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Latest revision as of 19:43, 28 December 2021

The Idle Life of Pietro
Date of Scene: 27 December 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: A chance encounter in Avenger's mansion with Janet and Pietro.
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Janet van Dyne

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The TV is blaring the 24-hour news cycle just a bit too loud for the time of day and lack of clearly interested parties in the room. At present it is only Wanda's brother, pacing about and poking at his phone, not seeming particularly engaged by either attempted distraction.

Boredom is uniquely painful for Pietro Maximoff, but he's absolutely too proud to go out of his way to attempt to engage anyone about it. The loud TV is absolutely just a distraction, not a halfhearted shout for attention.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"God, why is that turned up so loud?" Janet winces and waves a hand vaguely in the air near her face once she rounds the corner. Dark, wide-lensed sunglasses cover her eyes. With Christmas gone she's switched from mistletoe and holly colors to a more subdued outfit; black leather stiletto boots, dark leggings, and a grey dress with subtle flared shoulders, long sleeves and brass buttons to simulate a double-breasted jacket. All of this is tucked in under a heavy fur stole that almost definitely is authentic white fox fur.

She picks up the remote and mashes buttons until the volume's turned down, then tosses it at the sofa and turns back to Pietro. Her sunglasses are removed and she squints at Pietro dubiously. "You look like you got less sleep than me last night," she tells Pietro. Janet blows carefully on her coffee, the narrow lid mouth whistling back at her while it cools. "Wild night, or is Wanda missing again?"

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro stops pacing for a beat and glances up. He's genuinely surprised by the arrival, but his mind works through the reaction and recovery in less time than it takes most people to complete a startle response. His own outfit is uninspired, and more than a little cliche' as he's resorted to a navy tracksuit for casual evening/morning wear.

He redirects toward the fridge while Janet duels with the television remote, favoring her with a skeptical once-over glance on his way. "Sleep can be hard to come by," he offers, opening the fridge and giving the contents a quick look. Apple looks good enough. He takes a bite, closing the refrigerator.

He gestures with the fruit toward Janet's outfit, the mouthful not helping his ( admittedly improving ) accent: "Fancy rich people party?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"No, it's called Monday," Janet tells Pietro with a significantly exaggerated patience. "You know. Wake up. Go to work. Meet with people," she adds with a humorous lilt. "Doing the things that pays for this," she says, gesturing around at the whole of the Mansion. "Would that we could all sit around in track suits during the day."

She sets her purse on a table and puts her glasses next to it. "How about you? Some special occasion?" she adds, and mimics Pietro's gesture with the hand holding her coffee.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro's expression of amusement passes before most can register it even happened, and he returns to his default stoic expression, which usually conveys more self-satisfaction than is usually intended. He exhales a quick snort at the notion of sitting around, "Sit. How often you see me sitting, hm?" He glances about the kitchen a moment before adding a half-smile, "But I do appreciate that the things paying for all this are done." He takes another crunch from his apple, then adds, "Where else would I loiter?"

To the inquiry, he gives his head a shake before pulling himself into a mock heroic pose, "This," he offers, "is my 'between pressing engagements' look. Is good?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet listens to Pietro with an expression of bemused patience. She sits on the arm of the sofa and crosses one leg over the other, supporting her weight with her free hand.

"Where else can you get free food, good coffee, and 900+ channels without needing a club membership? Hell /I/ hang out here."

She sips her coffee carefully then lifts her chin at Pietro. "You know the hero pose needs a little work, but it's not bad. Put you in a proper suit and a little modelling help, you'd start making our Instagram posts. Love the new kid, I've told him to make sure only our best candids go out."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Though he's making a sincere effort, it's difficult for a man of his background to let all of that pass without a bit of an open-mouthed pause of confusion. Not having quite the context to determine if he's being complimented or teased, he resorts to deflection, "I think maybe I can fill a more practical role."

Leaning against the fridge, Pietro folds his arms across his chest, "I mean. I would be willing to offer myself up to something more... purposeful." He gestures vaguely around himself, "I clearly have the time."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's head shakes a little and her eyes flicker side to side, not quite understanding Pietro's objections. "Instagram isn't useful?" she hazards, trying to work out his reticence. "It's one of our best ROIs in terms of income for the Avenger's. We gotta pay for this place somehow, aside from me and Tony breaking into our piggy banks," she allows.

Janet gets to her feet and moves over to a liquor serviette hidden in a globe in the corner of the room. A few fingers of whisky are poured into her coffee cup, nevermind the morning hour, and she shoots Pietro a questioning look to offer him a drink before she closes it up again. "A little gainful employment never killed anyone," she observes.

"Is that what's got you feeling restless?" she asks, her expression genuinely curious. "I get like that if I'm on forced downtime when I'm up against a deadline."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
While he hasn't entirely avoided educating himself over the years, there's still a good bit too much of the feral mutant refugee in Pietro for him to confidently engage the likes of Janet Van Dyne on matters of ROI or Investment Opportunities. He does approach from his spot against the fridge to accept the offer of a drink. "Gainful employment, huh?" He smirks a bit, exhaling a single laugh, "What. I compete with FedEx?"

Rolling his eyes, Pietro pivots right into attacking his own suggestion, "Actually, I don't think I can compete with secure instant file sharing, now, no?" With another shake of his head, Maximoff abandons sarcasm for a moment: "No. It's not a specific restlessness." He considers over a sip from his offered drink, "I... AM restless. Just generally speaking."