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Latest revision as of 16:22, 7 January 2022

A Little Dancing
Date of Scene: 29 November 2021
Location: Tabitha and James' Apt - College House
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: James Proudstar, Tabitha Smith

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar yawns and stretches, looking up from studying, he blinks, "All this reading is making my eyes twitch. I gotta get out and do something." He yawns and strectches, in the large comfy chair that was recommended for a certain subset of mansion occupants by Franklin Richards' Uncle Ben. He has been studying for most if the afternoon, it's angodly amount of reading and finals are right around the corner. He smiles, "What about you? Wanna go out?" He smiles and pulls his hair back.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith has been quietly hanging more music posters on the walls to distract herself so she wouldn't disturb James during his studying since finals are coming up soon even if she does find studying utterly boring. When he yawns she quickly turns away from her posters to face him and flashes a grin, "I would love to get out of here. It's way past time for you to take a break."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods and stands, smiling, "How about getting into a little trouble? There's a honky tonk a few hours southwest that's been pinging the radar from the irregulars looks like a rallying point for some bad dudes with bad ideas. Figure we maybe check it out and if we're feeling ornery we take it off the map. Course dancing first."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith grins, "Now that sounds just like my kind of party, Jimmy. We driving or flying Air Proudstar?" She closes the distance between them to brush a kiss on his cheek.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar takes the kiss and smiles, returning it full on the lips. He chuckles and rests his forehead against yours, "Thought we might ride the bike? Seem son theme for the mission? You wanna get dressed, wear something sexy for me."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith mmmms, "Nice. We don't ride the bike very often. Let me see what I can cook up for sexy." She goes over to her dresser and pulls out a tight pair of black jeans and green top that despite the cold still bares her midriff. It looks a little odd (and trashy) with the long clingy sleeves. A dark leather jacket is pulled over the top of all of that before she turns to ask, "Sexy enough for your plans?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar grins and smiles, and sighs, "No, we still have to go out." He chuckles and winks, Jim is wearing his dark jeans and pulls on a brown heavyweight long sleeve tee. He slides his feet into a pair of military style boots. "You look amazing, let's ride." You walk to the garage, he hands you a cute little helmet and goggles, puts on a pair of goggles himself and steps on the bike, waking it with a rumble and waiting for you to jump on behind.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith laughs out a low sound of delight as she winks back then follows him to the bike. She hops smoothly up behind him and leans into his back as she hangs on. Her arms don't really go all the way around him but there's plenty to hold onto. "Let's ride, Jimmy."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar takes off and it is over an hour to this honky tonk in the middle of nowhere, a long quiet ride in the night, wind rushing past. The little bar is on the outskirts of a small town, it's sign casts a neon pool of glowing light i the dark. The parking lot is mostly full even on a week knight. James pulls in and steps off the bike, offering Tabs a hand as he gets up or reaching down to lift her off completely, both easily in the realm of possibility. "This is the place, ooh, look line dancing."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith takes his hand and hops off the bike before he can pick her up entirely. "Well you know how I love a good line dance, Baby. Let's get to it." She takes off the helmet and goggles then runs her fingers through her hair to perk it up before she heads inside, peeling off her jacket as she heads through the door to show off.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and follows you in enjoying the show as much as any other red blooded male and a few green or yellow blooded ones. He chuckles as you show off and take center stage. he follows keeping close, though no one seems to register him despite his size, white privilege being what it is in places like this. There's a few other women in here but it is mostly men, and mostly white men. Nothing screams hardcore mutant hating, racist homophobe misogynist but you get the vibe.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
This is the kind of place that doesn't draw so many women because of the looks the men give them when they make the effort to show up, but Tabby gives every appearance of eating up those leering looks as she gets out onto the floor and lets her boots carry her through the steps of the line dance. Either she doesn't give a damn that people are staring at the way those jeans cling to her backside or she's liking it.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar moves through the lines of the dance as well. Close to Tabby but not so close to indicate that they'r together yet. He is largely ignored though he remains polite and unassuming, this deference draws him a bot of female attention from those who have dared coming out and aren't over joyed with the treatment of the mainstream men. The men hate him even more fir the way his politeness endears himself to a few of the ladies. Jim though keeps his attention on Tabs. following her lead.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith is not the sort of girl who would normally be called a tease but she happily embraces the role at the moment as she swishes her hips through the motions of the dance to give everyone a good view of the merchandise and taunt any potential bad actors into some bad actions that will expose them for what they are so they can be properly dealt with.

James Proudstar has posed:
and Like sharks drawn to chum she gets several nibbles a host of self proclaimed alphas showing the pretty blonde how tough they are, talking to her putting their hands on her. You can feel Jim's reactions but he lets you handle it knowing that you have things well in hand. He hangs close, sipping on a beer. They offer you a drink and you hae bo doubt that it's drugged.