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Latest revision as of 18:07, 19 January 2022

Professional level sacrilege.
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Remnants of the
Synopsis: A pair of professionals have a little idle chatter over a necromancer.
Cast of Characters: Elvis Odell, Saeko

Elvis Odell has posed:
    It's not even that uncommon honestly, not in the big scheme of things anyway. Somebody does some sort of stupid thing like putting a living soul in a dead body, or communes with one of the hells for some sort of boon. If they get away with it once, they seem all but compelled to do it again and again until they get caught with their hand in the sacred cookie jar and that's when things start happening. In this particular case it was good old fashioned necromancy, which crossed cultural and divine boarders when they set they killed a priestess to a small Inari shrine and made off with her body. This was enough to get all manner of interested parties involved of course.

    The mundane authorities, as well as the mystical were all too eager to put a stop to such rampant foolishness. Elvis then had not been turned away when she showed up to the temple, though for understandable reasons she'd raised plenty of eyebrows. Just to make matters more politically complicated, a junior Maiko had lifted something from Elvis after she'd checked her coat. The misunderstandings and paranoia were understandable of course, "Western" reapers tended to be.....creepy? Yeah the silver cigarette case with a bullet hole right in the middle, well goddess only knows what sort of use an aspect of death has for such things but.

    That all brings us to the current, down a forgotten mountain road that ends in a large partially collapsed wood cabin. Theres a jet black Porsche parked out front, and a hearse shot full of holes poorly hidden out back. A trio of shots rings out, and out comes the man of the hour. Face covered in a burlap sack, hands handcuffed behind his back so he gives no attempt to brake his fall when he comes stumbling off the porch and slams into the ground. His blood though, well thats more the color of black ink isn't it?
    "What is it with you hard cases and cabins, can't any of you people get a pent house or something?"Comes the low rasp, as a familiar skeleton in a suit slowly steps out into the moonlight. That massive revolver in one black gloved hand smoking still, as it's twin gropes for her smokes and she freezes mid step. "Fuck..."

Saeko has posed:
The domains of success, artists, industry and prosperity weren't exactly the first ones thought of when righting the wrongs of unnatural destruction and the upheaval of natural order, even among the Amatsu-Kami. But fortune and luck had an order to themselves, the chaotic dance of fate and chance were all interwoven into that order and sometimes a hand needed to step in to help right what was wrong and ensure prosperity for those who called for it. At least, that was part of the reasoning Saeko had used to justify her actions on earth and more direct interpretations of her duties as a Tenko than most had taken.

Of course, while Inari seemed to appreciate the kitsune's creativity and drive, it wasn't without the occasional drawback of duty. The most active of servants in this part of the world, she'd collected offering and dispensed blessings to those worthy...but now she'd have to run an errand that almost certainly would have been delegated to a younger 'fox' any other time.

Perhaps it was simply a means of righting the shame of a junior servant, mortal or otherwise, commiting such a crime on the grounds that bore the Kami's name when they were working towards her goal that she'd send someone of Saeko's authority to offer the 'correction'? Or perhaps the killing of their own priestess just made the Kami take things that much more personally.

With the risk of mortals that little bit less likely in a place like this, Saeko's form was unobscured by any mortal guise. As the skeleton stepped from the cabin the unnervingly attractive vixen seemed simply to appear, her form wrapped in that revealing red yukata and her fox-like features of those tails and ears on full display.

Elvis Odell has posed:
    Those distant pinpricks of light in the hollow recesses of her eye sockets lock onto the Vixen for a moment, before casually fishing a badge from inside her coat and flipping it open. The shape defies simple mortal explanation, but any divine servant who's been around has likely seen it or perhaps heard of it before. "Special Agent Odell, The -Other- Bureau." Her voice low and raspy, like a death rattle. "Evening, Miss."and a little nod as she tucks the badge away.

    "If you've come to collect the priestess, I'd ask you to give me a few minutes to bring her out to you."Thumbing casually over her shoulder as she slowly descends the stairs, and places one shoe firmly on the neckromancer's throat. "She's not in a state I believe she'd want to be viewed by anyone much less, present company. If you're crunched for time, I can grab a body bag now and bring her out though."

Saeko has posed:
It payed to have spent some time around more modern and less 'devout' models in recent times, the way they talked was quite a bit different to the ways that she'd experienced in her earlier centuries, but Saeko had grown to find it charming.

A smile on her lips as she bowed her head, completely unphased by the voice or skeletal figure as she moved forwards.

"You have our thanks," she speaks, hands folded at her waist for a moment before chuckling softly and turning those hands over, the bullet visible in her hands.

"And our apologies for the foolishness of a junior priestess."

She draws closer, her tails twitching as her gaze moves down to the bagged culprit. Those amber eyes narrow, the divine spirit clearly not emotionless or beyond wrath.

"I am willing to wait while you finish your tasks, and ensure that this one meets suitable...reward for his actions."

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "Ah..."Comes her brilliant response, staring at the bullet-holed cigarette case which she reaches out to retake. "I clearly misplaced it, I can be so clumsy sometimes I suppose. How good of you to return it, I was just starting to wonder where it'd gotten off to."

    Slowly rolling her head back, and in the blink of an eye she trades the bald white bone for flesh and sinew once more. Especially in present company however, well Elvis is nothing special. Skin the pallor of a corpse, those big blues glassy enough that she produces a pair of scuffed up warfarers to hide them. Her own expression is flat, all but doll like as she swivels her gaze down to the necromancer a moment before stepping free. "Do be careful, he's trickier than he looks and very well read. Tried to buy me off his case with a pair of silver coins, and when that didn't work he actually tried the gold dice thing. First time I've had somebody try that one on me."

Saeko has posed:
Politeness appreciated, Saeko's lips quirk into a knowing smile before she nods her head once more. "Oh I can imagine," she murmers, looking up at the other woman as she assumes her mortal guise and drawing her hand up to her lips. Murmered works into her hand and she draws her fingers away, a soft black smoke drifting among them before it drifts from her digits to seep into the necromancer's hood. Whatever it was? It was unlikely to be pleasent...

She draws back, her hand gesturing back to the other woman. "You're free to take him, for the others he has wronged, but...well, a contribution to make us feel better."

Elvis Odell has posed:
    Slowly she shrinks away, flipping open that empty cigarette case to pluck loose a cigarette and a single match. "Oh well he has no heart beat, yeah? Being as he is dead, he has no rights under mortal law. I've got a file on this punk as big as a phone book, nevermind what he got up to today. So he's going to be processed here, as soon as I don't need anything else from him."Theres a little shrug at that, puffing at her cigarette hungrily for a moment before the tiniest bit of color returns to her face. "Your welcome to witness it if you want, shouldn't be long."

    She filters back towards her car first, popping the hood up and producing a body bag from amongst the guns and goodness knows what else. "So is this your usual beat, or I mean I'm not even sure how Kitsune get their work delegated. Is it like districts, or shifts or what? You'll have to forgive my curiosity, The Other Director usually keeps me too busy to be terribly social with all the cool kids."

Saeko has posed:
And he'd suffer every moment of it as if it were stretched out tenfold, painful reality moved out in the same way a dream seemed to last a day.

"I'd be delighted to watch your craft," Saeko speaks, tilting her head to the side. The question of her 'beat' however brings a little lift of her hand to her mouth, a quiet giggle before she shakes her head, tails giving a little twitch.

"We have many duties, I can be called where necessary anywhere in the world, but this country has become a... favoured area for me. There are less that call to Inari, but those that do here and make suitable offering, it is my pleasure to attend."

A pause, she gives a little gesture to her hand. "I am a Tenko of Inari, it is a...more experienced position."

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "Well it's always nice to work with a real professional, let me tell you. Everyone's always freaking out about everything all the damned time, enough to drive me nuts."She tosses the bodybag towards the porch, before finally reloading that revolver and holstering up. "Theres a fair bit of Japanese, and I think Korean down in the basement down there. I'm pretty confident our boy here's whole operation is here, but I'd appreciate a glance at things just to make sure all the interested parties are present yeah?"

    That left hand plucks something from the small of her back, a delicate slip of polished stainless steel and bright pearl handles. The hinge popping open to let the butterfly knife pop open in her fingers. "I don't want to find out there's another zombie someplace, you know?"It falls through her fingers with supernatural dexterity, flipping and twirling as it goes until it's flipped skyward only to be all but casually snapped out of the air in a gloved hand. "Anyway, one moment. We don't need the audience yeah?"

    A free hand grabs the necromancer by his collar, dragging him up onto his knees and laying those bullet holes in his shirt bare for all to see. "I don't know if you've seen this before or not, but it's ugly. Fair warning."And no ceremony she just goes right to work. One swift jab into the heart, a twist and out comes the blade. Followed by the black blood, and the smell of rot. Then a single swift motion across the throat, and she lets the body fall. It's not even bones that hit the dirt, just pale white dust and a filthy clothes. That knife of course shines as brightly as ever, even as she casually flips the thing closed in one hand. "Not much of a show, I'm afraid."

Saeko has posed:
"Those that need their rest will find it," Saeko nods, but working out that no zombie had gone errant? That was likely going to take a little time and magic. Fortunately the Tenko had both on her side.

The slide of the knife and the blood? It's all watched with a restrained and dignified glee beneath the surface before she closes her eyes and exhales.

"There will always be another," she murmers, a shake of her head and a shift of her form. "That is the sad truth of it."