Courtney Whitmore
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Courtney Whitmore (Scenesys ID: 1533) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Courtney Whitmore | ||
Superalias: | The Star Spangled Kid | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | College Freshman/Hero | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Apartment in Brooklyn | ||
Education: | High School | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 18 | Actual Age: | 18 |
Date of Birth | 20 Oct 2001 | Played By | Brec Bassinger |
Height: | 5'2" | Weight: | Athletic |
Hair Color: | Blonde | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | BeatniKid | ||
Theme Song: | "Mmmbop" by Hanson |
Character Info
Courtney is not the first Star Spangled Kid. The first existed in the old JSA in the 1940's-50's, and was a well-known young hero. After the JSA disbanded he popped up here and there, but mainly vanished along with the rest of them. Courtney now wearshis cosmic belt and costume. A known hero in the midwest, she's now moved to NYC to attend college!
2001: Born in Beverly Hills to Sam Kurtis and Barbara Whitmore. Her dad was a deadbeat, and they divorced when she was still a child. Courtney held out strong hopes that her 'real dad' would return and be a great guy, but she was constantly dissapointed.
2001-2015: She grows up in Beverly Hills. She excels in gymnastics and kickboxing, and has a pretty nice teen life. Her mom ends up marrying Pat Dugan, and everything kind of falls apart for Courtney after that. Unbeknownst to his new wife and step-daughter, he is a former 1940's superhero sidekick, kicked forward in time. He is tracking down old villains to get revenge on murdered JSA companions. He moves them to Blue Valley, Nebraska, where villains abound in hiding.
2015: She goes through Pat's things and discovers the truth, including the former Star Spangled Kid's costume and belt. She alters the costume and wears it to the Patriotic Spirit Dance at her school to piss off Pat, but the dance is attacked by brainwashed students seeking to kidnap more students for experiments. She ends up fighting them off, along with the help of her step-dad (Wearing a huge robotic suit named S.T.R.I.P.E.).
2015-2020: She ends up clinging to the role, and becomes the new Star Spangled Kid. She helps rid the town of villains and stops an alien invasion, along with many other capers. She gains some fame, along with her 'sidekick' S.T.R.I.P.E. Now, much to his annoyance, she's taken a gymnastics scholarship to NYU, where she plans on getting a degree in American History. He is mad she is so far away, so he's begun pulling on other, old friend heroes to keep an eye on her.
IC Journal
Nothing is going to stop Courtney Whitmore from doing what she puts her mind toward. Doesn't matter if that thing is winning a cheerleading championship or kicking Dr. Doom's metal butt. Courtney will keep going until she's dead or she succeeds.
- Optimist: When the chips are down, when things are at this worst, it takes a heck of a lot to get Courtney to feel like things can't get better. She's an eternal optimist and cheerleader. She knows that things are going to turn out for the best, and she's not going to let those around her tell her otherwise!
Character Sheet
Through high school Courtney was one of the top cheerleaders at her schools -- both in California and Nebraska. Her gymnastics and vibrant, optimistic spirit caught the attention of those around her, and got their spirits soaring. While she's not trying to cheer in college, she still has that going for her. She knows how to rouse those around her and get them moving, even when things seem darkest.
Gen Z Skills:
She has all the average skills you would expect a member of Gen Z to have. She knows pop culture (Current AND some vintage, because fun), all of the slang and lingo, habits and culture. She can clue the older heroes in a bit, or more likely use it all to aggravate the hell out of them. If it's something an average Zoomer might know, she probably does, too.
Courtney is almost an olympic level gymnast, even without the belt. She is able to do some very incredible flips and tumbling, and she can work this into parkour and similar skillsets.
She started taking kickboxing lessons as a kid in Beverly Hills, and was trained by a professional stunt coordinator in Hollywood. Since then she's been upgraded with the help of a few passing heroic mentors. She is a very skilled kickboxer, and even without her belt she is more then able to handle the average goon, and even able to go up against some more dangerous foes.
Courtney has a small apartment on the top floor of an old apartment building in Metropolis. She takes the subway to Metropolis University every day. She pays for it with money from home and her scholarship for now, but will eventually want to get a part-time job. The apartment is very small, but it's home. It has access to the roof garden, and her neighbors are all (mostly) friendly hipster kids around her age or a bit older. It's not bad at all.
Cosmic Converter Belt:
Her powers come from the belt that she wears with her costume. It once belonged to the former Star Spangled Kid, though it granted different powers to him then it does to her. Without the belt being worn she has no powers, and is a normal, if very athletic girl.
The belt gathers starlight, or cosmic energy, to fuel its powers. If locked away from starlight for a long period of time the powers weaken, though it recharges fairly fast if brought back into starlight. It also gains a slower amount during the day...since the stars are still there.
Enhanced Strength: She can lift up to 10 tons. She can punch through solid steel and send baddies flying.
Enhanced Agility: She can almost dodge bullets! She is incredibly fast, and is able to outrun a speeding car, but not a train. This also enhances her already incredible grace and dexterity, giving her the ability to do truly breathtaking flips and twirls and such.
Enhanced Durability: The belt offers up a micro-thin, invisible forcefield. It can take high caliber bullets at medium range, and absorbs most punches and kicks and stabs. More powerful hits can wear it down fast.
Enhanced Stamina: While wearing the belt she can go up to 48 hours of continued exertion before she gets tired.
Shooting Stars: She can project these colorful stars from her body (That resemble cartoonish, drawn stars). They can disrupt electrical devices and nervous systems. This would cause people to go numb or become confused or sick or similar.
Aura Connection: The belt melds with its chosen wearer. Other people have a much harder time using the belt. It has chosen her as its new wearer, granting her access to the abilities. If someone else had it and spent some time, they could attune it as well, but it would be rough going until managed.
The Star Spangled Kid is a legacy name, which belonged to a classic hero a long time back. She's had the name since she was fifteen, and has done quite a bit in the last 3 years. She is mainly known for heroics throughout the Midwest, due to being based out of Nebraska. She has stopped crimes, defeated villains and saved lives. Blue Valley High has a 'HOME OF THE STAR SPANGLED KID' signs, even though nobody really knows who she is. People suspect a few different girls. She is well-known among folks who pay attention to heroics or hero culture, but doesn't compare to the Big Names.
The original JSA may be gone, but the heroes that are still around tend to look out for the new Star Spangled Kid. She's beginning to feel an obligation to start up a new version of the organization, too, but we'll see if she has it in her.
Rocket Racer:
Her step-dad rebuilt the original Star Rocket Racer into a newer car. The cherry red 1955 Chevy Bel Air is more then it seems. For one, it doesn't need gas. It runs on electricity, but sounds and works like a diesel. The battery will last for years. The car itself is heavily armored, and both the hull and the 'glass' can take high-caliber firepower with only scuffs. The tires can reinflate if popped. In addition, it has a number of abilities, such as:
Flying: It can pick up and take to the air with jets and wings. It can fly at about 100 mph while like this.
Submersible: It can be airtight and propel through the water like a submarine, taking insane amounts of pressure and depth.
Traps: It can drop oil slicks, shrapnel to pop tires, and release smoke to blind followers.
Her stepdad is Jay is Pat Dugan. Pat is old-school heroics, and was once the sidekick Stripesy. These days he is S.T.R.I.P.E., riding inside a large mech. He worked beside her back in Blue Valley, Nebraska...and is pretty mad she chose to go to college so far from home. He keeps an eye on her when he can via various technologies, or favors called in from friends. So, it isn't unusual for some of the older heroes to look in on her or try and lend her assistance...even if she chafes at it.
She has defeated a number of baddies in the past. There are a few of them who would adore putting her in the ground, or at least ruining her life! Also, carrying a legacy name means bringing in legacy villains to it.
Without the belt on she is a very normal girl who is very allergic to being shot in the face.
Her step-dad cares...but he is also a strict and overprotective jerk (In her mind). He tends to butt in when she doesn't want him to, and now he's even pestering his old buddies and other heroes to check up on her! Rude!
Young Woman:
She's a legal adult, but still pretty young. She has all the usual hormones and issues someone her age would carry around with them, and it tends to cause all sorts of comic-book level drama.
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Courtney Whitmore has
36 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A Quiet Night at the Bar | March 13th, 2025 | Helena gives Courtney some advice! |
CBG...T | February 20th, 2025 | Helena tries to give Courtney some job goes...ok? |
Unfamiliar Reaching | February 3rd, 2025 | Katsumi makes an effort to be social! Courtney Whitmore becomes the target! Unfortunately, conversation doesn't last long. But at least an attempt was made! |
Stars and ...Space | January 26th, 2025 | Courtney and Carol meet and discuss Courtney's backup employment plans if this whole heroing thing doesn't work out. Carol offers nepotism as a solution! |
Domestic Summoning p.1 | January 21st, 2025 | Courtney Whitmore finds herself herded along into a lesser traveled section of Columbus Park, where she's recruited to perform a ritual. After society has known peace for four years, Courtney unleashes a woolly terror back upon the world. |
Kickbox your Stress Away! | January 3rd, 2025 | Belinda nearly kills Miles with an ill-trained kick! |
Interesting always beats lonely. | January 1st, 2025 | Violet and Courtney run into each other at a New Years Eve party. Courtney turns down the chance for a selfie. They exchange contact information. |
The Great (and Near Great) Race! | December 29th, 2024 | Audra, Courtney, and Ted have a race. What could go wrong? |
Breakup | December 27th, 2024 | Steph and Courtney decide that Gossip Girls and The Price Is Right is better than clubbing. And they are correct. |
Stars Create the Best Shadows | May 1st, 2024 | The Star Spangled Kid foils a crime, but the shadows foil her. |
A bit of the old ultra-violence; Gotham style. | April 27th, 2024 | No description |
Blue, White, and Blue | April 24th, 2024 | No description |
Introducing Freddy to the titans. | July 25th, 2022 | Freddy Shazams all over the place but makes friends none the less. |
Teenagers in the Park | July 5th, 2022 | No description |
Iced Tea and Summer Plans | June 14th, 2022 | Courtney pays Helena a visit and they catch up on how their summers are going so far. Maybe a little hero talk too! |
Flash and a fox | May 31st, 2022 | No description |
Down on the Corner | May 17th, 2022 | The Star-Spangled Kid (No affiliation to Captain America), stops a robbery. Danny Rand gets shoulder-checked into a van. |
Cosmic Pit Stop | May 16th, 2022 | Star Lord and Stargirl take a cruise in the Milano, but get hit by an asteroid! Good thing Superman's there to serve as the world's strongest tug boat! |
Stars and streaks. | May 14th, 2022 | some Advice some flirting and an exchange of contact info |
Coffee My Dear Cheerleader | April 25th, 2022 | Two girls, peppy and cheerful, talk while in line waiting for coffee. |
Random Coffee Run | April 1st, 2022 | An errant remark almost gets the wrong Spider-man in trouble. |
Two Blondes, A Spider, and a Pack of Goons | February 19th, 2022 | Miles, Courtney, and Heather team up to take out some baddies. And someone leaves with digits! |
New and Old Friends | January 29th, 2022 | Beware the Lego Bots! |
Streetlevel Dust Up! | January 22nd, 2022 | Courtney does the heavy lifting, and kicking. Ted helps. |
Star Spangled Kid learns to get up and dust herself off | January 20th, 2022 | Star Spangled Kid gets a pickmeup from the Huntress |
Starbursts and Pumpkins | January 19th, 2022 | The Star Spangled Kid learns a valuable lesson about being prepared and knowing her limits |
Not Every Avenger Makes a Good Mentor | January 18th, 2022 | Star Spangled Girl comes upon a crime, but misses a heroic opportunity thanks to a curmudgeonly Avenger. |
Mary meets Courtney | September 1st, 2021 | Mary Meets Courtney |
A Star Spangled Pizza break or A Mouse in the Pizza House | August 31st, 2021 | Courtney meets a tiny mouse and that mouse leads her to adventure, or the Titans building. Whichever. |
A Fair Day In Central Park | March 3rd, 2021 | The first truly spring-like day of the year and a small fair in Central Park are enough to draw a large crowd. |
Welcome Star Spangled Kid. | March 1st, 2021 | Bart and Wally get to know Courtney. They have a casual conversation and manage to get her back to her hotel room in time for curfew. |
A Star(kid) is Born | February 28th, 2021 | No description |
White Eyes, Bakeneko | September 18th, 2020 | Courtney and Sarah meet Katsumi and try to reassure and destress her. It doesn't go well. |
Star-Struck | August 29th, 2020 | Courtney confronts Bikers terrorizing a small business. |
Stars and Shades | August 8th, 2020 | A superheroics history student and a man who's lived it meet in a diner at midnight. |
New School, New Life... | June 9th, 2020 | Strangers meet and lives are discussed. |
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Courtney Whitmore has
36 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Courtney Whitmore has been credited in
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Courtney Whitmore has been credited in
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Courtney Whitmore has authored
0 books.
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Group Memberships
Courtney Whitmore has been listed in 0 groups.