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Tu casa o mi casa.
Date of Scene: 15 March 2020
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Gwen comes over to see about getting home... and decides to stay a little while.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Gwen Stacy

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The knock on Shadowcrest's door came in the evening. Zatanna was already in the foyer, putting away some things when the knock came, and she called out to the house in general. "I've got it!" She does actually open her own door on occassion. Outside, the grand old manor house stands proudly and forbodingly, because what girl wouldn't want a cool creepy house to live in?

It came with the birthright.

A simple robe is pulled over her nightgown, hair let down for the night as she grabbed the candleabra and opened the door to greet her visitor. And no, there was no catfishing her with her astral form.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It would have been a hell of a catfish, Gwen was kind of hoping for Fishnets, though.

See it's funny because fish is in both of them...

Alright, so she's a little nervous and retreating into her head a little.

Standing on the otherside in... most of her costume anyways, is Ghost Spider, who has pulled off her mask and is currently smoothing down her undercut side hair with the pink tips. Back to the big creepy door of the big creepy mansion because as we've covered in our last issue:

Spider-Senses hate... that's right, Spider-senses hate magic.

When the door open, her own blue eyes widen at Zatanna... she isn't being a creep when she looks to the robe and back up to the Candleabra... then back down to the robe, "This... is a bad time huh? You were watching Elvira?" Snaps, points, back over her shoulder.. cheeks all puffed out, "I can come back during the day..."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hello, Ghost Spider. Definetly not mutated spider-face." Zatanna's smile is warm. "When I said come over anytime, maybe I should have clarified..." she says teasingly, giving the girl a once over. "Do you live in that costume?" comes the curious question as she steps back. Sapphire eyes dance with amusement. "And here I thought you'd want me to dress down for you."

Taunting her? Maybe a little. But her flirt game has been off lately, and Gwen made her feel good about herself.

"Have you eaten yet? Please, come inside..." she pauses, and then chuckles softly, melodiously. "Said the fly to the spider?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"You sure? Looks like you were just about to sit down beside your chamber window... tis just some vistor.. Spider though, not a raven.." Gwen's a little sheepish herself, not necessarily because she's bashful, she is absolutely not that. It's because Zee promised her the world, at least the possibility of it..

Dressed down?

A brow perks. "Listen..." She teases, grinning a little wider as she steps inside, looking over her own costume when it's mentioned. "It's all I have from where I came from. If you're able to send me back, I thought... well I thought maybe it's all I should take back with me. Someone gave me a credit card with a few thousand dollars on it to buy clothes.. I have clothes.." Rambling.

Her flirt game has been a little off recently too. A lot of people flirting with her, all of them from the wrong sphere of influence, if I'm not bein' to subtle.

"No, I haven't... eaten." Fly, spider, "That only works if you're the spider..." Stepping inside, eyes immediately looking around the grand foyer, "So is this a tardus situation? Bigger on the inside?" Motioning around. "OH! I'm Gwen.. Stacy. My name is Gwen Stacy."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Gwen. Actually, I was just about to settle in and catch up on Outlander." Zatanna offers with a chuckle. "A girl has to have her pop culture fix. Though I spend most of my time nitpicking the storylines." she admits as she steps back, leading the woman within. "Dimensional paradox. Don't worry, it's stable. You won't be ripped apart."

"And who knows, I may have known you were coming over." She leaves that part in the air. Of course, now that she's had her fun with teasing Gwen to the point of throwing her off balance - and wondering if she fits in Gwen's 'spheres of influence', she asks, "Would it have been better if I'd worn the shirt I got for being on natural 20s, they had the dice positioned... well, right where you expected."

As they move forward, Zatanna announces, "Sthgil." and it comes brighter in the home - better than smart lighting!

"I'll take you to the kitchen to get a bite to eat first? I wouldn't want to try to send you home on an empty stomach. Anything you got while you were here will need to be left behind -- if you need to change, I won't peek. Much." she teases as her bare feet pad against floor as they enter the kitchen area. "What do you like to eat?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Outlander, I don't think we've got that where I come from..." Gwen says with a hand running up and down the back of her long neck beneath the straight locks of blone hair. It's all flipped over to the oposite side with a brush of her palm, revealing the shaved length along the leftside of her scalp. "I just got into Orange is the New Black, though. Ruby Rose..." She sucks her teeth, hard. "She looks just like a friend of mine in Gotham in my universe. Kate Kane."

META ALERT. We're being meta over here.


Cut it out. Stop getting nervous.

Hard with the teasing. Gwen grins and clears her throat, "I uh.. yeah." The dice, "I noticed that." Motioning at her own dice, where there are definitely no dice. Just spider symbol. "If you want to run up stairs and grab it, I definitely wont peek... because I'll get lost... but I /will/ get lost." Cus she'll be trying to peek, that presumably the joke here.

"Well, I'm wearing everything I came with.. Costume, that's it. I did fix it up, so there's this universe thread, which could get super awkward if you say I can't take the costume... I don't wear anything under it. Lines... not attractive." Whose teasing WHO now.

"So, like, is it all real magic?" Motioning around, "Because everytime you do that thing-" Talking backwards, "-My head errupts in tingles. Which is better than the blarring air horn it was yesterday, I guess..." Food. "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I don't know, I'm nervous."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, this doesn't work for some reason, we can break out the Ben and Jerrys, and you can stay over and watch. It's like Highlander. With more death. And less Tessa. Sigh." comes the response as she watches the woman expose her hairline. "Is it any good? Or is that a prison hairstyle?" she asks as she roots around in the fridge. Pulling out a jar of peach preserves, she pauses at the question.

"If you're asking if it's all magic..." Zatanna looks down at her chest coyly, and then back at Gwen. "They're real. And they're spectacular." Her hand sits on her hip, "I perform magic - stage tricks, sleight of hand, balloon animals. But I also know Magic." Big M. "The occult, the mystical. I can do a lot of amazing things. But there's a lot I'm still learning." she says and then frowns. "But if I'm irritating you with my abilities, I'm sorry." comes the honest admission.

Then she's moving to the pantry, getting out the bread and pauses as she looks at the peanut butter.

"Crunchy or smooth?" she asks, turning the flirting back on her.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I'm not suppose to be rooting for this to fail, Zee..." Gwen says with a little laugh on her voice at the mention of watching a show, eating Ben & Jerry's, or more likely, staying over. It's almost assuredly that one, though. It's definitely that one. "huh? Oh.. It's a long story." hand touching her scalp, "But it is a pretty rad haircut, right? I've never been to prison.. but if there were more Ruby Roses there, I might.. twice... for really horrible stuff so I didn't have to leave."

Another cough, mention of them being real, and spectacular.. And pointed out. "I.. yeah.. I bet.." Her mouth opens, then closes, lips twisting from side to side thoughtfully until the frowning apology makes to her ear, "OH NO, no, that's not.. no I didn't mean that.. It was a little startling at first, sure, but... I'll get use to it." Implications.

"Definitely Smooth. I'm a smooth kind of girl. No nuts."

She said what she said.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then we share similiar tastes." At least at the moment, as Zatanna brings over the peanut butter and sets it down. "Now, I could make the sandwich for you, but I'd just use a spell, and I don't want to make your head hurt. Want to make it yourself?" she asks and then grins. "And unless that suit is pushing them down, you have some hope yet."

We have time, while I'm preparing your spell. I have everything I need for it. Now that you're here." she explains as she leans her hip against the counter in thought. "I wouldn't mind pushing this further, but I figure you would like to get home, so I'm not trying to be heartbroken just yet." she admits with a small laugh, nervousness in her tone.

Because she didn't honestly expect her to be so friendly. And hot. And willing to meet her flirting game.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen's wrist flicks out, a webline hitting the center of the jar of peanut butter. It's yanked back into her hand without looking, fist coming down on the table to bounce the knife up, flip it over with her fingers running along the bottom end, and rolls into her hands between them like someone knuckling a quarter. The jar, she tosses it in the air, turns her blue eyes up at an angle toward sit, and slaps the cap at just the right angle, at just the right moment, to send it twisting off through its own counter inertia.

The cap falls away, the knife comes out in her grip to catch it along the inside rim, twist the knife in a swish and slide it along the table. Stopping it near the middle with the bottom of the knife stuck down infront of its path.

The jar is spinning on her fingertip.

She was just showing off.

Glancing over at Zatanna.. grin fixed on her features until the nervousness seeps into the Sorceresses voice, "What's that..." Pointing with the open jar, cream butter end in Zee's direction like a laser pointer of deliciousness. "You're nervous, I'm suppose to be nervous, not you..." No spider-tingles. No danger.

Lips pressed together, knife stuck down into the peanut butter, "I'm laying the flirt on kind of thick, huh? I know you said you were taken, I sh-.. listen, I'm sorry. I'm not... ya know, it's just... I haven't gotten out much since I got here and.." Her shoulder bounces, eyes down on the bread.

"Whenever you're ready, I guess.." Fingers back through her hair. How very quickly her appetite disappears. "I really, guess, I kind of sorta should go home.. right?" Squinting.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"And here I thought I was the sleight of hand specialist here..." Zatanna's cheeks warm and redden as she watches her show off. "I don't mind the flirting." she admits finally. She walks up to Gwen, dipping her finger in the jar of peanut butter, scooping some of it onto her tip, and she takes a moment to suck some of it off before pressing the remains of the cream to Gwen's mouth.

She doesn't say anything else on the matter, instead she moves past the other woman, humming to herself as she heads for the study. "When you've had a chance to eat, come join me. Am I ready to send you home? I could probably do this all night. But then I would be selfish."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There's that finger, got Gwen all cross eyed watching it come up to her mouth.. Is she the kinda gal who would let another gal leave with a goopy finger? There's morality to consider here, okay? Sure, Zee said she was seeing someone, but this is morality.. Wait, no, that doesn't make any sense Gwendolyne Stacy.. You cannot use morality as an excuse to be amorale.

Unless you're about to go to another dimension and don't have to face the fallout!

So much for morality.

Gwen closes her lips around the finger, and cleans the peanut butter. Because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Don't judge me viewers, you'd have done the same, damn, thing.

Her gloved fingers run through her hair while she works the small glob around in her mouth with her tongue rolling over the roof of the soft pallet, swallowing hard at... something.. Zatanna said, "So let's look at this from a purely scientific, and completely hypothetical situation..." Hands up, she is a scientist, no longer interested in eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Is there like a... time frame here? Is that how magic works? Do we have to do this by midnight three days after a Friday the 13th? Because I'm all for dramatic exits, but... You're... you're not.. flirting the same way you did yesterday.. and ... I want to know why." Following Zatanna, "It seemed like a game yesterday, and it still does, but ... maybe I'm just really dense, but... Something happened? Do /you/ need Ben and Jerry's?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna actually wasn't expecting Gwen to take her finger into her mouth, but she doesn, and Zatanna freezes in that moment. She closes her eyes, relishing in the warmth, before a shiver passes over her and she swallows. "I had just met you yesterday. I had learned to be guarded, and not put myself out there." she admits quietly. "...I was in what I thought was a relationship. But everything into it. And she told me that I was just a fling for the night." she admits.

"Jean..." she says her name. "Jean's incredible and special. But she has her own things she's doing. I'm not one hundred percent sure of anything with her. She has children. From the future." she explains.

"So unless there's some medical miracle on the horizon I don't know about...?" she shrugs her shoulders.

She moves to sit on the counter, legs bared beneath the robe. The nightgown is rather short, after all. "I've had your company here for a little bit, and I feel a connection with you. And it's nice to have that. I don't want to push it too fast. Or too far." she fidgets slightly, looking down at her hands.

"Magic is an exact science, but it's also part chaos theorum. Do I need to have the planets align just right to do something perfectly? Perhaps." she admits.

"Do we have to send you home tonight?" Zee purses her lips together in thought, and she finally shakes her head.

"No." she says meekly. Hopefully.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh." Gwen says with a look down at her own hands turned up to face her, whispering their silent judgement: You have zero morales Gwen Stacy. Shut up, there was a finger in my face... She feels kind of bad, and it shows. Not necessarly for ... what she did, but... for Zatanna. "I.. yeah, I get that." She murmurs quietly and scratches at the back of her neck. A whole lot more careful about where she's standing and how. Palm down on the table, not really supporting her, but... supporting her.

She clears her throat, "Well, here's the thing.." She says, as if she's going to back pedal from sucking a girls finger. That's basically all the way in as far as most situations go. There's very few, haha just kiddings that cover that kind of commitment to the flirt game up.

"I've been here for like a month, right? I don't know if time passed casually along on the other end or if I'll just drop back off right where I left, but I have this keen feeling that when I get back, I'm going to have a few very tough questions to answer for a very angry red head.." That said, "In /fairness/ though, we'd only been on the one date, and I... am basically telling you a bunch of stuff you didn't ask."

Because rambling. She lifts her hand from the table and moves over to the counter beside Zatanna, hoping up easily so her feet can dangle with the ankles crossed. Her blonde hair too, hanging like a curtain with little pink adornments. "The long story short version of this short story going long is... If I don't, actually, specifically, /have/ to leave tonight-" Or ever. If it weren't for the possibility of time paradox... Her shoulders slump.

"Dude, why couldn't you exist in my universe?" Blue eyes turning towards Zee. "I feel like such a horrible person that I'm actually considering risking a total paradox backlash to stick around... and yet.." Her tongue runs against her teeth. Peanut butter, amirite?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Maybe I do. I just may not be magic. After all, chaos theory is that in every existance is a duplicate of us, and what allowed you to come here is that your duplicate does not exist. In this case, she died." Zatanna responds as she turns to face Gwen and lays her head on the other woman's shoulder. At this distance, the smell of her jasmine and rosewood is warm. Inviting even. Not that she hadn't planned to wear such for Gwen's visit.

"So you've been here a month. We've been on one date, and we're sharing a whole lot of things about the other. And I'm totally not going to lie - the idea of changing into just that shirt and precious little else flashed in my mind when you did that peanut butter trick."

"Maybe there is a me there. She probably works at Panera Bread, or at an occult bookstore. Runs a D&D game on Friday nights. But... she would be me." She draws in her breath. "...but not the me that's here and now."

"No, as I said. You don't have to leave tonight. This universe..." And then she offers bravely. "...or this house."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen grins at the notion of a Zatanna in her own universe, but it's fleeting. She understands the theory, but it wouldn't be the same. There's something to say for some kind of fate or destiny right? Would that hold true at all across Unverse? "Yeah." She murmurs quietly, still looking down at her own legs slowly rocking forward and back where they dangle out off the edge of the counter. If she said she wasn't feeling super, duper, invited by the scent coming off Zatanna, or the hand on her shoulder, she would be lying.

So she chews on the corner of her mouth. "I don't want to complicate your world by throwing you into another one night stand situation." She says finally, not defiantly, or even dismissively. There's some inclining there of higher brain function dwelling on what if possibilities because it's easy. Things are always easy when time is finite. Imagine what could, but wont, be right?

Besides, Gwen's brain works differently because of the genetic alterations from the spiderbite. She can snap to decisions or dwell on one indefinitely. Right now, she's definitely dwelling. Blinking long lashes over deep blow eyes suddenly looking up and over at Zee.

She opens her mouth and closes it, then nods. "So...Outlander.. Ben and Jerry's and maybe I can borrow a t-shirt? I /know/ how hot I am in this costume, but... keep it in your pants lady." Bravery begets bravery.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"...at least you're telling me in advance in might be a one night stand?" Zatanna seems just a little crestfallen by that, before she smiles, putting up a brave front. "Right. Ben and Jerry's and Outlander. I'm sure I have something you can slip into." And she slips off the counter with a smile. Flirty? Perhaps a little sad? It's hard to tell, because the next move is on Gwen.

"...I don't know if you haven't noticed, Gwen? But I'm not wearing pants." With that, she waits to lead the other woman away from the kitchen and towards her room.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I definitely don't /want/ it to be a one night stand... IF, whatever, you know what I mean." Gwen says as she assumes a lot about what could or might happen along with what she could or might want to happen... She slides down off the counter behind Zee and tugs at the long gloves running up to her elbow, "Oh, no, I noticed..." She assures with a quiet laugh, shaking her head. Deep blue eyes rolling right up into her skull as she yanks one, then the other, free, "A t-shirt would be absolutely fine. I'm not sure if /you/ noticed, but I'm not wearing pants under this costume."

She follows right along, hair bobbing with each step. Thoughts every where, and right here, all at once.