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Latest revision as of 16:35, 7 January 2022

A Smog Kryptonian!
Date of Scene: 09 August 2021
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Jason Todd

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kal-El had set out a few restrictions for Kara when she had first arrived on Earth and finally been allowed to go out on her own without some form of supervision. They were mostly do with trying not to destroy too many things, not to hit anyone too hard, and one more strange 'rule' that she didn't quite understand. That rule was to stay out of Gotham. She knew about the people who protected Gotham, some personally but most by deed and reputation. To her it was always a dark smudge on the Metropolitan horizon that was so ... intriguing. I mean, she was still a technically a teenager and since when do teenagers take 'don't do that' advice seriously?

So, she's here. Keeping a low profile as much as a young woman in a blue and red bodysuit can keep a low profile amidst the varying shades of grey and sodium yellow. She hasn't moved for almost fifteen minutes now, simply hovering in the air not far from a row of dilapidated tenement buildings and overlooking the grim and eerie ramshackle that is Amusement Mile.

Her blue eyes fixate on something in the distance. Her Kryptonian vision giving her a full field of view over the entire grouping of islands that is Gotham. One moment she is watching and listening to a couple strolling down the street in the well-lit Diamond District, the next she's watching a man lurk in trash-choked alleyway half a city away.

She frowns.

Jason Todd has posed:
Gotham City was home to a great many dangers.

And Bats typically didn't like it when Kryptonians were on their turf. Not only were they some of the most dangerous people of their time, it was also just a -very shitty place to be-. If Kara wanted to see human suffering, poverty, true evil on display? Come on down to Gotham City. Thankfully, there was indeed a Bat (former or otherwise) on the prowl this night.

THe couple that she watches seem to be laughing and enjoying their time together. The lurking man waiting for some poor soul to pass is currently smoking on a cigarette, but watching all the same. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was about to happen if nobody did anything about it. So it's only a few moments when the crook spots his target(s), and before he can even move?

A pair of hands emerges from the alley, gloved and darkly-colored, and they seem to immediately clasp together and pull backwards, shoving the cigarette into the man's mouth and pulling him into the darkness!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara had seen it, but admittedly the intention had not clicked straight away. This sort of thing just ... didn't seem to happen in Metropolis. The thugs and the gangsters spent their time dealing with interdimensional fiends, trading in hi-tech weaponry to pull of heists. Ordinary people certainly ended up in the crossfire, but it never much felt like that was the intention. This, on the other hand, is predatory to the highest degree.

She moves and quickly. Being two miles away from the scene does little to hamper her. An uncomfortably loud 'boom' of the sound barrier breaking causes dusty glass to rattle in its rotten wood frame. The gust of wind that heralds her arrival throws up leaves, scraps of paper and even causes the happy couple to divert their course as they hold up their hands to shelter their eyes.

But the gold, red, and blue blur that is Supergirl arrives in time to watch those arms draw the man into the alleyway. The darkness conceals little from her as she watches the man brutalize the cigarette-smoking criminal. Violently. Her mouth opens to admonish him, but instead she simply stands there on the sidewalk staring into the alleyway with her mouth partly agape.

This wasn't the Batman she remembered. This was something else.

Jason Todd has posed:
That sound wasn't good.

The helmet registers the sonic boom by the time it hears the sound. It gives the man a very, -very- limited amount of time before the Kryptonian arrives! and even then, there's only so fast a normal person can move. Before he can even dispatch of the criminal, Supergirl was there, watching.

All she could see was a figure wearing a red helmet on his head, with a brown jacket worn over the chest. With it, a black armored suit with a red 'bat' logo painted across the chest, as if written in blood. His fist found itself pounding into the man's face.

Over. and over. and over. and over.

Until the man was bleeding from nose and mouth. "Think about this the next time you even -look- at a little girl." and he punches him one more time for good measure. His gaze slowly shifts to Supergirl then, the voice mechanized, his eyes hard. She will find that his appearance seems distorted somehow...she can see his body sure...but not his face. Curious.

Kara Danvers has posed:
It's a reflex thing to focus her vision, to peel away the layers and look beneath the helmet. Finding that there's some sort of countermeasure in place to stop her from seeing doesn't sit well with her. In fact, it almost frightens her. That's the skill of the Bat's Brood, she imagines, the ability to send a chill up the spine of a being who can hold an aircraft carrier over her head with minimal exertion.

She continues to stare for a moment before her eyes shift to the beaten and bloody man on the ground. They register the multitude of fractures and internal injuries before focusing on the heart. It's still beating and doesn't seem to be weakening from blood loss. This is brutality refined down to an art. Slowly, her eyes shift back up to the man in the mask.

"He is alive."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Of course he is."

Red Hood speaks without arrogance or even confidence. He bears the neutral tone of his predecessor. His eyes narrow behind that helmet as he approaches Supergirl then, his steps slow, though he doesn't look like he's about to charge her. "He did some bad things." Red Hood informs of her then. "But what is more curious to me...is that a bird flew too far away from the sun."

He -knows-.

His time as Robin, he read so much on what Batman knew about Kryptonian physiology that he couldn't forget about it even if he wanted to. "But you're not here for him. The police will be here soon enough." Eyes lock onto Kara's own. "Why are you here?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I am not here for anyone," Supergirl admits after a moment, still keeping her eyes fixated on the unconscious man who lies injured on the pavement, "I am not here to ... to bother you. Any of you. I just - "

She trails off, looking around them for a moment and tucking her lower lip between her teeth thoughtfully. Finally, she takes a few steps forward into the alleyway. She steps over the injured criminal, moving into the darkness. It's not a place she belongs, it's true, but she nevertheless steps forth with a brave heart. She brushes past the man in his blood-spattered red mask, moving a bit further from the curious GCPD when they inevitably arrive.

"How does this ... fix things?" she asks, the initial unease giving way to a little bit of righteous fury, "How does hurting people like this not just make you more enemies?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood seems to stand there a moment as Supergirl seems to move past him. His eyes tracking her as she moves to the unconscious man. He turns in his step to look at her, brave in heart she was, and her question is met with a long silence.

"This city will beat you to your knees. It will take away what you hold dear and make sure you -never- forget it. That's what -this- fixes." He gestures to the unconscious man. "So that he can never do what he did to anyone else -ever- again." Jason's eyes are alight with fire.

"All I have left is hurt. Pain is all these criminals know."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara pauses for a moment. Finally, she stops her continued staring at the wounded man, turning her attention fully to the Red Hood. She focuses on him, employing that thousand-yard stare that typically allows her to see through obstructions but right now seems to be staring into the masked man's soul. She takes a halting step forward, hand lifting from her side and mouth opening as though she's about to say something. Then the uncertainty crosses her features once more.

"That makes me sad."

It is all she offers instead, looking skyward for a second before she's gone. The speed, the gust of wind, the colorful blur is all that really suggests she was even there. That and the sight of her form turning in the sky for a moment before she jets off in the direction of Metropolis, drawing along the heavy clouds in her wake. Letting the pale moon peek through a moment before it is swallowed up once more by the permanent, overcast sky.