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Latest revision as of 16:30, 7 January 2022

Last Days of Summertime
Date of Scene: 18 September 2021
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Laxmi Mallick, Logan Howlett

Gabby Kinney has posed:
This was one of those weekends the news was labeling as 'the last good weekend of Summer' because the next week had weather forecasts of the temperature plummeting, and rain on the way. Today it was still warm. The sun is shining. Birds are singing. Even the cicadas had shut up to tolerable levels as most were beginning to retreat or just die. All in all a perfect day for a run through the woods! Which is why Gabby had headed out earlier. If there was one thing she did regularly, it was go for her jogs. She enjoyed them, it kept her in shape, and no one told her she was 'doing it wrong'.

Yet perhaps she had done something wrong with her run because as she returns to the backyard, twigs in hair and dirt smudged on her cheek--She reeks of blood. Her left arm hangs *wrong* at her side where bone protrudes through her skin clearly broken. It's mostly ignored as she picks some leaves out of her hair flicking it away with a sigh.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi sits in one of the chairs near one of the tables shielded from the sun by the umbrella above her, cradling her sarod on her lap. Her fingers fly with practiced ease over the strings, her other hand sliding up and down the fretless neck of the instrument as soulful, haunting sounds emerge from the instrument. She sings with her eyes closed, the words in Hindi unfamiliar to most, but somehow the emotion carries through regardless - a song filled with heartbreak, and pain, and loneliness, beautifully sung in her practiced voice. She seems lost to the world as she practices her music, completely unaware of her surroundings as she concentrates on the notes, on her breathing - on pouring all of her feeling into the song.
    She certainly isn't aware of poor Gabby's plight.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had just come outside for a cigar, he hadn't even managed to get it out of his pocket before the scent of blood on the air caught his attention and he immediately start looking for the cause of it.

Just as he started toward the scent, Gabby appeared from the woods and his nose told him exactly where it was coming from.

"Gabby," he stated, then jogged over to her. "What happened to you kid?" She doesn't really get time to answer before he's trying to get a look at the arm going the wrong direction. He wasn't used to that, perhaps she didn't get his healing or maybe she needed it set first?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney becomes a bit more aware of the others here as soon as she's out of the treeline. The singing from Laxmi along with the playing of the instrument that was unfamiliar to her earns a glance in that direction. Flicking yet another twig out of her hair she's barely allowed time to realize Logan is there when he's jogging in her direction.

A slightly sheepish smile is offered along with a one-shouldered shrug in response. "It's my fault," she attests with an odd lack of concern. "I wasn't paying attention and ran into one of the traps Laura set for me in the woods. She must have missed unsetting it from the last time. So it's a good thing I found it and not someone else."

A tip of her head is aimed toward her injured arm. "I need to get the bone reset so it can heal properly. Takes forever otherwise." Her voice drops a little to add, "Probably shouldn't do that in front of Miss Laxmi, she might get upset. People tend to not like seeing that sorta thing."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    From the tone in Logan's voice, //something// was amiss - and so Laxmi's voice peeters out, her eyes opening as her fingers pluck out a few last idle chords. She doesn't smell the blood - but she can see from the way that Gabby is holding her arm that something is amiss.
    She carefully sets the sarod aside and climbs to her feet, moving closer to the pair, but not closing the distance yet. "Is everything alright?" she calls out - her voice projecting easily across the yard. "Should I get Dr. McCoy?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
A quick glance is offered toward Laxmi, before Logan places himself between her line of sight and Gabby, blocking any chance of seeing what he's about to do. There was no need for Gabby to go wandering anywhere else with the arm in that position, the risk of another student seeing it and freaking out was too great.

"Laxmi, you'll want to stand back and cover your ears, I got this then she's got this." He says to the singer, then looks back to Gabby. "Ya ready kid?" he asks, not wanting to just grab her arm and set the bone without at least giving some kind of warning. "Brace yourself, we'll get it set so you can heal."

So that was it, the bone needed setting but she had his healing. That was good to know. He'd ask about these traps this Laura set up out there after Gabby was healing, because that's just plain uncalled for around the woods of a school that students go walking and jogging through.

If Gabby was ready, he'd set the bone with one quick move, not like he hadn't done the same thing hundreds, if not thousands of times before. The crunch pop sound would be rather audible close in, not so much further away, then he'd hold is there until her healing kicked in.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't seem the least bit upset by the thought of what needs to be done. When Logan moves to block her view she gives a subtle nod catching on to what he was doing. It was better that way. Blood didn't bother her much, especially her own, but she was aware how it could look to others with a less staunch stomach. It's Logan's question of being ready and bracing herself that earns a rather amused and brilliant smile from her.

"Oh, go ahead! It's okay," she assures with a quicker nod. Dutifully she holds still while he grasps and pulls so the muscles stretch and the bone is allowed to slip back into place. The crunch and wet squelching causes another surge of blood to rush down her arm before it starts to slow rather quickly as her healing factor catches up.

Gabby reaches up to jab her finger against her arm testing to see how smoothly it was set. "That should have done it!" How could she possibly be so cheery? She didn't even flinch or make a sound. Not even a batting of her eye to show she had felt the pain that would have come with resetting it.

In an effort to further distract Laxmi she pipes up, "What was that song you were singing? It was pretty!"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It's called 'Agar Tum Saath Ho,'" Laxmi explains as she comes closer. "I'm making my own arrang-" she starts, but her voice cuts out as she comes into view, spotting the amount of blood that has splattered onto Gabby's clothes, and still covers her quickly healing arm. "What happened?" she asks in alarm. "Should we send for an ambulance? I have my cell phone..." Indeed, she starts to pull it out of her pocket. How much blood has she lost?
    "We should get her sitting down," she says urgently, moving forward to help move Gabby towards the building.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan let's go of Gabby's arm once the healing has kicked in, then moves to her side and lays his hand on her shoulder.

"No need for that Laxmi," he offers with a slight sort of half grin, almost as if he's proud of Gabby, not that he has any right to be. "She's got my healing factor."

Now he glances to Gabby, "Can you tell me about those traps and this Laura who set them? That sorta thing is not safe out there."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to gently rest her *thankfully clean* hand on Laxmi's wrist when she starts to reach for her phone. "It's okay, really! Thank you for worrying for me, but I can't feel pain and I heal really quick. Most I really need is a shower and a sandwich." She pauses to consider, "Or steak. Probably protein would be good." Hey if she can get some food out of this...

Tipping her head back up toward Logan with a grin she nods readily in agreement. "Yep! Runs in the family," she agrees only to tilt her head side to side considering. "Laura's my older sister. One of them anyway, not from the project that made me, but the original project that... Anyway. She visits sometimes and tries to test me to keep me on my toes. Set up a bunch of pitfall traps and a few snares the last time to funnel me toward her location where she was waiting with a sniper rifle--- I'm not helping make this sound any less dangerous." A little look of frustration along with a puff of breath blows some hair out of her face. "She means well. It's just her way of keeping me in shape."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi allows her hand to be lowered and, hesitantly, puts her phone back into her pocket, but there's still concern etched on her features. No, Gabby's not making it sound any better. "You're certain you're alright? Perhaps it would be better to have Dr. McCoy check on you to be certain?" she suggests.
    "And I don't like the idea of this sister of yours making dangerous traps out in these woods. It's not just the students we have to worry about - the animals that live there could be harmed, or any hunters or hikers... It's just not a good idea."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The look that hits Logan's face is not one of a happy man, in fact he looks as if he's about ready to kill someone or something, but that's just the facial expression. Yes, he's like to smack this Laura a few times upside the head, but apparently... oh gods. The facial expression changes to one brow raised and surprised eyes.

"Okay, so..." he begins, cracking his neck. "First off, that stops now. I'm sponsoring you for Danger Room X training, so no more forest traps from what is apparently, another one of my clone kids." He'll address that situation later.

"Gabby, why don't you go take a quick shower, I'll get some steaks out, fire up the barbeque, and we'll talk more about Laura and your Danger Room training, deal?" He glances to Laxmi and adds, "I think there's some tofu and vegies in there that I could barbeque up as well."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah she's usually better about making sure she fills in the traps after," Gabby admits with a ginger rub to her healing arm. It looked fixed up properly, and she flexes her fingers testing out how well it's healed. It was working just fine.

"Her training was way, way worse than ours. She's not good with people, but she's trying. Right now she's with a group out in Gotham that I also work with on occasion." She's rambling a bit, perhaps spilling too much information, but it wasn't as if these two people weren't trustworthy. Mention of the danger room training earns a wide grin. "Great! I haven't had a good session in like, a year or more since Illyana stopped running them for us. Ever since Mr. Sinister kidnapped a bunch of us they've really cut back on what they let us do-- Oh! Right." Easily distracted she looks down to herself. "Yeah I should go change. I'll be back super quick!" That's the last she says before she's dashing off to the back door to vanish inside.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi watches in silence as Gabby dashes off - confusion on her features, mingling with her lingering concern. Life at this school was strange - she expected that. But she thinks there are things here she doesn't really understand.
    "I'll help you get the food ready," she offers, starting to walk towards the school before she adds, "And you can tell me what the 'Danger Room' is. Does it have something to do with how many members of the X-Men hang about at this school?" It was hard to overlook Kurt and Dr. McCoy, after all.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan heads inside with Laxmi to collect the steaks, some ice tea in a pitcher to drink, a couple of potatoes cut in half with butter then wrapped in tinfoil.

"Danger room is a safe place for students to practice with their abilities without risk of harming anything or anyone," he explains. "We're teachers, which includes every aspect possible for the students. Some require that room to even attempt anything with their powers, others can manage without that level of protection. What kind of teachers would we be if we didn't offer a place like that?"

Once he's collected what he intends to throw on the barbeque, he wants for Laxmi before heading outside to fire the thing up. Cooking over a fire, now that's something Logan can handle.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    While Logan is busy with the potatos, Laxmi is putting some vegetables onto metal skewers. She also pulls a piece of grilling cheese out of the fridge to add to the barbeque - covering it generously with chili oil to prevent it from sticking. "I suppose that makes sense." She's silent for a moment before asking, "It's down in the basement?" she asks. Was that what Rogue was talking about when she made that suggestion?
    What else was down in the basement, she couldn't help but wonder, as she starts putting plates and silverware out on the table.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Getting the barbeque going takes a moment, but Logan's an expert with fire and being burned, but that's not appealing to the apatite. Thankfully propane grills take less time to get going and heated up, so it's ready to add food too rather quickly.

"I'll take the right side for cooking, you put your things on the left so they don't touch, sound good?" He says first, already laying the streaks out and putting the potatoes on. "It is in the basement, yes." He turns slightly to look at her. "I'm sure after that meeting your really curious about all that. I'll find out from Ororo or Jean if you're cleared for the danger room." And anything else that might be down there for that matter.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I appreciate that," Laxmi agrees easily. "I don't really mind if you use the same tongs to flip things, though. I'm not //that// particular," she explains with a wry smile. She brings her things over for him to tend to - but seems perfectly content to let him go all the grilling. If she tries it, they'll either be raw, or horrifically burnt. She never seems to find the happy medium.
    "And I'd be very grateful, if I could at least see it. I mean, if it's going to be part of the children's training and life here... I like to know what's going on."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The sound of rapid footfalls herald Gabby's re-approach. Clad in black leggings, flipflops that made a rather obvious audible slapping against the floor, and a t-shirt with a cutesy unicorn wearing a jack-o-lantern head is her chosen attire. In pink blood drippy style lettering it announces 'PUMPKINCORN' across the top. Her hair is still damp as she really had rushed her shower but she'd scrubbed thoroughly and smelled a bit soapy. Better than blood.

"I'm back!" Come the cheery announcement that was probably entirely unnecessary. The run slows to approach the grill to peer at the contents ontop curiously.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan turns slightly as Gabby reappears, one brow lifting. He really had troubles understanding teenagers and their clothing, but she certainly looked comfortable. The grill was already cooking away, two large steaks sizzling away.

"Welcome back," he offers before turning back to watch the grill. "Iced tea on the table, it's probably that sweet tea that Rogue likes so much. How's the arm? Healed already?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "That was fast," Laxmi remarks with some amusement. She pours the tea into glasses, setting one in front of each plate before she'll take a seat - picking up her sarod which had been left on a chair nearby. She starts idly plucking out music on the instrument though she doesn't start singing at the moment - simply playing.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins wide in that way she does when she's genuinely happy. It was pretty common to see on her unlike her grumpier relatives. "Yep! Good as new." The arm is raised to flex to show off that fact for both Logan and Laxmi who had been worried about her. "Never have any issue healing. Sometimes it's more knowing I'm injured in the first place since I can't feel pain." There's a pause, and she hastens to add, "Not that I get injured regularily. I just know from experie--Past experience." A glance flits toward Laxmi then back with a sheepish look.

"Oh iced tea yeah! And you can sing if you want, I don't mind." She's already whirled around to the table where she hops up to sit on the edge with legs dangling off the side. A cup is plucked up to pour herself some while keeping both of the adults in her view to speak with. "I did karaoke with some friends awhile back and it was a ton of fun."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The potatoes get moved to a new location, the skewers get turned a fourth of the way, the steaked get salt and peppered in prep for their turn, Logan might actually know what he's doing.

"Karaoke?" He sort of asks, more like he's trying to remember what it was. "Oh hell, that's that singing songs in front of people crap," he finishes off with, then looks over at Laxmi and Gabby.

"If someone put a gun ta my head and said sing or die, I'd be healing a head wound... again," at least he was honest, right? "And Laxmi, feel free to play and sing, just don't ask me to join in. One, I suck, two, it's a language I don't know. I know several, but not that one."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It's one version of singing songs in front of people, yes," Laxmi agrees. "I've heard the word means 'empty orchestra' which is an amusing turn of phrase..." As she's talking, she continues plucking at the strings, smiling towards Gabby. "It would be hard to talk with you and Logan if I were singing, though, and I wouldn't mind a little conversation. Karaoke can be a blast - honestly, take a bunch of Juilliard kids with you to a karaoke bar. It's a blast."
    Her attention shifts to Logan, her smile amused as she adds, "Though apparently singing isn't for everyone."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney contemplates that a moment only to nod in agreement. "I think Laura's a bit tone deaf, too. She did one song and it was mostly screaming. Or maybe it was heavy metal. I didn't really recognize it." Not quite a good mental image unless someone already knew Laura, sadly. The tea is sipped at with a scrunch of her face before she acclimates to the level of sugar. "Woo. No wonder Rogue is all over the place, this is strong even for me."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles at Gabby's reaction to the tea. He's made it for the southern belle a few times, so he knows exactly how she likes it.... strong, sweet and cold.

"Rogue's got a thing for strong and sweet," he comments, turning his attention back to the grill. "I did karaoke once, that was it for me, forever... and for me, that's a damn long time."

The vegies get turned another fourth, making sure each side is evenly cooked, while the potatoes are also rotated to speed up their cooking. "There's some sodas in the fridge that probably have less sugar than that tea, if you want Gabby." He offers, then flips the steaks. "You like your steak rare, medium or well Gabby?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "There's nothing wrong with heavy metal," Laxmi replies easily. "If she's into metal, perhaps we could sing together sometime," she remarks, fingers still dancing over the strings.
    "It's kind of you to cook for all of us, Logan," she adds. "Though - yes, Rogue's tea is rather on the sweet tea. I mean, I even prefer seltzer, to soda. But every now and then... I'm simply in the mood for sweet."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers it a moment thoughtfully in regards to her steak. The tea is still drunk of course as she considers this. "Don't know. Only had steak a few times. I guess medium? Hit it right down the middle that way." Another sip is taken along with a shake of her head. "Eh, I could but I'm being lazy. I usually drink Coke when I get the chance. Though I like the rootbeer down at Harry's, too."

"What kind of training are we going to be looking at? I'm good working with groups. Used to that, but I know every group is different, too." That seemed to be what most people were concerned about at least. It was easy enough for her to fall in working with others and trusting their abilities once she knew them, but she knew it was harder for someone like Laura. Perhaps even Logan though she mostly only heard rumors about him. He didn't seem half as grumpy as those rumors let on.

"Oh, Bellona's back in town too, though I found her a place to stay with a friend. You should meet her some time too Logan."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shifts the steaks to a lower heat on the grill, then turns the vegies once more. Another clone. He knew they were out there now, but at this point had no idea how many. They technically weren't his kids, and yet... he sort of felt like they were. It was a strange situation and even stranger sensation in his chest when thinking about it.

"Alright, Bellona, got it," he voiced, moving the potatoes again. "First part of the training will be seeing what you know, and what you need training. Right now, just you and me, then we'll work you into a team once we know your abilities. Sound fair?"

He turns now to look at Laxmi, "Why wouldn't I cook? Been cooking for myself for over a hundred years."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Bellona was your other sister that you mentioned?" Laxmi asks. "How has she been faring? She has enough support?" she asks with some concern. She studies Gabby's features for her response, her gaze only shifting briefly towards Logan. "Just because you know how doesn't mean you're obligated to do it for others. It's a kindness. I'd offer to cook, but I'd only ruin perfectly good food. My mother and sisters never managed to teach me anything useful," she admits wryly.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm sorry." The quiet remark comes from Gabby while watching Logan at the grill when he repeats Bellona's name as if committing it to memory. The glass of sweat tea is held in both hands resting on her lap idly, and she glances down toward it with a small frown. "I know it's a lot to dump on you. Us, I mean. That's all of us though. Just me, Bellona and Laura." There were other siblings she'd met along the way but those were legitimate ones, and not clones like they all were. "I know we're kind of a surprise to say the least. Laura's on her own and old enough to be, Bellona's close to that." Looking up at Laxmi she flashes a smile in response with a nod.

"She's been on her own for awhile. I introduced her to some friends of mine. They're not the most..." Here she pauses, glancing toward the sky. "Uh. Law abiding individuals. But they're good folks and look out for each other. They'll keep an eye out for her because I asked if nothing else. It's more support than she had before and probably the most she'll accept."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The food is shifted again before Logan looks back at Gabby.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Gabby," he states firmly. "You ain't dumped nothing but the truth on me, and if I can't handle the truth, what kinda person am I?" He offers her a smile, well half smile, he's not real good with the smiling thing. "I'll adjust, I'll adapt, and I'll help where I can. If I can help Laura or Bellona, I will, just like I'm trying to help you. You don't need to worry about me kid, I got broad shoulders."

Turning back to keep the food under good eye, "I'm not precisely law abiding all the time either, maybe that's part of the DNA as well."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well. If there's anything I can do to help, you know I'd be happy to. You could even pass on my cellphone number to her if you think it'd be at all helpful?" Laxmi offers. The tune she continues to pluck is soft and relaxing, though definitely exotic the way the notes bend with the movements of her fingers.
    "And as Logan says - you're not at fault. The people that owe apologies are the ones who stole his DNA, and used it so... unethically. They owe you both apologies." She lets out a sigh before adding, "Which is not to say that any of us are regret that you're here. We're lucky to have you here."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Better than me trying to cook. I mean I can do s'mores. I'm a s'mores master." Nodding emphatically Gabby will take what she can get when it comes to ability to cook. It's not as if she really had any one teach her that yet. "Thanks, both of you. Seriously. It means a lot." Lightly she clears her throat only to take a sniff at the air. "Okay that smells amazing. Should I grab plates or something?" Quickly she looks around to the left, then the right, to see if they'd already gotten such items and she simply hadn't noticed. It was possible.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan takes the serving platter and puts both steaks on it, setting it on the table. "Let em rest a few minutes before you cut into em," he instructs then moves back to turn the vegies one more time. The cheese thing now goes onto the grill on Laxmi's 'no meat' side, because it will melt pretty quickly and be ready at the time the vegies will. The potatoes are moved to a plate and set on the table as well, they should be tender if he timed it right.

"I always burn the marshmallows," he then says, watching the cheese intently. "Or rather they end up on fire. Three minutes tops, then the vegies and cheese will be done as well."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Marshmallows and s'mores have always looked like a lot of fun," Laxmi agrees with amusement. "And they do seem easy enough to cook. I could probably manage that. But who knows?" Small children can roast marshmallows, after all. "Thank you again, Logan," she adds, flashing him a smile before returning her attention to the young girl.
    "Gabby?" she asks curiously, "Have you had a chance to meet Dashenka yet? She's a new student - just moved into the school this week."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hops down from her impromptu seat on the table to land on her feet gingerly. No worries of twisted ankles even if she was short. "Let it rest?" The steaks are regarded a moment before she blurts, "Pretty sure the cow is already resting in peace." The joke is left at that at least as she turns her attention toward Laxmi's mention of a new student. "Nah, I was out getting Bellona set up, and just got back this morning. Is she nice? I mean, not that it matters. Everyone says Ellie is mean but she's not. Just... particular." A solemn nod is given.

"I can make us some s'mores for after dinner!" She assures even as she mentally tries to recall if there were enough fixings in the cupboard. It was still Summer. Probably.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Now the vegetable skewers and cheese go onto a plate, and Logan turns the grill off before going over to the table to set the plate where Laxmi can get to it, but far enough away he can't accidently touch her. From there he moves to the other side of the table and sits himself down, checking the steaks with a light tap of the fork, then ones goes onto a plate or Gabby, the other he keeps for himself.

"Have at it kid," he says sliding the plate to Gabby, then he stabs a potato to put on his plate and unwrap the tinfoil from around. "I think there's still all that stuff in the house," he then adds. "Bet you can do it better then I can."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - unfortunately, unless you have vegetarian marshmallows, I'll have to content myself with the chocolates and crackers," Laxmi replies with a friendly smile. The instrument is finally set aside as she pulls her plate towards herself, happy to dig into her food, cutting off a small piece of the cheese to nibble on. Mmmm.
    "Dashenka is very quiet and reserved, but yes. I think she's nice, she'll just need a little help finding her feet and adjusting to a life with so much freedom and choice." She lets out a sigh then adds for explination, "I don't want to tell her story, as it's not mine to tell, but she hasn't exactly been shy about sharing it with others. Her background has some similarities with yours."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney could just dig in right there. She could just stab the entire steak and bite into it like some wild animal and tear it up with each bite. She has manners though. One of the potatos is taken as well to plop on the plate with complete disregard for, you know, burning her fingers by grabbing it with her bare hand. Once it's on the plate she uses her fork and knife though to cut it open and mush it up. The steak is cut into as well to take a bite. "Mm. They do actually make vegan marshmallows, you know. We might have some. A couple of the other kids are vegetarian too." With that lovely tidbit offered she focuses on her meal quite happily eating away to her hearts content.