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Ikaris (Scenesys ID: 3616) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Ikaris | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Eternal | ||
Occupation: | Loyal Soldier | ||
Citizenship: | Forever People | ||
Residence: | Mobile | ||
Education: | Wisdom of Ages | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Godlings | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 30s | Actual Age: | Old |
Date of Birth | June 26 50,000 BCE | Played By | Richard Madden |
Height: | 6'2" | Weight: | 230 lb |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Created by the Celestials and placed among the Forever People, Ikaris is a warrior and a leader. For 50,000 years he has watched over humanity, fighting against the Deviants that threatened to massacre the budding race of humanity, and evermore has he stood to defend them. God, Titan, he is known by many titles, but the one that remains is Ikaris. With the Eternals at his side, and the watchful eye of the Celestials on him and his allies, Ikaris is one of the many champions that seek to protect the earth from it's many dangers...all while keeping to his sacred task.
50,000 BCE - Ikaris is among the species of Eternals bio-engineered by the Celestials. He
resides on New Genesis as a 'sleeper agent' amongst the Forever People, or 'Eternals'.
BCE - Ikaris comes to earth with a few other Eternals to fight the Deviants, largely massacring the
'lesser' species, yet not exterminating all of them. Unlike most of the other Eternals, Ikaris
remains on earth in the city of Titanos.
25,000 BCE - Ikaris assists Utnapishtem (who may
have been the Biblical Noah), a fellow Eternal, in building an ark to avoid a cataclysmic flood. He
carries the massive vessel and sets it upon Mt. Sinai and disappears into isolation after the
15,000 BCE - Ragnarok begins. Ikaris witnesses an Asgardian party strike at a
Celestial, and joins the war against the Nine Realms. As the war drew on, Ikaris becomes concerned
of the sides he's fighting on. He later does battle with the Asgardian Odin Borson. When the New
Gods joined the battle against the Celestials, Ikaris's loyalty was tested against those he called a
friend. This act disillusioned Ikaris, and was convinced along with some other Eternals to fight
against their creators. This created a schism amongst the Eternals. He later witnessed the defeat of
the Celestials. The interstellar war devastated the realms of Yggdrasil and nearly wiped out the
Asgardians, but the Celestials were banished for now. Ikaris experiences an existential crisis and
goes into isolation.
13,000 BCE - Ikaris settles in Mesolithic Greece. He battles against
multiple deviants that inspire Greek mythos, such as a deviant that appeared as a Minotaur. During
this time, he marries a greek human woman and has a son.
12,915 BCE - Ikaris asks Phastos to
make a harness for his son, who flies with Ikaris. The child flies too close to the sky, passing out
from altitude-based oxygen loss and his harness shorted out, causing the child to plummet to his
death. The Grecian legend of Icarus is the immediate result of this event.
13,000 BCE - 1400
AD - Ikaris observes, but does not involve himself directly in the course of human events. He lives
quietly in isolation, yet repeatedly assists his fellow Eternals in their operations, such as
hunting down Deviants and tracking New Gods who become invested in the earth.
1500 AD -
Ikaris meets and befriends Leonardo da Vinci, who makes a sculpture of him.
Modern Era -
Ikaris remains among modern-day humanity. He goes by the moniker of 'Ike Harris' and works in
2017-2018 - Ikaris witnesses, but does not interfere in, the death of Superman. He
is saddened that the world appeared to have lost a beacon of hope in the world. The attack on New
York by Loki is met by Ikaris along with many other heroes in order to protect the earth. After the
incident, Ikaris goes back into isolation.
2020 - The destruction of Genosha occurs and
Ikaris tries to subtly assist the survivors and other mutants around the world by delivering
supplies. He engages in subtle heroics, trying not to reveal himself entirely to the world.
2021 - The Eternals are coming to light...
IC Journal
Ikaris is someone who flies in first and asks questions later. He's headstrong and arrogant in
his own capabilities, often forcing him to underestimate his enemies and his allies both. He's all
speed ahead, and where he's needed, he'll be there - even if it would be smarter if he stays out of
Ikaris has the mentality of a soldier. He receives his orders, he follows them to the letter in
defense of what he firmly believes. He's a fighter and someone who carries discipline with him
wherever he goes. He believes and he believes strongly, and few things can make him backtrack on his
Character Sheet
Like all Eternals, Ikaris is capable of flight. By manipulating the gravitonic particles around
him, Ikaris is capable of defying gravity and soaring into the air. While Ikaris calls this 'self-
levitation', he's still the fastest flyer amongst the Eternals, resting in transonic speeds at 850
mph (about 1.1 times the speed of sound, or mach 1) while he's in atmosphere. He is capable of
flying much faster in space. A capable acrobatic flyer, he is capable of performing intense
maneauvers while flying and he is able to stop, start, and turn on a dime.
The Celestials were certain that their product would last.
Ikaris's body is sustained
largely by cosmic energy. He is immune to the ravages of time, being alive for roughly 50,000 earth
years. He is largely resistant, if not outright immune, to earth diseases and toxins. His
immortality extends to his ability to heal. The Eternals are able to control their entire body on a
cellular level. As a result, if Ikaris finds himself injured, he may regenerate from the damage over
a period of time equal to the severity of the wound itself. Even organs are able to be regenerated.
However, Ikaris cannot regenerate damage that either vaporizes him completely on a cellular
level or most of his body mass is destroyed.
Ikaris takes the word 'invulnerable' to it's heights. He possesses extraordinary durability,
being completely bulletproof as even .50 caliber bullets bounce off of his skin without leaving a
scratch. He can survive temperature extremes, the crushing pressure of space, and the depths of the
sea without issue, being able to bathe in lava unharmed and be struck with plasma beams unphased.
His invulnerability is slightly higher than what he can dish out, allowing him to stand up to
equally powerful or superior opponents and survive the encounter, or even win. He can stay in the
fight with the best of them. Of course, just because he can take an orbital laser doesn't mean he
can't feel pain or be knocked unconscious.
Optic Blasts:
All Eternals are able to release the cosmic energy their body stores in a myriad of ways in the
form of heat, force, light, and potentially other forms of energy. Ikaris is able to release cosmic
energy in the form of blasts from his hands, but more uniquely, he's able to release this energy
from his eyes. With a range of about 200 ft, Ikaris can project a concussive force of 260 lbs per
square inch at a temperature of at least 3,000 degrees fahrenheight with the potential to be even
hotter. His beams are hot enough to slice steel clean and can vaporize a normal person upon contact,
often being referred to as his 'disintegration beams'. These beams are powerful enough to hurt and
wound individuals with high levels of invulnerability, including other Eternals and New
Ikaris possesses low-level psychic capabilities. Among the Eternals, he's a 2nd-level psionic
(the highest level is 5th) and while he is not the best or most experienced amongst them, he can
perform both telekinetic and telepathic feats.
Telepathy - Capable of performing telepathic
acts, Ikaris mainly uses telepathy to communicate across short distances to other Eternals. He can
transmit images and speak to and be replied from a target. He can read surface thoughts, but he
can't go farther than that. his telepathic range is roughly 100 ft. He is able to mentally dominate
the minds of 'weaker' minds and control them for a brief period. He is no master telepathic,
however, and these moments of control are typically brief.
Telekinesis - Ikaris is a highly
adept telekinetic who is able to use his mind to put entire spaceships together (as long as he has
the parts) by pure thought. He can control matter at a molecular level in terms of movement, but
while he can't explode someone from the inside, he can create powerful telekinetic shields that
could stand up to the most powerful of strikes for a brief period of time. He can extend these
shields to carry people with him when he flies.
Super Senses:
Ikaris possesses vastly acute senses,so acute that he could determine when the Celestials are
Super Stamina:
Like all Eternals, Ikaris is sustained by cosmic energy. His metabolism is bolstered by
constantly absorbing cosmic energy and the ambient energy around his person, enabling him to recover
all fatigue toxins as soon as they are created. So long as he has energy to draw from, Ikaris will
never become physically tired and may perform at his peak indefinitely.
Super Strength:
Many of the Eternals possess strength that is far beyond human potential, but Ikaris is a cut
above the majority. Ikaris is capable of lifting over 100 tons of weight, able to fight other
Eternals, cosmic entities, and some of the most powerful beings on earth on equal ground. Among the
Eternals, he is second only to Gilgamesh in terms of raw physical strength.
Ikaris has been
on earth a long time and has had thousands of years to refine his strength. He is able to shake
hands without breaking somebody's hand, open a door without tearing a building's face off, or throw
a punch with enough pulled back that he doesn't immediately kill a regular person. His hands can
easly break through the hulls of spaceships.
Like almost all Eternals, Ikaris is able to scatter his molecules and reassemble them elsewhere
in a mimicry of teleportation. With this process, he can appear roughly anywhere in the world so
long as he knows where he's going. However, the act of teleportation is physically unpleasant
(painful), so Ikaris prefers to fly. He is able to teleport up to three other people with him, but
it's just as unpleasant for them as it is for him.
With plenty of time to practice, Ikaris is a master hand to hand combatant. His powers are more
than enough that he hasn't paid much attention to using weapons, but knows a few sword and staff
styles if the need strikes. He's a bit of a brawler, but he possesses the finesse of someone who has
refined talent for millenia. He is not the greatest fighter known to man, but with a style that
includes his superhuman abilities with his knowledge of combat to create a harmonious style. He is
always ready for a fight at every opportunity.
Ikaris is very, very, VERY old. Despite being consistently instructed not to interfere in the
course of human evolution and history, Ikaris has been present as an observer through nearly all of
it's major events. From wars (and rumors of wars), to assassinations, to celebrations, to coup
detats, to grand victories, to major scientific discoveries, to prophets that once walked the earth,
Ikaris has an in-depth knowledge of history down to the time and the date it happened.
might have even shook the hands of the many movers and shakers of the world, past, present, and
Ikaris is among the tactical leaders and the on-again, off-again leader of the Eternals. It's
often by his word that the Eternals decide to act and it's often by his word that they stand down in
the face of a potential or active danger. However, he tends to keep a 'loose reign' on the Eternals,
permitting them to have their own lives and covers so they may live peacefully in the world. All the
same, he has capable leadership skills, able to make difficult decisions when the need arises and/or
lead the army that is the Eternals into battle. Multiple times throughout history he has provided
his expertise to humanity in the form of advice or supposed wisdom.
Ikaris possesses deadly aim with his eye beams. He is fully capable of ricocheting his eye
blasts off of other surfaces and accurately striking an object, considering his eye beams go where
his eyes are focused most. He rarely finds himself missing his target once he sets his eyes on
Ikaris has some travelling under his belt and across his lifespan has mastered a multitude of
languages. He can speak just about every language known to man, even the ones that have long since
died out. He normally speaks the common tongues, such as English, French, German, Japanese,
Cantonese, Mandarin, Xhosa, Swahili, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and plenty of other ancient
Ikaris has often been put in a position to lead the Eternals against the Deviants and any others
who would threaten their existence or the existence of humanity. He fought briefly in World War 2
when a Deviant was involved on the side of the Axis powers and led the Allies to a complete turn-
around victory when previously they were being crushed. Ikaris is a master strategist, even if he
can be a bit reckless at times.
While they often say no, the Celestials are to Ikaris what religion is to humans. They are his
deities and his ultimate masters. He can call upon them for help if he has the resources to
communicate them and -rarely- will they actually assist.
Any question of help from the
Celestials is for TP or Staff-approved scenes/plots only. While the power they have at their command
is beyond comprehension, they rarely actually help and often make things worse for everyone, for
their purposes and goals are ever mysterious.
Ikaris is an Eternal and one of the more respected ones. He can call upon his fellow earth-bound
Eternals and they will often come to his aid, as long as he does the same for them. He has access to
all of their technology and resources as long as he remains in their good graces.
Ikaris currently works as an architecture agent and does painting as a side-gig. He makes enough
money to own his minimalist apartment and allows him subtle luxuries, like a car.
The Eternals have a job to do. If they fail it, they answer to what may be the most powerful
collective force in the universe. To turn against his creators is to turn against himself, and he's
not entirely sure he can do that. He knows full-well that the Celestial's intentions are
mysterious...and likely not good at all...but how does a creation turn against their
Ikaris has been alive for roughly 50,000 years. He finds it difficult to relate to others and
struggles with personal attachments. This can make him seem unattached and uncaring to
Energy Exhaust:
If Ikaris uses his energy powers for more than several hours, he will be temporarily weakened
and more sensitive to pain.
Very few people know that Ike Harris is 50,000 years old and even fewer know that he has been
present for more than enough historical events. If his secret identity is discovered, no doubt any
relationships he's made, for better or worse, will be threatened by the discovery.
A failsafe engineered into Homo Immortalis. Radion is a rare energetic emission that can only be
produced artificially. When the Homo Immortalis is exposed to it their connection to the Power
Cosmic is rapidly drained. The energies that fuel their life force and provide them their fantastic
powers are diminished in moments. With enough exposure the damage can be near permanent, or even
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Ikaris has
10 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
New Kid on the Block | August 24th, 2023 | No description |
Eternals in the Avengers | August 20th, 2023 | Ikaris comes to join the Avengers, and speak the ancient truths of the ETERNALS! |
The Forge is becoming popular! | November 1st, 2022 | People come to visit the forge. Superman shows up with an odd blade for Colborn to examine. |
Along the Seas of Sweet Aegea | July 13th, 2022 | The heroes chart a course to fair Aegea. Where they find a Cyclops has taken roost upon it. Fists lead to diplomacy as the heroes must ready themselves for a journey to Tartarus, Hades Realm, to stop an ancient witch from being freed from the depths. |
Look! Up in the sky! No... higher up than that! | June 28th, 2022 | Moral debates back and forth. |
(Very) Long Time, No See | December 12th, 2021 | Three old friends meet and talk. |
Three Aliens in the Stars | December 1st, 2021 | No description |
Dine and Dash | November 30th, 2021 | A quartet of superheroes stop the evil Big Fish Gang that's bent on robbing a mom and pop diner. |
The Life Elixir | November 29th, 2021 | No description |
Eternally Amigos | November 29th, 2021 | Ikaris and Gilgamesh do some catching up after a couple millenia apart. |
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Ikaris has
10 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Ikaris has been credited in
0 shows.
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Ikaris has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
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Ikaris has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Ikaris has been listed in 0 groups.