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Path of Glory: Heritage of Oppresors
Date of Scene: 05 January 2022
Location: Rooftop Garden - The Thrones Art Complex
Synopsis: The Metatron visits Lasariel to deliver portents and knowledge about her past and her possible future along with a message from the imprisoned guardian of the Gate, Chas.
Cast of Characters: Asariel, Chas Chandler
Tinyplot: Path of Glory

Asariel has posed:
Asariel had decided to take a break from the recording that she was doing for trying to scramble the angels. She'd decided to go up and check on the greenhouse and things before the snow eventually set in. The door to the little building is closed and it's at least warmer than it is out in the open. There's a soft humming coming from the white haired woman as she goes about picking veggies that have reached the right time to be harvested and then making sure that it's recovered for the rest of Winter.

It was a little bit of dullness in all the mess of Angels and trying to figure out what exactly the world was going to be like in a few weeks.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    There is a soft pulse of light coming from near the small pond. It's faint a first, barely registering to the senses as anything but a light floater or a nearby light from a window. But as it starts to rhymically pulse and grow brighter it makes itself known as something else pretty quickly.

    There is a soft roar to the magical senses as well. Whatever is causing the pulse is powerful, but it's not a power that should inspire fear or worry such as Michael, it's something else... something near to his level but nowhere near as dangerous, at least not yet.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel finishes covering the last planter and starts to make her way out of the greenhouse, but the light stops her. She stops right there in the middle of the walkway that leads to the door and to the great beyond of the roof. The senses that tingle is something that she's come to recognize and she frowns on general principle. She doesn't pick up anything sharp, instead she gives a quiet sigh and then finishes her walk for the door.

She opens it and steps outside, taking a moment to settle the basket of vegetables at the top of the stairs. "Which one of you decided to pay me a visit?" she asks as she turns to wander towards the pond.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The light pulses more and more until it is a solid thing and figure steps out. The figure exudes light and Power as if his insides were made of it. His hair is curly, platinum blonde, and rests atop his head like a crown. His skin is the color of alabaster and his eyes are pure white. He is somewhat tall, a touch shy of seven feet, and he wears a suit of silvered armor. At his side where a sword should be is a bound tome. His wings spread out behind him like a cape.

    He touches down and inclinces his head to Asariel. When he speaks it comes out as the sound of many voices. "Daughter of of the Cast Out, I greet you. I would speak with you, with your permission of course. There is much that you do not know that I would impart upon you at the request of the one who lies in your heart."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel doesn't go any closer given that is definitely not your low ranking angel. There was also the feeling of self preservation at the moment. She didn't want to come off like she was going to throw something at him. She gives a dip of her head to him and then looks over the replacement of sword with book and she quirks a curiously pale brow at the angel before he speaks.

"Good evening." she greets in turn. Then she falls silent as they speak. The words might be a little weird, but she knows what he means, "You have something from Chas?" she asks him. "Please...speak." she motions with her hands at that.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "The Metatron would impart to you knowledge of who you are, what you are, and assure you that your heart is safe, if contained," the being intones in its chorus of voices. Its wings flare and it's like a flash from a high powered camera. Definitely not a low ranking angel. She is visited by the Voice of God himself.

    "In addition, the Metatron would give you a token. Something that may help in the quest you seek with all your heart to fix. In time, you may wish to use it. Or you may keep it as a reminder of hardships overcome." He pauses and inclines his head to her. "Would you accept these things from me as surrogate of him who guards paradise in the stead of the General?"

Asariel has posed:
"Metatron." Asariel seems to be a bit shocked. The Voice of God just didn't come down for idle conversation. She wasn't sure he even liked coming down to Earth. "Contained is an understatement, he's currently a door." she breathes out as she feels herself starting to tear up. "I mean...I'm a Nephilim, right?" she asks quietly.

What else was she missing?

Her vivid blue gaze looks to the scribe and she tries to find words, "If it is for him I will accept it, yes." she states. "Why are you doing this though?" she asks the angel.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The Metatron inclines its head to Asariel. "You are a Child born of the sons of Heaven and the daughters of Men. The Outcast Meleos produced the essence that created you as you are. Long of life, strong of will, and fair of appearance. You will stay that way, forevermore as long as you will it." He pauses. "Do with this knowledge as you will. Once this trial is completed. If you still walk the land and are not safe in the Source due to the General's Reclamation."

    Another pause and then it reaches out its hand palm up. There is a small vial in its gauntleted palm. Something inside the vial blazes with light and energy. "I do as I am instructed by my Father and by he who guards Paradise. He cares much for you and wishes you to succeed. I am his servant for the moment, as he who guards Paradise ensures that All The Works of My Father are safe."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a bit of a look to Metatron, her brows knitting as she tries to figure out the words. But she gets everything all figured out. "So I should go to Meleos if I am in trouble after this trial?" she asks him. "I'm not sure if I'm going to live, so we'll see about that when we get there." she tells him softly.

When the vial makes an appearance there is a bit of a look to it and she steps forward, "What is it?" she asks him as she reaches out to pick it up with gentle fingers. His words make the tears roll down her cheeks though, "I love him." she whispers. "We just want him home. But that is going to be something that we have to struggle for." she admits as she looks at the vial. "Is he...hurt in any way?" she asks him.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The Metatron shakes its head. "The Outcast may or may not offer assistance. I cannot say with certainty. But he does hold answers to your orign. Seek him if you wish those answers." As she takes the vial the Metatron drops its hand back to its side.

    "It is a piece of the Gate in which he resides. It may prove a crucial link to getting to him. He thought it important to give it to you." At her question it shakes its head. "He is beyond pain. Beyond torment. They cannot touch him as he is, except that which he brings upon himself. Great is his shame and his sorrow. He weeps without sound. And watches all that transpires on this pale dot. Even now, his eyes are here upon our meeting. Here and on others he deems worthy of note."

Asariel has posed:
"Great...my dad is an outcast. Kind of appropriate I guess when it all comes down to it." Asariel states with a bit of a chuckle. Her gaze goes down to the vial in her hands, though its contents make her look back up to Metatron quickly, "I know you're just doing what he's sent you to do, but thank you." she states with a genuine smile.

Then she sobers greatly as Metatron explains what is going on with Chas and she frowns deeply, "I wish he wouldn't be so ashamed, we all have our moments of weakness. I know his intentions with things were good." she states. "But we'll fix things. Or try to." she nods to this.

"Will you be coming with Michael?" she asks him curiously.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "Meleos' position is not something you, as his Child, should feel shame in. It simply is." The Metatron replies and then inclines its head at her thanks. "You thanks, while not requred is appreciated. Just as his shame is not required, and yet he brings it in on himself."

    It shakes its head. "The General of the Hosts brings the vanguard. I bring a later contingent of the Hosts. I will arrive in ten days time. And I will fight, as I am commanded, without remorse or mercy to those who stand against the General's Purpose."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a look to Metatron and there's a dip of her head, "Well, I'll have to find him and ask him what he did later." she nods to this. "Chas has a big heart, I'm not surprised that he'd be feeling like he did." she admits in a quiet tone.

She doesn't seem to be mad at Metatron when he states that he'll be bringing a later contingent but she does frown softly, "We just want to keep what we have, Metatron. But since this is all something that has already been written we don't have much of a choice when it comes down to it." she points out. "We'll see you in ten days then, but know that I don't hold any ill will towards you." she tells the angel as she steps back.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "Nor I to you, Asariel. I expect, should we find ourselves on the field against each other, that you will seek to kill me as much as I you." The Metatron replies. "As you should. Fight. Unify. And perhaps against the Hosts of Heaven itself Mortality will prevail. It is the wish that many of my brethren share."

    It pauses and cocks its head to one side as if listening to something. "Before I give you my departing gift, is there anything more you wish to ask of me. If it is in my power to do so, I will answer. It is his will."

Asariel has posed:
"I mean...I wouldn't say that..." Asariel holds her hands up. "I'm guessing we're not really going to be all that powerful against pretty indestructible beings." she chuckles. "Either way, we'll see you." she tells it. "Hopefully we will. All that's keeping me going right now is hope." she admits.

"I mean, there are things I'd like to ask, but I don't know if I want the answer to it right now." she admits.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The Metatron smiles a beatific smile and says in its multivoice. "You may find yourself surprised. There are those who have set things in motion that surprise even us and we have been at this for a very long time." It inclines its head at her acknowledgement.

    Then I will leave you with the gift from the one you love." He extends a hand, pointing at Asariel. There is a flash of light and thunderclap and the angel is no more. But standing there before Asariel is a bear of a man with long wavy brown hair and striking blue eyes. He wears a simple white shirt and white pants.

    Chas looks a little tired but he smiles at her. "Hey. I know it's not substitute for the real thing, but... I just wanted you to know that I love you too. And everything I did... I'll pay for it, however I need to. But I have faith. In you, in Jon, in Phoebe, in all of you down there. I know you can get through this. We're a lot stronger than any of the wings up here give us credit for." He leans forward and there is the feel of lips on her forehead. "I'll be home before you know it and... and we can... well, we'll see. I love you. Always." And then, with a whisper, the image of Chas fades away like a breeze.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel inclines her head to the Scribe, "It was nice to meet you, Metatron." she states. And hey, she was making good progress on meeting relatives! Though she definitely was not expecting the big flash of light and what followed. When Chas is standing there she feels like she's dreaming for a moment and then she reaches out to grab him, only to realize he's not corporeal. "You're already paying for things, Chas. Why would anyone try to extract more from you?" she asks him in a hushed tone. "We'll make it." she smiles to that. When the breeze kisses her forehead she feels her heart break and she can't help but start to cry, it was something she'd been holding in and oh boy did she need to get it out. "Always." she murmurs in response to him, but just as fast as he had appeared, he was gone and it made the tightness in her chest worse.

"We'll get you back or I'll die trying." she whispers to the cold night air as she tries to calm herself. Her hands hold the vile like it is the most precious thing on Earth as she turns to head back down into the apartment. There was a lot of work to do...and not a lot of time to do it.