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Latest revision as of 01:46, 19 January 2022

Booster Gold's BILLION dollar idea
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: And Booster is off again on another crazy scheme...
Cast of Characters: Booster Gold, Ted Kord

Booster Gold has posed:
Unlike recently, Booster Gold does not wait for Skeets to make his entrance announcement, and comes zooming into the room. "ted Ted TED TED TED!" While high energy frenetic is not a rare form for Booster, this seems exceptionally so. "I have AN IDEA!" he announces, without taking any time to regard what Ted might actually be doing at the time.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is in fact at a table he set up with various pieces of glassware and a burner. Goggles on he was watching a thermometer and applying a carefully controlled amount of a reagent to a flask over said burner. Wait carefully controlled. The first idea shoots the 'carefully' part to hell. There is a flash, a "Schplort!" and when the smoke clears, Ted's hand and the flask are encased in a gray silky mask. Ted waves the hand around experimentally. ten he gets his phone and sends Spider-Man an alert. He shuts off the burner.

"Yes Booster, what can I do for you?" He goes to sit down at his desk and hides his stuck hand.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Whoa, neat," offers Booster as he passes by the chemical catastrophe. "Be careful, something like that is what made Lex Luthor hate Supes." He drops down into a seat on the other side of the desk and kicks his feet up on it. "Ted, I've got it. I'VE GOT IT. Finally a way that we can make money BEING super heroes!" He pauses. "And no, it's way better than the other three times I attempted this, because, get this, we're going to make money off of OTHER super heroes!" He watches Ted with a triumphant look on his face.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sighs and opens a drawer in his desk. That is he tries and then uses the free hand. "Let's see... superhero escort service, superhero repo service, Kooey Kooey resort, Choco Bomb knock off... J'Onn got sick from those, superhero swimsuit calendar... you wound up with a lamp post wrapped around you. All right, go ahead. Just wanted to review. You scheme like Corporal Klinger and have the persistence of Wile E. Coyote. And get your feet off my desk!" He polishes the desk with his taffy hand.

Booster Gold has posed:
Kicking up his feet dramatically, Booster sits up straight as his feet hit the ground. "Yeah yeah, this is nothing like those!" He pauses. "Ok, maybe they are a little like those, but..." He shakes his head. "Look, I was thinking about Spider-man. The poor one, I mean, who runs around in his daddy's sweatshirt and a ski-mask." He leans forward. "It's not like every superhero has the busines savvy and great success that I do, and can rest on the laurels of their work. There are a lot of heroes out there who are struggling to make ends meet." He points at Ted, as if somehow shiftting into elevator pitch. "How many jobs do you think the average super hero loses by showing up late or missing a shift because some bad guy just HAS to be stopped at the wrong time?:"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord rubs his neck thoughtfully. "I have no idea. I've always been the boss or self-employed. But I've sure taken in enough supers down on their luck. All right, go on. This might be good for everyone. Hey, Bobo, this goo is stuck to my hand, cut it off will you?" Ted waves his stuck hand at the bot who zips of after a long moment."

Booster Gold has posed:
Glancing over towards the robot, Booster has a brief expression of concern on his face. "He knows you mean the goo, not your hand, right? One thing I learned is that not all robots are as smart as Skeets, and they take things very literally." He glances over towards Bobo, and then back to Ted. "Ok, so yeah. So you know how there are apps where you can hire someone to come and mow your lawn, and just browse through a list of grunts and their various prices and pick one? Pay the money, they come over and do it, then they leave, and the service handles the financials and takes the cut?" He tilts his head. "Or those apps where a celebrity lets common people pay like $200 and they record a cheesy 30 second happy birthday video for their grandma?" Booster grins. "Imagine that we unleash an ecosystem where heroes can actually make money off their image and perform services, and get paid for it?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Booster's concerns are overheard by Bobo, who was coming back with an electric carving knife. The bot hastily throws it back into the kitchen and instead grabs a pair of scissors.

Ted ponders the idea. "This might work. But you better head down to legal and let them work out the details. Insuring an operation involving supers is no joke. You might need a disclaimer as long as the Joker's wrap sheet. Then you need people to write the app, a server, office space, backing..."

Booster Gold has posed:
"Dude! I totally just saved your sex life!" remarks Booster, doing the Leonard DiCaprio pointing at the Bobo.

"Anyway, yeah. I think it could. And here's the thing, we just say we are facilitating the arrangement between two independent parties and have no brokerage involved other than facilitating the smooth transfer of compensation." He either got hit by Black's Law Dictionary or stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Then, he grins. "I watched a YouToo video on how that Goober car thing gets out of all the lawsuits." He nods as Ted lists off all of the things that need to happen for it to work. "I want to go out right now and start geting heroes to sign up! They can decide how much they want to charge, and maybe we can publish some reports on who is most wanted." He rubs his chin. "Who do you think would get the most requests, Ted?" he tilts his head. "If she puts the fishnets in the photo, I'm thinking Dinah..."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs. "Not me. My fan died of loneliness a while ago... listen with all this legalese... you need to put in some safeguards too, screen responses. If some dimwit puts on hickey armor and a mask and responds as Batman... that is bad. Do you want to be on Batman's Shit List? Because that is how you make the list. Remember the JLI? Getting Batman angry? The man doesn't know the meaning of funny! He scares Superman."

Bobo starts cutting the fibers imprisoning Ted's hand, shooting Booster a LOOK somewhat reminiscent of Batman in fact.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Ok, ok, so we need to make them validate that they are who they say they are. No prob!" Booster leans back in his seat, thinking. "It'll be like one of those blue check marks on Twitter, - we can certify that they are the real one." he strokes his chin. "I could take some of them for a test drive, you know, if..." He shakes his head. "You're getting too bogged down in the WEEDS, Ted, and can't see the piles of money for the small details of how to get there." He slaps the desk dramatically. "I am going to do this with or without you, Ted. You want to be my partner and make a ton of money, or not?" Booster seems not to realize the irony of staying this in a skyscraper bearing Ted's name.

He is also oblivious of having made yet another robot enemy. Skeets, though. He watches, and pays attention.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord puts his feet up on his desk. "How do you validate? Superheroes try to keep their identities secret... I mean unless you're us and have no family or social lives. I mean yeah test drive them and vet them as part of the process that should work. Have Poor Spider-Man bend a manhole or something. Honestly you could do networking. Like I vouch for Spider-Man, he vouches for Poor Spider-Man and Spider-Woman... Spideeer-Woman... oh so yeah a test drive is the way to go."

Booster Gold has posed:
A quick nod. "I mean, I think we could just coordinate something with them. They trust you, Ted, so you can dispense the money to them, maybe in cash." Booster shrugs. "I mean, do you think Spider-man has ever had a check in his hand that says "Spider-man" on it and tried to take it to bank?" He blows air out of his lips. "I'll bet that would be frustrating, and he'd probably get all grumpy, and you know, make some bad choices or something." He leans back in his seat. "So I think there is some trust involved, but really, they have no other options. I can recruit and vet the heroes, we have the money come in, and then honestly I can even meet them to give them their cash." he adds, mumbling, *minus the 20 percent service fee*.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his hhead. "Spider-Man is all about responsibility. He'd never trade on his powers for a job. As for disbursement... this is your baby. You have a robot PA. I am just going to offer support, not run it for you. I mean... I have a PA. And a darned good one, though sometimes it's like I forget she's around."

That's about the point where the assistant in question saunters in from the pool throwing a robe on over a very skimpy bikini."

"Who said you could use the pool?"

"Who said you could play with your test tube and leave me waiting for two hours?"

"... Fair enough."

"That's a good boss." Melissa scritches Ted's head as she passes. "Give me a minute to change?" Ted nods.

"Hi Mr. Gold. Welcome back." Se saunters off.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Yes yes, I get that. Spider-man this, Spider-man that." Booster rolls his eyes. "Kid is creepy. With those big eyes.I mean, if I ever got mutated big eyes, I don't know what I'd do with myself." He waves his hand around, and he glances up at Melissa, and then looks back to Ted. "Ok. I'll go recruit some heroes. Maybe I'll get pamphlets printed up." He stands up and stretches. "You sure you don't have any geeks who can throw together the app for me?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord turns his attention back to Booster from never-you-mind. "I have no problem if my people freelance. I'm sure you ca. get someone. And get mylawyers on this first. I just saved you a million bucks probably. Skeets could probably write it with Kord Co source code."

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster calls out to Skeets. "Yo, you can do this? Why didn't you tell me?"

The robot floats up. "You didn't ask, sir."

Booster shrugs, and looks back to Ted. "Alright. I'll get this going. You have your lawyers call me!" As he starts to walk out, he pauses. "And think about what your hourly rate would be!"