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Latest revision as of 23:51, 29 November 2021

Soft Jazz
Date of Scene: 29 November 2021
Location: Rahne Sinclair's Quarters
Synopsis: A piano crisis! Not really, but it's mildly amusing. Shush, I have horribly low standards.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
It's odd, but something weird came up on the recent stores requests. Not a huge deal, but apparently someone mentioned that Rahne (the little redhead) put in a request for a piano, and given her reputation as a decent person she was actually put on the list to have one put into her room.

It didn't really happen, quite. What she sees when she walks in isn't a piano. It is a lot more complicated than that. So, what folks would see if they walked in was this: Rahne Sinclair, in a pair of blue shorts and a white tee, looking at a full size keyboard with aalll the buttons and gizmos on it.

She looks terrified. "I just wanted tae learn one song!" The delivery person is long gone, but she's looking at all the switches and buttons and blinking. She touches one, and the whole thing lights up, and something Bach starts playing.


Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has no notion that Rahne is in any sort of distress - seeing as the woman hasn't reached out yet for any sort of help. Instead, Clarice is merely stopping by on a whim - taking a break from what seems like an endless supply of paperwork. On the plus side - between her work, her studies, and her recreational reading - it really is getting easier. But it can still be exhausting for her.
    "Rahne? You in?" she asks as she presses the chime on the door. "Pleeeeease save me from staff scheduling reports..."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is whacking at the keyboard buttons randomly trying to get it to stop making noise at her! She has sensitive ears, damnit! She doesn't realize that unplugging the keyboard would likely solve things, because she's not really a techie type.

"OPEN!" Rahne calls, the chime happening amidst what she considers to be an emergency, and she accidentally starts something awkward and techno at double-speed. She can be heard through the intercom going "Nononononono!" and rapid sounds that seem rather frantic.

"Clarice! Help!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Under normal circumstances, Mystique would be in meeting with Magneto, or the new head of the Chinese Brotherhood, but tonight she lucked out and neither were happening. This rare moment of free time would normally mean spending time with Lydia, but the woman was working on her book and needed to be alone with the hard chapter elements she was working on.

The living quarters covered numerous halls of the asteroid, but Mystique was heading down one when she heard what sounded like Bach mingling with a cat on the keyboard. Either someone was just learning, perhaps having sex on the keyboard, or something was wrong... so she meandered toward the sound.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The door slides open - which is most likely for the best, given how the alarm and panic in Rahne's voice is instantly prompting Clarice to action, but a quick scan of the room shows no sign of any threats. Just... a keyboard. Her brow furrows as she approaches to study the machine, giving it a dubious look. "Isn't there a //power// button?" she asks in a loud voice. "Or volume control! Look for the word volume!" This is impeded when she peers at the keyboard - and realizes everything is labeled in Chinese characters. Where did they get this thing?!
    "Theo knows how these things work. But- well. I think he's with... I think he's with our four deprogramees."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
While sex on the keyboard may happen, it currently is not. The closest thing to that is Rahne with one eye squinched closed whacking at things with her right hand while her left has her ears as plugged as possible, and Clarice coaching her at her random efforts.

"Ah dinnae know how I turned it on in th' first place!" she says, as Mystie happens by. First impressions are so important after all. "Ye can toss it intae space maybe?" She must be getting desperate. Though she thinks you can get things back from space, and she knows that space is quiet.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm not getting it back once I toss it out there," Clarice answers Rahne. She'd have to teleport out into the vacuum to do that - though, really, she could put on a suit first.
    She continues to study the keyboard, pressing at some of the buttons that look the most like power buttons to her. "I didn't know you wanted to learn how to play!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Reaching the room from where the noise is coming, Mystique peeks into the room with one row lifts.

"What is going on?" she asks, the sound no longer enjoyable at all. She not about to walk into the room, it's not her room, but she'll shut the door and save the asteroid with the sound proof rooms soon.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Guh," Rahne says, not really making much progress. Even with help! She hits something that looks like a sideways candle with eyedrops and suddenly the room goes silent.

Much too silent, because she can hear Mystique's disapproval perfectly.

Turning to look at the door, Rahne tries to hide behind Clarice a little bit. She knows that she's the big fighty type. Does not matter. She's the failure here.

"Clary, hide me."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a snort, giving Rahne a nudge, and turning to smile at her. "I'm doing no such thing. What would that accomplish?" she asks, before turning her attention towards Raven, a smile on her features. "Sorry about that, boss! Looks like Rahne's picking up a new hobby. I might have to have Theo come by and show her how the thing works," she remarks cheerfully. "I'm pretty sure he knows all about these things. I think this was what he was wanting before, actually," she muses in a thoughtful tone. "When I got him the piano."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique looks relieved that the damn noise ended. The song wasn't all that bad, but add the key bashing in there and what you get is the pitch and tones changing, the occasional random key from the board hit, and the song goes straight to hell.

"Would you prefer an actual piano?" She asks, still lingering in the door way and hoping Rahne says yes because real pianos can't go crazy on you. "I'm sure we could find one."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Still halfway hiding, Rahne is blushing all of the Scotland out of her cheeks. It really shows on pale skin. "Ah didnae request tha' contraption," she says, not sure if she's blaming herself or the people who managed to find ...

She says, looking at the keyboard, "Ah should thank them for findin' me anythin' at all. Es rude tae be ungrateful." I hate it, it's awful, I hate it. "They probably did their best."

Then she peers around Clarice, looking at Raven. Then at Clarice herself. Then she swallows, and gives a tiny nod. "I... hate it. Was hopin' for somethin tha's just a piano.."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. The piano I found for Theo - months ago - was actually free. People just give the things away, because they're so expensive and difficult to move," Clarice explains easily. "I'm sure we could do that again." Or Mystique would just suggest buying one with the Brotherhood's seemingly endless coffers - but surely they have better ways to spend their money.
    "...or you can ask Theo if this was the sort of keyboard //he// was hoping for. I told him to save up for one, basically," she explains. "But he wanted an electronic piano of some sort."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique leans against the door frame, eyeing the keyboard. "That's actually a really nice one," she offers. "I'll bet it's close to what Theo was looking for, but that's for him to decide, if Rahne wants to share that is. As for a piano, there may be one in one of the many storage units across the US that the Brotherhood has. Just have to check with the quartermaster, that's his job after all."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I mean, ah would trade, for certain." Rahne doesn't know how it works, but she knows manners. "This doesnae be mine exactly, though. Ah dinnae want tae get someone in trouble if it vanishes an' a free piano is here in its place."

She looks at the ...thing...and says, softly, "Ah heard a song ah wanted tae learn to play. It was so bonnie, ah jus' fell in love..dinnae know th' name though." She starts to reach out toward the keys again, almost like she needs to touch them.

But she's not that stupid.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - if you want to keep this one - Theo can show you how to use it, I imagine. And if you can remember the song enough to sing it, maybe Theo can help you figure it out, or will recognize it?" Clarice suggests. "He just- he seems to be so very talented with music - him and Pete both, really. But I'm no good at any of it." She smiles a bit wryly as she studies the keyboard with curiosity.
    t"I wonder why it has so many buttons, though? And what they all do..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"They're for changing what the keyboard sounds like when you play it," Mystique offers from her perch. She doesn't play an instrument, but she understood the basics.

"With that keyboard you can likely play drums, guitar, piano, etc. and record it all, without needing the actual instruments to do it with."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne visibly panics. "No, no recording me," she says worriedly. THAT's what she fears most. Being recorded while she's being awful on a piano.

Then she looks to Clarice, and impulsively hugs the magenta marvel around the waist. Once she's there, able to scent Clarice's skin, she says, "Juft wanted fho learn one smong." Which is silly, but she'll likely either learn to love it or give it up early. Like everything else she does.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice wraps her arms around Rahne in return, an amused smile playing across her features. "You would be the one recording you. Which means you could be the one deleting it as well," she murmurs.
    She stands the way for a moment before murmuring, "So what was it about Talia that made you think of me? She's a frightened little thing..." she remarks in a quiet voice.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Straightening, Mystique considers a moment, then says, "If you lose the power button again, just unplug it or keep your door closed. Good luck with learning to play Rahne, I'm sure you'll get that one song down with Theo's help."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"How far have you read?" Rahne says in response to Clarice's question. She looks at Raven, then her eyes look around quickly. "You gotta go?" She seems almost saddened by this. Which is SO WEIRD realizing that it's Mystique she's talking to! But...it's so not! It's Raven, who is sweet. Dangerous, psycho, but definitely sweet. "You don't gotta go, you know. I got room, you could hide out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - she just got to the school," Clarice remarks. "The names are all so strange," and there are some real challenging words - like 'collegium,' "so the audio book is helping a lot," she admits. "I haven't really read a book quite like that one yet." What - a fantasy book? ...then again, how many books //has// Clarice read?
    "Work never lets up, does it?" she remarks, looking towards Raven with a sympathetic smile.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique pauses before stepping out of the eye of the door that would allow it to close. She had assumed the two wanted to be alone, given she hadn't been asked in until that moment, but apparently she had been wrong. She wasn't about to go walking into people's room uninvited, yet she had needed to shut that thing up so choose to stop.

"Didn't want to intrude," she offers with a slight shrug. She had no idea what book they were referring to. "Nothing happening at the moment. Lydia was writing, Erik is taking a night off and the other matter is... busy."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Es my place tae welcome, so welcome!" Rahne says, offering Mystique a hand she can take or not, her decision to make. "Or call Lydia. No sex though, ah cannee ever un-smell it in a place." That...just came out of my mouth, her face says. So ANYWAY!

"Book! Es when she meets th' queen tha' Talia starts tae show her strength, Clary. Then ...well, ye can be strong in a lot o' ways. Hers be a lot like yours." Of course, since she has a guest, she turns to Mystique. "I been sharin' my book choices. Big reader."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a snort as Rahne's mouth gets ahead of her brain, but she doesn't make any actual comment on it, as she continue to relax with the Scotish woman held close to her. "She told me I should read 'Arrows of the Queen.' She said the main character, Talia, reminds her of me but- well. I'm not really sure I see it yet. She's a timid little thing, scared of her own shadow, it seems. But I guess maybe I just haven't read far enough yet."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne pulls Clarice toward her chair, flopping into it herself. She says, "Lap space," without explanation, and then explains ...about the book.

"Talia....um...she be badly abused. Ye saw thet. But, thaur be so much strength in her. Ah cannee explain et well. Ye hae a lot o' strength, Clarice. It's beautiful tae me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Stepping just inside the door so it can close, Mystique leans against the wall there as she watches the young couple. The adorable factor hits her first, making the roof of her mouth water from the amount of sweet that it was, next comes the smirk to cover it.

"Not one I've even heard of," she offers, folding her arms across her chest where she leans. "Don't have much time for reading, but I might be able to listen to it while working."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I would never be able to concentrate on work if I was listening to a story at the same time," Clarice remarks with some amusement, snuggling into the chair with Rahne.
    "Are there any books you did like, though?" she asks with curiosity - her gaze going up towards Raven. She was happy to collect recommendations from just about anyone. Doubtlessly Theo and Pete would be shoving books //they// thought she might enjoy, as well.
    With here head resting again Rahne she adds, "We're all of us strong women. And we've all survived different degrees of pain." It's not like Rahne or Mystique had the happiest childhoods, either.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne has her eyes closed when Raven is judging her and finding her sweet. She makes some kind of adorable sound against Clarice's cheek, then peeks one eye open. "I read a LOT. Ye be lucky et's only two books so far from me." Then she seems to think about something, and glances over at the nearby computer station.

She shakes her head a little, apparently deciding against whatever it was.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"It's been a long time since I had time to read, Clarice," Mystique comments. "Most of what I read these days are reports, training manuals, area guides, blueprints... though those are more looking at and memorizing than reading."

She chuckles, "I haven't done much reading, until Lydia's books, which I took the time to read. I recall reading Alice in Wonderland at some point, and the Hobbit books, but I couldn't tell you when."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The Hobbit books. The ones they made the movies from," Clarice remarks. Hey! She's aware of the Lord of the Rings now! That's an improvement.
    Clarice nudges Rahne as she adds, "I only have a limited time to read each day - between keeping up on my share of the day to day operations of the Brotherhood, and my studies, and the Neighborhood Watch, and finding the time to spend with Theo and Pete - and trying to convince my father not to be such a prick about things..." She lets out a heavy sigh.
    "And now I've had Hope House dropped in my lap..."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks at the two, worriedly. She sighs, then she looks at her room. Her lovely bed, which has allowed her many sleeps. But friends are more important than her nap schedule! To the rescue! "Put me tae work," she insists. "ah can do something, sure an' true." It's about time she started pulling her weight. All fifteen pounds of her, but she can darn well do a bit better than napping and eating up food and Clarice.

Shut up.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique's body tenses for a split second and then she'd back to her normal, not exactly relaxed, leaning against the wall. The mention of Clarice's father was enough to make the cobalt mutant want to go visit him herself, but it wasn't her place and she knew it. This wasn't about mutants, it was about him being an uneducated ass. She knew H & D were already bombarding the man with web links and books to read to educate him, untraceable emails send almost exactly every four hours with information on the transgender peoples. He had to be losing his shit over it by now.

"At the moment Rahne, there's not a whole lot going on," she states after a moment. "There's numerous tasks around the asteroid that you could get in on helping out with, but the day to day operations remain with Erik and I, and some with Clarice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't suppose you want to help run a food kitchen slash homeless shelter slash youth center?" Clarice asks in a wry tone. "I surely don't have the time for it - so I have to find //someone// to manage the day-to-day affairs of the place. I mean - it really is needed. And there are people who rely on it now..." And she has no intention of letting it falter.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne listens to Raven, her face quiet. She's used to not being useful. It doesn't make her happy, but it's normal. When Clarice says yes though, that makes her blink. "Wait, really?" She turns her head up to Clary, then smiles a tiny smile. That place is going to eat, her, alive. Or she'll surprise them and herself.

"ah mean, of course! Wot do ye need? Ah can go right away."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Seems Clarice has a plan all along, which makes Mystique smile a little.

"Hope House?" she asks, making sure of what she thinks is happening, though it's not her business so it will end with knowing that much.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Nix went back to Romania and left running it with me. I just //haven't// got the time," Clarice replies with a sigh. "We can hire someone who's more experienced with management to help oversee things - but I //trust// you, Rahne. I'd feel better if you were there, helping keep an eye on things, as well. I'm sure you'd know when to bring something to my attention - if there were any real problems, for example," she remarks, giving the Scotish girl a squeeze. "But it's probably going to be a pretty big job."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah dinnae do much wi' my time, honestly," Rahne says softly. "Be nice tae use my noggin for somethin' other than screwing up perfectly good pianos." She doesn't seem to mind, in fact rather the opposite. "D'ye want me tae go start now? Ah can maybe call in some help. Got a few friends who'd like tae do some good deeds." She's thinking of Sam. Mostly Sam.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pushing off from the wall, Mystique offers a nod. "That's up to Clarice of course," she offers with a smile. "I'm going to go check on Lydia. I need to make sure she comes up from her writing every once in a while or she'll have her head in it all night."

A quick gesture toward the keyboard, "Let me know what you decide about the keyboard, after talking with Theo of course."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Make her go pet a guinea pig," Clarice calls after Mystique with some amusement.
    She gives Rahne another squeeze as she adds, "Well - if you're helping run the place, you're welcome to find a place for any of your friends that you like. As long as we're not taking away too much funding from necessary things like supplying food, safe housing, and access to health care - but I don't think you'd jeopardize any of those services. It's part of why I trust you."
    With her head still resting against Rahne she adds, "I can show you around the place, and we can iron out the details. And you can help me choose whoever your partner will be in helping to run the place," she suggests. After all - Rahne's too young, and with no experience in management - having her run the thing completely on her own would be a big ask.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Okay." That's the answer to both of the ladies. However, Rahne might very well be in over her head. But who was ever perfect when they stepped into adulthood? Rahne will be the first to raise her hand and say, not me! She'll try though, and maybe she'll even manage it. She's not alone after all.

"Take the keyboard," she adds, whispering. For god's sake, take it. XD