Janet van Dyne

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  The Wasp  
Janet van Dyne (Scenesys ID: 60)
Name: Janet van Dyne
Superalias: The Wasp
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Fashionista, Billionaire
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York
Education: MFA
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: GIRL, Hellfire Club, Pym Tech, Avengers
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 22 June 1995 Played By Morena Baccarin
Height: 5'4" Weight: 125lb
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Man! I feel like a Woman," - Shania Twain

Character Info


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Janet van Dyne is the billionaire owner of JVD fashion and a founding member of the Avengers. Under her nom de guerre of 'The Wasp', her ability to shrink at will and telepathically control insects is a major asset to the team. When she's not off saving the world or revolutionizing fashion, she is at the heart of the social scene all over the globe. Janet never misses a chance to show up at a party, attend the latest gala, or be seen mingling with the best and brightest among the rich and famous.


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1995: Date of birth.
2005: Clara van Dyne, Janet's mother, dies.
2006: Sent to boarding school in Sweden.
2012: Disciplinary trouble has Janet retuned to NYC. She swiftly gains a reputation as a young dliettante and socialite.
2012: Janet starts classes at The Chapin School in New York.
2014: Enrolls in the MFA program at Empire State.
2015: Vernon is killed by an alien entitty. She bullies Hank Pym into arming her with experimental biogenetics and Pym Particles, and becomes The Wasp.
2017: Wedding of Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne.
2018: In response to the Death of Superman, Janet assembles with the other founding members of the Avengers for the first time.
2018: Janet divorces Hank Pym.
2018: Janet takes leave from the Avengers to pilot her business, JVD
2019: Returning to the Avengers in January 2019. Begins dating Steven Rogers.

IC Journal

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The Winsome Wasp:
Janet is a gregarious, highly outgoing Type A personality. She's the life of every party and the center of every conversation. She's effusive, charming, and energetic. Janet can also be vexatious, petty, and as vengeful as her namesake. There is no half speed for Janet in anything she does. She's an efficient if commanding leader when called upon and capable of making swift decisions without resorting to fear or panic. One wouldn't think a vain socialite capable of courage, but Janet is quite fearless about danger or loss. There is a sweet woman at her heart, capable of love and affection. But there's an awful lot of fearless, somewhat sociopathic narcissist one has to chisel past first.

Character Sheet


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Insect Inside:
Radical experimental therapies were used to help Janet integrate the Pym Particles into her body. Her metabolism runs highly efficient; she eats less, sleeps less, and sees more positive results from exercise. Janet is resistant to many common illnesses and recovers fast from wounds. Her wings were grown from DNA cell grafts and emerge from pockets on her shoulderblades when she reaches a suitable size to use them. If they are torn off, they will regrow in time. Janet can fly at a nominal speed of 30mph and manuever as easily as a housefly.

Pym Particle:
The integration of the Pym Particle into Janet's metabolism allows her to grow or shrink at will. Her strength shifts in proportion to her size. At 50' tall, Janet can lift objects weighing up to five tons. Her comparative strength increases as she shrinks, so she can lift objects that dwarf her in mass. Growing beyond 30' is enormously physically taxing. Shrinking has virtally no lower limit, but past the scale of insects, even Janet requires special survival gear.

Summon Swarm:
An implant in Janet's brain gives her near-absolute command over all insects nearby. Spiders, wasps, ants-- they see her as both queen and larvae in danger. Particularly complex commands require her eyes-on presence, and the communication with them is one-way only.

Wasp Sting:
Janet can generate bioplasma suspended in an electromagnetic field. Once discharged, either by hurling the mass or breaking the field, she can easily blast through reinforced cinderblock walls. This power scales with her dimensions. She can also generate an intense electric shock capable of incapacitating most humans and many metahumans.


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Fashion is just one of Janet's skills. She is a talented painter, sketch artist, and indoor designer.

Janet speaks excellent Spanish with a heavy Bronx-influenced accent.

Business Sense:
One doesn't own a billion dollar brand without being business savvy. Janet built up a fashion empire in just a handful of years. She also invested heavily in Pym Technologies and is still the majority shareholder of that entity, and makes sure Hank's creative genius doesn't lead down a rabbit's warren of labor without profitable results.

Janet is moderately proficient at judo and has developed a fighting style all her own that makes full use of her flight and shrinking abilities. She is more than capable of holding her own against many opponents who are still in the baseline of 'human'.

Being a social climber is work. Janet thrives in that environment. She's extremely well connected through other people her age, the arts scene, music, fashion, and through her philanthropic efforts, she knows many of the rich and powerful of New England on a personal basis.


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The van Dyne estate was worth north of $100 million when Janet inherited the wealth of one of America's oldest families. Janet's worth over a billion dollars now, thanks to her majority shareholding in Pym Technologies as well as a very lucrative IPO when JVD Fashion went public. She maintains luxury apartments all over the world and a penthouse suite near the East Village.

Jvd Fashion:
JVD Fashion is the fastest growing fashion label in the world. Janet's already diversified her interests aggressively and is snatching up small but brilliant luxury designers and producers from many different countries. The leveraged assets of the total JVD Fashion corporation exceed several billion dollars and account for fifteen percent of all global luxury goods and five percent of all clothing sales.


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High-Functioning Addict:
Janet uses a lot of prescription medication and designer drugs to faciliate her active lifestyle. Uppers, downers, amps, mood alteration-- she's rather meticulous about how and when she uses, though, rather than relying on drugs as a form of escapism.

Public Figure:
Janet is larger than life and splashed all over the media everywhere she goes. There is little privacy and no obscurity wherever she goes in the world.

Textbook narcissism with some sociopathic tendencies. Janet has few qualms about using violence or emotional manipulation to her way with people, and has used lethal force on more than a few occassions where it was felt necessary.

Self-absorbed often comes to mind. It makes her seem shallow and superficial, and her reckless disregard for consequences may have implicatiosn down the road.

Social climbers have long memories and wasps will attack enemies in a blind rage. Janet exemplifies the worst of both of those mentalities. People who cross her or threaten her end up regretting it profoundly, even if it takes months or years to deliver.



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Janet van Dyne has 200 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Raven's Nest Grand Opening May 1st, 2024 Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest.
A Spring Fling April 12th, 2024 Janet throws a costume party. It ... goes well?
Hydra vs UN: A Train Goes North April 6th, 2024 Hydra sends passenger trains out of control, racing towards imminent collisions. Various heroes respond to save the passengers. Only, at the end, to hear of a Hydra attack underway at the United Nations.
When Opportunity Knocks March 6th, 2024 Colette O'Connail swings by a show at the JVD Flagship store and catches Janet van Dyne's eye. A fast friendship forms?
Hellfire Club Mardi Gras 2024 February 14th, 2024 The Hellfire Club Mardi Gras goes off without a hitch once again, and a good time was had by all.
Running Into Janet February 5th, 2024 Janet and Kitty bump into each other at Stark Tower.
Gotham New Years Soiree December 31st, 2023 A wild party takes place in the penthouse of Barbara Gordon's historic clocktower. Drinks are drank, eats are eaten, a giant Hyena is spotted, and a huge Blimp brings a fashion goddess to judge everyone's attire. A celebrity singer treats the ears of guests, and a picture of Godzilla in a booby dress is left on a magnet against Barbara's refrigerator.
Stubbornly Cooking Outside In Winter December 7th, 2023 The Avengers grill out despite the winter weather.
Bad Day to Rob a Bank November 22nd, 2023 Caleb Dykstra stumbles on a bank robbery. The Wasp is there to help!
Every child a winner October 31st, 2023 The last Halloween party of the night is suggested by Janet. Jen is all for it, Pepper is dubious until Tony finds a costume that goes with hers. Then, it's off to the party, and the entire Manchester United football club.
Hellfire Club Halloween Gala 2023 October 29th, 2023 Hellfire Club celebrates Halloween
Seeing Red: Booms For Banner October 27th, 2023 A bomb goes off on the East Side of New York. A call into J. Jonah Jameson's radio editorial claims five more devices have been planted. The Avengers and Reed Richards track down the bombs. Only they proved a diversion for the abduction of one Dr. Bruce Banner by unknown foes.
Seeing Red: Lab Under Attack October 14th, 2023 Mercenaries attack a secret government lab. The Avengers respond along with help from Vintridr and Power Girl. Though unbeknownst to our heroes, someone makes off with something from the lab.
A Maximoff Birthday! October 12th, 2023 Pietro and Wanda's birthday goes off without a hitch...or well...almost!
Avenger's Halloween Plans 2023 October 8th, 2023 Greer, Pepper and Janet have a casual meet-up at the Mansion to discuss decorations for Halloween.
On the trail of missing tech September 9th, 2023 Hot on the heels of some stolen Stark tech, Pepper Potts asks Janet to use her underworld connections to find out who stole the goods!
Girl's Night at the Speak Easy August 21st, 2023 Janet and Sue go out for drinks and Susan gives Janet some wise advice.
Knocking the dust off Janet August 14th, 2023 Bucky Barnes teaches Janet some hard lessons about under-estimating Super-Soldiers...
Fair days July 24th, 2023 Janet, Natasha and Pepper surround themselves with Pepper's work family at a Stark Industries picnic in the park.
Operation: London Calling - Part Two July 14th, 2023 The Ripper has been caught, but is this the end of his spree?
It's a Birthday Too July 4th, 2023 Avengers and SHIELDies gather for the 4th and to cook out on Cap's birthday.
A consult with second best June 25th, 2023 The ladies start planning avenues of study, of course getting ready to call in the 'big guns' in the form of scientists.
NYC Summer Charity Gala June 21st, 2023 The second annual Artios Charity Gala for NYC goes off without a hitch...but missing its hostess. Money is spent, connections and ties are made!
AVENGERS FOREVER: R. M. Jones, Esq. June 20th, 2023 The Avengers and their allies try to learn just who Rick Jones is.
Avengers Gotta Eat June 19th, 2023 A small group of Avengers seeks out food in the Mansion, and end up having a discussion for dinner instead.
AVENGERS FOREVER: Avengers Day June 18th, 2023 The Avengers Day celebrations are interrupted by a teleporting dude bro and smiling stormtroopers!
The Four Treasures: Masquerade June 18th, 2023 Janet, Brian and some Titans walk into a Faery Ball. It all gets a bit Shakespearian.
Feel the Mud Between Your Toes June 15th, 2023 Emma Frost and Susan Storm join Janet van Dyne at the spa for some well-earned relaxation.
Routing Out the Dead May 7th, 2023 Captain Britain and Janet van Dyne run afoul of a nest of vampires, and narrowly escape.
Avengers Training (May 2023) May 2nd, 2023 Avenger's Training goes off with a few sparks!
Met Gala 2023 April 15th, 2023 The annual event is a success. Everyone who was anyone attended! Or just those that had nothing else to do that night.
Planetary Defense Briefing: The Brood April 6th, 2023 Members of various super hero teams combine for one all out blowout cage match in the Watchtower. They discuss the Brood invasion, the Shi'ar that loved them, and how the various supers should react to it all. Act now, and catch it on Pay Per View for only 49.99!
Looking for a Good Time April 4th, 2023 Brian Braddock chances an encounter with Janet van Dyne at the Hellfire Club. A date is arranged.
The New Vice President April 3rd, 2023 A new Vice President is announced and he makes waves reorganising the way Superheroes operate under the law with proposed new legislation.
Back For Blood April 2nd, 2023 Janet runs afoul of Baron Blood, and Brian Braddock's timely intervention saves her life.
Duel of the Flyers March 25th, 2023 Firefly picks a very bad day to not only steal from the Wasp, but garner the attention of Captain Britain atop this. Also, seagulls make for sudden flight obstacles.
One for the money March 24th, 2023 It's not a party unless bullets fly and Janet sprinkles (not by choice) some angel... er.. pixie dust in the dustup with bad guys.
Progress in Fashion March 23rd, 2023 Brian stops by JVD Fashions to visit Janet after a promise made in London years ago.
Britain's Best meets the Avengers March 23rd, 2023 Captain Britain is introduced to the Avengers!
British Black Tie (2018) March 18th, 2023 In this throwback scene, Janet van Dyne meets Brian Braddock for the first time.
A Dressing Down March 12th, 2023 No description
That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce February 18th, 2023 What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another!
A nice dinner at the Manson. February 12th, 2023 A good diner is had, and everybody has a talk with T'Challa's sister, and student.
Wasp Life: February in the Club February 7th, 2023 Lorna's back in the USA, and makes a point of visiting Janet van Dyne socially.
Jaded Ancestry February 1st, 2023 A fortuitous meeting of Natasha, Janet, and Colleen in a New York Park may have started a new friendship group.
Everyone loves a Montage! January 29th, 2023 Training is had, and Janet oversees to make sure T'Challa knows he is supposed to be the friendly one.
An Uneventful Friday the 13th January 14th, 2023 Nothing gets blown up!
Keeping an eye on HYDRA January 12th, 2023 Kate Kane visits the Avengers to talk with Janet, Natasha, and Alison about possible HYDRA issues. Felicia Hardy makes an appearance as well.
A Royal Wedding Reception December 31st, 2022 The wedding of Prince Pietro Maximoff and Micola Lykaios is had and no one ends up causing a stir. A good new year's eve is had!
Fitting Robbie=Janet agrees to help fit Robbie for a new suit. December 29th, 2022 Robbie comes to Janet for a fitting appointment.
Moving On Up (Vivian's Song) December 25th, 2022 Val, Viv and Janet meet at GIRL headquarters. Vivian needs a sounding board so she can start her 'life map' after graduating high school.
The Lessons of Insects December 4th, 2022 Nadia and Janet go for a little walk in the woods to discuss insects and how to build a thriving company.
Peak Dining November 7th, 2022 Pepper Potts and Janet van Dyne catch up after the Adventure of the 10-Year-Old Avengers!
La Madrina: Counterpunch October 16th, 2022 Robbie and Janet are forced to respond to a surprise attack on one of La Madrina's outposts.
Bruce Wayne's Birthday: Rooftop Intermezzo October 15th, 2022 At Bruce Wayne's birthday, Phoebe Beacon makes an innocent gaffe and Janet van Dyne takes it badly. When Phoebe flees, the fashionista heads out of the crowd to find the errant Wayne girl and square things up again.
Not Older But Better October 11th, 2022 Bruceday Party! ACTIVATE!
After the shopping is done... October 3rd, 2022 Pepper and Janet shop for Halloween decor and retire to the Penthouse to chat and have dinner.
When The Levee Breaks I'll Have No Place To Stay September 21st, 2022 Heroes respond to a dam collapsing in the valley above a Massachusetts town.
Up In the Club September 15th, 2022 Janet and Val spend some time bonding at the HFC.
The Breakup (pt 5) September 4th, 2022 Nadia finally gets a chance to talk to Janet about the breakup with Steve.
Establishing Cred-Ant-tials August 31st, 2022 Scott tries to establish his Eric O'Grady alias by robbing a jewelry store. Now the jewelry district is on fire, Hawkeye is hurt, and Mary Jane nearly killed two people. A rousing success.
Welcome to Paradise August 25th, 2022 The visitors to the island arrive via the Jet and are given a honored reception!
La Madrina: Questions of Conscience August 21st, 2022 Robbie tracks Janet down at the Mansion, and has a few questions for her. He doesn't much like the answers.
Do Androids Need Dating Advice August 20th, 2022 Viv Vision comes to her favorite mother figure for some relationship advice. Still reeling from her breakup, Janet's more than willing to set her own problems aside and help Vivian get ready for her big first date! (Special guest appearance by Val Richards!)
Lois' Belated Birthday Bash August 20th, 2022 Lois' birthday party includes presents, foam and... drag. You'll need a drink for this one.
The Breakup (pt 4) August 19th, 2022 Janet and Bruce catch up briefly about Janet's recent breakup.
The Breakup (pt 3): Bargaining (again) August 18th, 2022 Emma descends onto Janet's penthouse and bullies the socialite into some self-care. It's not quite as fun as mud baths and mimosas... but it is a true expression of the love from a very long friendship.
The Breakup (pt 2): Anger August 17th, 2022 Hearing the news about Janet, Pepper returns from China as fast as she can. She and Tony invite Janet to the Stark Tower penthouse. Janet ends up screaming her rage into the night sky over New York, and for it finds a small measure of peace.
The Breakup (pt 1): Denial and Bargaining August 16th, 2022 Lois rescues Janet from wallowing in her own despair, and makes the socialite go out and tend to herself. THE SQUAD rolls in hard, and a (very) pregnant Peggy and a (annoyingly perfect) Diana show up to help. End result? Peggy and Dan are getting an all-expense paid trip to Themyscira, and their child-to-be a free passport from the Amazons.
Unmasking La Madrina August 14th, 2022 Steve confronts Janet about concealing the La Madrina operation. Things are said that can't be unsaid, and Steve tells Janet that he can't be with her anymore.
La Madrina: Steve Rogers, Drug Crusader July 28th, 2022 Steve is investigating a drug deal in Jersey City where an elusive new queenpin is taking over the drug trade in the city. He intervenes on behalf of the FBI surveillance team, and Janet makes a 'surprise' appearance coming to his aid at the last moment.
Liberation of the Press! July 22nd, 2022 Lois and Janet get lunch, and in that short timeframe Lois manages to see into Janet's plan and confirms her suspicions that Janet's doing something dumb -and- reckless.
Of Blackhawks and Boozehounds July 20th, 2022 Two veterans of a war of the past reminisce over drinks and bond and are joined by a fashionists that can match them both shot for shot.
July 4th BBQ July 4th, 2022 It's America's birthday! And also Steve's. There is cake, and dancers, and discussion of AI rights. All-American fun.
La Madrina: Missing Money June 29th, 2022 Robbie Reyes makes a run to Miami to pick up some mysterious goods for Janet. A mistake on his part turns into a trip back to Miami. Robbie cuts a bloody swathe through the Miami mafia, both with and without Eli's help, and he returns to New York exultant. He is paid *very* handsomely for his efforts-- but is this 'simple job' going to lead to bigger problems later on?
If You Empty The Pool You Must Refill It June 21st, 2022 The Avengers gather at the rooftop pool. Simon Williams becomes a full member. Janet supplies drinks. Thor makes a splash.
Dazzler Joins the Lineup! June 20th, 2022 Alison Blaire makes her pitch to Janet van Dyne about joining the Avengers. Spoiler: Janet doesn't seem to mind!
Birthday Party in SPACE! June 17th, 2022 There ain't no party like a Space Party! Janet and Nadia have a very happy birthday party with many of their friends on an asteroid near Jupiter!
La Madrina: Special Courier Service June 9th, 2022 Robbie Reyes gets roped into smuggling something (probably illicit) for Janet van Dyne. The money's good, but is the work worth it?
Socialness at the Mansion June 7th, 2022 Janet, Felicia, Natasha and Greer chat casually in the Mansion Rec Room; Janet offers Felicia and Greer a job taking on a local gangster.
Happy birthday, Tony Stark! May 29th, 2022 Just another Tony Stark birthday party?
Take me out to the ballgame! May 28th, 2022 The exhibition game was a success! No one died, and no one invaded. It was just a baseball game... that was watched by millions of people.
A Tower by any other name! May 21st, 2022 Janet's visit has Pepper not only picking the best of the best of designs, but also getting ALL the good gossip!
Poolside, Avenger's Mansion May 20th, 2022 Steve and Janet have an idle afternoon chat in (near) the Avenger's mansion pool.
Work Makes Things Better May 20th, 2022 Janet stops into Peggy's office at SHIELD HQ to check up on her, following the brief abduction by HYDRA.
After the Orphan May 15th, 2022 Natasha drops in to GIRL Headquarters to get help from the stylish Van Dynes to fight Red Room operatives.
Roasted Coffee April 12th, 2022 No description
Starport Tour April 10th, 2022 A social gathering and party atmosphere is part of the night for the Starport's first guests!
All Things Thule March 29th, 2022 The Avengers gather to learn more about the newly reappeared Thule Society, information provided by Sara Pezzini.
At the gates of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. March 16th, 2022 The Outsiders and their allies assault Colony Zero, defeating and capturing the bulk of the remaning N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents. NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Hammersmith, Psykill, Windshear. All captured.
Van Dyne Originals March 13th, 2022 Emma goes to Janet to have some clothes made!
Meanwhile Back At The Mansion February 16th, 2022 Carol returns to the mansion after saving some ships. Janet is running repair efforts in Manhattan. And there's coffee.
Heroes Assemble Anniversary: The Watchers February 5th, 2022 The two year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush sees Uatu the Watcher showing three of his colleagues various moments from the last two years of Earth's history.
A Weeknight at the Penthouse January 19th, 2022 Peggy stops by Janet and Steve's penthouse suite with dinner and a favor to ask. She gets a small lecture on not diving head first into the fight.
Missing Persons Report: Waspette January 3rd, 2022 Sue Richards visits Janet van Dyne's search for Nadia, and tries to bolster Janet's spirit.
Late and early December 28th, 2021 A moment at the tree at the Avengers Mansion with T'Challa, Janet and Pepper. :)
The Idle Life of Pietro December 27th, 2021 A chance encounter in Avenger's mansion with Janet and Pietro.
A Slice of Domestic Bliss December 23rd, 2021 No description
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. To Be Found December 22nd, 2021 Avengers and Titans converge on Nadia's abandoned car. All signs point to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Let the hunt begin.
Pre-Gaming for the GIRL Expo December 14th, 2021 Janet delivers Sue's dress ahead of the big GIRL inaugural gala!
The Ladies who Brunch December 13th, 2021 Janet and Peggy catch up after too long apart. Janet gets the good news of Peggy being in a family way and goes absolutely bonkers. Peggy reassures her that Steve is a good guy and their relationship is strong.
The Drink's the Thing December 12th, 2021 The Empire Club plays host to a good time for numerous patrons.
Met Gala: Making Plans, Taking Names November 23rd, 2021 Ideas are shared.
GIRL Expo: Day 1 November 16th, 2021 Day 1 of the GIRL Expo goes quite well! The universe is not destroyed.
GIRL Expo: Day 2 November 16th, 2021 Girl Expo Day 2! Much Science! Much Tech! Wow! Do not eat the rats! Jane Foster is alive! Demon Girl?! The best is yet to come!
GIRL Expo: Day 3 November 16th, 2021 The GIRL Expo ends with a bang! Many of them! Really big ones! Even an erupting mini-volcano?! But Monica Rappaccini and A.I.M. sent packing! That Zeta Beam Emitter they made off with probably isn't a big deal right? RIGHT?! Either way, our intrepid heroines have likely not seen the last of them...
Kitchen Camaraderie November 3rd, 2021 Happy times for the Avengers when they cross paths in the kitchen.
To the Wardrobe Montage! September 24th, 2021 Gwen takes Bando to Janet to get a costume designed!
Enter the Van Queen. September 16th, 2021 Gwen brings Bando to meet Janet. Will plaid make a return?
Hellfire Club End of Summer Pool Party August 22nd, 2021 There was a pool party! Everyone had a time.
Little Red Room Reunion June 8th, 2021 Janet and Nadia visit Natasha back when she was in recovery. It's fairly positive. Characters changed hands during a pause, so it ends abruptly.
Rebuilding GIRL, post NOWHERE June 6th, 2021 Janet stops by to check on Nadia after NOWHERE's attack on GIRL.
Tony's Birthday party May 30th, 2021 Tony's birthday party becomes the setting for Gremlins IV.
Virtuous Signalling May 21st, 2021 No description
Setting the stage for an Expo April 16th, 2021 The team at GIRL plans for the first-ever GIRL Expo!
Quiet Evenings Are A Nice Thing March 24th, 2021 A quiet night at Janet's condo includes talk about JFK, Hippies, Lex Luthor, and Steve trying to prepare for the possibility things may go sideways due to Hydra.
Dressing Sara March 18th, 2021 Dick Grayson brings Sara Pezzini to visit Janet van Dyne and get fitted for an outfit for his birthday celebration.
Broken Mirrors: Novgorod March 18th, 2021 SHIELDvengers and the Titans assault a secret facility in Russia, manage not to mangle international law too horribly, and rescue some of the Red Room cadets, but find more questions than answers in the process.
Another Place To Hang Ones Shield February 26th, 2021 After the pair have finished dealing with some high tech hijackers, Steve takes Janet by his old apartment in Brooklyn.
Another You: God Save The Queen February 17th, 2021 The Queen comes to Pym Technologies, The Queen does not leave Pym Technologies.
A G.I.R.L.'s night off. January 28th, 2021 Nadia and Janet have a girl's night in.
A Quaint Place January 27th, 2021 The second of a first date sees Steve and Janet at a small, very old New York pub. Steve gets an assist from the crowd. Or maybe Janet did.
GIRLs Gather! January 17th, 2021 The Mori case is discussed.
Fighting Cabin Fever and Ourselves January 16th, 2021 No description
They're No Sonja Henie January 12th, 2021 Cap takes Janet ice skating in a backscene of their early relationship.
Broken Mirrors: The Lost December 30th, 2020 SHIELD, GIRL, and PymTech are woken up at 3am by unexpected alerts from The Hospice. Despite their best efforts to intervene the Red Room trainees are taken, seemingly by none other than Natasha 'Black Widow' Romanoff?!
A Midwinter Night's Dream December 29th, 2020 Back scene, Janet has managed to get under Steve's skin. Plans are made for ice skating.
Decking the Avenger Halls December 26th, 2020 Some of the Avengers come together to decorate the Mansion for Christmas!
Bustin Out - Above Ground December 24th, 2020 Members of SHIELD respond to the Serpent Society trying to break Sidewinder out of The Raft. The serpents are defeated and the backup generators turned on.
Flashback: Who Watches The Watcher on Monitor Duty December 24th, 2020 A flashback scene for Steve and Janet. Steve doesn't miss much, but some passes seem to go right over his head.
Going Greek December 21st, 2020 A casual lunch outing turns into a plot to redecorate Avenger's Mansion.
New York Style Legal Advice December 8th, 2020 A casual chat with Nadia, Janet, and Jennifer Walters. Janet gives Jen some legally questionable advice.
GIRLs Night in the Mansion November 8th, 2020 Nadia, Natasha, Janet, and Wanda chat at the mansion about the incorporation of G.I.R.L. and why Nadia shouldn't do paperwork by herself. (Also magic and aliens.)
A Gruesome Rescue November 8th, 2020 X-Men and some notable Avengers come rescue Kitty, Noriko and others from Emma's mess. Some got away.
Spooktacular Justice Party October 19th, 2020 The Justice League Halloween party!
A little way to say 'thank you' October 11th, 2020 Janet showers Kara with some gifts in appreciation for her intervention in saving Nadia and Janet from the Red Room.
Avenging Is Hard Work October 7th, 2020 A training session in the Avenger's Training Room gives way to breakfast and talk about Halloween costumes
Kori and Janet: Temp title October 6th, 2020 Kori visits Janet in her office and gets some sound advice (and a birthday bonus).
My Name is Nadia Pym-van Dyne October 5th, 2020 Nadia comes to Janet with a question and leaves with a new name, as well as a discussion about things to come.
A Very Welcome Home Party October 4th, 2020 A party for Nadia's return home on Janet's yacht brings out some of the best and dearest friends the Wasp and Waspette have.
Recuperative Therapy September 29th, 2020 A spa day turns into a family feud, but nothing a good hug can't solve.
They Don't Serve Martinis Here September 27th, 2020 When Nadia and Janet van Dyne wake up in the hospital after their rescue, Steve Rogers is there to greet them.
The Red Room September 26th, 2020 A combined team of Titans and Avengers assault the Red Room facility. Nadia, Janet, and even Ying are rescued. Everyone lives Happily Ever After ...for now.
Favors for Friends September 26th, 2020 Natasha and Janet have a long talk about the Red Room and the experience brings them both a little closer as friends.
A Race Against Time September 24th, 2020 The signal comes and Janet escapes! Escapes deeper into the facility where she manages to reunite with Nadia and a gravity bomb later they are ready to start fighting their way out. Will the reinforcements in the Strike Team make it in time? Find out next time!
A Visitor in the Dark September 23rd, 2020 Janet gets a surprise visitor in the night, but can she really trust her?
Shadows of the Past September 21st, 2020 Janet is forced to recall her capture and receives a visit from Nadia's old friend Ying.
Would the Real Mother Please Stand Up September 18th, 2020 Nadia is brought to a Red Room facility in Russia where she encounters Maria Trovaya, Janet?!, and 'Mother'.
Have You Seen This Wasp September 2nd, 2020 The Russian Consulate and US State Department visit Janet and Nadia spends the night.
Like a Bad Penny... September 2nd, 2020 Sometimes things turn out just the way you expect.
Tim Drake in the House of Fashion August 26th, 2020 Tim Drake approaches Janet regarding a matching ensemble for him and his special lady.
Post Yoga Brunchies August 20th, 2020 Two pairs get together for delicious brunch!
Infinite laps in the pool August 19th, 2020 A quiet evening of introspection for Steve and Janet.
Watchtower Unveiling August 17th, 2020 A crowd of dignitaries, journalists, and superheroes gather at the Justice League's moon base to celebrate the inauguration of the Watchtower.
Seven Deadly Sins Ball August 12th, 2020 Surprisingly devoid of any real scandal
Unstopping the Unstoppable Waspette August 4th, 2020 Janet comes by to give Nadia some cheering up, and Nadia decides to dub herself: The Unstoppable Waspette!
Ants up on the balcony July 30th, 2020 Viv Vision and Nadia pay a visit to Janet's penthouse for some advice.
Complicated Family Trees July 26th, 2020 Nadia comes to Janet asking for some advice and some help about her living situation.
Complications Ensue. July 23rd, 2020 Janet has a plan. Maybe. Steve's a good sounding board as it is.
Of Ants and Ant-Men July 23rd, 2020 Yeah, she's Hank's kid!
So Then He Says... July 17th, 2020 A little sparring, a little banter, a little wondering what the hell Barnes is up to, a little bit of playing dead -- the usual.
Through the Looking Glass Darkly July 14th, 2020 Our heroes brave the portal to a parallel Earth, rescue Hank from the abomination that is PymTron, and break all of his stuff on their way out!
Genosha Burns: Avengers ORGANIZE! June 26th, 2020 Various Brainiac info is shared, and plans are made!
A Wild Wasp Appears! June 21st, 2020 A Wild Wasp Appears searching for her missing father! She has a wild tale to tell the Avengers and given the numerous shady elements in her past soon finds herself under house arrest awaiting a SHIELD investigation and paternity tests.
Treading Water June 20th, 2020 Avengers enjoy some last relaxing moments before world events call for attention
Bailar en La Rosaleda June 5th, 2020 No description
Fly Fly Dragonfly June 3rd, 2020 Glamour met Janet. Branding was discussed. Janet is scary.
Does the Rain in Spain Stay Mainly on the Plains May 31st, 2020 A much-needed vacation to Madrid, Spain starts off with a thunderstorm. That's not enough to keep Janet and Steve inside!
A Very Friendly Kidnapping May 31st, 2020 Janet bullies Pepper into going out for drinks.
The Buoyant: Post Party May 29th, 2020 A few hangers-on enjoy a late night drink aboard Tony's yacht after the official festitivies conclude.
Stark's Yacht Party May 28th, 2020 Tony Stark has a birthday party!
And In the Brown Paper Bag! May 21st, 2020 No description
Quite the View May 16th, 2020 A quiet dinner-date night on a penthouse rooftop and a string-lofted rendition of 'At Last' for Steve and Janet, always time well-spent.
Paprikash May 14th, 2020 Avengers gather over a pot of paprikash. Janet has good news, Wanda bad.
Bronx Night Market Meandering May 4th, 2020 Janet and Steve sample the best of the Bronx Night Market, from tequila to fritters, and Steve's gift remains a secret yet.
A Buzz and Banter Abounding April 29th, 2020 Asgardian mead makes for reminiscing and history musings alike.
WAFFLES! April 28th, 2020 Thor makes waffles for everyone and everyone loves him.
Avengers Ultimates: Burger Edition April 22nd, 2020 On a night off, the Avengers take on a diner's challenge of eating a three pound cheeseburger
Happy Birthday, Avengers! April 20th, 2020 The Avengers gather in their back yard for Thor and Scott's birthday celebrations.
Sit Rep: Perilous April 15th, 2020 Just what is in that sketchpad that Janet leaves lying on the couch? Inquiring minds (named Steve) want to know! Grand miscommunication ensues.
The Hazards of Social Media April 11th, 2020 An attempt by HYDRA to ruin everyone's day is scuttled when Janet, Luke, and Steve manage to overcome the sudden attempt.
The Art and Balance of Peace April 4th, 2020 An evening of meditative Tai Chi and art alike is good for the soul.
Down-Home Double Date April 4th, 2020 All is not well in the state of Lafayette's Beau Cherie. Emma and Janet, accompanied by Alex and Steve, find this out the hard way and finally -- FINALLY -- someone silences the singing animatronic gator.
Stitch Witchering April 3rd, 2020 Emma approaches Janet to get a new dress made for the upcoming Gala!
A Quiet Evening is a Blessing April 2nd, 2020 Janet and Steve enjoy a quiet dinner of conversation and sushi while the contents of that sketchbook remain a mystery. FOR NOW.
Silk for the Ghost Spider March 26th, 2020 Gwen Stacy approaches Janet van Dyne about getting a new costume made to replace the one she lost during the multiverse shuffle.
A Superlative Dining Experience March 24th, 2020 Karen and Janet have a talk about Power Girl's prospects as an Avenger.
Lord Rogers Assembles his First Legion March 24th, 2020 The Avengers receive some unexpected guests: Seven Einherjar from Asgardia, pledging their services to Steve Rogers, Lord of Midgard!
Gossip's Risky Business March 23rd, 2020 Janet presses Natasha for details about Tony; it turns into some heartfelt soul-sharing for the two Avengers.
Hail to the King March 20th, 2020 Steve Rogers, newly appointed Lord of Midgard, informs Janet of the changes to the status quo.
I Guess We're Having a Discussion March 19th, 2020 Steve and Tony talk politics and titles, Janet shares nigiri.
Be Certain It's a Good Fit March 14th, 2020 No description
Avengers: Some Assembly Required March 10th, 2020 Tony unveils brand new Avengers merchandise to his fellow Avengers!
Hot Couture March 8th, 2020 Fashion Weekend in Gotham City gets crashed...and burned.
Baby, It's Only Sort of Cold Outside March 3rd, 2020 Steve lets Janet in on a little secret: Superman is alive.
Operation Wholesome Torture February 26th, 2020 Janet leads a shopping adventure with Steve, Lois, and Clark.
Apparently, Midgard is the Time-Out Room February 24th, 2020 Thor brings news of Loki's exile on Midgard to the rest of the Avengers. Opinions vary. Disappointed looks reign.
Respite in the Workplace February 21st, 2020 No description
Pasta and Palaver February 19th, 2020 A dinner out covers a variety of discussions, including just how fast a check can arrive to the table.
Things that Can't Be Bought February 18th, 2020 Janet and Lois are having tea, and meet Illyana; Janet decides it's time to meddle in Lois' love life.


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