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Latest revision as of 03:48, 20 January 2022

Dinner and 20 Questions
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: A swanky sushi place.
Synopsis: Dinner goes well for Jan and Veira. Future plans and dates are made.
Cast of Characters: Veira Lazarescu, Jan de Wit

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
The appointed time had arrived for meeting up for dinner and Veira being her usually paranoid self had arrived early. Just to get the feel of the place, look at exits, all of that jazz that comes with being someone that likes to know exit routes in case dinner gets crashed. The woman has dropped the goth look for the night in favor of a drop shoulder wiggle dress that's made from a deep purple velvet. There's a pair of low heeled black pumps on her feet and the wealth of raven colored hair has been tamed into a stylish crown of braids. Her makeup is lighter as well, giving a smoky sort of look. Her eyepatch is still in place though.

She holds her clutch like it's a lifeline and types out a quick message on her phone before putting it in said clutch.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan was on time, perhaps a moment early. No need for theatrics or fashionably late arrivals for this one! Dressed in a charcoal suit, black shirt and a rose pink tie, he nodded to the host once he entered the eatery. Spotting Veira there, he smiles widely. "Good evening, Veira." He beams. "You look stunning tonight."

A nod is given to the maitre d' from Jan, the other man motioning to the dining area. The dancer offers his arm to Veira, grinning. "Shall we?"

The table they are eventually led to is one of the booths along the wall - sumptuous and comfortable, with privacy and walls to prevent any nosey neighbors from overhearing any discussions.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's still a little self conscious when it comes to the eye patch and she turns away from watching across the way when she hears the door open. When she sees Jan there's a bright smile from the pale woman as she watches him enter. "Good evening." she tells him. "You look rather dashing in that color combination." she tells him with an approving smile. "And thank you, I put this together a little last minute, but I'm glad you approve." she grins.

When the dancer offers his arm the woman tucks her hand into his arm gently and lets him lead, "Lets." she tells him with a soft smile.

The booth gets a look over and there's a smile, "I do like their set up." she comments to him as she smoothes her skirt out before settling into her seat.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"All the approval. I love that color on you." Jan grins, nodding and running a finger along his tie. "It was difficult to find this shade, truth be told. But I wanted to match, and I wanted to make a statement." A chuckle from the man. Allowing her to settle into the booth first, he takes his seat after. A nod to the host, as the waitstaff is soon behind with the menus.

"As I understand, the staff here is quite fluent, should you wish to order in Japanese." A sly grin. "Alas, I may miss some intracacies of the dishes, with my lack of understanding." The napkin on the table is carefully unfolded and placed in his lap. "Thank goodness I can at least work the chopsticks."

A look from the staff to Veira. "Saki? Tea? What is your preference?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's cheeks tinge a little on the pink side when he states his approval of the color, "I will make a note of that." she gives a grin. "It does make a very bold statement." she tells him. She gives a smile to the waitstaff and then looks back to Jan as he explains that she'd be able to order in Japanese. That delights her, "Well, I don't get to use it a lot so practice is nice." she gives a smile to that.

"I'm sure you'd pick up the language fairly easily if you'd like to learn." she offers to him. "Sake would be lovely and a water to go with it." she smiles to them. She looks to Jan with a smile, "I'm still not good with chopsticks, so you sir have an advantage." she teases him gently.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A grin. "That color suits you too." Jan teases, when he notices the flush. "All the odd hangups on what color is suited for men and which are for women quickly left my head when I started in ballet." The man admits, chuckling just a touch. "And thankfully, it would seem society is also shrugging themselves free of such bias. It is a wonderful time to be alive, honestly."

Water is poured, and the staff departs to fetch the sake, clearly they know which vintage Jan prefers. "I might take you up on that - I'd been considering the idea of learning Chinese, with the shared dance forms and all. Japanese would be wonderful as well. I would love to go and study Kabuki there."

A nod as she mentions the chopsticks. "Well, thankfully no one will judge you for using a fork if needed." A wink. "So, how was your time off? Did you get enough rest? Did you need to be moved to a better hotel room?" He laughs. "You mentioned the accomadations might rate three stars where you are?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I think a man can wear pink and still be secure in his masculinity." Veira tells him as she unfolds her napkin and settles it in her lap. She knew some dinner etiquette at least! "Today is a lot better than it was in the mid 90's and things for sure." she grins to him.

The raven haired woman watches him with a warm look as he speaks, "You could learn a little of both as you go I'm guessing. While I've never been to Japan I would like to go at some point, maybe this year after all of this dies down." she admits as she lets her hands rest in her lap.

"I'm used to judgy folks." she grins at that. "Mmm, time off has been good. Had lunch with my mom today since I called her about dresses." she chuckles at that. "And I get to have dinner with a wonderful dancer so I think the last of my time off is going to be pretty great." she smiles to that. "Oh my apartment is absolutely a three star." she muses. "How has your forced time off been?" she asks him in turn.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A tap to his nose when she mentions a man comfortable with his sexuality. "Indeed. We've come a long way, but there is still quite a ways to go." Jan admits, relaxed as sake is poured for each of them. "Every step we take into time, moves us to a better understanding, and more harmonious future." A slight grin. "Alas, there will always be throwbacks who want to cling to their predjudice."

The man shrugs, before offering a nod of thanks to the server. "Perhaps I'll trade dance lessons for language lessons." He grins over to Veira. "I've been over in that area, though I was hopelessly reliant on my English translators." A laugh. "Hopefully, I did not make too much a fool of myself, or an inconvenience to them."

"Oh? Your mother is in town? It must be nice to have family so near. She's not in any trouble with the current situation, is she?" His concern is evident - so much going on, so many people in danger. "And you flatter me, Veira. I'm the lucky one to have you share a meal with me. The time off has been spent relaxing and keeping in shape. Gym work, studio work - there's always room for more practice, after all." He admits. "Even when I am off from shows, my routine stays rather busy." A chuckle. "Would you do us the honor of ordering? I'd love to see what you'd suggest."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft frown at the mention of predjudice's, "Yes, sadly there are people that do not want to be progressive." she shakes her head. "Though there are a few that will at least listen and change their views and ways given enough prodding." she comments. Or maybe they just needed to be hit with a brinck. Who knew. Ahem!

"That is a clever way to do things. One dance lesson for one language lesson, I like it." she gives a grin to that. "Generally translators don't laugh at people unless you are trying to pick someone up and they have to be the go between." she admits.

She gives a soft smile when he shows concern for her mother, "Her and my father live in upstate New York at the moment. She's retired and he's almost on his way into retirement." she tells him. "And it is nice to have them close. They had talked of moving to London and I was not a big fan of the idea." she admits to that. "She is fine, yes. My adoptive parents have a rather colorful background." she chuckles. "And yes, I'd be happy to order." she smiles to him.

"Do you have any favorite things before I order?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"No specific favorites - though I think I am more partial to fish as opposed to eel or octopus." Jan grins, nodding to her. "Prodding helps only so much - unfortunately it can have the opposite effect. But not everyone can be helped, I suppose." A slight shrug and a chuckle. "Those people, I try to avoid in life. Let them simmer in their own hateful world. Misery is the only thing they want."

"I hope they enjoy their retirement. A lifetime of working and tending to family should earn a wonderful restful time to explore the world and enjoy the golden years." He nods. "One day, I might even think about retiring, though... it seems forever away at the moment."

An eyebrow arches as he raises his drink. "So then, language for dance? We have a deal?" He winks. "Shall we drink to it?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a gentle nod when he tells her he is more partial to fish, "See, that means we won't get a ton of eel or octopus, because I don't like those that much either." she tells him with a smile. She gives a look over the menu and makes notes of things to order for them while she listens to him. "If they don't simmer in their own hate while they are alive they will most certainly be simmering in death." she gives a bit of a shrug to that. "I'd like my afterlife to not be filled with demons poking me." she chuckles.

"They have all these plans to travel, which is very like them. Their jobs earlier in life afforded them a lot of room to travel and hell, they even found me on a business trip." she explains. "My dad likes to joke that I'm the best souvenir he ever found. Very much a dad response." she grins.

"I'm not sure if I'll get to retire with my situation, but I'm open to retiring and then going and being an old crone or living my best village witch life." she laughs.

She settles the menu down and then looks to him, "We have an accord, Jan." she smiles brightly to him. Then she picks up her glass and holds it aloft, "To learning."

Jan de Wit has posed:
His glass is raised to hers. "To learning, and a wonderful conversation." Jan comments, nodding to her before taking a sip of the sake. A slight shiver and a smile. "I always forget the taste of this." He chuckles. "It's a unique taste, quite suited for the dinner tonight." The glass is set down on the table.

He grins widely at the description of her parents, nodding. "He sounds like a good fellow. Dad humor ranks among the best humor, in my opinion." A nod. "And why wouldn't you retire? With your situation?" He wonders, curious.

"Is this something that we're to discuss tonight, along with my situation?" Jan smirks. "Did you have a list of questions?" He seems quite amused by that thought, it would seem.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira smiles to that as she sips her sake and it still makes her tingle when she drinks it, "Oh that's good." she grins to him. She settles the glass down and then gives a nod of agreement, "Sometimes having the right drink makes a conversation easier." she chuckles softly.

"He is a pretty great person. He had to deal with me growing up so he deserves a medal for sure." she chuckles to that. "It's complicated." she tells him in a quiet tone.

"I am up for talking about whatever you would like. I'm not as up on correct date etiquette this days though." she admits with an amused expression. "I don't have a list made up, Atilla said I would be too nerdy to do that." she laughs warmly at that.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Truth be told, I find myself having no issues in talking to you, Veira." Jan says, honestly. A finger taps his drink, smiling at the sound of the glass. "But I am certainly a fan of the drink, if only to relax with."

A nod at the mention of the complication. "I am certain it is, but I am open to listening if you choose to share." The man offers. "But I've no interest in prying - only hearing what you wish to talk about." He winks.

A brow arches, grinning widely. "Date etiquette has changed quite a bit - any number of things come up as I understand. As we become more and more a people who enjoy being up-front and straight-forward about likes, wants and such - it turns out that about any subject is viable for discussion. Assuming both parties are amenable to it." He adds. "Oh! Atilla had a say in this?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile to his admission, "It is much the same for me, I feel like I don't have to worry about telling you things like I would with others." she states as she looks across the table to him. She shakes her head, "It's not prying if I want you to know something." she points out.

"I've not dated since 2020, so I'm a bit rusty and before that I was with the same man for ten or so years." she admits with a bit of a smile. "Yes, Atilla was trying to get me to ask a few risque questions, little scamp that he is. Those can be saved for later if things go well." she giggles a little.

"My first thing is that I don't age. I will always look this way unless I employ makeup, disguises." she offers in a quiet tone. Maybe they were in a private area, but her voice was betraying things.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A whistle from Jan, nodding. "Scamp indeed!" He chuckles, taking another sip of his sake. "I am sure I'll have questions, of course. But you are free to pleade the fifth as needed." A wink as he settles back a bit, the sushi being prepared. "I just hope I am skilled enough to read if you want me to know something."

"I've had a smattering of dates the last few years - nothing ever turned serious." He chuckles. "I'd like to think that the timing was off, or perhaps fate was arranging for other situations for me." Relaxed and amused, he grins over to her. "Now I am curious as to Atilla's questions." Jan admits.

As she divulges her secret, he blinks. "Fascinating..." He leans in. "Are you a mutant then? Something else?" His tone matches her, quieter at the table. "I've been told I age a bit slower, but..." A motion to his hair. "I still do age." He chuckles. A pause, thinking. "So, I mentioned that I have the X-Gene. My gift is premonition."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm fairly open to talking about things unless it's classified, though I'm guessing most classified related material won't come up." Veira sates with a soft smile. "Atilla is very much a fan of you. It is easy to see why he is." she admits. "If I read too much just let me know." she muses to that.

"My first date after my fiance died was...a disaster. I think it was bad timing." she shrugs softly at that. "I think the world had more to offer as well." she smiles to that. "Atilla might just ask you himself given the chance." she chuckles.

"I'm not a mutant, I don't have the genes or anything. So I am unsure of why I don't age, but it didn't happen until my first time dying." she admits. His mention of his hair makes her give him a warm smile, "I love your hair, don't worry on that." she tells him gently. She gives a smile at his gift, "Premonition, that is a very handy gift to have." she tells him. "Can you see things far into the future or is it things that are happening soon?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A happy chuckle from Jan. "No, if you read something from me, I would welcome your questions" A wink. "I've no interest in government secrets. I have to have some faith that the country I have chosen is doing right by me." Another tap of his fingers to his glass. "And I am amused to think that Atilla will speak to me at some point." A wry grin. "He's fascinating, almost as fascinating as you are."

A nod and a soft sigh. "I am sorry for your loss, Veira. Losing a loved one... is terrible, at best." He offers over, sincerely. His tones remain hushed, sharing the conversation only at the table. "I am hoping our timing is better. And if not, I have made a friend regardless."

There's a pause, the man studying her. "You died?" He whispers. "You mentioned not being a vampire... are you a ghost?" He wonders, a half-smile on his face. His cheeks do color a bit at her compliment of his hair. "Thank you, I had thought of dying it - but I am too stubborn, I fear." He chuckles. "Generally, I foresee danger when it involves me, or those I am with. Just a few moments in advance. Enough time to react before the situation occurs - counter attack, dodge, evade." A slight shrug.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a soft smile, "Hopefully the country will continue to do right by you and others." she tells him. "Atilla enjoys talking to people because he doesn't really get to be seen much." she admits. "Dragons, no matter how small they are seem to get an adverse reaction." she sighs softly. "He's also a fan of anyone that can make me smile." so there is that." she gives a look to him.

When he sighs softly there is a soft shake of her head, "It is, but it happened in a situation that we didn't have control of and I couldn't stop it." she admits. "It's why I get so paranoid sometimes." she admits. "Maybe timing will be better this time and I am an adult if it doesn't seem that it will be. I am far too old to mope like I did in high school." she gives a chuckle.

His pause causes her to look at him, "I've died quite a few times, Jan. I come back after seven days. But let me tell you, the first time it happened I got locked in a brig for observation." she muses. "I'm Immortal as far as I can tell. It's why I go to Romania a lot, to see if I can find out what happened to me as a child." she explains.

"You shouldn't dye it...unless you really want to. A lot of ladies and gentlemen out there love the silvery look." she admits with a grin.

Then she looks curious as he explains his gift more, "That's not bad to have in situations that would cause hurt." she admits. "Or if medium sized dragons are lurking." she teases. "Do you have martial skills?" she asks as she sips her sake.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Ups and downs." He offers with a grin. "The country is hopefully moving in a better direction. As with everything, there are always setbacks. But I believe." Jan smiles, taking another sip of the sake. "I can imagine - they are the stuff of fantasy, and often the villain in those stories. I does make me wonder if they weren't simply villified to make man's greed justified." A shake of his head. A grin. "And I am always happy to earn your smile. Happier still to see it myself."

A nod at the explanation of the loss of her fiancee. "Those situations can be difficult. Rewinding them in our minds and looking for where we may have failed - when truly there was no option for us." A shake of his head. "And paranoid? Should I ask of what?" Another slight grin. "I would be a cad if I dared ask of your age, so I will simply assume old enough to know better and young enough to not care." He teases.

"Locked away... after ressurecting. Seven days, that seems a very specific number. Seven is quite prominent in many cultures, after all." The man nods. "Were they locking you away out of concern for what happened? Or of your return?"

A chuckle at the thought of a pouncing dragon. "It is helpful, yes. Once I realized my gift, I trained in Capoeira. Better to know how to defend oneself, even if one would rather not fight."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira sips at her drink while she listens to him, this is why she got water as well, straight alcohol would see her giggling! "I'll let you have him for a weekend if you like? He'd only drive you slightly crazy with his toddler tantrums." she gives a big smile at that. "You don't have to do much to make me smile, Jan." she mentions to him.

"I am not one of those preening ladies that needs to hide their age. I'm older than you I am guessing." she grins. "Though...it doesn't make me so much of a cougar really." she chuckles. "Paranoia comes with the job. I don't want people getting pissed at me and going after my loved ones." she admits. "As for ressurrecting, they were checking to make sure that my blood work, dental etc matched up to my files. It was wild." she chuckles.

"Capoeira is a fantastic martial art, I sort of wish I'd learned that, but I've got plenty of time still." she nods to this.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan smiles, the food is arriving - bountiful dishes of sushi! "Does it help to remind him of his heritage?" He asks, once the food is set out and the waitstaff has gone. Shoyu sauce and wasabi are mixed in a little dish for himself, prepping for the tasting of the delicacies. "Or does he feign ignorance when he has his tantrums?" The man grins. "I am glad to hear that I bring enjoyment to you when we meet."

A cluck of his tongue. "Never would I expect you to be such, Veira. I simply would rather allow you to reveal or keep such things as you want to." He chuckles. "Cougar. I've been called a silver fox." The man shakes his head.

"Fascinating. Were you aware, before you came back?" The man wonders, a bit in awe. "So many questions." The thoughts whirring through his head. "I enjoy Capoeira for the dance it is, as well. Something to learn, something to teach." He winks.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"He misses Romania and I do as well, but he knows that we'll go back regularly. It's safer for him to be here than on his own like he is." Veira admits. "But Atilla's story is a longer one. So we'll leave that for another night." she muses. "He doesn't feign ignorance, he just wants to do all of the things and he's not understanding that there are different rules out here and he's not the apex predator of the magical world that he used to be. He tantrums because I won't let him go out by himself." she sighs softly at that.

"I'll reveal things in time, yes." she tells him softly. "I think the term fits you quite well." she comments to him. "If it bothers you though I won't say it." she adds.

She shakes her head, "We were not, no. I've had...abilities since I was a child, but this was something we didn't see coming." she admits. "Some days I think it is a curse." she admits. "I won't get all gloom and doom on you though." she whispers.

"I'm a black belt in Systema and a blue belt in Krav Maga if you're familiar with either of those." she offers. "Capoeira fits you though. It has it's own elegance in it." she smiles at him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man listens, even as the sushi is divied out - he offers her first selection, before taking some for himself. "Perhaps he'll tell me sometime." Jan smirks. "I think I met a sorceress the other night. Same night I ran across a demon." A shake of his head. "Such an unusual world we live in."

A smile and a chuckle at the mention of the term. "If you like the use of it, I am not objecting to it." He admits. "It is better than some alternatives. And I will be patient in waiting." He assures.

"Other abilities? Quite the mystery." He smiles. "I fear my other gifts invovle a betterment of my body. Stronger, faster, more agile. And I heal a bit quicker, thankfully. Saves on having to soothe and tend to bruises." A wry grin.

"I've heard of the latter, though not the former. I am guessing it is more modern?" He grins. "Krav Maga is brutal, from what I've seen. I shall make sure to keep clear and my hands to myself." He winks.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira picks out her pieces of sushi with a little wandering eye over each, offering a quiet thanks to the man after she's done. "I think he'd like to be able to do that." she nods to him. "It is an unusual world, but I think we are better for it." she admits quietly.

"Oh I'll update your contact name in my phone later." she giggles. "Waiting can sometimes be fun." she grins.

"Yes, other abilities...I'm a bit of a mess at the end of the day." she jokes lightly. She listens to him speak on his other abilities as she eats a piece of the sushi. She makes sure her mouth is clear before talking, "Honestly those are things that a lot of people wish for. Do you use it for performances?" she asks him curiously.

"It's not a very talked about martial art outside of Russia really, it was used by KGB operatives at one point. It includes gun handling, knife fighting and hand to hand moves." she admits. "Krav Maga has broken many of my bones, but both forms have saved my life." she smiles to that.

"I'm starting to see a pattern with us." she grins.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"What, run into a sorceress? Or a demoness?" Jan grins at that. "We are. If we were all the same, we'd be a boring lot." His own selection is a bit from each, set on his plate properly before sampling one of the salmon rolls - dipped in the shoyu.

"I cannot imagine you a mess in any fashion." He admits, with a smile after his bite is finished. "I do, to some extent - but not overly so. It's just... lifting a partner is far easier for me than normal." A chuckle. "It does make my life easier - and it keeps me from the sore muscles and injured toes."

Another nod and a hrm. "A Russian martial art... fantastic." He grins. "Did you learn it over there, or?" He wonders. "I must admit, I didn't learn anything in the way of weapon handling." A shake of his head. "Broken bones are the worse, in my opinion. They hobble us."

A sly grin. "Are you seeing a pattern, then? Are we similar, yet dissimilar enough?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Sorcerers can be pretty handy to know in a pinch." Veira gives a wink to that. "And I don't ever want to be boring. I think we're doing good so far." she admits to that. "I will try to keep not appearing as a mess for as long as I can." she tells him.

"If it helps make you not have to worry about sore muscles it is a good thing." she smiles to that. "I learned Systema from my father. He specialized in a few niche Russian military things and thought training me would be a way to pass it down." she muses. "He didn't break any of my bones, just wanting to point that out." she adds.

"If you ever want to learn to wield a weapon I would be happy to help. I have a specialty with knives, but I don't use them for parlor tricks." she tells him with a smile.

"The pattern that I am seeing is that you're the smooth and elegant one and I am the rough and unpolished one." she grins as she states that. "Which is a bit adorable really." she tells him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan chuckles, nodding in agreement. "I would suppose so. I don't know much about the sorceress I met, so I can't speak to her want or ability to help. She did show off by making a globe of magic lines." A smirk. "Very flashy." Another smile. "I think you don't have to worry about that, Veira. Seriously."

Another chuckle at the clarification regarding her father. "I wasn't expecting that a father would do such a thing, even if their child is gifted." He assures. "You've got a fascinating history, I am sure. One I'd like to learn more of."

"I might take you up on that - there are some dramatic dances that can be done with knives and swords." He beams.

"I have spent years polishing my finish, Veira. And I see nothing rough or unpolished about you. We just have different areas where we have focused - it makes for very interesting and wonderful conversations. Don't you think?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira eats the sushi with her chopsticks, making a good go of it and trying not to fumble things. She gives a soft smile to him, "I won't worry on things, I promise." she tells him. "I don't think my adopted parents were intending to have a child and when I got put with them it was sort of...a spontaneous thing." she muses. "I think it worked out for all in the end." she admits.

"We'll use prop knives, I would be distraught if I cut you." she admits to that. "And I've seen one of those sword dances before. It looks harrowing, but I think that puts a bit more spirit into it." she grins.

She does give him a thoughtful look at his words, "It does make for good conversation, yes. I have a lot to tell and I think I can share most with you." she grins to that.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan's chopsticks are put to good work - dipping the sushi in the shoyu and then lifting to his mouth when ready. The sushi chef is a fantastic one, the various rolls are delicious. "I am certain your family was happy to have you, Veira. It is a blessing to have a child to love and raise." A grin. "At least, so I have been told."

"Rubber and wooden knives to train, for combat. For dance, we generally use something a bit more weighted - so we build up our tolerance for holding the item through the steps." He chuckles. "It is always the lure of danger that makes everything more... spicy." A shake of his head. "We live for the thrill, no?"

"The differences make the conversations that much more interesting. If we were the same, I think we'd have little to talk about. Just... it'd be a lot less of a dance of words." He offers a nod and a genuine smile. "I am glad you can confide in me - I do feel the same towards you, Veira."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira listens to him as he speaks and there is a soft smile, "I'm sure children are wonderful to have. I wanted to have my own at some point or adopt since there are so many displaced out there in the world." she admits. "Not sure it will work out with my job and things though." she adds. "It's something to figure out when the time arrives I guess." she muses.

"We do live for the thrill, yes. I'm guessing if there wasn't any risk then we'd lead boring lives." she agrees. "And in my line of work we get a lot of adrenaline rushes." she chuckles.

She gives a thoughtful look to him, "I do believe that opposites attract in a way. We both do different dances." she grins to that. "I won't ever pry for information that you do not willingly give so just remember that." she tells him. "Though it's nice to have others to confide in." she admits.

After a sip of sake, "So what do you think you'd be doing if you were not a dancer, Jan?" she asks.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"A mystery to myself as well, children." A grin. "But it might be that you're getting practice with Atilla." Jan teases, dabbing at his mouth with his napkin - his sushi done. "And yes, you have an abundance of time, right?" Silver lining, after all!

"I have to take my thrills where I can. My job doesn't really afford too many that are overly dangerous. It still is an adrenaline rush to perform. Even more so to hear a live audience react and applaud." A wry grin and a shrug.

At her discussion of opposites, Jan nods. "I think our definition of pry might be different - I don't mind questions asked." The man smiles. "To me, asking repeatedly when offered an answer is prying." He sips from his water.

Lost in thought at her question, he grins widely. "Honestly? I do not know. Perhaps a farmer? I like animals and I think it would be quite fun to manage a farm, the crops and the livestock that came with it. How about you? Were your circumstances different, where would you find yourself in a career?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira listens to him with a soft smile on her face. She enjoyed hearing him speak. "Oh Atilla is definitely training me in case I ever have to deal with a toddler, so there is that." she grins. "And yes, I do seem to have more time." she nods to that.

"Well...I promise that if I stay in your life for a bit you might get some more thrills, they might not be fun, but that is the risk of being friends or other relations." she explains. "I'm sure having the applause and admiration can go to the head sometimes." she teases him gently.

"That makes sense on the prying part." she tells him after a drink of her water. She sits forward a little when he talks on being a farmer and there's a warm smile given to him, "I love animals. I had thought of being a vet when I was in high school. I used to drag home strays all the time and feed the neighborhood cats." she chuckles.

"You could always do that after you leave dancing. Just move to upstate New York or another place and start a little farm. Have goats and things." she grins.

Jan de Wit has posed:
He's relaxed, quite enjoying the conversation with her. "Silver linings. The draconic overlord has a method and perhaps even a goal. Prepare you for the possibility of motherhood." A wink to her. "Perhaps it is a natural thing, though. I imagine many things come naturally by instinct, even though as a people we've over-analyzed and complicated the whole process."

"Thrills, I can handle. Danger, I can handle. And even when times are bad, there is always the bonus of looking back in hindsight and being amused at /something/ that happened there. Absurd little things, like noticing a shoelace untied or some such." Jan chuckles. "And yes, it is quite the ego boost when hearing adoration in that fashion."

"Quite the wonderful idea. Perhaps I'll invite you over sometime when I find my plot of land?" He winks to her with a smile. "Cats... indeed cats. I love them - such independent arrogance, mixed with grace and empathy." A smirk. "Truly unique creatures, every one of them."

"We could work as a team - farmer and veteranarian." The thought has him grinning. "Assuming I don't run you off or offend you in some way."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Hmm, that is a good way to look at things." Veira chuckles to his comment on Atilla. "I'm sure I'll find out down the road on that. Or I'll happily have a small rescue of animals." she grins to that. "Over analyzing should be an Olympic sport with how often it can be done." she admits to that.

"I'll have to be on my A game when I come to see you perform. Do people still bring flowers for dancers and things?" she asks him curiously. There is a bright smile at the talk of inviting her over, "I would gladly let you know what could be grown and things of that nature." she nods. "And of course you'll need barn cats and house cats." she points out with a smile.

"I've never been a cat or dog person I'm a cat /and/ dog person...and whatever else has paws and fur." she muses. "You know, that sounds like a wonderful set up." she states as she gives a warm look to him. "I doubt that you'll offend me or run me off, Jan. It might be the opposite, but I will try my best not to do that." she states quietly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Jan nods, sipping his water again. "When we developed analytical thinking, I think we caused a problem we cannot get away from all that easily." He chuckles. "It is a needed skill, but we tend to take it too far - or utilize it when it is not exceptionally warranted." A shrug. "But that is out of Pandora's Box now, so we cope with it as best we can."

"I think I am the one who needs to be on their A Game. I'd hate to give a subpar performance with you watching." The man muses. "I've had flowers brought - usually I simply take one and pass the others on to my co-performers."

"All manner of cats, indeed. Dogs too - I do like them, for different reasons." After a moment, he smiles to her. "Just be you. Good or bad, it is who you are. I do not think you will run me off. I pride myself at being tougher than that." A wink.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira finishes off her last piece of sushi while he's speaking and there's a smile to him as she settles the chopsticks down. She nods to him, "We do, I agree." she tells him. There's a grin to him, "I would not want you worrying about your performance, just act naturally." she states.

"I'll not feel weird bringing flowers then." she smiles at that.

"I will endeavor to be myself then." she smiles warmly to that. "I think we're already doing a good job of being ourselves." she admits. "I don't think I asked this yet, but do you live here in New York and travel for performances or do you do extended stays sometimes?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A happy laugh from Jan, the man nodding. "I think acting naturally got me to where I am, thankfully. So I am an old pro at it." As he notes she's done with her meal, he smiles. "What did you think of the sushi, Veira? Hopefully it was to your liking?" Clearly, he enjoyed it!

"I'll make sure to look for you in the crowd, so I can accept your gift of flowers." A wink. "I won't even try to bring you on stage." He teases.

Sitting back, he grins. "I think we've been doing exceptionally good at being ourselves. Free conversation and honest communication." He murmurs. "I live in Manhattan, yes. And I have a home in Amsterdam. I do stay on extended shows, in the city I am touring though." He admits. "Alas it keeps me from having pets at the moment."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira's eyes twinkle a bit, "Old pro at it." she grins to him. "The sushi was wonderful. I will definitely be happy to come back here if you enjoy it." she tells him. "I'm assuming that you're a regular here after all." she gives a look to hi at that. Just seeing if she was right. "And I'm sure Atilla will enjoy his doggie bag." she muses as she settles comfortably into the seat.

She laughs softly, "I don't think I'd know what to do on a stage really besides look at the crowd a bit shell shocked." she tells him.

"Amsterdam? I bet that is a lovely home." she admits. "I've been wantint to get a cat or a dog since schedule has been less hectic, plus if I train them it means I can take them as a service animal." she comments. "Silver linings I guess." she grins.

"Before I forget to say this, thank you for the wonderful evening." she tells him with a warm smile.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Guilty as charged. It's obvious to the trained eye that he's a regular, indeed. "Of course. I am quite a fan of this place, among a few others in the city." A chuckle. "We can visit them, or any of your favorites. I enjoy finding new places to sate my foodie need." A smirk. Jan gives a delighted chuckle at the mention of Atilla. "Fantastic. I do hope he feasts well, as dragons should."

"The imp in me would love to see you on stage, of course." He chuckles.

"It is a lovely place, it is my familial estate." He says, fingers tapping on the glass as he speaks. "I kept it after my parents passed. It has many good memories." A soft smile at that. "A service animal? For anxiety?" He wonders.

He perks up and nods. "This night has been excellent - I have enjoyed learning more of you, and simply sharing the time with you." A chuckle. "They have desserts here, of course..."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"There's nothing wrong with that, really." Veira states with a smile to him. "He's probably going to sleep like the dead, which will give a reprieve." she chuckles to that. "He likes fish a lot, it's why I can't have a tank at my place. I'd probably catch him in it." she muses.

"Maybe the imp in you will get to see me onstage one day." she winks at him.

The mention of his parents being passed makes her gaze soften, "I am sorry for the loss." she tells him softly. "That it has good memories is a good thing though. I'm sure it is a lovely place." she smiles a bit brighter at that.

"I qualify for a service animal given my eye, but I was stubborn and never got one. Anxiety and other things also fuel into it. My therapist brought it up again recently and I figured I'd discuss it with my work and things." she admits.

She tries to move onto lighter things though, "I would love to spend more time with you and if I'm not up to my neck in paperwork my time can be yours should you like that. Or if you don't mind someone doing paperwork I can hang out." she chuckles.

"Mmm, dessert. There is a major temptation. Do you have a favorite?" she asks.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man gives an amused sound. "Curled up, nose to tail tip I imagine. Near a fireplace, if able." Jan grins at the thought, eyes on her. "Perhaps we could all go fishing? Or does he prefer the fish prepared?"

A nod and grin about her being on stage, but no comment. He does give a thankful tip of his head to her at the condolences. "Thank you. Perhaps we can go see it some time? I'd very much like to show you my home town and such." A smile.

"I can understand where one might help you." He comments, regarding the service animal. Leaning forward, his voice lowers. "Forgive my asking - this must have been an unusual injury, with your skills and gifts?" He murmurs. "If you'd rather not go into it, please let me know." His tone is apologetic, even.

A slight blush to his cheeks. "You are welcome to spend any time with me you choose, Veira." His eyes remain on her face, studying her features. "And I am not opposed to you being around and finishing up your work."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Just like a house dragon would be." Veira tells him with a soft laugh. "I do not have a fireplace in my apartment, so he'll have to settle for one on the tablet or laptop tonight when I get home." she chuckles. "I'd love to go fishing and I think he would as well. I've gathered that he misses hunting his food sometimes." she admits.

"I'd be happy to go with you and see where your home is. I cannot say that I've been to Amsterdam, so another first." she grins to that.

When he asks her about the eye though she looks down to the table top and then back to him, "It is not that I don't want to tell you, but not here right now. It was...a very gruesome event and I would not want to spoil dinner." she admits barely above a whisper.

Oh yes, there was a whole story there.

She does reach out with her hand to carefully run her fingers over the slight blush on his cheeks, "Rosy pink is a good color on you." she teases him warmly. "And I will remember that you don't mind me bringing work back. Unless it bites." she smiles brightly to that.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"We should make plans, then. When things warm up, of course." The man chuckles. "And I have a fireplace, if ever he wants to curl up there. Or if you do." Jan winks. "Assuming it's not too distressed after the current situation." There's a grin. "He must be quite the vision, hunting as a dragon."

"We'll setup a trip as well. Amsterdam is quite the experience. A bit more liberal than the States, in some regards. I'll steer you clear of the places that might look bad on your record." A wink.

Jan nods in regards to her discussion of the eye incident. "When you are ready, and not at dinner or a meal." He agrees, nodding sympathetically.

He does lean barely into the touch, enjoying the contact clearly. "Perhaps I'll need to add it to my regular wardrobe, yes? If the color suits me?" A laugh. "And it depends on what is biting, Veira."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira seems to be on board with the mention of making plans to visit his home. "Yeah, it'll probably be Spring before we're done with most of the heavy work from Manhattan I'm guessing, but I have a ton of vacation time stored up, so I can disappear here and there." she smiles at that. The mention of steering her away from places that will make her record look bag makes her laugh, "No red light district, got it." she muses.

"It's just a lot to unpack and sometimes when people find out it changes how they perceive me." she tells him. There's no photos or anything to go with it, so that's a bonus." she jokes lightly at that.

She lets her fingers trace down his cheek and along his jaw in a whispery way before they leave his face to boop the tip of his nose gently, "I bite sometimes." she teases him. "Mmm, I'll add more purples to mine for sure given you like it so much." she nods to that.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The man all but purrs. "You know, touches like that are quite possibly going to spoil me." Jan chuckles, eyes lidded for a moment. "Spring is lovely there - it allows for warmer weather. And the city would be in bloom. No redlight, no drugs." He smiles.

"I am sure it is a story worthy of an evening of listening, honestly. While it might enlighten me to some of the life experiences you've had, I don't know that it will change how I see you."

"Purples and biting. Is that an invitation for another date, I wonder?" He grins. "Did you have a thought on where you might wish to go next?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I should have asked first, but I figured you'd see the hand coming if it was unwanted." Veira states with a soft smile. "But I will make notes that you do like that." she teases him gently. "Flowers in bloom? I'm sold. I'll be sure to take my camera so I can be a proper tourist." she confesses.

"It is a big part of my life and there's other things that will be uncovered during the telling, so you'd need to hear it at some point." she offers quietly to him. "I've been trying to work on insecurities, sadly sometimes it takes longer than we like." she muses.

"Oh that is absolutely an invitation to a another date." she grins at that. "If you'd be up for it?" she asks him. "I am not sure where to suggest to go. Maybe some gardens or a show if we can find one?" she offers.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A slight chuckle. "I would, yes. But it certainly was not unwanted, I assure you. Touch is... fantastic. I am a self-professed hedonist, I fear. One of my favorite relaxtion methods is to go in for hair styling." A happy shiver. "I could bliss out, simply sitting and having the stylist fuss with my hair."

A nod as she explains more. "I am patient. And I am more than willing to wait until you are comfortable talking about it, Veira. We have all sorts of time." He smiles, patting her hand gently.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"As to where to go... dinner is always fantastic. And a show. I think I can still get us some tickets for a performance, if you have time for it. Or the inclination. I know musical theater is not for everyone."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to that, "Nothing wrong with liking touch or things of that nature. I like fussing over hair so maybe you'll get more of that." she states with a warm smile. "Hairstylists do a great scalp massage that I can't master though." she admits.

The pat to her hand makes her smile a touch, "I know and thank you for being willing to wait on talking about it." she tells him.

"I will make time for a performance, I think it's good to show support in anothers work and passion." she tells him. "And I like musical theater, but not everyone knows that." she grins. "So that would be lovely. If you'd like I can make dinner reservations?" she offers.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"I most certainly hope so. I am hoping to find a similar thing that you like, so I can reciprocate. Fair is fair, after all." Jan confides, nodding to her. "It's odd - I get some pretty strange looks when I don't want to chat during the process. Just... sit and be pampered." A laugh.

"This sounds like a plan, then. Dinner, then a performance. I will reach out and see what I can find for us. Any particular story or genre catch your fancy? Anything you'd been wanting to see, but couldn't?"

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"I'm sure you won't have any issue finding things that I like." Veira winks at him as she smiles. "If you don't want to talk then don't feel like you need to when you go in. I'm sure being able to relax and enjoy it fully is understandable to some." she admits as she watches him.

She taps her chin in thought when he asks what genre she likes, "I've always been a sucker for a good love story, tradgedy and other things. I don't think Phantom is playing right now though." she muses softly. "Surprise me?" she offers with a grin. "I'm not hard to please by a long shot." she chuckles.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A laugh, the man shaking his head. "Discovery is part of the fun, after all." Jan smirks, nodding to her. "Indeed. But some stylists are chatty, which I can understand - needing to have human interaction can help their day be better." Another sip of the water, the glass placed back on the table after.

"I'll find us something spectacular." He chuckles. "Phantom is always marvelous to see, and hear." A finger moves to the unheard sound of the score. A look to her. "So, we have a bit of the evening left - what's on your mind? Thoughts for anything else?" He grins.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Most stylists just start crying when I go in for a trim. But I take good care of it." Veira chuckles as he talks on stylists. "Just record some responses on your phone and play them." she whispers to him.

"I'm sure you will, you seem like the type of man that likes to have everything be in place." she grins to that. "Well, there is always a nice brisk walk or seeing if there is anything close that you'd like to do." she offers.

Jan de Wit has posed:
The bill is clandestinely collected and paid, Jan had already seen to all of that. "Why on earth would they cry?" He wonders, admiring her from across the table. A snap of his fingers and a grin. "I might just do that. It might work, depending on the responses or recording. Simple sounds of agreement, and so on." Another happy chuckle.

"I am up for a walk. Perhaps we'll find an ice cream shoppe near? Or some such thought?" He slowly gets to his feet, offering over his hand to her. "And when you're ready to call it a night, I'd be glad to walk you to your car and see you off."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira doesn't fight him for the bill, they'd agreed on it already so no use in it! "I have a lot of hair and most think that it's dyed. So trying to deal with stylists and explaining what needs to be done can be time consuming. "If you get your phone dunked in water I'll buy you a new one, honest." she grins.

Then she's giving an easy smile, "I think a walk would be lovely and if we find a sweet treat between here and there we can call it a blessing." she comments. "Do you need a lift back to your hotel or are you driving yourself?" she asks him.

Jan de Wit has posed:
A smirk to her and a shake of his head. "Your hair is stunning." He assures, winking to her as they make their way out of the restaraunt. "A walk then. Do let me know if you get cold, yes? I don't want you shivering and uncomfortable." A laugh at the thought of someone dunking his phone. "Deal."

"I took an cab. I'd be happy for a ride, but if it is out of your way, I wouldn't want to trouble you."

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Thank you." Veira tells him in response to his compliment on her hair. "You know, I've never really had a problem with the cold, but I over heat during the Summer, guess I'm just not built for weather above seventy degrees." she chuckles. "But I will let you know." she adds quietly. She lets her hand reach out and gives a soft touch to his hand, offering it silently.

"I'd be happy to drive you back to your hotel, Jan. It is the least I can do. And you won't have to worry about a cabbie late in the night." she smiles to that.