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Latest revision as of 08:51, 8 January 2022

Christmas With A Spider
Date of Scene: 07 January 2022
Location: 5D - Gwen's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: A great Christmas morning for Gwen, Eddie, and a symbiote
Cast of Characters: Eddie Brock, Gwen Stacy

Eddie Brock has posed:
Christmas morning arrives. The city is quieter than usual, as many people have already made their journeys to be with family. A dusting of snow came down overnight, leaving the city looking cleaner than usual.

Within Gwen's apartment, a fire is going in the fireplace. Scented candles are lit, with a holiday spice scent. The apartment's tasteful decorations are not Eddie's doing, but the food coming off of the electric grill is. Pancakes and sausage, with sliced fruit and coffee and orange juice. He is wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that he slept in, his hair mussed up from sleep as well. The food is transferred onto plates, though the smell has been wafting through the small apartment so might have been noticed by now.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Damn right Gwen is proud of those decorations. There was a lot of meticulous care about them. The christmas tree, all the little elves hanging, or the star atop. Light are strewn around the place. And even in the kitchen there was a santa atop the fridge staring down upon Eddie. And did it's eyes just move? Gwen is known to have a way with machines and it appears she has gone inventive with a few mechanical creations. What's next? A Santa coming in down the chimney? Hopefully not or it will get burned down on the fireplace..

"That's better than smelling salts to wake up after a loooong night." Gwen is coming out of the bedroom, bare feet, dressed in a pair of yoga pants and top. "I think they can smell that on the whole building." a grin on the blonde's expression. She lets out a yawn, stretching her limbs up briefly.

"Good morning..." She then finally says, getting into the kitchen and wrapping her arms around Eddie from behind, "And merry christmas."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie turns at the sound of Gwen's voice, and all of the air seems to go out of him as for a moment he just stares. Taken with the sight of the young woman. How anyone can look so beautiful, so pristine, with hair mussy from sleeping and just out of bed. Yet it only adds to her appeal that Eddie sees her in such a natural-looking state.

Not for the first or last time he finds his heart beating hard and seeming to climb higher in his chest. "Good morning," his deep, warbling voice replies. He leans his head back to finds her to rest against for a moment. "And Merry Christmas," he tells her with a smile, his hand moving to rest atop hers where it hugs him.

He turns to face her, taking her in his arms as well and lifting her off the ground in the hug. "I think just waking to seeing you here is about the best Christmas present I've had in my life," he tells Gwen.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Eddie's gaze is the kind that gets her feeling self-conscious, reaching up with both hands to run over her hair. "What? Is my hair that bad?" she questions. But she knows what it's about! Might be she is simply teasing him. Might be. She confirms it by winking afterwards, wandering closer and into that hug, body relaxing against his and feeling that heartbeat against her, "The best? I don't know after you see what I got for you." she adds softly.

Turning means that they are facing now, blue eyes up on Eddie and she laughing when he picks her up from the ground so easily, one leg curling up behind her and her lips finding his for a slow kiss, arms resting loosely about the man's shoulders and neck.

"Should we get to those pancakes before they get cold?" She says between kisses, tone lazy. The kind of tone of someone that woke up not long ago.

Outside the snow is falling already. A cold New York as per usual during Christmas. But right now Gwen feels anything but cold.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie holds the beautiful coed. Thrilling in how she can be so much smaller, and softer in the best ways, yet seems to fit against him and in his arms like they were made to fit together. The strong arms fold about her and holds her in the warm hug. He's warm despite just wearing the shorts and t-shirt, and the fireplace is giving the apartment a nice warmth as well to keep the chill outside at bay.

He kisses her back tenderly, mouth with a minty taste. No morning breath for her this morning. "Definitely," he agrees with her before setting Gwen down, but a hand trailing along her back before he moves to pick up their plates. "Over by the fire and the tree?" he says. "I see Santa made a stop while we were asleep,' he says. There's a few new presents that weren't there when Gwen went to bed.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh yea?" Gwen replies about the presents. Not that she had missed them considering her perfect space awareness. Yes, she saw the new things! She was also culprit of a few of those herself, "Small chimney, not sure how santa was able to climb in through it.." she eyeing Eddie up and down with a smirk. "I did tell you you shouldn't had bothered though.." yes, she knows how strapped for money he is right now.

Reaching to help in bringing the food over to the main room she nods, "Sounds perfect. Christmas tree and fireplace. Come on." she leads the way out to wander close and settle by the tree, folding her legs under her. Yes, she sits on the ground!

"Or are you trying to buy your way out of having to meet my father? You know it will have to happen, and soon.." she quirking a brow up at Eddie and resting her place on her lap.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie carries the tray over, setting it down and then taking a seat beside Gwen on the carpet. He passes over her coffee in a big mug, and then her plate. "What, can't a guy stall just a little bit?" he teases back as he takes his own plate, resting it in his lap.

"Shoot, forgot to turn the grill off with you coming out and all," he says, getting up and going over to turn it off before he manages to burn the place down, then returning to take his seat again. He takes a drink of his coffee and sighs. "Well, it's been a little bit of a lean year in some ways," Eddie says, glancing at the presents he added beneath the tree. "But a really great in one others," he says, looking back to Gwen and his warm expression when he looks at her making clear what about the year has been great. "You really did a great job with the apartment," he says, looking around at the decorations. "My mother would have loved to see this. She was big on Christmas."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"You can.." Gwen says about stalling. "I will accept your offerings of appeasement." she teases, getting a bite out of her pancake and mmm'ing in delight, eyes straying to the tree while Eddie takes care of the kitchen grill. She only chuckles, "That would make for an interesting New Year. No place to live in." if the apartment had burned down!

The decorations have her grinning. "I am glad you liked it. My mother was big on it too, and the house can really come alive with them you know?" she pauses on eating the pancake, plate back on her lap and she leaning back, hands propped back behind her to hold her in a sitting position.

"But I agree, it's been a great year in many ways. There was a time in the past where I could only dream of having these kind of moments. Just relaxed and nice."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie smiles across at Gwen as he takes a bite of his pancakes. "Well, no reason we can't do this while we eat," he says, reaching over to get one of the smaller boxes from beneath the tree. It's wrapped in shiny green paper and tied with a red bow. It's a small box, one that might hold jewelry or something of the like.

Eddie sets it over beside Gwen where she sits. "Merry Christmas," he tells her with a smile as he resumes eating, cutting a sausage patty with his fork and dipping it in some of the syrup from the pancake before eating it. He sighs with contentment. This is a far better Christmas than he ever would have imagined he would be having if you had asked him six months ago.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The small box has Gwen's eyes alight with curiosity on what may be in there but before she opens it she instead reaches for one of her own, wrapped in red. It's a rectangular shape. Not too thick. Could very well be a book! She hands it over to Eddie, mirroring his, "Merry Christmas."

And then she digs into opening her gift while leaving the pancake. So much about eating the pancakes before they get cold! But she has her priorities.

As she opens it and finds those earrings in there she grins. "You saw me playing with these." she grins, reaching up to put them in her ears. A grin after and she turns her head from side to side. "How do I look?" and then she leans in to place a kiss on Eddie's lips.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Seeing Gwen's enjoyment of the gift fills Eddie with the kind of warmth he didn't think he'd feel again after his split with Annie.

   <<Venom>> "I like her Eddie. You did good."

Eddie's smile can't help but grow just a tiny bit more. "We," he says, clearing his throat and then continuing, "I did think you looked like you were admiring them, yes," he says. He tenderly cups the lovely girl's cheek and kisses her back softly. "You look amazing," he tells her, eyes drinking in the sight of the beautiful, warm-hearted blond girl.

He takes the present she offers him and gives it a little shake. "It's not ticking, so hopefully not a bomb to force me out of the house and over to your dad's," he kids. He opens it up and finds a book, turning it over to read the cover. "The DaVinci Code. Been wanting to read this," he says. "And I haven't seen the movie over, so it's not spoiled at all." He grins and leans over to kiss Gwen again. "Thank you, I love it," he tells her.