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Latest revision as of 16:28, 7 January 2022

Clowning Around The Tower
Date of Scene: 01 October 2021
Location: Lobby - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Kate Bishop

Harley Quinn has posed:
So it was that Harley and Terry are best friends. And so it was that Terry had spoken to Harley about her troubles with Kate which had lead to him storming out of the tower a few weeks back. And that meant it was time for an INTERVENTION! The Harley way....

And what better way to do so than to invade the Titan's tower? It's not as if she knew of another place to find Hawkeye sooooo.....

"I AM LOOKIN' FOH HAWKEYE!" came the voice from the lobby. A little tap on the floor with her foot to show she meant business, arms crossed together. A little frowny face on her expression. Oh yes, she means BUSINESS!

The clownette is dressed in pretty much her usual outfit, a pair of shorts, a shirt. No weapons at least. She had the common sense to not bring those to the tower lest they thought of her as some villain. Because she certainly wasn't a villain anymore, was she? People had vouched for her! Even Red-X, or Damian, or Robin. But which Robin? Things could get confusing with all those Robins about ... So she just calls him Shorty.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Honestly there are way too many Robins. Is Batman running some sort of after school program. Is he the licensed chapter of Gotham City Big Brothers program or something. So confusing.

    The lobby and Titan systems alert the various folks upstairs that there is a visitor downstairs. The hawkeye calling out is flagged so Kate gets an extra alert. The system is also smart enough to Identity The Visitor as Harley Quinn. Potential Threat.

    Kate though just genuinely sighs after she snags her tablet off a table, she had been doing algebra homework. A reminder she is still in High School, though not a fact Harley may even know. Regardless she snags the missing components of her costume and her gear, fixing things in place.

    There is a chipper artifical voice. "Please wait patiently, the Titans have been alerted to your visit.

    It takes a few minutes for Kate to make it downstairs, the elevator doors chiming as they open and she steps out, but does not walk over. Keeping her options open as she peers across the lobby at Harley. Someone who has genuinely given her mild PTSD and nightmares in the past. "Harley."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Wait? Patiently? Oh no no no. What's comin' next? Elevator music?! I will let ya know I am at the lobby, not inside an elevator.." An important distinction! She is also talking to some artificial, unseen voice but .., she at least is used to that already. Even if her own voices are more of the imaginary kind. Or so people think! Dun dun duuuun.

"You know, you guys could use a little moouh PR wheah it comes ta receivin' people at the towah... Some human element. Robot voices awhe so impersonal!" she goes on for a while, talking to the voice if it answers her, elbow resting on a counter, fingertips tapping on the wood. At least she is busy!

"Theah you awhe..." She calls out when the elevator doors open, baby blue eyes taking in the masked one, "Think we got a few things ta talk about.." she dislodges herself from the counter she was leaning against. "About Terry." it's no secret they are close.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    The AI actually engages a bit. "I can play music if you would like." though it won't play anything inappropriate. Also "Cyborg picked my voice to be reassuring and calming for tense situations. Such as during an assault on Titan's Tower in which I am to attempt to disarm the situation before disarming the perpetrators."

    Anyhow though Hawkeye once down there is staring and then listens to why Harley says she is here, and there is this bone weary sigh out of the teenager now. Honestly much too weary for her age. "Look. I hope to god Terry has fallen down a well and you've come here to get our help to get him back out of the well... or hell.. or whatever problem he is in this time." she doesn't finish out the what she hopes this isn't about. She also hasn't budged from by the elevator to come closer to Harley either. She does not seem to trust all the swearing up and down so many have done it seems.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Music? That is ..., actually something that Harley indeed engages with. Specially considering how she likes going to karaoke. So when those elevator doors open up she is in the middle of starting to 'teach' the AI to sing along 'Boss Bitch' (it's not that inappropriate!). Yet it all ends, unfortunately, when Kate is in sight. A shame that the AI won't learn the proper singing from Harley!

"You awhe his teammate, not me. Shouldn't ya be the one ta know whether he's in danger or not?" She shakes her head to herself, "But nah, haven't seen him in a few days now." she takes in that weariness on the girl again, "You know what I am heah ta talk about. The fight you had with him. I dunno if you have had the chance ta talk with him again or not afterwards but ..., he wasn't really happy with it all." she looks around the lobby.

"Are we gonna go somewheah else or we want ta talk heah?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Harley, the first time I ran into you it was busting up a Russian Mafia weapon deal .... there was this young teen girl with metal claws.. you with your giant hammer.. and a lot of dead criminals. It kept me up for two weeks. No I'm not inviting you to sit down and have a pizza." she says sourly.

    She shakes her head. "Yeah we talked through it all, Troia and Nightwing refereed but we didn't need it. Robin was there too. Terry understands what he did wrong. I understand I am sensitive to people betraying my trust and over reacted to it. Sometimes Terry is going to be unhappy but for fucks sake he needs to be adult enough to react to people calling out when he does something that hurts them or even generic criticism without rage quitting and throwing his stuff around and stormign out. He needs to work on his confrontation issues."

    Another pause then maybe with some sass. "I here you're a psyche, maybe you could work on that." okay yeah sass.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I am suwah all those crooks deserved it." A shrug of her shoulders at it all. Does Harley even remember it? Was it just another Tuesday for her? It's the problem of having lived among violence for so long. "Regardless, I have been woikin' on .., that." she states, "No moouh killin'... Unless it's an evil tentacle entity from a mirror doppelganger universe that wants ta take ovah this reality. Oh, we RPG those bitches.." ok, that was rather specific! Might be she has had her own dealings with ZZGU.

"And yes, he can be all that from time to time. People like me and him, we react hotly ta stuff, do things we regret. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care or that he doesn't know what he did. I am moouh interested on why you awhe always bustin' his balls though.. What happened?" she asks, "Is it because he's my friend or somethin'? I mean, I know ya don't like me, most likely with reason! A lot of people don't.."

"But me bein' heah is mostly ta help with what's goin' on. If you guys already worked most things out then my purpose ta be heah isn't that important anymoouh, which is good!" a beat, "But still, if ya wanna talk I am heah."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Okay now Kate looks absolutely exasperated. "I've busted his balls, as you put it twice, in the whole time I've known him. I consider him family, which is why his fucking around with my trust hurt Harley. He knows my identity .... only the Titans do because I trust them enough to sleep here with them rolling around doing stuff and bringing danger but... he kept a pretty bad secret from us all. That hurt."

    She crosses her arms. "That was this time... the other time I busted his balls... as you say was when he ran off to try to take out his doppleganger from the tentacle mirror universe all by himself and nearly died... lost his powers... and was being a sad sack about it all. I got mad at his talk about being useless without powers ... which I and Robin don't even have.. and him rushing in and nearly dying."

    She sighs deeply. "We got over that and he signed up for a bunch of combat training in case he is ever stuck human again so I've been training him ever since... it's been fine."

    "Seriously though he has pretty extreme issues with over reacting if anyone criticizes him or gets upset with something he does... even if it is utterly merited... he has a lot of catholic nun childhood trauma going on there...." hey Harley said she was fine talking. Also it isn't Kate's fault she is younger than Terry but more adult on most days.