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Latest revision as of 01:46, 19 January 2022

Not Every Avenger Makes a Good Mentor
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: New York
Synopsis: Star Spangled Girl comes upon a crime, but misses a heroic opportunity thanks to a curmudgeonly Avenger.
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Courtney Whitmore

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Petty crimes are common in large cities. Larger, more dramatic ones of the sort unfolding here are quite less so, despite being a bit of an action movie cliche'. One of New York's roughly 400 annual armed robberies has degenerated into a hostage situation at Municipal Credit Union.

Tactical response has yet to arrive, though there are multiple police units already on the scene. Two cars are parked in front of the main entrance, and multiple other units are beginning the process of redirecting traffic around this particular block of unfolding chaos.

One office holds a megaphone, and is presently in the process of addressing the front of the building. She announces that negotiators are on the way, as a way of putting the robbers on notice while reassuring the hostages.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Running around "on patrol", which is what Courtney calls jogging in her costume, she spies the situation going on. "It looks like something exciting is happening!" She shifts her mindset into Star Spangled Girl mode, which is really just her a little bit more amped up, and runs over towards the officer with the megaphone.

"Hi Officer, what have we got?" She even bounces back and forth a little bit on the balls of her feet as she anticipates going in to do some super heroing!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The officer blinks a couple of times at the costumed arrival, "Uh, is..." Pulling away the megaphone mic, she lowers her voice to a more acceptable shout, "Wait. Is there a new Captain America? 'Cause I haven't heard ANYthi-"

With a rush of air making nearby ears pop, a disorienting whooshing noise trying to play catch-up, and a blur noticeable to the particularly alert, noted Occasional Avenger Quicksilver seems to simply appear next to the megaphone officer. Smirking toward the front of the building, he inquires, "How many?"

Startled, the policewoman drops the megaphone and compulsively puts her hand on her sidearm. She manages to begin a startled exclamation, "What the....?!" before Pietro gets bored with protocol.

Rolling his eyes, Quicksilver sighs and pointedly holds up his index finger at the officer. Dealing with the Police, he has decided, is tedious at best. With a swirl of air and another whoosh, he disappears in a blur and the credit union doors almost simultaneously explode inward. There are a few crashes, a piercing shriek, and several shouts of surprise from within.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"No, I'm that Star Spangled Girl!" announces Courtney, adopting a hands on hips hero pose, turning half sideways, and jutting out her chest and her chin.

By the time she has managed this, Pietro has shown up, and she turns to look at him, just as confused. "Who are--?" And likewise, her question is interupted. She looks over at the officer in confusion, and then looks towards the bank. "Oh no!" she says, and starts running towards the crisis.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The blur is much easier to see when it's coming right for you. Quicksilver stops directly before the charging Star Spangled Hero, giving her enough runway to stop. His expression lives somewhere between confusion and annoyance. His accent has improved a bit, but is still strong Transian with the occasional lapse: "Sorry. Team play isn't my strength," he tells Courtney before raising his voice and looking over her shoulder to the still bewildered police.

"Situation is resolved. Three incapacitated bad persons, and..." He glances behind to the building before adding, "No hostages seemed dead or whatever." Deep, deep concern for humanity does not seem to emanate from the man.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Bewildered by the suddenness of the solution, Courtney's face flushes. She opens her mouth to say something, but realizes complaining about solving a crime would be a real prima donna move, so she closes it. "Wow." is all she says.

As Quicksilver addresses the officer, she frowns at the overall lack of concern for the hostages. "You can't just ignore the victims, dude!" she says, having something to criticize now so letting our her frustrated fury at that. "Superhero'ing 101!" Perhaps not realizing that he has been doing this since she was wearing diapers, at least.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
At first, Quicksilver simply seems surprised that the teen is speaking to him. As it turns out she's instructing him on appropriate superhero technique, he ponders a handful of potential responses before settling on one of his defaults: Seemingly impatient annoyance.

The police are recovering from their surprise and beginning to move toward the building. There are the stirrings of voices from inside, all some variant of, "What the hell was that?"

With a scowl, Quicksilver offers, "Perhaps I should give our friends some time to recover, re-arm them, and give you opportunity to demonstrate, what?" An exaggerated shrug to punctuate, "Proper form? Better etiquette?" He waves a hand, "No. I have much better idea - Courtesy cards. I can hand some out, allow victims to review my performance."

This does not seem to be a serious suggestion for personal improvement, as he simply begins to walk away instead of waiting for a response.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Still seeming mystified, and certainly not thinking as fast as Pietro does, Courtney stammers for a moment. "N-no no - no, don't put them BACK!" She turns to start to follow him as long as he is walking off at a normal speed. She lets the police address the situation now since the crisis truly has passed.

"All I'm saying is you have to make sure you don't hurt people more by being a "solution"!" She even makes the air quotes as she keeps stalking him. "If you're a speedster, what would it take, half a second at most to make sure you aren't knocking hostages on their ass??"

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A less damaged individual might patiently explain to the younger, impressionable hero that he did in fact take caution to avoid injuring innocents, and that his usual aloof lack of concern for them is merely performance art. Pietro Maximoff is not a less damaged individual. Even the act of walking away as if he doesn't want to talk to Courtney about it is performance art. Since when does a speedster ever HAVE to talk to anyone?

However, it is an opportunity to feel put-upon and unappreciated, so Quicksilver is all-in: "How many shots did you hear fired? Was it none? I heard all of none. How would you have accomplished the same?" He finally actually LOOKS at her, "You're... what. Something-teen? What are your abilities?"

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Blowing out her lips, Courtney tries to maintain her bluster, but his question takes all of the wind out of her sails, and she sighs, shoulders sinking. "I'm sure you did a better job than I could have. Just, you know, make it look like you care about the people?" She looks up at him. "You can be a superhero and be good at it without being a pompous dick."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It would come as little surprise to most people with any experience of him that this is not the first time Pietro has heard this particular suggestion. In fact, he finds Courtney's readiness to call him out far more endearing than one would expect or he might let on. He stops casual walking away and gives a laugh, "Now you remind me of my sister."

Turning to face her, he folds his arms across his chest. Pointedly closed, yet taking time for a conversation. "I -don't- care about those people. I mean, I care about people. I save them, they don't die or have life-changing trauma or whatever, but..." He smirks and shakes his head, "Making a big show of it? Why? At least half of them would call me mutie scum to my face for my trouble."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"She must be the smarter sibling, then!" Courtney may not have much - powers, experience, knowledge, common sense - but she does have fire!

She crosses her arms under her chest as Pietro turns around, and then immediately after seeing him make the same gesture she awkwardly drops her arms down to her sides. Her retort is already ready to go as he talks about not caring, but at the end, her face falls. "Oh." she says.

"Oh," she repeats, her voice going quiet. "I..." She sighs. "I'm sorry. They don't realize that you do. And why you shouldn't be judged." She shifts her weight back and forth on each foot. "I know it's hard, but don't their hate turn your heart cold. That doesn't do anyone any good."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It's subtle, but Quicksilver's body language relaxes slightly as he transitions from Ready to Argue to a more generally vague disappointment with life. His twin would recognize this as the exact moment she has won the argument. The couple of thoughtful seconds Pietro takes to respond involves a small eternity of racing thoughts about possible ways to respond. "I..."

He rubs at the back of his head, still wearing a residual scowl, just a less confrontational variant: "Thanks. You are.. actually correct." Pietro being gracious. Even more so, he adds, "I am Pietro Maximoff. Technically an Avenger, but I don't think you can find merch. For reasons impossible for either of us to fathom, I am unpopular." It might have been a joke, but his expression gives no cues.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Perhaps expecting more of a fight back, Courtney seems surprised to have won the argument. "I am?" She quickly replaces her confusion with her smile. "See. Sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks." She flashes a grin. "I'm Court--" She stops herself, biting her lip. "Star Spangled Girl." She glances around furtively to see if anyone else caught the start of that. "And I'd buy your action figure, if there was one." She beams him a smile.