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Bourbon dinner and 084s
Date of Scene: 24 November 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Matt comes home early for dinner and comes upon a Daisy dealing with the aftermath of the latest 084 mission she was in. At least there's bourbon!
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The last few weeks have been busy ones for Matt, work, work, work. He's seen more of the court house and the office than he has home but tonight was going to be different. He ducked out early and got Danny to swing through Hell's Kitchen tonight to make things were going all right, and after picking up some beer and their favourites from the Royal Dragon, he made his way home, nudging his way through the door his hands full of beer, food and his cane. As he hip checks the door closed he calls out "Honey, I'm home," a wry smirk on his lips as he does.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The answer to that 'Honey, I am home' doesn't come in the usual form of a thrown pillow, or anything else she may have at hand towards Matt. Instead it's Daisy's voice while she is speaking on the phone. "No, no.." a pause, ".. Look, it's not my fault the guy thinks he's a poet and is trying to paint us in a bad way." another pause, "He's still a criminal." pause, "... but the 0-8-4.." she stops pacing, "Yes, it's secure. Alright, Sir."

Phone is off and Daisy literally grrrs, "Damn bureaucrats." her phone then being saved from being tossed to the sofa because she can smell it now, the food! "My savior.." she says over to the hallway, a grin on her lips and voice. "I hope poor Foggy didn't get stranded doing all the work." she says, making her way over.

As for their cat, oh yes, it's already rubbing himself back and forth on one of Matt's legs in anticipation for the foods.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt listens to Daisy's end of the call his grin dipping towards a frown for a moment before she comes to join him. He leans in to kiss her hello, "It's alright I've been covering for him a bit lately, he owes me, plus he's got Karen and Meggan backing him up," he says with a smile. "Sounds like your work followed you home though," he remarks. "No trouble I hope?" he asks setting down the food and beer before picking up Boxer and giving him a kiss on his forhead, the dark grey cat squirming in Matt's grip even as he purrs.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The kiss is certainly returned, Daisy's arms wrapping briefly around Matt and she bringing herself against him, letting a low, subtle vibration expand that courses through both their bodies. Very controlled, she certainly has been improving her grasp on her abilities. "I am sure he must be sooo sad about having two beautiful women helping him out.." she jokes, a kiss up on Matt's chin, "I still got to meet Meggan though."

"And yea..., work. More like the aftermath. We were retrieving a dangerous item out at Starling City. Mission was successful but we called more attention to us than we wanted." and by 'we' she most likely means 'I'.

"I see you went with the favorites..." A glance into the bag, "JJ's bourbon chicken.." she brings the bags over to the kitchen to start setting up some plates for them.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt is happy to linger in that embrace, feeling that vibration pass through the both of them, expressing Daisy's feelings wordlessly as he does the same with the kiss. "Yeah, he's heart broken, poor guy," Matt remarks about Foggy. "And I'll see if she's free to meet us at Josie's sometime. She's fun, I think you'll like her."

Setting down Boxer he follows Daisy into the kitchen and helps get down the plates. "Yep, went with the usual, heck half the time I call in now they just ask me right away if I want the usual." There's a smile at that before he turns his attention to Daisy's Starling mission.

"Uh-huh, we." He knows Daisy too well. "What happened?" he asks more curious than concerned, his senses are telling him she is whole and healthy which counts for a lot when it comes to missions.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Alright, lets make it happen." Daisy says about the Meggan meeting at Josie's. And then she is busy getting the plates down, and the forks, and the glasses. All done with a practiced ease of someone used to this by now. Quite the evolution from the girl that used to eat out of her van. "The usual..?" and then she letting out a chuckle. "Oh, God. We are starting to be like *those* people where everywhere we go they already know what we will ask for. Predictable!" a mocking wince and she holding her hands up against her heart.

"One of those days we will have to throw them a curve ball." But not tonight apparently.

"And yes, weee.." she puts emphasis on it. "Jane was there too. And well, we went to retrieve an item out that had pinged on SHIELD's radar, a 084. We thought it was with Hydra but apparently some kid was making a run for it with the thing. And as usual they always run when we appear. Suffice to say, he didn't like me landing atop his truck, and then we created a bit of a ruckus on the wharf last night. Yea, that's us on the news." a sigh.

"But no deaths, just the driver that got a bit hurt so all in all, very successful mission. Even if some of my superiors don't think that. Bad publicity. Ah well, can't win them all."

Food starts to be put on the plates, "And what's been on your plate?" She then asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grimaces, "Could be worse but I guess your bosses are wanting to keep a low profile lately, with only just coming back out of the shadows, huh? Anyhow it doesn't sound that bad, no one died and I assume you got your 084 thingy?" Thingy, it's a technical term.

As for his plate? "Well by the smell of it, JJ's Bourbon Chicken, and some of the chow mein so far,"he jokes meaning what's been dished out to him so far before he answers more seriously. "Finished up the civil case for the Mutant Town Twelve, that's been most of it, other than that been running off some Russians out of Brooklyn who are looking to move into the neighbourhood. Not much to worry about in a fight one on one but there is a lot of them though."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"An hourglass." Daisy replies with a small nod, a smirk on her expression with it being called 'thingy'. "No idea what it does. But Jane will figure it out, she's the smart one. Or if not, well, hopefully we will have a sturdy enough containment box."

With Matt then going with his joke about what's on his plate Daisy retorts by reaching over and 'poking' him with one of the sticks, "Is this the dry jokes week?" she questions. Another poke. But then she is laughing, turning to poke a bit at her food and get some into her mouth. "Ah yes, I can certainly taste the bourbon..." she comments.

At the talk of the russians she lets out a sigh, "There's always one group or another trying to fill out the void. But you know if you need some quaking on a russian or three I am your girl." she says, digging into a bit more of her food. "Should I worry about more scars on you?" she then finally asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"So thingy is accurate then, since we don't know what it does," he grins, before nodding. "An hour glass though, it's not a time thingy like the one in the Harry Potter books?" he asks lightly. If only he knew how real time magic was. He laughs at the poking getting her another set of sticks before getting his own, telling her, "In case my shirt is dirty," he tells her lightly. "I mean before it got bourbon sauce on it," he doesn't seem to mind though. "So far they haven't been too much trouble these new Russians, but if you want later you check me for new scars to make sure I'm telling the truth," he grins at her. "Only fair."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Or something related to dreams, or sleep. I believe Jane mentioned something about those." Daisy then shaking her head, "And actually ..., time magic *is* a thing. I could tell you about a certain mission but then ..., I might have to kill you.." a wink, "Or find other ways to keep your silence -forever-." so ominous! But it also sounds like she is joking... Which part though?!

"I don't see any bourbon sauce on it." She is lying, "And you read my mind, I will have to be checking out for those scars later. Can't take just your word for it after all..." beat, "Since you are a lawyer and all that." she ducks, an attempt to evade any retaliation coming her way!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's brow quirks above his shades, "Dreams huh? Interesting." As for time magic, that brow only climbs higher. "Oh, well now I'm realky curious, both about that mission and how you plan on keeping my silence."

The crack about not trusting him, gets an attempted poking with his chopsticks, "Hey, I'm the shark with the heart, remember, you can definitely trust me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A brow arches, "Are we still doubting my abilities to keep your silence?" Daisy states in ways of challenge even if a moment later she is laughing it out, shaking her head a bit to herself. "And hey, watch it with the sticks. I really like this shirt.." her own hand comes up so as to deflect the blow with her own stick. With just makes sauce fly off and she grumbling. Apparently she was hit it with it.

"Great now I will have to take it off.." she murmurs, not without some teasing on her tone! She leans over, "And I remember, my shark with a heart.." lips pressing against Matt's..

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Smirking, Matt counters "Less doubting, more hoping for a demonstration."

He laughs as Daisy's shirt gets tagged with sauce. "That's a shame," he says of having to take it off. "Need some help?" he asks her returning that kiss his hands already seeking the hem of her shirt.