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Latest revision as of 02:36, 18 January 2022

Wine and Dine
Date of Scene: 13 January 2022
Location: Vistas Restaurant
Synopsis: Felicity Smoak and Slade Wilson enjoy a long overdue dinner date.
Cast of Characters: Slade Wilson, Felicity Smoak

Slade Wilson has posed:
Sometimes, when you go on a date, you gotta go big.

That's why Slade called in advance, told Felicity to dress in her best outfit, because he was going to take her somewhere that would wow her. Or try to wow her, anyway. But, the destination? The Vistas restaurant. He picked her up and everything! Slade may be a secret class act, but he knows how to be a gentleman.

The sleek car drives up to the Raab building in the central business district, and he walks her to the elevator, where they go to the very very top.

A rotating restaurant.

"Welcome to Vistas." Greets the waiter, who leads them to a nice corner booth with a great view of the city. Slade pulls out the chair for Felicity to sit in, and will help push her seat to the table so she's a comfortable distance, and he takes the other side. "So, what do you think? Not too much, is it?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
A date. A real date and not one because the blind date skipped out and wasting a reservation would be a shame sort of date! That meant a lot of prep-work. Leaving work a little early with random apologies, and home to try on several different dresses. One, too short; two, not really 'in fashion' anymore; the third, a little.. 'much'.

So, fourth option. A magenta, almost off the shoulder dress that dips for a touch of decollatage, form fitting that it shows curves but not so form-fitting that it shows each .. curve. It's mid-thigh, the outfit finished with a delicate chain about her neck, a pair of silver dangle earrings, and a pair of mid-height heels. (Anything too tall would be awkward!) And her handbag/clutch.

There's the look of 'definitely haven't been here before' on Felicity's face, though she does try to hide a good portion of it. She is honest, however, as she nods, her voice low, "This.." and she's smiling, "this is nice. Like, really nice."

As they enter, the other patrons are also dressed in their finest, and in some cases, perhaps 'too fine', with jewelry in full display. The obvious display of wealth.

In passing tables, there is that distinct feeling that some people are watching her, doing that 'silent judgey' thing. Young woman on the arm of a distinguishly-greying gentleman can only mean one thing, right?

No. Not this time, sister!

Manners, even!

The chair is pulled, and another happy, genuine smile is given to Slade, and once seated, she glances around quickly before taking the cloth napkin off the table and sets it upon her lap. "This.. this is really amazing."

Slade Wilson has posed:
A real date indeed! Though even still, Slade was dressed to the nines. Wearing a three piece black suit (https://bingepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Keanu-Reeves-as-John-Wick.jpg) with Tie and vest, the material - on close inspection - seems almost...tactical in it's precision and it's composition. The materials are tough, even though it's comfortable. A black eyepatch covers his missing eye, no diamonds, no big affair. His silver hair is pulled into a light low ponytail.

Slade smiles at her. "Only the best for the best." Slade tells Felicity, and while most would have that air of arrogance as if they were being supremely selfish, he's actually talking about her being 'the best'. Likely a massive compliment to her beauty and her personality.

Yet, even still, she's not his arm candy nor is he her 'sugar daddy' whatever that's supposed to mean, nor is he falling in line wit hthe trend that rich men go for supermodels maybe three times younger than them. Slade doesn't look the age he actually is. He doesn't look a day over his prime.

Yet, he smiles at her as she offers amazement. "As long as it's not overwhelming. They're all staring at you, buto nly because that dress is wearing you." He smiles at her then. "I suggest the steak. Or are you of a more vegetarian diet?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Glasses, she still has those on, and blue eyes twinkle from behind lenses. "You are.." and she lets the words drop in a softly audible sigh before she finishes, "..really spoiling me." She looks around again, hands fussing with the napkin now on her lap before she looks back at her dinner companion. "I was looking forward to this all day," since she'd been asked. "Really."

There's an almost sly look that comes to the blonde computer nerd's face, and she leans forward just a little. "I really am a little of both. Not just because of, you know..." the trend of women claiming they only eat vegetables so they won't 'get fat'. "But I actually do like vegetables. To go with my meat, of course." While she does try and keep somewhat kosher, however, the trick is one that is unspoken: never ask. If you know, then you're responsible. Claiming ignorance works!

"You look like a steak kind of man. Not.." she narrows her eyes playfully, "Not potatoes, though. Too basic."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade's eye looks into Felicity's own lovely orbs, and he chuckles a little bit. "Well, that was my intention. A woman like you deserves to be spoiled and appreciated." Slade ponders, looking up. "Was that misogynistic?" Slade questions Felicity, though as he puts the napkin in his lap, her admission of waiting for this all day makes him pause in his movements as he looks at her and he smiles.

"Me too. Thank you for going out with me, Felicity."

Slade smiles at her as he chuckles, looking at the menu. "I love a woman who knows how to eat her steak. Vegetables are added to complete the flavor and add the additional health benefits. Steak is big, yes, but it's filled with protein and nutrients. Unfortunately, many of the sauces and seasoning are horrendously unhealthy. So the greens on the side help with that. The perfect diet is both meats and greens, humans are naturally omnivorous, after all." Slade clears his throat then.

"Ahem. Sorry."

Though her words on him being a steak man makes him smile. "You have good observation skills. I take it you are a wine woman?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"No.. not at all," Felicity begins, shaking her head, though a moment later, she lets out a quiet laugh, "Maybe, but it worked. I'm all for women's lib, but it's nice to get dressed up and try and look pretty for the night." A happy smile remains behind, and she leans forward a little, "If I feel too insulted, I'll challenge you to an arm wrestle?"

Felicity watches Slades movements, her head slightly tilted; each is deliberate. The mark of a military man. The seconds do give her a chance to look at him, the lights of the restaurant giving a perfect medium-glow. Handsome, distinguished.. but with something underneath. There's a presence to him that actually has some people glancing towards the table. Not in a threatening manner, not even in a curious one. Just.. he commands the room, if he's not trying to hide, that is.

And he was at the auction?

Felicity won't admit to doing a little day-dreaming as she watches him, and listens to him, and bumped from her reverie, there's a tinge of pink that appears at her cheeks. "My observation skills su-- aren't really that good. Meat and potatoes just don't seem right for you. Too basic. You seem to have a little more appreciation for real food, probably because when you were in service, you didn't get them. Why eat like you did then?" There's that pause that Felicity is so known for, and she apologizes quickly after. "Sorry. Just.." and she waves a hand, "talking. I.. wine." She nods her head quickly. "Wine is good. Nothing too sweet. It'll remind me too much of the holidays, and then I'll remember that I have to clean the house this weekend, and.." Right.


Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade nods softly to Felicity, chuckling a little bit. "Try and look pretty?" Slade puts down his menu a moment, his arms on the table. A looming presence that many would rather -not- avoid. He looks like he's lead some operations in his hayday. He has that intimidating presence. Others look at him, as if something might go wrong, he's the man to go to. Though each movement does have it's purpose, each movement stating his purpose and intent.

He's ready for something to go wrong at all times.

He's an in-demand man associated with some bad crowds. But, arn't all military black-ops veterans in some capacity?

"You are beautiful with or without makeup, Felicity. I should know, I've seen you in both stages." Slade smiles at her. Though even as she seems to daydream a little bit at her. He chuckles. "They are better than you think. After all, you reached that conclusion, and it's the right one. I don't like eating rations or minimalist. I enjoy the finer things in life, but that doesn't mean I won't do what I have to to keep from starving." He chuckles.

"I think I'll have some wine and the ribeye. What about you?" He asks her, and she apologizes to him, and he waves it off. "No apologies tonight. Tonight it's just you and me. No judgment."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
There's the relieved and appreciative smile that lights upon Felicity's face, giving her something of a glow. She's a minimalist when it comes to makeup, but she's got it right when she sets her eyes as the main focus. Blue eyes behind her glasses still hold that keen intelligence with something of a warm vibrance. //At least he hasn't had to hold her hair back after a night filled with regrets!//

May that time never come.

It's when he makes his decision as to what he's going to have that she remembers that there is, indeed, a menu to the side of her, and in picking it up, she opens it and stares at it for a scond. "I think I'll.. I think I've only been to one restaurant in my life where they don't have prices next to the item." Glancing up, she looks apologetic for that 'outside voice' thing before taking a deep breath, and making her decision. "I think the braised lamb shank with the polenta?" That means that should they order wine, it'll be a simple choice. A nice red.

"Right," Felicity agrees, looking as if she silently reminds herself that this is her night out, and no one else. "Just you and-"


A ringtone, but.. an odd one sounds from Felicity's clutch. She's been caught midsentence, but she //knows// that ringtone. Everyone and everything has it's own, and that one? That's not a person. That's a warning.

Her attention moves between Slade and her purse, back and forth before, "I.. I really need to see that. It's only a moment. Really." Shouldn't take long at all.


Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade smiles at her as she mentions once more that this place is -fancy-. Good! Fanciness means some good shit, and good shit means great company and great company means a night to remember. Though Slade seems to look on approvingly as she decides what she would like. "Ah, a woman of culture." Slade smiles softly at her as the waiter comes around. He proceeds to spot the waiter and is about to call them over when Felicity starts to excuse herself from the table.

Hopefully he's not getting stood up!

"No worries, Felicity. Take your time. We're not in a hurry." Or at least he's not, and he gestures to her phone. "Please, don't worry about me. I'll order for us and we should have drinks by the time you get back." He smiles at her.

Even as he's just...-looking- at her. Like she was the mona lisa or some other famous work of art.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
He's right. It'd be rude to take it at the table, so Felicity rises from her seat with an distinctly apologetic look, reaching for her clutch. There's a moment when it looks as if a decision is being made, and she smiles as the pretty bad actress that she is, and steps towards the still-seated Slade. Leaning, it looks as if she's just going to give him a kiss on the cheek, but instead, there's a brief whisper,

"I have a hit on a security system on the other side of town. I just have to check on it."

To finish the 'act' however, which is not an act, she does give him a kiss on the cheek, nodding, "A couple of moments. I'll be back before the waiter comes back."

With that, Felicity looks as if she's going to simply make her way to the ladies' room to 'freshen up'.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade isn't even thinking about it being rude. He just is aware that sometimes, people like privacy when they're on the phone. What he doesn't expect is her next couple of moves. She stands up and moves over to him, seemingly picking up on it fast as he rests his hand on her waist when she bends to peck his cheek, so to speak. She whispers that she has a hit on a security system on the other side of town. "Hm. Break in?"

He questions, a simple enough question, as he hasn't looked too deep into Felicity's background to understand her...cyber-acument. Though what surprises him, is the genuine kiss she gives him on his cheek, making the man blush a little bit as he smiles at her. "Don't be too long."

He watches her get moving. Speaking of, the waiter does come around, and he orders for both of them.

Including ordering the finest red wine they have. Vintage.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Nope, recognition patterns," is returned in a whisper. "Auction." Straightening, she moves towards the ladies' room. The single word should give Slade an idea of what it is she's dealing with.

She's gone only a few minutes, her phone tucked is tucked back into her clutch. She smiles on the approach; he didn't leave either. As much as she may have things that demand her attention, she can only imagine the sorts of things that call him away from the more normal parts of life. After all, how normal of a life can either of them have?

"I'm sorry. It's just.. it's okay. Just something I was keeping an eye on." A couple of short blades, Lot 485. Purchased by one Scott Tallow. She smiles again and moves to sit down again.

"I.." and she looks at her date, "..will turn off this phone." Reaching inside her clutch, she does just that. The 'shut down' sound *clicks*, and all is silent from within.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Little did she know, or maybe she does, Slade had his phone out underneath the table, monitering active frequencies and active IP addresses. He put an earbud in his ear and Wintergreen was talking to him through it. "She's solid, boss. Working on some kind of Lot information. Lookin' like she's tracking somebody. Maybe something to look into if this girl is that worth it." Wintergreen tells him in his ear.

"Thanks. Gotta go."

Slade mutters as he takes his earbud out and puts it in his pocket. He smiles at her as she comes back and smiles on the approach, and he smiles back at her.

"Interesting. Scott Tallow." A buzz happens in his pocket to imply that Wintergreen heard the name and he's looking it up.

Everybody needs a techguy/techgal in their corner! Though as she looks up at her date, he smiles as she shutdowns the phone and he chuckles. "I like this." He tells her. 'Though uhm." He leans forward to give her a kiss on her cheek, a lingering touch, if she allows, then he'll look her in the eyes. "Welcome back."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Ooooh, there's a track on her phone too? That'll never do. Perhaps she does know it, which is why she shut it down. Felicity knows how the game is played, she certainly does. In a way, if she thought too much about it, she'd be .. disappointed. It's no fun learning about someone through online sources when it's personal. That's for work. No contact, no emotional ties.

Felicity smiles as her hand is drawn from her clutch once more, and its set to the side. "So," blue eyes are gleaming; she's happy. "At the party, you know Thea?" THE New Years party. Where //they// sort of began.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Paranoia, man.

Soldiers have it in all shapes and stripes.

Though, he seems to watch her as she starts to talk to him about the New Years party. "Was plenty more fun than I thought it was going to be." He comments, though curiously, she mentions Thea. "Ah, yes. She's a bit of a wildfire that one. Wants to set out on her own, make her own name. We've met time and again, and has asked me to train her. And so I have."

Slade hums. "I was very good at my job. Very. Good." Slade hums a moment, his eye closing. 'There's a reason I lost this eye, though I have no idea how you still think I'm handsome enough to go out with." He chuckles. "So I've been imparting lessons to Thea. She seems to have been taking them well."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
If Felicity is a spy, either she's an amazingly good one, or, well, not at all. It stands to reason that anyone can be used simply because any bit of information, no matter how trivial sounding is important. At least she understands that, and her bit of information only moments ago was meant to bridge some of that gap. Wintergreen will find that what she says is not only accurate, but timely. And the short daggers? She doesn't care about them. She's tracking back. She doesn't want mobile information, she wants their hide-out, their base of operations.

She can't honestly keep her eyes off of him. There's a charisma that intrigues her, his voice that seems to soothe and warm her. Felicity wears that happy smile, her head canting as she listens, nodding her head in agreement. "When you live in the shadow of a big brother, I can understand that. Even though I don't really." Beat. "Have a big brother, that is. But, I can understand wanting to make a name, get out from under.. everything." It's her story too, after a fashion.

Very good at his job. From what little she's observed, he can make himself unnoticable, can seem to simply appear. "As to why?" She's gone over this in her head, over and over in the late night hours. Why? "It's not any one thing." Felicity exhales and looks over her shoulder for their order wine would be amazing right now! "It's made me realize a few things about myself. You've made me realize," is corrected. "It's.. everything." Everything she knows about, anyway.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Something tells Slade that Felicity has little to no experience in the field. Behind a computer, most certainly? But if Slade was the target, could Felicity take him out? Slade isn't sure. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who's willing to put a bullet in somebody. Not yet, anyway.

But, who knows. She might just prove him wrong. Thankfully, he's not the target. Even if he feels his phone buzz with new information he'll check out later. It's a quiet buzz, the kind you can only hear if your ear happens to be right next to it.

He'll be surprised by that one, most likely. Though She keeps her eyes firmly on him, and he her. The way she continues to wear a happy smile, a smile he may be responsible for putting on her face. Yet, even still, everything she's giving to him? He's giving right back to her. His eye stays on her, even as she talks.

Yeah, brothers are a pain.

"Its never -just- one thing, if that makes sense." He tells her. "I'm happy I've been able to help you realize that." He offers her his hand then, as if to offer to hold hers. Saved by the bell certainly! The wine arrives, and the waiter pops the cork and pours two tall glasses, and leaves the bottle.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Put Felicity behind a computer and she could make tech-genius Tony Stark blush. Or, possibly impress him. She's good.. like, hack into Alphabet Agencies good. She'd only been caught because she had a partner, a boyfriend/lover that was sloppy and careless, and rolled over on her bigtime.

Call her honest? If she went on the run, she'd eventually be caught, and she knew it. No matter how good she is, there are more resources 'out there', manpower and tech than she would be able to hold back. She paid her debts.

From the outside, however, one could probably NEVER guess at her history or her abilities unless truly shown. After all, anyone can lay a bug, anyone can put a tracker. But could anyone do just as she'd done the other night; triangulate cell towers, discarding all possible connections to pick the one correct one- and then send an untraceable text message to that very phone?

Felicity is actually pretty proud of that one.

"When I was younger, and stupid, it was just one thing." There's that beat before she stammers quickly to amend that statement. Is she going to put her foot farther into her mouth? "No.. not //that// one thing, though.. no. It wasn't //that//. I needed smart. I had to prove to myself that I was better, and who better to compete with than someone you're with?" She puts a hand up, "Younger. Stupid."

The wine arrives, and there's that 'saved by the bell' expression, and she reaches for her glass. She doesn't drink it, not yet. Her path changes, and she holds it just a mere inch or two from the table's top in gesture.

"Thank you."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Put Felicity behind a computer and she could probably very easily get her hands on nuclear launch codes. She was a once in generations talent for cybersecurity that may or may not ever be seen again. Of course, Slade hasn't researched this. Felicity is actually the only person he hasn't actively researched that he's managed to meet. Hell, he researched the -hell- out of Oliver Queen.

But...lovers? Lovers can be tricky. Especially when greed comes into play. If you get complacent, you lose. End of story, no riding off into the sunset. It's game over.

Slade has no intention to be that kind of lover. He's with her, if she'll have him. Though triangulating position? Now -that- was something that impressed Slade. He doubts she'd approve of his lifestyle. Of the choices he's been forced to make. Of the people he's had to kill.

But, she regales her tale, and suggests that when she was younger? She needed one thing. Now she needs many things. "I hear that. If it helps you feel better, I'm physical and mental...but a computer guy? Never really my thing." He shrugs. "I know my shortcuts, but I'm no hacker or genius computer guy." He tells her with a chuckle.

The wine arrives, and he smiles as he takes his sip of the fine wine. "mmmm...chardonnet 1932. A good year." He smirks.

"No, I understand that. I've.." He frowns. "Been through some tough mud when it comes to relationships."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
This dinner, this moment at the table, in the restaurant, could be the the beginning. The true beginning. Felicity can feel //something//; there are definite feelings there. She's been swept off her feet, but it's not by a tidal wave. More, a constant push, whether it's by him, or her own mind, but there it is. The question then becomes, what is she going to be? One who unknowingly tries to save and redeem the sinner, or one that unwittingly enables, encourages and helps him reach those heights that were just out of reach because he didn't have those resources before?

The glass of wine is tipped, and she takes a slow sip, her lips turning to a smile at the words 'Physical and mental'. She's an adult, and there is a definite chemistry that she, at least, is feeling.

"No, no you're not. A-a-and that's not a bad thing." Felicity puts her glass down, and she smiles, "And I love the fact that you know what wine it is we're drinking. I'll remember that." The wine, or the fact that he has that knowledge? Probably both.

Felicity exhales in a sigh when relationships are brought up, and reaching across the table, she searches for his hand to hold it. "I hope this is different?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
The true beginning. Even in the movies, in the books, in the old songs, and sagas, there are moments like these when things happen. When they meet. When they lock eyes. When all unanswered questions are suddenly answered by some kind of unseen force. The ties that bind, the ties that connect and define us...

The tapestry is being formed here.

He's knocked her off of her feet, and she's done the exact same thing for him. Whether she will be his accomplice, or the one who brings him out of shadow, or something much more in-between is up for debate.

He chuckles a little bit. "Just the things you end up learning." He smirks at her. "You walk this earth as long and see the same things I have, and well...you learn a few tricks." He chuckles. "I have a great memory. That's why...ever since I met you, I haven't been able to forget. Or not think about you." He tells her with a wonderful smile.

Though she seems to sigh, and he lifts a hand. "It's not like that with this." She reaches for his hand. "Because frankly...you are much better than I ever thought I deserved. My last relationship was with someone I served with. We both had our scars, and we were broken people. So, like all broken things...they often stayed broken. But we won't be like that. We're different." He looks her in the eyes.

"You're different." He holds her hand, the soft flesh held in his own grizzled hand makes him smile a bit at her.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I'm not a soldier. Never shot a gun at a piece of paper. Never used a bow. I don't think I could actually do 10 sit-ups in one go." Felicity is keeping it light with that last, her tones sounding that self-deprecating note. "Thea keeps telling me that she's going to get me up early morning one day and make me go out with her." Now //that// would be awkward! "She hasn't yet, but I think the time is coming. She's been making more noise about it lately." She laughs softly, "I can only promise her I'll only eat one donut instead of two."

She looks down, away before she brings blue eyes back up to his face, and she nods. "I like to think that we're different."

With the wine, then, comes the food.. the prime rib cooked to perfection upon request, and her lamb, with salads and roasted vegetables on the sides. "I think this means I'm going to have to learn how to cook." She can bake, he can bake, but cook?

Slade Wilson has posed:
The food arrives, and Slade smiles at the waiter. "Thank you." Then he returns his attention to Felicity. "Maybe. I know how to cook, but it'd be nice to try your cooking sometime." he tells her with a light smile. Slade seems to be a man of many talents. Though he chuckles. "Sometimes, it's okay to be different. If I'm the brawn, then you're the brains." He smiles at her then. To him, that's not awkward at all.

Unless Thea's gonna train Felicity until Felicity is screaming into the void.

May that day never come.

"We are different." he agrees easily, and so he starts to carve into his ribeye. Medium rare. Well-seasoned and juicy. "To perfection." Slade comments on his meal. "But tell me about yourself, Felicity. Whatever you feel comfortable enough to share."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I'm good with that, because if I were the brawn, we'd be in real trouble."

Felicity takes knife and fork to her lamb, and she carves it into thin slices, much like a tartare. The knife cuts like butter through, and the restaurant is officially worth every penny for her meal. Blue eyes roll back into her head for a moment, and she exhales after swallowing the meat. "I can die a happy woman now." Probably not the smartest thing to say around a man with the moniker 'Deathstroke', but she's probably not in any danger at the moment.

"About myself?" Felicity is very careful with the meat. Some meat, some vegetable, some wine. "Graduated MIT in '09, got hired at Queen Consolidated to work in their IT department. Was eventually promoted to top IT girl." That's the official line; how she knows both Oliver and Thea. "That's pretty much it. I was something of an idealist in school, though. You know, 'information is power', and 'what is the Man hiding from us?', sort of thing? I'm .. really good at what I do." Her work of choice? Computer viruses. "That thing I'd said before, what I can do?" The shutting down of accounts upon log in? "I've actually done that before to a few people." Names he might recognize that were big one day, then fizzled out in a whimper, only to be put in a federal jail. She's gained some enemies, only they don't know who she is, and may never.

"Now? I make sure Oliver's computers run smoothly." Whee.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade chuckles. "I don't think we would be. All training is happens to be the desire to be better. To improve. To grow and to supercede the benefit of oneself." Slade tells her with a shrug. Though he keeps eating his food, nodding happily. "Steak like this is hard to come by. I only have this one mabe...once every half a year?" Slade suggests. "I don't have too many friends, so I don't get to come with company too often."

He chuckles.

"Mhm." Slade nods in agreement when Felicity asks for confirmation about herself. MIT? Impressive shit. Works for Queen Consolidated. Robert Queen was a prick, and Oliver kind of is too...but he's learning. No clue how Felicity is in his hands and not Oliver's, but...honestly?

He doesn't care aobut Oliver in this moment. "Waste of your talents, if you ask me. You should be at the head of your own company. You have talent. Rare talent. Makes you an extremely desired commodity among corporations." Slade suggests. "But it's a suggestion. Promise. If you're happy, then you're happy. I don't want to tell you what to do. I just...I dunno, acknowledge your talents."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Why isn't she eating dinner with Oliver? Because he hadn't noticed her beyond her IT skills, and the one time they did have a date, it was because he'd gotten stood up by a blind date, and he didn't want the reservations to go to waste. At least, that's how it felt to her. Oliver's a playboy, back to being a playboy since he'd broken up with his girlfriend, Vanessa.

So here she is. But, it's not because he's second best, no. She's here because she wants to be here. With Slade. At this table for dinner, and the chances are good that he'll take her home, and perhaps not leave until early morning's light.

All that in the millisecond when he declares that her work is a waste of her talents. She looks up at him and exhales in a sigh, shaking her head as she sets her knife and fork down. "I don't think I could do it. Working for Oliver pays my rent." And allows her to add a little meaning to her life on her off-hours. But obviously, that little bit is unspoken.

She does brighten, another smile playing on her face. "Thank you."

Dessert.. as much as Felicity may want the chocolate lava cake, the small talk through the rest of dinner is making her want to simply leave. In a good way.

Car ride home, an escort into the apartment building, and.. more opportunity for talking, if her companion is amenable.