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Latest revision as of 02:51, 26 December 2021

Cooking up a storm
Date of Scene: 24 December 2021
Location: Lobby - GIRL Headquarters
Synopsis: Viv and Kaida talk about the future of food. But with added SCIENCE!
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Kaida Connolly

Vivian Vision has posed:
Following the GIRL Expo it's come to light that some of the projects underway have overlapping scientific fields. Super nutrition food pills and healthy space ship MRE meals both cover the same general niche of feeding people efficiently. So Vivian Vision has asked the groups number one mouse biochemist to collaberate on a few ideas.

Her suggested fields of investigation cover two main areas. 1. Using Kaida's research to further suppliment the nutritional value of the meal packs Viv had worked out for space. 2. Ways to incorporate different flavor options and menus into the capsules. So they can be used for longer durations before users start to find the experience repetetive.

Ideally without causing anyone to turn into a giant piece of fruit.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Honestly, Kaida was more than happy to help. It's strange, as confident as the mouse is, she's acutally a lot less confident when it comes to her scientific side. If asked, she'd tell anyone that putting your life on the line for others was way easier and required a lot less bravery than putting your ideas out there.

"Hi, Vivian!" The mouse calls out when she spots the girl and hops up on to a counter to get at eye level. She sits on the edge and nods to her, "What'd ya wanna talk about?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I thought maybe we could work together to produce better versions of our projects," Vivian says with a smile. Gesturing at the variety of cutlery, crockery, kitchenware and ingrediants. "You have far more experience when it comes to biochemistry than me. So I wanted your opinions on possible additions I could make so they'd be healthier."

She scoops up a bowl and begins mixing a few things together.

"I could also simulate possible ways to modify your food capsules to add in the sensation of a full meal. If that's something you'd be interested in?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"OH!" Kaida states and then shifts a little uncomfortably before hopping up on to the table and she looks at herself before she brushes down the front of her shirt and nods. She then looks around and pats her hips before finally just perking up.

"Uh, I'll be right back!" And then she zips off. It's a minute or two before she runs back in wearing a lab coat, carrying a different bag and has some goggles on her head. She nods as she hops up on to the counter, carefully setting her sword sheathe down and then heading over to Vivian.

"Yes, that's a good idea!" She nods her head and shifts the goggles down to over her eyes, "We definitely can achieve more by working together and having flavors nad more nutritional value in my capsules is something I wanted to work toward."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I haven't been able to simulate a way we could make a capsule give a sense of texture," Vivian admits with a frown. "But I have some ideas on how we could give a variety of sweet and savory tastes. Do you have a favorite dish? Perhaps that would make a good start point."

A holographic image displays with a selection of things Viv has already looked into. A cheese board with crackers, assorted pies, more savory main course options like pasta dishes with a variety of sauces.

"I've always found the toughest part of culinery  research is that I don't really.. well eat Human food. Nor are my senses anything like an organic entity."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"I see." She states and nods as she looks at it, "That'd make it less of a capsule and more of a losenge in order to simulate that. Right now, mine is swallowed and forgotten." She puts her hands behind her back, "One could probably not simulate texture at all but surely we could simulate flavors that way." She nods and smiles at Vivian before walking forward and looking over the ideas before looking to her.

"You see, the hardest part is making it so that people /want/ to have those flavors. Eating a steak is one thing, sucking on one for an hour is another." She chuckles.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It doesn't technically /need/ to be a losenge," Vivian muses. "If we simply add a coating to the capsule it'd give an initial taste sensation and if we chemically engineered it correctly.. Well it shouldn't be that hard to make it last a reasonable duration." She frowns as she runs some calculations. "Would ten to fifteen minutes be a reasonable length of time for a meal?"

"The tricky part would be making the coating strong enough that you get a full experience but not so potent that it's overpowering. And of course it would need to transfer the sensation while still being convinient to consume.."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Kaida puts a hand to her chin and considers that. She looks over at the various items out and then she seems to purse her lips and roll them sort of. Her mouth moving in various ways as she thinks.

"I think we might be better off chicking the brain than anything." She states and nods her head, "See, the issue is that if someone doesn't like the flavor, giving them no choice but to experience it for an extended period could be torture. Further, the ability to stop eating is improtant. No one wants to eat constantly for hours on end. Even I come up for air." She nods her head and looks to Vivian before looking at the pills.

"The point of the pill is not a permanent replacement for food but just a way to skip past needing a meal without missing the nutrition."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision nods. "I understand that the pills are intended as a temporary measure. I thought perhaps finding a way to make them 'feel' like a meal would be good from a mental health perspective." She blinks a few times. "This might sound like an unusual idea but... could we perhaps make a beverage that achieves both goals?"

The holographic displays adjust to show a series of chemical processes.

"The idea being you mix up a sachet which has a meal profile you like. And over time as the drink is consumed the blend of ingredients change so the flavours evolve. It starts out as say tomato soup, then moves onto a main course, before finishing with a sweet. Those sachets could be custom assembled to user preference to avoid issues with finding the combination unpleasant. In many regards it'd function like a fictional type of chewing gum meal."

The displays change to bring up a selection of research papers from various sources. "My research indicates technically it should be possible to have the taste change as it's consumed."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Well, if we're going to go drink form then perhaps working on something technological might be as important as something biochemical." She states and nods her head, "You see, if we were to create a thermos or a bottle that has multiple chambers, we could even make it as simple as pushing a button to switch between foods."

Kaida casually slides a tablet over before she hops up on to it and almost starts to skate across it with her bare feet. As she does, a holographic image begins to form above as she moves smoothly across the surface. The image is that of a cut in half thermos with various chambers that leads up to a single spout.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That would be an option. We could almost certainly scale down some of the valve and fluid containment systems used in the spaceship design. Probably easier than making each course have a different molecular weight so they'd naturally split or change over time.." Viv muses as she downloads some more research files.

Schematics for drink containers begin popping up on the holographic display. Along with heating and cooling elements that'd allow for different courses to be served at optimal temperatures.

"If it would be easier I can scale a holographic projection to your size and track your motions to calculate the input required."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A shrug and she smiles at Vivian, "No need to make things just for me." She states, "I'm the only one who is stuck this size." She chuckles and nods her head, "I don't need the world to change for me." She then shrugs and then hops over to sit on the edge of the table again, "Either way, the simplest answer is often the best answer. Less chance for things to go wrong in that regard."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I don't need to physically make anything," Viv points out. "I can merely adjust the holographic projections scale and location." The images shift in size and appear Kaida size. "My ability to project holograms is innate and my eyesight is capable of tracking the motions you make, then mapping them against the screen."

The synthezoid teenager smiles. "Given the way my mind works it's no more trouble than blinking for me."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Oh! That's neat!" She nods her head and then smiles as she looks it over, "That being said, I'm not trained in engineering or the like. That's other people's area of expertise. I'm better with chemical bonds and biological functions." She nods her head at Vivian, "Medicines, biological interactions, and the like are all where I live. I would like to expend eventually." She nods her head and laughs, "Just have ideas."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Viv adjusts the holographic images and makes one that's Kaida and interactive. "I can certainly take care of the mechanical side. We're not coming up with a new concept, merely applying existing information we have to a new use." There's another little nod. "I'm sure my Great Aunt Nadia will be happy knowing you're thinking of expanding your fields of study. It is after all a big thing about what GIRL stands for."

"I've portioned off some of my mind to consider the options. It won't be all that long before it establishes a shortlist of the best solutions."