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Latest revision as of 11:32, 15 March 2020

Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Zatanna's roommate meet her girlfriend.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Satana Hellstrom, Jean Grey

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It had been some time since Zatanna had come home and went to her room. Her coat jacket was ripped up, the fishnets ruined and some tears in her top. They were left on a dressing manequin near her door. And now it's the next morning. Zatanna had stayed secluded in her room while Satana and Beatriz chatted. But finally, wrapped in a terry-cloth robe, her hair in loose waves as she pushes her fingers through it to head towards the kitchen.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana has actually been a (mostly) good girl while Zee was away. Other than putting a serious dent in the ice cream supply, and bringing a guest (Bea) to the mansion, that is. Right now her mood has been significantly tempered (after being banned from ice cream) by a series of fashion websites that Bea left with her. The redhead sits in the study, eagerly flipping back and forth between links on her cell phone when she hears movement in the hall.

Rising, she wanders out in time to catch sight of the robe. "Well would you look what the cat drug in..." she offers.

Jean Grey has posed:
Well, the reason that Zee slept in a bit? Shows up after a few moments. That reason being Jean Grey, wearing a forest-green terrycloth robe and Woodstock fuzzy slippers (think Peanuts). She yawns a bit, and smiles lazily at Zee, "Hey, where'd the coffee..." She pauses, and then notices Satana sitting in the study, "... go? Oh, hi there." She looks a bit sheepish, and waves towards Satana, "Good morning... or, um, afternoon?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You have no idea how accurate that statement is, Satana. Did I hear Bea earlier?" Zatanna starts to ask, just as Jean pads in. And the darkening of the mage's cheeks speaks volumes. "I'm working on it." she offers with a laugh, leaning in to greet Jean with a light kiss against her cheek, warm and affectionate. "Jean, this is Satana. Satana, Jean. Satana's a houseguest..." it's the easy way to put it. "Jean's the girl I was telling you about."

The date went really well, apparently.

"Eeffoc." With that, the coffee press starts, squeeze fresh beans as the perculator starts and coffee is ground to be roasted and brewed... turkish style. "I'm sorry about scaring you last night, Jean. I didn't expect for that webcast to come under attack."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana wanders towards the kitchen with the other two, head tilting a bit and her smile broadening. "Awww..." she offers, at the cheek kiss. "Aren't you two CUTE together. No matching robes?" Yeah, she's definitely eating this up. "And yeah, I'm Zatanna's pet succubus." she adds, watching Jean's reaction. "But I'm not allowed to bite anyone without permission."

She steps right up, then. "Don't suppose a girl could get a little ice cream in her coffee? The freezer is broken, apparently..."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Pet succubus?" She gives Zatanna a curious look, but files it away as she returns the cheek kiss. Glancing back to Satana, she gives her a friendly enough smile, "Well, I have a friend that's the Demon Queen of Limbo, so.. good to meet you. I'm Jean."

Though at the mention of ice cream in coffee, Jean looks a little horrified. Moreso than she did at the fact that Satana is a succubus.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Someone accidentally summoned her. She's stuck on this plane, and I couldn't leave her on the streets -- so she's staying here until we figure out how and why. I'm a one person only type of girl. Don't share, don't like to be shared." She points a coffee cup at Satana, a smirk. "I haven't asked Jean to be my girlfriend yet, don't rush me." Zatanna worries on her lip as she passes a second coffee cup to Jean.

Then she takes out a saucer for Satana. She wants to be a pet? "Oh, are we low on ice cream? Maybe someone thought it would all go to your hips." she says with a smirk as she moves to take pour their cups. "Could someone be a love and get the cream and sugar for Jean... I don't know how she likes her coffee yet."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana leans her butt against a counter, pouting exaggeratedly at the mention of ice cream going to her hips. "I've got a preternatural constitution, Zee. I could eat nothing but sugar and lard for a MONTH and it wouldn't go to my hips." Her expression becomes wry, then, if not quite smug. Pushing away from the counter with a shrug, she heads for the cupboard.

"Oh, that's alright. Jean, would you be Zee's girlfriend? I can pass you a note during study-hall if you'd like to make it official. And how do you take your coffee?" Looking back at the two, she adds. "I don't mind sharing, but I also don't butt into other people's romances without an invitation. Not even for ice cream."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Well, when you put it like that, I wouldn't mind at all." She chuckles and slips her arm around Zee in a warm hug, resting her head on Zee's shoulder, "I mean, you magick up coffee for me and can woosh me from the mansion here without a problem so..."

She then grins, "Just a bit of cream, no sugar for me please... here, I can get it." With a gesture, the cupboard door opens and the cream floats out, lazily gliding towards Jean as she shows off her own powers, just a little bit.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You know..." Zatanna teases, but she looks a little hurt. "I was waiting to take her to dinner, for us to dress up, go dancing, flowers and then ask." There's a mock sniffle, but she accepts the hug and embraces Jean fully in return before pulling back. "But PDA at a minimum while the succubus is around." she says with a grin as Jean shows off her own powers.

"So I may have something for you, Satanna. I was attacked last night. Well, a whole show was attacked. But a powerful mage -- bound to the body of a kitten. Apparently it's mistress had recently become love-lorn and it was taking revenge on the person that dumped her. Could have been she was trying to get your attention first?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana starts to open the cupboard when Jean just... does it herself. She isn't shocked, but the demoness wrinkles her nose as she folds her arms over her chest. "Hey, now, don't hold back the PDA on -my- account. You two may be cute, but it's barely a wiggle on my weird-o-meter..."

Then the subject changes to the show and her brows lift. "A mage bound to the body of a kitten? Well, now. That DOES sound more like it's up my alley. Don't suppose you caged the kitten, by any chance? If it's running loose it may take me a little while to find it."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Hey, you can still take me out for dinner and dancing, and flowers... I do love flowers." She winks at Zatanna, and gives her a not-too-shy kiss since Satana seems more irked that they //aren't// doing much for PDAs. Then she takes the cream-added coffee and sips, "I admit, mages possessing kittens isn't exactly my expertise, but I have traveled around the astral plane a fair amount."

She then gives Satana a wry look, "Though, well, I do know a place that does an amazing cinnamon ice cream... I can bring some over next time I visit." Good rule of thumb, bribing with ice cream is never a bad idea.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Especially when you want to shoo off someone to get time alone with your girlfriend, right? Ice cream could do that! But before Zatanna can say anything on that, she's kissed more properly and her fingers tangle in Jean's hair. She's trying to temper herself, but the lust demon can feel it and Jean's own senses are tingled before the mage pulls back with a soft breath.

"I couldn't capture him, but his true name is Nasir ibn Muhammad ibn al-Din Tusi. He's persian, you should be able to scry him." she offers as she moves to sip her coffee.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana makes a low sound in her throat that's almost, if not quite, a predatory growl. And, from her expression, no doubt an exaggerated one. Leaning against the counter again, she watches shamelessly and is smirking then they come up for air.

"You've got a true name? Oh, that's excellent!" she replies, brightening noticeably. "Oh, the things I can DO with a true name..." The predatory expression returns, but in a whole different sort of way.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean ahems a bit, taking a deep breath herself, "Wow, um, yeah, I can only imagine..." She blushes, "True name, wise, that is... I know a couple magical folks, and one of my best friends is a witch, so yeah, I do know that's something pretty powerful to have a hold of." With that, she grins over at Zee, "Need me to lurk around as an assistant or something, undercover?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"As amazing as you'd look in one of my assistant outfits..." Zatanna laughs, and a manicured nail taps Jean's nose. "I know you have your duties as a teacher. I don't want to take you away from those. Distract you from them? Totally." She grins. "Actually, I'm having a party here for some of my friends in and out of the sphere if you want to come."

She places a hand on a sheet of paper and murmurs, "Tseug tsil."

And a list of guests appears on the paper. She slides it over to Jean, who may be surprised by a couple of names. "A new magic user is debuting, and we're all getting together to support her." she explains. "So we're keeping it ladies only. Like a tea party."

She glances over to Satana next. "I made him swear not to hurt another until we could figure out how to restore him." And then she demures. "And unlike you, I didn't have to seal it." She looks at Jean, cheeks darkening. "The best way to make a succubus keep a promise is by kissing them." she explains, glancing down. "This was before I met you, so... if I had known you'd come into my life, I'd not done it." And she waits to be dumped. Again.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana doesn't -quite- roll her eyes on the subject of bindings. "You made *me* swear not to *kill* anyone." she offers. "I can still hurt people plenty. In any case, it just so happens that spirits and bindings ARE one of my specialties." It's a casual distinction, at least for her.

"I'm assuming that we want both the magician and the cat intact afterward? It'll take longer that way, but it's also less of a mess."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles over at Zee, "Hey, it was before you met me, no worries love." She gives Zatanna a warm hug, reassuring the magician as she then looks over the guest list... then she starts laughing.

"Wait... Megan?!? Illyana... WANDA?" She sounds really excited, "Wanda's been my best friend for like, years! She's the witch I mentioned, and she's great. We met when she was still doing the supervillain thing with the Brotherhood." Her nose wrinkles a bit at the name, then she adds, "But yeah, I'd love to be your 'and one' for this, Zee. It looks like this'll be fun."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Sorry, Satana, Jean's my plus one!" Zatanna laughs playfully - as if Satana wasn't currently living her. "So Satana is living her until we figure out her deal. And then working on setting her up with her own place. Because this is my little fortress of solitude." the young woman settles in against Jean, sipping from her coffee. "There's a couple of non-mages on there. But there is delight on her face at Jean's warmth."

"...you think they'd approve?" she asks, looking from the list. And then to Jean. "Of us?"

Just a little too of that flagging personal confidence.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana snorts softly. "Well if it's a meeting of magically-endowed ladies, I'm pretty sure I can pass the entrance exam without being anyone's 'plus one'..." she declares. "So who are we meeting at this little shindig, anyway? You said something about someone new in town. I know a few people in... other realms. I can introduce her around, if demons are her thing."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they would... frankly, considering the amount of alternate-timeline kids that seem to be making it here lately, they'll probably be //relieved//." She winks at Zee, "I mean, Megan is going to be geeking out, I'm sure. Wanda will be quietly happy, and Illyana will be grim and goth-metal because that's her default state."

She then grins at Satana, "Well, demons aren't //exactly// my thing, but I don't think I really have an objection to them? Mostly I just know a few from Illyana that way."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You'd be the only demon, Satana, and this girl is more about fixing things." Zatanna explains and then blinks. "Alternate timline... kids?" she asks quietly. <<Do we need to have a talk?>> her mental tone is concerned. If Jean has children showing up... she's far more amazing that Zatanna at first gave her credit for. Her hand moves, twining her fingers with Jean's.

"But you can come, but if someone tries to start truth or dare, no making souls a stake." she points out with a smirk. "And it's classy type of thing, not a slumber party."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Not that I'd invite any, of course. Just that I can introduce her later. If she's interested, that is." Satana KNOWS demons, after all. "Something classy? I definitely need to change my clothing priorities with Bea, then. We're still in the 'hooker' section of the catalog."

Satana considers for a moment. "Think I could borrow one of your tux coats? I promise to wear pants with it."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles a bit, sending mentally through her link with Zee, <<It's a long story... basically my daughter from an alternate future, then a granddaughter from another alternate future showed up. Great kids, but... um, yeah, it's a bit weird.>>

She gives Zee's hand a reassuring squeeze, looking perfectly content, "And I do have a very nice dress that will work perfectly for the occasion. It's from Wakanda." So yeah, the nice thing about being a superhero? You can make all sorts of fun connections, and she hmms, "If you like, Satana, I could help a bit with that too."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
<<Okay. Little bit weird. But it doesn't stop me from wanting to be with you.>> Zatanna admits in return to Jean and returns the squeeze. "You can use one of the jackets." she finally allows. Apparently Jean's presence does lower Zatanna's defenses. Just a little. She finishes her coffee and places the empty cup on the table. "Was there anything else? I'll talk to the house about your ice cream allowance, Satana."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana smiles sweetly at the last... a bit TOO sweetly, perhaps. But her tone is genuine when she replies with a simple. "Thanks." Then she adds. "It's really difficult to get ice cream when you live on an infernal plane. But I'm sure I'll come up with something to wear." Pause. "Something that's even appropriate." Which she sounds like that would be remarkable.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean makes a mental note to bring some ice cream over for Satana, since... well, look, always best to be on the girlfriend's roommate's good side. Doubly so if they're a demon.

Then she looks over at Zee, "And thanks... I didn't want to talk about that in our pre-date chats because... um, honestly? I didn't want to scare you off. I mean, that'd scare //me// off if I mentioned it."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I didn't run. Still here. Still want you." Zatanna says quietly, meeting Jean's eyes, and then presses Jean to the counter, giving her a wholly inappropriate kiss. Because she needs to let Jean know she's wanted. And desired. Then she remembers to behave. She blushes. And gives a glance to Satana and counghs slightly.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana DOES roll her eyes at that, exhaling deeply and letting out a loud sigh. No, not at the inappropriate kiss. "Well, now. That's settled, at least. Unless you two want to second-guess each other's intentions a while longer." The succubus chuckles, then. "You mortals can be so cute sometimes, though!" Stepping right up, she hugs both together a bit tightly. The demoness is stronger than she looks, and apparently not shy about body contact. It's brief, however, then she releases and steps back. "Well I'm gonna do some more online shopping. You kids be good."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean would say thanks to Satana for the hug, but she's... a bit preoccupied, as she clings a bit to Zatanna right now. She grins a little, and looks back after Satana once the kiss ends, "Oh, good is definitely on the agenda, from the looks of it. But I'll make sure to bring that cinnamon ice cream on my next visit." She waves towards Satana, but her attention seems pretty locked onto Zatanna right now...