woman keeps flipping through the Book. She coughs a little bit.

    The man starts to cast another shimmer spell on himself. Hopefully Satana doesn't notice him. This temp body doesn't have the magical strength to face her. He quietly tries to force his demonic nature down. "Damn kids. She could have casted it right, but no...She couldn't even get the runes right!", he mutters.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh, darling," Satana purrs, a smile spreading over her face as she realizes what's going on. It's not a nice smile. It's the kind of smile you see on the face of a hyena before it takes you down. "There's nothing MINOR about me."

She steps past the Circle, walking up to Tynan and staring into her eyes.

"You're dabbling in things you don't understand, child," she says to her junior by ... ah ... a single year. "I thought you were some wannabe high school students dabbling in Satanism. You're not. But you're still dabbling."

She glances at the Bookk.

"You can't learn what you're doing from a book. Not if you want to live. There are forces you can't comprehend who can do things to your soul you won't be ABLE to regret because you'll be gibbering mad long before that."

The smile widens. It's no nice when it's wider.

"Like this, only worse."

It's only the smallest taste. Soulfire. Not the physical form, but the soul-searing form. Flames leap from Satana's eyes to Tynan and, if contact is achieved, Tynan's very existence is filled with overriding pain.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The man swears. "Devil dammit!", he says. The possessed man takes a moment to place his hands on the ground, and summons a small bit of energy to send through the ground. "Can't let one of them take my prey! MINE DAMMIT!", he growls, looking to cause Satana to lose her balance. He then calls forth a minor compulsion spell. He quietly mummers. ".....Run....away..."

    Ty blinks before the soulfire hits her. The second it hits, she starts screaming before a few shades gathers energy around her, and summons a small ward to protect her. The compulsion hits Ty, and she stumbles back. THe woman holds her hand out, and the Book dissappears into her subspace. She makes a slash with her fingers, and opens up a small rift. The mercenary pulls out a 1911M3A colt, pointing it at Satana as she backs away.

    "The hell did I do? What spell did I cast?", she pants. The woman struggles a bit as she starts to get up. She's backing away a little bit, but she's fighting the compulsion now. Several of the shades start to cast compulsions on her, but they're very very weak, now that the book isn't physically here. Ty holds her head bit, shaking it as she keeps her gun level.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Never. NEVER. Never make a Hell Lord notice you if you're not in her calibre.

Satana stumbles, indeed, and windmills as she steps back. But then she's looking at the man and the smile is gone.

This is somehow worse.

Her skin turns blood red and scaly, the "hair horns" twisting together to turn into the real thing projecting from her forehead. Massive black, leathery wings unfold behind her, taking her into the air.

All the while her deep black sclera and glowing red irises focus on the man.

"You picked the wrong one to mess with, little one," she says to the possessor. "From Hell you came, to Hell I condemn you again!"

This time the soulfire doesn't come from her eyes. It comes from her hands in an enormous wave. And this is the kind that burns literally, not just soul pain. Grass, wood, litter, small rocks, all catch fire in its wake as it speeds toward the possessed body.

Tynan? She's got a gun. She's no threat.

Unless there's a mistaken assumption about the nature of said gun. Arrogance can lead to falls, after all...

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The man blinks a little bit. He lets go of the body, and returns to being a shade. He mutters a few times before using the last of his energy to open up a rift to Ty's special dimension. He returns to the Book...for now. The body burns away easily. Ty takes a moment to sight Satana, and comes up with the most apporiate phrase her tiny little mind can come up with. "What the f***?!", she says. THe woman looks at her gun, and realizes...yeah, she doesn't have a defense or an offense for this. So...Retreat! Ty turns away, and starts to run away.

    The woman doesn't get too far before she stumbles over, and finds herself out of breath. She has a massive headache building in her head. This spell is doing a number on her right now.

    The shades can sense the danger building, and they all make their own portals, and disappear. If Satana turns around, a few spots on Ty's arms are burnt, though Satana never touched her...yet. Ty tries to get up, but her legs are jellied at the moment.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana curses as the target escapes. She'll have to trace it later. Malevolent eyes focus on the fearful woman, however, trying, then failing, to cope.

She lands as Tynan struggles on the ground, trying to get to her feet. She walks toward Tynan, body shifting as she does so, back to the form she arrived in. Then clothing wraps around her body from ... unclear locale.

The silky, seductive voice of the silky, seductive woman crouching next to Tynan is silky and seductive. (Who knew?)

"Sh-sh-sh-sh," Satana says soothingly, reaching out to touch Tynan gently on the shoulder. "It's OK. Everything's alright. You're safe now."

She really does the concerned, soothing nurse routine well. Almost like she's got loads of experience manipulating people.

"I misunderstood the situation. You're fine."

The touch on the shoulder spreads soothing warmth through Tynan's body. Tinged with something ... more primal. Something that makes Satana's presence oh-so-noticed.

"You're unhurt. By me, at least. You've got some burns, however, of uncertain origin."

She lets that sit a moment, staring into Tynan's eyes, trying to will her into calm.

"That book is dangerous. You need a proper teacher to guide you in what you're dabbling with."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head a bit, as if trying to clear it. The touch does get a clear reaction as Ty blushes a bit heavily, before she coughs a little, looking down. There's a small shiver there before she starts to breathe a bit deeper. The woman looks at her arms. "...I...What happend? I shouldn't be burnt this much over one...I mean, by anything.", she says.

    Thats when Ty looks around. There's nothing calling her. The woman looks at Satana a little bit, and starts to get up, but her body is too weak. "Its just a book on basic irish magic.", she says. The woman doesn't understand the schools at all. "And I was learning, but then, this book was given to me by a kid who got hit by a car.", she tells. "Since then, there's been so many voices, and so much that I've been seeing...", she tells. "So much to learn.", she says. The woman continues to blush a bit as she tries to deal with the fog in her head. "And where am I? I just remember needing to cast a spell.", she tells.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Smiling inwardly, Satana still projects empathetic concern in her visage. Gathering Tynan up, she easily helps the woman to her feet and lets herself get used as a crutch.

A warm crutch. A soft, warm crutch. That smells of Hubba Bubba. (And a slight hint of brimstone.)

"Come now, you can use me for support. You've been through a lot."

Her head swivels as she looks around. "If I had to guess, I'd say we're somewhere in Manhattan. We'll need to walk a bit to find a landmark so we can get our bearings."

That overwhelming presence is focused on Tynan. "Or... I could carry you if you'd like?"

Without waiting for an answer, Tynan is casually lifted and cradled in Satana's arms.

"Now why did you have to cast a spell?"


"And would you like maybe to learn how to do it properly?"

An idea for dealing with her escaped prey plants its seed in the Hell Lord's mind...

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit before she's picked up. That blush turns even deeper crimson as she bites her lip, and looks away. Her mind is still in a fog of confusion, and this is not helping! She tries to take several deep breathes as she tries to think of why she needed to cast a spell. "Don't really remember. I think it was cause I needed to prove I could handle a spell. That people think I can't handle myself.", she says.

    The pistol now disappears. The burns seem to be starting to heal a little bit. "And learn to do it properly? I thought, I had did it proper. At least, from what I saw in the book...I think...My head gets foggy when I think about what I was reading in the book. And the number of voices speaking when I'm reading it.", she says. "Each telling me to go to a different page.", she says. The woman uses this time to rub her aching head. She leans in a little bit. "I feel very confused....and heavy...", she says.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh, you're no burden to me, little one," Satana murmurs. "Come, let us take you home where you can rest. Perhaps we can also talk of learning magic properly, through a teacher ... someone who can protect you from consequences when you do pesky things like summoning a Hell Lord by accident."

Now the key question.

"Where do you live?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan shakes her head. "I'm not allowed to answer that. Mostly cause I don't own the place where I live.", she tells. The woman shakes her head a bit. "Plus, if we're in Manhatten...I did I get to Manhatten?", she asks. The woman shakes her head. "And I summoned...A Hell lord? How did I manage that using Irish magic?", she asks. The woman still hasn't figured out that the book is several schools in it.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh, you can trust me!" Satana says. "I have all the wealth I'll ever need and a whole domain of my own. I won't be stealing anything."

Satana's good at lying, and the warmth infusing Tynan as a distraction doesn't help much. But still, she won't press it.

"I can understand your discomfort at sharing that, though. You don't even know who I am yet."

She continues walking with Tynan in her arms until they reach a road. From nowhere in her outfit (because it conceals precisely sweet, and all only all three words) she pulls out a phone and fires up the Lyft app.

"So let's just go to my home instead until you feel better."

As to the question, Satana cocks her head and regards Tynan. "That would be the flavour I sensed tainting the summons then. Fae magic. Whatever book you're using--where is it, incidentally?--has many schools of magic in it from the brief glimpse I took. You confused some."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit. "Fae magic?", she asks. The woman looks even more confused. "I was trying to use a glamour called a sian.", she tells. Ty blinks a little bit. The woman shakes her head a bit more. "I mean, I really don't own it. I'm a mercenary. My boss gave me the house as someplace to keep my gear.", she tells. The woman blinks a little bit as she blushes a bit more.

    "...I...I think I can walk on my own now....maybe.", she says. The woman breathes out. "The book? Its here.", she says. "I have it with me.", she tells. "I can pull it out as needed.", she says. Ty's eyes unfocus for a bit, and she seems to start looking around, trying to find something...Thats not here. Her mind seems to get foggy again, as her mind goes to the book...

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I understand," Satana says, though what she understands is clearly the 'not telling address' part given she keeps carrying Tynan. Off in the distance Satana's ... enhancement ... to the Lyft app summons a driver with a $666 fare, while reporting to Lyft's servers the number they selected for her ride.

Just a little joke. It will all work out eventually, right? Lyft will pay the driver the fare the phone app cites, right?

The pictured future conflict almost makes her giggle.

"I would very much like to see this book. It seems very interesting, but also very dangerous."

She hugs Tynan a bit tighter briefly while smiling into her eyes. "And you're too delicious a morsel to think of getting hurt."

Now another important question.

"Why are you studying magic?"

Most people who think with guns, after all, don't typically learn spellcasting...

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan takes a deep breath, clearing her mind a little bit. She watches Satana a little bit. "Versitility, as well as the world is changing. I'm a mutant, but I don't have any real...offensive power. Just a lot of training, and guns. And guns...arn't as useful in the world today.", she says. THe woman coughs a little bit bit. "I was taught to think outside normal means. Things that others don't.", she says. Ty's eyes unfocus a bit, and then she grabs her head a bit. Her eyes squeeze shut. Too much magic going on at once. Between Satana's compulsions, and the others laying on top of Ty, its more then she can focus on. Her eyes start to glaze over a little bit, and one could tell that the magic thats being used....its Ty's herself.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana purses her lips at the conundrum. This woman needs further investigation. And tracking.

Satana hoists Tynan up a little, lowering her head until the pair's lips almost touch. "Come home with me?" she asks, giving Tynan something to focus on as her fingernails trace a little glyph on the woman's neck, teasing, but also leaving a small mark--the kind that would be commented on with snide questions about 'had fun last night?'--embedding a small amount of demonic energy.

A beacon.

Should Tynan desire to go free range.

"I ever so adore company."

Then the contact. The kiss. Controlling herself, Satana does not drink of Tynan's soul. She does let her demonic essence, however, flow through Tynan's nerves to befuddle, confound, and possibly seduce her farther.

"We could have such delicious times."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks as she gets kissed. "Y-yeah.", she says. THe woman is a crimson shade of red at the moment. As she was about to say something else, a strong wave of fae magic hits her. Enough to drain whats left in her tank, not to mention the spell itself was a strong sleep spell. Strong enough to knock her out almost instantly with her eyes open. Its very close to a false death type of spell.

    Satana likely will notice something a fae nature not too far from a lamp post. The figure has its hand extended, but then it fades back into the shadow of the light post, seemingly melding into it. There's something glowing in the shadow, but soon disappears. Satana likely will notice that there's a new burn mark on Ty's arm after that. There's a quiet almost noble voice heard. "Let her rest, dark one. I have time. Thats what we all have. Time." is heard.