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Latest revision as of 16:24, 7 January 2022

Walk The Dogs
Date of Scene: 09 November 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hercules, Naria Shepard

Hercules has posed:
    It's happened to everyone. You have a special night planned with the wife, everything's perfect. The mood is right, the food is great, that magic of an ages old romance kindling anew once more fills a lifeless world with beauty and love.

But then the dog gets antsy.

Loving both dog and wife almost equally, you find yourself torn until at last you recall a certain nephew that seemed to get along alright with your favorite pooch so you make a call. A call to-

                                PRINCE OF POWER                                

Emerging from the Subway within the heart of the city, a rather large man was walking a rather large dog. Glamour held back Cerberus'true faces. Instead they seemd a large hound with a thick studded collar around their singular neck. The gigantic pup walked briskly at the end of it's tether, pulling the Scion of Olympus along behind at a bit of a jog.

To look at the boisterous, bearded man, you would think this no labor at all, he smiled and talked sweetly to the hound. This would be an easy feat to get him from beneath the onus of his uncle, a literal and figurative walk in the park!

Or at least... it should have been.

Alas, dogs are dogs and even the absolute bestest of them will stumble at times.

It all started out with the clatter of a trash can and a rush... of alley cats. Three of them bolted from an expected alley, hence their name and froze at the sight of Hercules' charge, slitted eyes seeing the truth of them. Cat fur bristled and backs arched. The hound stood very still... and then was not still at all, forelimbs splayed wide as the seemd to boy to the cats and then eagerly barked in greeting. It worked as well as a starting pistol at a track meet.

The cats bolted, the Hound pursued, barking, glamour slipping. It's calls becoming thunderous and three-fold as the hound of hades set to gallop through the streets, a furry, muscley rocket of pent-up puppy energy all packed into a package the size of a city bus... with Hercules hauled along at the end of their leash trying to bring them to heel!

Naria Shepard has posed:
Unaware of the sweetness of the rulers of the underworld having a night in or a creature of myth wandering the streets out of the Subway, Rave was out and about on her 'Patrol' which seemed to have desolved into mostly a peaceful time of taking a few selfies and enjoying herself.

A little streak of glowing neon announcing her crossing the space, the girl with the neon blue locks weaves her way through a street that might as well be moving in slow motion when she skids to a stop.

Super speed or not, she'd come awfully close to rounding the corner and being flattened by the giant hound.

Hercules has posed:
    With feet the size of truck tires, Cerberus was not quiet nor easily missed. Thankfully, they were a good boy and doing their best not to trample living mortals. They did not smell of his world so they were not his problem after that cursory, passing sniff by one head or another. Three, great big heads fixed their attention upon Rave when she rounded the corner, big heads with broad, blunt snouts and slightly floppy jowels, all done up in ashen grey fur over a bulky frame and eyers that shone with an inner warmth.

Like the fires of hades.

They all snuffled at her, one even trying to bathe her in salivatory affection with a big swip of their tongue before bounding away down the street to pursue one smell or another.

Some five yards in the creatures wake, a man in an almost dangerously short skirt and little else came jogging up! His lips parted to offer... what, apologies, condolences? Only to freeze when he took in Rave fully.

"Ho friend, you are in luck!" boomed Hercules, beaming broadly as her barreled on in pursuit, "Come, Adventure!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Despite the fact she moved like a glowing version of Hermes in a miniskirt, the glowing girl does look more than a little bit startled as she's licked by the ound the size of a small car (and likely larger without the glamour). She blinks, sputtering and wiping at her face before the creature takes off down the street.

"What in the hell?" she muses, unaware of just how right she was.

Then Herc himself comes bounding along, booming voice and...striking attire. It didn't take much to guess that he was probably not a 'normal' person, but his call for adventure and the creature has the bluenette exhaling a breath and shrugging.

"Well...it -was- a little too quiet."

Hercules has posed:
    Cars whos alarms have not been calibrated for the occasional seismic jostling voice their complaints at the passing of the bounding, inquisitve hound as they seem to ricochet from one side of the street to the other, sniffing at various points of interest or people. This century is so new and interesting, so many changes and smells to be sampled and catalogued in the trio of over-excited brains.

"Heel, Cerberus, heel!" calls Hercules as he cooks along, picking up speed when he can, beefy legs working fiercely along the straight aways but his strappy sandels offer poor traction whenever their quary takes an unexpected turn

The Lion of Olympus gains on the Guardian of Hades, diving for the trailing leash, only to have it slip away from him when the dog catches the scent of something on the wind...

Savor meats cooked up in boiling water, frankenfurters served up on a bun with almost any topping you could desire.

The hotdog cartier is blissfully unaware of his doom when Cerberus turns their three-fold appetite toward the street-cook's wares.

"Quick now, friend!" calls Hercules, "Grasp victory and leash both before it is too late!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Stopping a runaway beast of myth was very much a new one, something Rave hadn't expected to encounter this evening...or any other one for that matter. Still, that didn't mean that Rave wasn't going to try. A little shift of consideration and an exhaled breath Rave rushes forwards in a glowing streak of light, the poor vendor picked up and deposited at the other side of the street before she rushes back.

Speed she might have, channeling light and energy...but she doesn't quite have the strength that Hercules himself possessed. A moment of triumph as she seizes the lead turns into a startled cry at the shear force of the creature still running. Could she even stay on her feet at this point?

Hercules has posed:
    In a streak of light, the unknown heroine rushes to and past Hercules in speeds that would even make Hermes take notice. The Son of Zeus is just getting to his feet when her jetwash catches up to him, a rush of wind that has him putting a hand down against the hem of his skirt to defend his modesty and the scene's letter rating!

The vendor is just starting to turn and spot Cerberus when Rave shines towards him. Neurons fire and there is a single, second of calm thought when he thinks to curse irony before the world blurrs and suddenly, Cerberus' exuberence meets only the vendor's cart!

In the time twixt grabbing the leash and the upset of the cart, she would find her self in that curious point where she can easily out pace her objective but struggle with the fact that she'd need some more super-speed shenanigins to match his force!

With some fancy footwork, she just might stay upright long enough for for Cerberus to knock the cart over and begin their feast on the two-fold treat of hot dogs and dog water!

Behind, bringing up the rear just as soon as Rave's gale calmed, Hercules jogged up!

"Haha! Well done, my Fleet Footed Friend! You held fast and strong! Undue calamity has surely been averted thanks to your efforts!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
It took some creativity, but Rave wasn't just a pretty face and some glowy tricks. Pulling against the hound had simply pulled her off her feet, matching force would surely just end up with a dislocation or faceplanting. How to solve it then? A little redirection, she moves to pull sideways and draw the excited tri-puppy into a spin of direction like he were chasing his tail.

Either she'd tire him out or distract him with the trail of neon light left in their wake for a few moments.

Then the cart goes over and the food scatters, a far more effective distraction that has her exhaling and doubling over.

"Should have opened with that..." she muses aloud only to look up at Hercules' announcement. "That uh...that was a big dog."

Hercules has posed:
    Whenever Cerberus chased their tail it always turned into something ofa competative sport! paw and blunt claws scrabbled and rushed against the pavement at the heart of Rave's circular rush. In the end, it was a very dizzy puppy that staggered to the feast, drunkenly stumbling paw over paw. Legs splayed out from beneath them as they seemed to just slump to lazily lick and snarf.

Lapsing into consideration, Hercules took a moment to stroke his bearded jaw, poising the hand at his chin, "At the moment I admit I thought brevity the thing." he confessed with some slight amusement. His hands fell to plant themselves in fists at hips, his feet planting at shoulder's width, "But regardless, you made a grand showing of yourself, my Alacritious Compatriot! You have my thanks and admiration! Few are they who can yet claim to have bested Hades Hound Themselves. I am well glad to be able to welcome you into such a prestigious number!" he continued, features blooming into a full, broad smile as he spoke, hands lifting away from his hips to make grandoise gestures.