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Latest revision as of 03:01, 22 January 2022

Arms Dealin' in the Big Apple
Date of Scene: 21 January 2022
Location: Warehouses
Synopsis: Presents, Uzis, fighting oh my!
Cast of Characters: Valerie Killmore, Erik Killmonger

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There are all sorts of Warehouses in this area of the Tenderloin district. Deep past some nasty gang territory, and far beyond some other turf that no one disputes over from all the random violence and crime that happens in it. But, tucked away, in a Red Light District is a small half-circle of cars, parked, with their trucks open. Inside of those trunks? Guns. Lots of guns, of various sizes. There's a few people present, not a lot, showcasing this as a pretty makeshift event, and most of these folks are not from around town. Maybe they have a quick assassination they need to pull, or pick up a piece to plant for some trial. One of them, though, seems to at least know her way around.

"Hello, there, bewwwtiful." The bluehaired woman says as she leans into one of the trunks, pulling back from near halfway inside this person's car and coming out with a pretty big automatic military styled rifle. Her skinny frame seems like it should definitely be weighted down by this thing, but she handles it with ease, and is looking down the sight lines, leveling it up against her shoulder, twisting it left and right to get a good feel for it.

Erik Killmonger has posed:

Annoyed footsteps continue past the one of the random trunks available.


Those footsteps are still carrying the person attached to them past all of these trunks in a manner befitting someone that's above all of this. There's even a snort that comes from the individual as he comes up to another trunk that happens to have what he assumes to be another shopper taking a closer look at the wares.

"Now you know that's way too much gun for you." There's a smirk that creeps upon the lips of a man that calls himself Killmonger. Maybe the grenades and stuff on his belt make such a moniker obvious but he's not about to just out himself or anything like that.

"Sight's off." Killmonger offers this unsolicited advice to Hex. "Lean right."

With that said, Killmonger gets ready to keep on walking. With a little swagger to his step.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
As Hex turns to face the person who's talking about her friend, the gun, a graffiti'd up uzi is seen strapped and hanging along her side. She too has grenades, two of them, made of some kind of piece of junk pieces, and they have what looks to be yarn wrapping around her waist to hold them on. These also have crazy smiles and wacky eyes graffiti'd on to them, and what look like jaws of some kind, like steampunk versions of those teeth that clatter.

These markings, unless familiar with runes and other magics, probably don't mean much but they make the gun stand out. "Too much gun!? Hah! Did you hear that?" That last question to the gun, but easily mistaken, she swings around and offers, "I KNOW the sight is off, that's why I'm getting it. Everyone needs a home and every home needs a gun."

Taking a quick look over the man trotting through she oohs and starts following behind him, looking at the grenades as they lightly bounce on the belt, "Is that an 308 dash 1 napalm grenade?" She looks at one of the more cylindrical one dangling on the belt, keeping up with the strutting man, all while leaning the rifle against her shoulder, not yet having paid for it. "Not a bad grenade, though I prefer the boom of your M26 fragmentation high explosive grenade. Bigger the boom, better the grenade."

Erik Killmonger has posed:
Killmonger doesn't slow down a step even though he can hear and smell Hex headed after him. By the time she catches up he's just kind of smirking. Then again, when doesn't he have some kind of smirk on his features. Especially when he's ahead of the game and making sure that he stays verbally in charge of this conversation that he's managed to start up.

"Like this?" Killmonger doesn't even miss a beat as he spins during his steps and starts walking backward alongside Hex. This allows that M26 grenade hanging from that side to be in full view for this girl. It's all about stylin' on 'em, really. And that's what he's doing.

A nod is given toward the huge gun that's on her shoulder with a raised eyebrow. "Gonna' mod it?" It's a curious question but one that also makes it sound like he does the same thing. He's got that 'fellow modder' tone to his voice when this question is dropped.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Instead of turning to walk forward, Hex just starts walking backwards with Killmonger. She's not got any kind of extrasensory goodness, she just doesn't care if she runs into anyone. And hey, walking backwards is fun and interesting, "Yeah, like that, got nothing on my butterflies, though, that's a big boom. Could make it bigger, but one cannister'll do ya. These... not so big, but a room, gone, obliterated, smithereens. If set to be so bombastic and fire, just dust left." And she reaches down to her waist, to pet one of her grenades, holding the rifle in one hand and still leaning against her shoulder without any noticeable 'heft'.

"Mod?! Oh, yeah, why not, never leave a thing standard. That's boring, as sin, and you gotta bring out their personality." Hefting over her rifle, to Killmonger, whether or not he catches it, she swings over her Uzi to show it off. "See? Comes to life. Added speed, and ammo capacity, then got myself some punch in it..." Looks like a very decorated Uzi but doesn't have any obvious extended clip or the like.

Erik Killmonger has posed:
Maybe Killmonger's extra fast or he's just really good at catching because the rifle is grabbed out of the air, twirled around his body, sight checked and up over his head and strapped to his back in about the same amount of time it takes Hex to get that Uzi up for perusal. Only because he really wants to pay attention to the weapon.

"Not bad." Killmonger even manages to sound like he's moderately impressed. "A little loud for my tastes." Visually, he must mean. "But it fits with your whole deal. I can dig it." There's a wink tossed in Hex's direction before he changes direction with his backward walking to head for the melee trunks, where less people are.

"You range only?" Killmonger nods back toward the trunks he's headed toward. "Or do you melee too?"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The speed doesn't impress the woman, or at least she's not distracted by it. She's a distraction, so her barrier to entry for that must be pretty high. Not a lot of gun-toting people go out of their way to be extra bright (her hair) or identifiable (tattoos, style of dress?) she's like a walking beacon of - ME! It's ME! Hex turns and keeps walking backwards, grinning a little as she looks around, "Really interesting how the world is going, this way, you do this a lot?" And she's looking to her Uzi, and then points it into the sky, firing it.

There's a long hold from the trigger, as the light at the end seems pink hued instead of the bright flashes expected from a gun like that, the kick shakes her a bit but she holds on tight. Lots of people are drawing and turning in the direction of the firing gun, but she just settles it back down, unconcerned, "You get used to it."

"Range... only?" This takes a moment, as she lets out a hrm, in thought, "I don't tend to do long range, I like being close. But, knives, swords and things, I'd just end up cutting off my toes. I like my toes, kind of attached, really." No even smirk here, "But I do like getting my hands in there, dig out some eyes, or scratch up a motherfucker's face for blinking twice. You?"

Erik Killmonger has posed:
"First time." Well, that's kind of a lie. He's run backward before and fought backward through all kinds of dangerous locales but just taking a tour through a weapons black market shopping spree is not exactly something he's spent a lot of time doing. It looks like he's kind of enjoying it though for what it's worth. As enjoying as a man of his mission focus can be allowed to do, anyway.

Killmonger watches as the uzi does what an uzi isn't exactly supposed to do. An eyebrow raises and he actually stops his backward walking for a moment to admire. "You're gonna' make me one of those. I'm gonna' pick it up in thirty-six hours." Either he's kidding or he just made an order. Who really knows at this point.

Killmonger spins and there's the melee section. About time he faced front. "Oh nah, we gonna' learn you some blades." Killmonger extends a hand and the seller plants a sword into each of his hands. "Come on." No chance to say no is given because Killmonger's tossing the sword in Hex's direction for some catching purposes.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's a huh, and Hex mentions, "I'm impressed, not everyone can walk backwards really well." The uzi firing, perhaps Killmonger being there with her, and the fact that she looks a little off to begin with keeps people out of her way. Otherwise, on more than one occasion she'd of likely ran into someone while doing this.

When you make such a quick order, she squints, Hex stops too and puts one hand on her hip, the other grabs her uzi and keeps it out of view, "Mine." She states, sincerely, singularly, definitively. That's her answer.

And when you spin, she spins, her long hair twirling about with her for a moment, and catches the sword... awkwardly. Holding it, between just thumb and first finger, like it's a dirty icky piece of food as she walks following after Killmonger, "I do better with my fists. Who uses these? They are so dull." Again, no smirk at what could be interpreted as a joke, "Can't I just shoot you and be done with it?"

Erik Killmonger has posed:
Killmonger just keeps an eyebrow raised even as he gives himself some room. Although, he does lean in a bit with a knowing smirk. "I know." in response to Hex's claims to make sure that he knows and understands all about her Uzi being hers. "Mine's going to be black and gold." There's a grin and then he backs up to a solid melee distance.

"Aight then." Killmonger grins and reaches out to take the sword from Hex and toss them back to the seller. "Keys." is the order given to that guy because he always takes all the bladed weapons. All of them. Every time. Keys caught and stashed in one of the many pockets he's got, Killmonger finally turns his attention back to Hex.

"Hit me." Killmonger puts his hands behind his back like he's got nothing to lose. He knows how good he is. He wants to see how good she is.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Stepping out a bit, and getting away from the trunks of weapons and people some more, she pulls off her Uzi. She sets it to the side and pats it, like patting a dog on the head, quick and with some measure of affection. Then she steps away from the gun, and lets the sword be taken.

It's a relief, and she wipes off the gloved hand onto her pant, like something made a stain or she got ketchup there by just touching the sword. Hex grins a bit, someone cocksure, and putting hands behind their back, against her? Dummy.

She doesn't wait, she doesn't hold back, he said hit me, so she explodes forward with a burst of sudden speed. Against someone unenhanced she'd be less than a blur, suddenly in Killmonger's face, close, her small size having kicked up more dirt than her skinny 100 lb frame should muster, coming in with a quick right hook straight at the man. She's grinning as she does it, showing a little teeth, not threatening, just like a kid who got a lollipop.

Erik Killmonger has posed:
It takes the complete arsenal of enhanced senses for Killmonger to keep Hex right where he wants her. She's faster than him, that much is true and obvious even though his own enhanced physicality allows him to not see a blur but to see a grinning happily Hex coming at him. He doesn't move though. He doesn't try to dodge. He knows he won't be able to get out of the way in time. So he goes for the next best thing on the menu...


It's not until Hex's fist is about to smack into his face does he lean his head to the side and shifting his weight to a back leg as one hand comes up to slap Hex's hand away-- but only slightly. This is where Killmonger's own expertise comes into play and he continues to move, flowing in some sort of fluid motion that probably shouldn't be allowed but his flexibility is paramount right now.

Killmonger aims to grab at that punching (potentially parried) wrist of Hex's as his boots spin him inward and he aims to see if he can't hoist her up and over his shoulder to slam her somewhat brutally into the pavement below.

Killmonger aims to meet her with a playfully sadistic grin of his own.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Oh, she's coming alright, straight at Killmonger and without hesitation. It's fast, speedy, Hex even has a great posture that she leans in with really heavily. There's enough holes in her technique for a person who can hold their own against the likes of Black Panther, Captain America and others, to hold up against her! She throws too much of herself into the fight, leaving nothing out of it, risking everything and unconcerned with bodily harm.

So, up she goes, grabbed, and then brought right down, hard, into the pavement below them. Cracking it with the force of her movement and his strength redirecting it all.

What's probably more surprising, though is she hasn't stopped moving, she's not surprised... it isn't like she could see this happening, she just didn't care that it did. Unafraid, her body literally bounces a bit on the concrete from the force, but she's turning and grabbing at Killmonger's ankle.

The motion is smooth, it's one far more practiced than it ought to be, like a little kid trying to wrap themselves around a schoolyard bully's leg and bite them. Yes, bite, and her mouth is opening wide as she's attempting to coil around the leg she's so nearby, that happy wild look just remaining.

Erik Killmonger has posed:
Killmonger is not exactly ready for these kind of antics. If there's one sort of warfare he hasn't trained himself against it's Random Ass Schoolyard Tactics. He didn't exactly have the kind of childhood that allowed for this kind of thing. So when Hex is all over his leg and the biting happens, there's not really much that he can do against such an attack. Not with her wrapped around his leg in such a fashion.

Granted, she's likely going to get cargo fatigues (armored), depending on where she's biting (some holster for some blade -- and possibly the blade) and then there's going to be some thick solid muscle as well. So it's a veritable feast of various stages of Killmonger and his preparedness.

Killmonger turns the strength and accuracy back on in his next attempt to send one of his vicious fists down at Hex's skull. Either to punch her off or just punch her. Either way, it's comin'!

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Gnaw gnaw gnaw! Crazy ass bitch, should be Hex's moniker instead of Hex. As she's gripped on, wrapped around the leg, full on, legs about his ankle, arms wrapped about his knee and she's chomping. Not once, not twice, but quickly and often, trying to make purchase somewhere that matters. And this is a PLAY fight, she's having fun, and still cheating.

Finding clothing mostly, some armor, and nearly cutting the tip of her tongue off means the biting isn't going very well. She might be tearing small holes in the fabric or armor, depending on what exactly it's made of, but otherwise she's not getting as far as skin and bones. Not yet. And it's then that the punch just comes down on her, cracking into her head.

Sure, it doesn't bust anything open, and she isn't bleeding or anything, but that's a lot of force into a much smaller person. Hulk can take some pretty big hits and not even move, cause, well, he weighs a dozen tons, she doesn't, and she still feels a lot of what happens to her, so Killmonger practically compresses her body to the point where she can't hold on anymore, and then is finding herself on the ground.

Wincing once, she rolls backwards, gets on her feet and clatters her jaw a few times, like she were mimicking the biting action again. Then she rotates her shoulders, turns her head left, pop, right, pop, and she fists up her hands again. "Who fuckin' hits someone in the head? I mean, you could give me a brain disease, like, you punch like a lil' bitch disease." She thinks she's witty cause she's smiling a bit, even though she has to blink a few times to keep herself from wobbling too much.

Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Shit happens."

Killmonger is completely unapologetic and even seems to shrug off what happened to his pants. He does take a note of it which means he's taking some mental notes at a lot of things, honestly. It's got everything to do with the fact that maybe he's been doing all of this for a reason. Which could be why he's not even bringing his hands back up to continue this here fight. He's all about making sure that he's made an impression.

"You're crazy. I can use that." Killmonger gives Hex a nod before he goes back into cocksure mode and turns his back on her. He's walking away from the fight and in the direction of the car full of blades. He reaches out to close the trunk while one hand retrieves the keys from whatever pocket they were in.

He ignores any potential Hex saliva.

"See you in 36 hours." Killmonger reminds her that he just made an order for that Uzi and he's going to be coming to collect. Even without knowing where to find her or address or anything like that. Not even a name. Guess he figures he's just that damn good.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The whole thing basically unfolds with those words. Shit Happens. And Hex watches the change in stance to no more fighting mode, and it takes a moment, she's still debating. Attack, punch, fight? Just for giggles? She then relaxes her hands and takes them out of fist mode, stretching one arm over the other and then she's called crazy.

"I'm bullets and you're booze. Whatever you say about me is different in the morning after you stop being an alcoholic loser!" Is her retort, but then she just starts walking again, in the same direction as Killmonger, like she's some kind of lost puppy who's found a person with jerky in their pocket. "36 hours?"

A question, and then she shakes her head, heading to go pick up her Uzi, and make sure it's still the same one. Looking it over quickly, she sighs, and straps it back over her shoulder, still HER Uzi. Though she does shout back, in an almost sing song voice, "You're gonna be disaaaapoinnnnnnted."

Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Black and Gold! With a dash of leopard print on the grip!"

Killmonger catches sight of Hex through one of the mirrors of the vehicle before he just yanks open the door. He climbs inside, the window is already down and he just starts the unassuming vehicle with a trunk full of dangerous bladed weapons up. He does this kind of thing all the time. Must have a safe house nearby or something, who knows.

In response to her sing-songing he manages to give a little bit of a retort of his own. "You're not gonna' wanna' do that to me. Then I can't give you your present." And that's it. Killmonger leaves it at that because he's got a schedule to keep and just pulls that ugly ride on outta' there.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"Blah blah blah." Says Hex over the comment about black and gold, and she otherwise pays no mind to the random guy she just got into a play fight with in the middle of pop up black market. Instead she's just starting to walk back in the direction of the people with real weapons... guns.

Perking up though, her eyes look after the car, "Present?" She questions, much more interested in whatever it is that he's doing, even as he starts to drive away it is likely that Killmonger can see her lips squeeze together as her eyes try and bulge from her head. Who doesn't like presents? Though she doesn't stop him from going, of course, she does set time to at least paint an uzi cool looking colors.