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Latest revision as of 02:34, 18 January 2022

Sitting in the Rain
Date of Scene: 16 January 2022
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Rainmaker gets introduced to Koriand'r's food preferences.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Koriand'r

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's a dark night. It's storming instead of the normal snow that might come this time of year over on the towers. In fact the weather prediction said that it was supposed to snow, even if barely. The sky is dark in the evening and the clouds have blocked out the stars, even with the lights of the city flaring as well.
    Sitting alone on the rooftop, Sarah Rainmaker is just sitting on a bench. In a tattered looking costume that she hasn't changed out of in two dyas, looking exhausted. Nibbling over on some sort of C-Ration from an MRE kit without even bothering to taste it.

Koriand'r has posed:
Dark it might be, but that didn't really seem to dampen Kori's spirits...or her light, literally. A bright streak of green and orange, the Tamaranian princess swept through the skyline and down towards the rooftop, some of the rain sizzling off her skin for a moment before she touched down proper and blinked, a tilt of her head to the sight of Sarah perched on the bench.

"Sarah? Are you alright? You look...battle worn?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would take a moment in her fuzzy state to reognize Koriand'r and stammer and blush; though i might be hard to tell over in the dim light. She would laugh, "Is it that obv.." Looking down at her tattered uniform. Yes it is. "I was in the middle of an engagement with the.. Invaders. I'm not sure if we won or not."

Koriand'r has posed:
Apparently entirely unbothered by the rain itself despite her immodest attire, the orange-skinned woman makes to sit herself down on the bench beside the other woman, a nod of her head as her hands folded to her lap. "You have survived and you fought hard from the looks of things. That is not nothing. But perhaps you should change and relax? There are better ways to be clean than sitting out in a storm."

A pause, there's a tilt of her head. "You do know how to work the shower in the rooms, right? I admit I broke mine the first night I spent here."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head, "I wanted to have the storm. It is soothing." She would explain while holding a hand up. "I can tolerate the snow, but a cold shower gives me some more room to think on things." She would hold a hand up and over, the rain starting to pass on by in demonstration before starting up once more.

"I slept enough, and did nto feel up to doing anything else."

Koriand'r has posed:
"I tend to find post-battle," Koriand'r offers before turning on the bench, crossing her arms under her bust. "that food offers me some time to relax, to recharge and enjoy things like pizza with mustard."

A shrug of her shoulders, she looks back up to the storm herself. "But you do not have to do anything while you wish to relax."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance at Koriand'r. Did she just say mustard? No, it must have been her mistake. "I undestand, thank you. I'm just.. Not really used to being around others is all so this gives me some peace." She would offer after a moment's hesitation.

Koriand'r has posed:
"I understand," Kori offers, her hands lowering to either side of her as if she were about to push off the bench, but currently the other heroine remains where she is. "When I first came to Earth I had trouble fitting in too. Being around people like that after...a lot, it was uncomfortable at first. I used to go flying for a long time trying to find peace. But..."

She turns her head, looking back out to the skyline. "We have the Titans, friends all of us as much as companions in our duties to protect. You are welcome to sit alone, but otherwise I would invite you to join me in a 'raiding of the fridge'."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "I think I could manage that. I'm just not really up for being around a big group of people. You're all very wonderful and friends to one another.. And I feel that I'm intruding." Sarah offers up readily. She's here as a guest and feels like an outsider; not out of anything the Titans have done mind.

"So you cans how me where all the things are kept that on one's going to mind stalking off with."

Koriand'r has posed:
"The things that are labeled should not be taken unless they can be replaced quickly," Kori instructs, a lift of a hand to indicate the point with a finger as she stands...or more, floats back to her feet. "Everything else is for everyone, though we do try to make sure there is always enough for when we have a day like this. Perhaps we can go shopping together later!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "That would be nice. I'll let you lead and show me what's available." Shew ould get up, and then wince slowly as she would do so. Taking a moment to reorient herself, and going to put up a small gust of wind beneath her to help stabilize herself. "And I might skip the shopping. Too much going on."

Koriand'r has posed:
A frown drops to her lips, talk of things going on a reminder of all the chaos and evacuations that many had to lend a hand with, herself included. Sometimes it was nice even for her to just feel a little 'normal'.

"One thing at a time then?" she offers before she reaches out a hand, clasping Sarah's own or her wrist to drag her back off the roof an into the warmth of the tower and the promise of food, no matter how strange the combinations she might have in mind might be.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "Yes, one thing at a time. Ah.. Thank you fo ryour kindness." She would after a moment of balancing herslf go to start to head on with Koriand'r into the tower and towards the kitchen. She would let Koriand'r catch her wrist and murmur..

"You're warm." If allowe dshe could go to lean in and over against the Tamaranean Princess.

Koriand'r has posed:
"I am told it is a lot more pleasent to sit next to me this time of year than it is summer," Kori nods, the leaning returned in the comfortable nature of the Tamaran woman when she draws Sarah into the common area, the kitchen and then finally in front of the fridge. Of course, the poor appliance is thrown open with gusto as she makes to start grabbing items out:

Leftover pizza, fruit, icecream...ham? None of it was safe from her.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "I can definitely see that. And at another time I might want to experience it a bit more." Sarah then having to remind herself 'hush' speaking to herself. She would look through the refrigerator. "How can you possibly fit so much food in it?" Just sort of staring over and moving to start to sort through things tkaen out.

Koriand'r has posed:
A tilt of her head, Kori looks over her shoulder at Sarah's words, a little quirk of her lips suggesting that she might not quite be so ignorant to the comment as she might seem at times before she stands with her armload, laying it all out on the bench to assemble.

"There are a lot of us, and some like Gar have specific choices of diet. We need to be able to find something for everyone."

A point made as she starts to deposit shredded ham into the bowl of icecream she'd scooped out for herself.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod distractedly at Koriand'r, "That makes sense. I'm still surprised you can fit everything in without it falling apart if you poke it in. I guess those sorts of things are pretty much a team by team thing." Not like she'd spent a lot of time with one.

She would just look at the ham and ice cream and stare at that culinary.. From the twitch of her eyes probably a more negative adjective. Going to just grab a leftover package of salad.

Koriand'r has posed:
"There are occasional explosions," she admits, reaching now to grasp an apple and begin slicing it up, the slices almost certainly intended for the same concoction while she looks at the other woman. "But I prefer to think of it as...'bursting with possibility'!"

That was a joke right? Sometimes it was really hard to tell with Kori!

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would gaze at Koriand'r with the perspective of someone that had no remote concept of if it was serious or not. "Only occasional ones? Or is that just ones from the refrigerator?" She would inquire lightly, deciding it was some sort of joke while going to work on her own food.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Oh, just the refridgerator," Kori confirms, taking one of the slices of pizza and -dipping- it into the icecream/ham/apple monstrosity before taking a bite. "Normal explosions happen all the time around us, but we try not to have those here. It's messy, and some people are not very good at keeping their rooms and spaces clean."

No pointed fingers, just a chuckle between bites.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Now, now it's gone to a full on abomination. It takes Sarah Rainmaker a moment to convince herself that she came down here to eat, it would be rude to admit she just lost her appetite. Sos eh would go to take a bite of the salad and force it down. "How often are these normal explosions then?"

Koriand'r has posed:
"Depends on the villain, the day. How flammable things are. I think some of them just like to make noise and explode things for the flare." Another bite, Kori moves now towards the couch, nodding her head for Sarah to follow as she drops her form down onto the soft surface. "Most of the time the worst that happens is I need a new outfit. It's probably good I don't wear as much as some, I don't know how they would have the time to replace it otherwise!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would take a few moments to process all of these things as one did not need to be a mind reader to process the thoughts and emotions going along her expressive face. The fact that Koriand'r had a ranking system for categorizing explosions and tier. And then 'new outfit' and 'don't wear as much as' as there's a starry eyed expression on her face that needs no translation at the visualization.
    Down, girl.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori herself however seemed blissfully unaware, or perhaps occupied with her food. Or maybe it was simply quite normal for her culture and the woman herself to be comfortable with attraction and the effect she had.

All rather complex for an alien eating sliced apple and icecream on pizza.

"See?" she finally speaks, grinning again. "It is not so bad to be around others after conflict and stress, even if it's just one."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Eating now doesn't seem to have been the best idea, but Sarah Rainmaker goes along with it and would let out a sigh, "Yes, you're right." That's mostly honest and sincere. "So, ah.. How has the team been handling things? I don't really know anyone at all. I know there's a lot more going on out there than just angels and monsters."

Koriand'r has posed:
"Each in their own ways," Kori speaks, her own food disappearing at a startling rate until it's mostly just the Ice(ham?)cream left in the bowl at her lap. Lifting her feet to lounge across the couch sideways she does at least bend at the knees to avoid knocking Sarah. She had to be hungry too after all!

"There are the normal threats as well as the abnormal. Some are focused on the little things, some only on this big threat. I...think I sit somewhere on both."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod at Koriand'r, "I understand. I'm.. Only here for one of those things. And I'm not sure that I'd be useful at much else." Her words are honest over in that. "But we all have to try and do our part." Her tone admitting that even what she's here for is something that she might not be of much use at.

"Thank you for the company. I'm going to try and shower and get some rest again."