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Latest revision as of 16:22, 7 January 2022

Three Aliens in the Stars
Date of Scene: 01 December 2021
Location: Earth Orbit
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Koriand'r, Big Barda, Ikaris

Koriand'r has posed:
Bright, beautiful, exotic... that was the sight that Kori was enjoying as she swept about the Earth in low orbit. Tamaranian physiology ment the vaccum of space was simply a little colder and little else.

Lazily floating about, the alien princess was snacking on the brightly colored 'skittles' while she drank in the sight.

Big Barda has posed:
One of the best ways to get a feel for her new homeworld is to view it from afar. One quick boom tube ride later, the "boom" being heard even in space (since it's more an effect of the laws of physics being twisted to nonsense than it is an actual sound), the armoured, "axe"-armed alien warrior finds herself in orbit, looking down on the Earth.

"Oh, my," she says to herself. "It's ... remarkably pretty."

Her eyes stray to various satellites and stations and cosmic space princesses and ...

Hold that.

Her eyes return to that last item. Fingers tightening imperceptibly around her mega rod, she watches the alien eating ... colourful ... candy?


Ikaris has posed:
Many strange things happen in the world.

Things that after so many millenia, Ikaris still cannot fathom or attempt to explain. But one of the things he loved most about the world, despite how strange, chaotic, and often times crazy it seems to be? The Earth was a beautiful world. He often enjoyed breaching escape velocity and investigating the world, just staring at this little blue and green ball in the middle of the universe.

How did it come to this? Ikaris doesn't know exactly why he remained on earth...only that humanity was gorgeous and it needed protection. Though what catches his eye is not some space-faring invaders, no deadly force....it was just Big Barda and Koriand'r, two other aliens just minding their own business as they stare into the world below them.

So Ikaris, dressed in his blue and gold armor, begins to approach the pair of them, giving a soft wave in greeting.

Koriand'r has posed:
Said princess stuffed another mouthful in her mouth as she continued observing the beauty of her adopted home, Starfire's hair and eyes glowing lightly in her contemplations...until finally she notices amdist the darkness and satellites that there were other figures watching her. Figures she did not know!

It was enough for the orange-skinned woman to turn, a little moment of consideration.


Well, if you might be dealing with a potential alien invasion, best be polite.

Big Barda has posed:

OK, deep space is getting crowded. Candy-eating aliens and armoured aliens waving. Barda is feeling fortunate that she also wears blue and gold armour, albeit of a more grandiloquent and ornate design than Ikaris. Not for the colour match, it should be understood, but rather for the protection.

Gripping the mega rod even tighter and, indeed, pulling it from her wide belt, Barda looks at the newcomer warily until...

> "Hello?"

That didn't sound threatening. What's the right reaction. Showing peaceful intent.

"I am Big Barda of Apokalips," she announces, her Mother Box transmitting her thoughts directly into the various brains present. "Do not advance any closer until intentions have been established. I am capable of defending myself."

There. That should do it. Nice and friendly. Non-hostile.

Ikaris has posed:
Mother Box.

Ikaris's eyes seem to widen a moment as he looks upon the woman, then drifting to the megarod. Weaponry he has seen before. Then she announces her name, and Ikaris's eyes narrow at the woman as he approaches, floating towards her. <<Do you bring the trouble of Apokalips with you? Or do you come in peace?>> Ikaris attempts to transmit the thought directly into Barda's mind, but he raises no hand against her.

Though he reaches into a pocket, revealing his own Mother Box, who transmits for him.

"I am Ikaris of New Genesis." He introduces, even if his eyes then move to Koriand'r, giving the Tamaranian princess a nod of his head. "Greetings."

Koriand'r has posed:
Compared to the other two, Kori was very much not armored. Half the time she was barely as clothed as them!

The greeting offered, apparently peaceful for the time being. A little shift, Kori's candy is left forgotten as she drifts closer to the pair, tilting her head to the side.

"I am Koriand'r of Tamaran, member of the Titans of Earth..."

A shift, her hands are extended. "If you bring peace? I welcome you. If not...you should leave now."

Big Barda has posed:
"I bring..." Barda pauses a moment. "..."

Her eyes dart to Ikaris as his own Mother Box speaks on his behalf and the name New Genesis is sung out. Discs of metal appear at her feet, giving her, seemingly, a surface to stand upon as she warily watches the other pair, the discs carrying her a little away from them.

"I am no longer Darkseid's creature," she asserts to Ikaris. "But I remember the aggressions of New Genesis. I do not bring war and devastation with me, but I am equipped to deal with it if brought to bear against me!"

Her eyes take in Koriand'r again, her lips pursing.

"I bear no malice to this world nor to its people. I merely sought..." An armoured arm gestures to the planet below the triad. "...to see my new home from afar."

Ikaris has posed:
Ikaris nods gently to Koriand'r, a smile touching his face. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Koriand'r of Tamaran." His eyes seem to soften a little, and he tilts his head. "May I ask what brings you so far from home? Tamaran is a long ways away. If you do not wish to answer, I will not force you to." His eyes drift to Barda.

The target of his concern.

Yet...the Apokoliptan does not appear to be sided with her homeworld any longer. She bears no malice to this world or her people, and for Ikaris...that appears to be enough. He notices the disc that she stands upon, and the Eternal seems to frown a little bit. But it does not remain long...

"Then so long as you remain of that disposation, I have no need to combat you." He turns his eyes towards earth. "It is beautiful, isn't it?"

Koriand'r has posed:
A new home is certainly something Kori could appreciate, her own past with her homework had it's low spots after all. Ikaris's question? It earns a light twitch, but she does not quite move to answe it when he shifts topic and thankfully moves on.

Family disputes were best talked over with people she knew better, regardless of how friendly Starfire was known to be.

His question, it earns a nod as her hands lower, the orange-skinned Alien clasping her hands behind her back. "It is beautiful, and strange and...many other things. The food on this world is like nothing you will have ever tasted."

Big Barda has posed:
"It is unlike anything I have seen," Barda says in a rare moment of open-heartedness as she stares, distracted, at the Earth. "I have led the conquest of many planets. I have raided many more. None have been as ... unspeakably serene as this one aside from New Genesis."

Her eyes swivel momentarily to Ikaris. "And that wasn't serene for long."

A little dig at the rival never hurts, right?

"I wish to learn of how food here is prepared. I have done some study with the help of my Mother Box." Her voice falls quiet. "Though I have none to cook for."

Ikaris has posed:
The little dig does not appear to have been appreciated too much by Ikaris. "To date, New Genesis is the most beautiful land I have ever seen. Apokolips is a hellscape by comparison." A dig that Ikaris returns to Barda with everything it entails. "But we are not here to discuss the conquerors or the conquered, the peaceable or the peacekeeprs, we speak of the time in the now."

Ikaris stares at earth, even as Barda suggests that she has none to cook for. "I wouldn't mind the company. The world is at an unstable peace. I believe your meal will perhaps help keep us amused if it fails, and fill us with energy if successful."

Ikaris turns to look upon Koriand'r. "It's true. I don't know how they do it, but earth has spectacular delicacies."

Koriand'r has posed:
A gasp! A grin, the alien Princess looks between the pair before her hands are clasped before her.

As digs go? She seems to completely have missed things.

A little tilt of her head, she looks down towards the planet below. "You should start with the Icecream, the pizza or the candy of cotton!" she begins before considering for a moment. "Perhaps, if you wish to follow me, I can introduce you to Earth...although there is still much I am learning about myself."

Big Barda has posed:
"I have had all of those, plus hamm sammiches, which I frequently eat when doing the labour I do so I can 'pay' for an 'apartment'."

What labour? Obviously an elite warrior of a conquering society will work in ... construction...?

"I have also had oysters in a shack." Barda smiles, then, which changes her demeanour like a light switch was turned on. "I have been practicing cooking. I feel I am close to mastering sammiches. Would you care to partake?"

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

Koriand'r has posed:
Oh! Clearly Big Barda had been here for a while longer than Kori had realised, she'd even experimented in the art of cooking, how bold! Of course, if there was going to be anything that the alien Titan would be willing to try from a stranger...it was probably going to be food.

"Oysters and Sandwiches....Sammiches?" she repeats, correcting herself to immitate the other woman's phrase before nodding her head. "I would be honored to try your attempts at mastery!"

Clearly the danger goes over her head once more!

Big Barda has posed:
The sensation that ears translate into a booming noise, though there is no air to boom, manifests itself once more as Barda detaches her Mega Rod and points it into emptiness. A roiling gateway opens, showing on the other end ...

... a small apartment.

"Then come join me Koriand'r of Tamaran, Member of Titans. I will prepare the delicacy of sammiches in the comfort of my own home in honour of you."

The aero disks still manifest, she glides toward the roiling, booming tube-like structure and passes through it into the room on the other side, turning to beckon the orange woman through.

Koriand'r has posed:
There was probably warnings about going into portals with strangers, but well...Koriand'r was pretty comfortable and confident. And also, apparently hungry! Still, when they step through the glowing boom-tube to the appartment it is a curious sight, something she'd very much not expected to see, but then again she'd come to realise that some of the aliens on the planet are not always quite as obvious as her.

"How long have you been on this planet Barda?"

Big Barda has posed:
The alien woman in the grandiloquent armour is no more. In her place stands ...

... a suburban housewife. A tall one, to be said, and unusually muscled. But otherwise ... a cut-off-and-tee clad housewife. The tee spelling out the words emblazoned across her chest: "My eyes are way above this!"

Cheap runners come off her feet and get kicked into a corner. Instead a pair of (very large) fuzzy bunny slippers take their place.

"I have been here approximately 200 turnings of the planet about its axis," she says after a moment's thought (and after the rod that opened the portal that is now no longer extant pings at her a few times). "I am trying to work out how to share a secret that is needed and with whom. Until then I feel it is best to keep myself out of the eye of the peasantry."