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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2021/12/10 |Location=Loft Apartment - The Thrones Art Complex |Synopsis=has and Las have an after Krampus parade chat over her past and she makes h...")
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|Date of Scene=2021/12/10
|Date of Scene=2021/12/10
|Location=Loft Apartment - The Thrones Art Complex
|Location=Loft Apartment - The Thrones Art Complex
|Synopsis=has and Las have an after Krampus parade chat over her past and she makes him a promise. Then the best Christmas movie, Die Hard, is watched.
|Synopsis=Chas and Las have an after Krampus parade chat over her past and she makes him a promise. Then the best Christmas movie, Die Hard, is watched.
|Cast of Characters=3221,3387
|Cast of Characters=3221,3387

Revision as of 06:15, 10 December 2021

After Krampusnacht
Date of Scene: 10 December 2021
Location: Loft Apartment - The Thrones Art Complex
Synopsis: Chas and Las have an after Krampus parade chat over her past and she makes him a promise. Then the best Christmas movie, Die Hard, is watched.
Cast of Characters: Asariel, Chas Chandler

Asariel has posed:
Lasariel was happy to be home and since Chas was with her it was a bit more relaxing. She'd taken jackets to hang up and turned on lights while Chas had gotten settled wherever he felt most comfortable. "Do you want me to make some coffee or hot chocolate to take the chill out of things?" she calls to him as she slips out of her shoes and starts to head towards the kitchen. She was in a much better mood than the night that they'd found the shop lifter nailed to a cross. Probably because the night went by with no one else being murdered.

That was a plus!

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas settles into the couch with a soft sigh of relaxation. It felt good to get out from behind the bar in Hell's Kitchen. Especially since things there were... yeah. Not good. "Hot chocolate sounds lovely" he says to his companion for the evening. He watches her with a fondness plain on his face. The woman's presence was soothing and comforting for a number of reasons.

    He pauses as she moves around the kitchen and says. "I... feel the need to apologize." This had to be given up. He knew more of her than she did of him and that was unfair--even if he wasn't the one who did the digging. "I didn't do the check on you. Const--" he pauses. "The creature that at the time was calling itself Constantine, did. And then proceeded to tell me, unprompted."

Asariel has posed:
"Hot chocolate coming up." Las grins at that as she settles into making things. Cabinents open and there is a pot that is gotten on the stove for milk to heat up. She leans on the island in the kitchen to listen to him when he starts to talk. His apologies makes her frown and she shakes her head as she turns to check the milk, wouldn't take that long to heat up. "One second." she states in a soft tone. She wasn't upset at him, no.

She places their mugs on a tray and pours milk over the cocoa mix letting it sink in for a few seconds. The fridge is visited to grab a bottle of whipped topping before she heads to the couch where he is seated. The tray is placed on the coffee table and then she arranges herself to sit on the couch, pulling her legs up into a indiana style to watch him.

"Wait...creature? Did someone kidnap Constantine and use a double?" she asks him. There was worry there. "And my past is...complicated to say the least. I'm guessing that with what you might have been told that you have questions or concerns...so lets start there?" she offers.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas nods to her. "Well... what that thing--it's a long story, but the short version is that a demon managed to control a meat puppet that looked like John and knew everything John knew--" he rolls his eyes. "It's... missing now. But the John that's out of the streets is the real one... the other one doesn't... look right."

    He lets out a long breath. "As for questions... I... what he found didn't have too many holes. No father isn't exactly egregious... the one questionable bit is the cult. You and your mother... were kidnapped?" he asks, giving her a bit of a curious look. "Is there anything more about that that you can tell me? I mean, it explains the bodyguard a lot more than the fame angle."

Asariel has posed:
Las stirs the cocoa up before adding whipped cream to it, seemed to be a good thing to take the sudden edge off of things. "I'll remember that should I run into an odd looking Constantine around town." she frowns at that. "Hopefully the real one was not hurt in the process." she states softly.

Then the first question is offered and there's a bit of a soft headshake, "It was just me. My mom was not taken." she tells him. "I didn't learn much about the cult that took me. They were trying to get me to manifest something, but nothing ever came from it." she frowns at that. Or at least not that she knew of. "And yes, Gio is around because of people wanting to kidnap me more over the fame." she admits.

"I don't know if I'm something else other than human, if that question was in there." she smiles softly at him.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas shifts a bit forward and puts out a hand covering Lasariel's in his own. "Hey... even if you are... that doesn't matter. Not to me." He smiles. "You're smart, funny, talented, and incredibly beautiful... what does it matter whether you're human, meta, mutant, or something else entirely. You are still important to me."

    He shakes his head. "I know you got Gio but... well... I don't want to presume, but if I can help protect you--in any way--don't hesitate to ask, okay? I'd hate to lose you." The emphatic nature of his words only give credence to his emotions for the woman.

Asariel has posed:
Lasariel gives a look to him and there's a bright smile to him, "Thank you for that. I was worried that if I my origins were not completely mortal that there might be some unrest. And I am not sure how much of the not so mundane world has been shown to Geraldine. It would seem your older daughter knows a bit about it." she states. It wasn't judgy, it was just a fact.

She places her free hand over his bigger one and looks to his eyes, "Let us hope that all will be smooth and that you'll only have to save me from crazy bicycle delivery folks here in town." she tells him softly. "If there is anything /I/ can do to help protect you and yours I will ask that you let me know. I am not the wilting flower that some think I am." she states. "I promise that you aren't going to lose me so soon." adds.

Famous last words in any horror show really.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas smiles. "Yeah... Phoebe is pretty versed given what she is... Geraldine... not so much" he says. "Her mother likes to keep her insulated from that..." He makes a face that says he doesn't entirely agree with the attitude.

    "It's part of why Renee and I split." He shrugs. "Since I can't just sit by, normal guy or not... I have to help where I can, if I can." He reaches up and gently strokes the side of her face with a calloused hand. "I know you're not as fragile as you look. But... if you're more than human... I have to add that I'm intrigued to see just what it is you're capable of."

    He lowers his hand and picks up on the of the mugs of hot cocoa. "But that can wait. Why don't we just have tonight and enjoy each other's company... away from the mess that's going on elsewhere?"

Asariel has posed:
Las nods to him, "Well, I will do what I can to keep Geraldine protected as well. Given her father is deeply involved in things I'm guessing that some day the other worldly will try to touch her and...well sometimes it's just something we have to prepare for." she sighs at that. "I wouldn't want Renee or you to go through not knowing where she was for a year, like my mother had to do." she frowns.

"We'll talk about that more another night." she whispers to him.

"Hmm, I think I know where to start looking on my past. Mister Weiss, an old friend of my mothers could be tracked down. Hopefully." she muses as he strokes her cheek. Her head turns to brush a kiss to his fingers before he gets to his hot chocolate.

Then she rearranges herself and grabs the remote from the table as she turns it on, "It's time for the annual watching of Die Hard...since it is absolutely a Christmas movie." she laughs as she selects it.

Hopefully Chas would agree.
