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Latest revision as of 07:10, 25 January 2022

Hex vrs Torch
Date of Scene: 23 January 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Hex won, obviously.
Cast of Characters: Valerie Killmore, Johnny Storm

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Midtown Manhattan. A place where a lot of people are staying inside because, well, there's been angels invading and other tomfoolery happening of late. This is the perfect weather, then, for one Miss Blue haired punk domestic dumpster diver extraordinaire to be wandering about with little to no people to get in her way. So far, under one arm, she's got a tire from someone's car, she's holding in that hand a bag that once carried more bricks than tools, but certainly now is filled with some random stuff from that local hardware store. That, not unironically, now has a series of bricks inside of it and a broken front window.

Looting is a form of scavenging, and it looks like Hex has a haul from her midday perpetrations. She does have a new set of headphones, clearly new as they still have the security tag on them, but she's already managed to scratch an icon of the Cheshire Cat's smile on one side, some weird graffiti'd giraffe on the other, and added some pink paint scratch work runes about the entire thing. In her free hand, she's doing the age appropriate thing, walking down the street while looking at a map on her phone. Instead of where she's going, playing heavy beats easily heard from any space nearish to her from the open ear design.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Theres a sound, a very loud one, like the sound of paper ripping. It gets nearer the young collector until its accompanied by a column of flame that descends and meets the ground with an inverted mushroom of flame and smoke. The flame is then immediately ingested back into the man's form, outlined vaguely by his Fantastic Four uniform, in a level of mastery befitting a man in the game for some thirty years. Its a breath taking display, if you're into that kind of thing.

Storm raised an arm and leveled an accusitory finger at the vagabond. "For Pete's sake girl, steal something I can beat you for."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The flames don't get the notice, just yet, Hex just keeps walking forward, she's got her eyes closed, that's why, and she's mouthing out to some music. You can hear her with a smile, "Holllld still my sweet. I'm trying to measure... the space betweeeeeeen, your moooolar and your jaw" As she starts the song The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid, if you'd know that kind of thing. And then she stops with her eyes popping to her phone, then up, she feels a little warm and squints as if the sun was going to hurt her eyes.

Stopping for a moment, she lets her phone drop, to dangle by the chain it attaches to her waist by, and she reaches up with that hand to pull on one side of the headphones to 'free an ear'. "Do you need directions or something?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Looked at her with bright eyes, affected power usage that was entirely uncessary, flare if you please. There was a beat that didn't come from her headphones, where the music played and he crackled, but said nothing. Then he placed a hot hand on a flaming hip and shifted his weight.

"Why, do you know where anything is?" he asked with a sort of mock fatuousness.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
With the flare up, and the costume and everything, Hex smiles, "Ohhhhh, what is this..." She starts looking around, laughing a little, "Is this some kind of prank? Are you some kind of stripper gram?" She slides the headphone to behind her ear, and she keeps smiling, glancing around a bit, snapping once, "You are probably from that candy bomb chick down in Gotham. Did she send you... what was her name, Morely? Darling? Henry?" A pause, and she tilts her head to the side, "Shhhh, I know her name, don't give me a hint. What kind of hint, is A motorcycle, hog, any kind? Who would drive a motorized pig?" And then turning back to face Johnny Storm she's snapping her finger a few times, like she's trying to figure out something still, "Wait a moment, it's on the tip of my tongue." Sticking it out, she's cross eyeing to look, "Nope, darn. Well, get on with it, what kooky message does she have for me?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Storm seemed to weigh his options a moment in stoic silence, then something visibly cracked inside of him. He let the situation wash over him, as he clearly considered how this needed to go, almost thinking out loud with his hands.

"Sandy. The message is from Sandy Bottoms." he did a little twirl and then flailed his hands semi rhythmically. "Please bring home a bunch of junk so we can build our nest under the water tower." he burbled sing songily, "Also, happy birthday. Love, Sandy B." he finished with a flourish and held his pose.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Squinting her eyes, Hex thinks and hard, too, her mouth is going into mutated Elvis mode with one side grimacing and wincing higher up than the other, before she shrugs, "Wellllll, it's a bit early for my birthday, the well wishing is good enough though." And she sighs, slumping her shoulders some, "Did I promise someone named Sandy some kind of ... nest, under a fucking water tower?" Reaching out to her phone she starts trying to look up water tower, and then looks to the stripper gram, "Hey hot stuff" clearly she saw the flames, or just likes the look of middle-aged men, "Do you got a bead on a water tower near here? I'll have to stop by a junkyard first, maybe some abandoned buildings, get the copper wiring, make a web, webs are kinds of nests."

Johnny Storm has posed:
It was Johnny's turn to boggle again, so he did. Squinting eyes of plasma at the woman, girl, perons, living cartoon. Then he offered casually, "I mean, its within the realm of possibility but I was improvising. I know its kind of a let down but I'm not a stripper." he considered a moment and then added...


"Its Johnny, not hot stuff. I'm a forty eigth year old super hero, you're not allowed to refer to me in any way complimentary until you either become old or ugly, and then you're allowed to stalk me on instagram."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"I don't need to stalk you, you're wearing a skin tight suit. We're basically doing some kind of in person OnlyFans right now." Hex's head tilts a little to the side, "If you aren't a stripper gram, then how'd you know Sandy Bottoms? Too convenient, someone spilled the beans. Was it Uzi?" Pulling from behind her back, a strap that was over her shoulders, seems attached to a graffiti'd up uzi that pops as something no mercenary would ever use. She squints down, and shakes her head, "You are such a liability. Good thing I love you." And she brings the uzi to her lips and gives it a kiss on its side before dropping it, and then to Johnny, "Well, Johnny the not hot stuff, that's really sad. You... don't think you're hot? That's... really..."

She sniffles, and brings the one free hand up to her nose, that's starting to get snotty, "The saddest thing I've heard. Let's... g-go to this... nearby store, we can get you a suit, or some nice birkenstocks, that's what you old guys wear, right? Feel good about your...yourself." She holds up a hand, "I'm sorry, it's just, yer story." Tears start to bubble and fall down her cheeks in rapid order as she just... drops everything she was carrying, the tire starting to roll a bit before doing that circling waaawaaawaaa thing that a coin might do before coming to a halt.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I don't think I can out crazy you." he admitted ominously as his eyes widened and his shoulders hunched. With arms folded across his chest he continued, "Every time I think I'd hit a new low, some eighteen year old girl ushers me to the next threshold." he paced around her a few steps. "Birkenstocks. Unbeleivable." he ranted "Been in this game for three decades. Stared down the barrel of planet killers. Trapped in alternate planes of reality where I died a thousand deaths.I have been places and scene things you cannot even dream of." he glanced at her, "And you can just sit there and clown me like that, like you don't even know me. Like I'm nothing to you. You wanna cry about something, cry about that." he smirked, "Cause thats your future, one day, if your lucky enough to live long enough..." he lunged in close to her and smiled, "...you'll be some version of meeee."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's no response to the out crazying question, she's too busy sniffling, tears rolling down her cheeks, over her neck, getting her halter top wet as she sobbing. Body shaking, shoulders up and down heaving, sobbing. "I'm... I'm not, you, I think you're h-hot. Don't give up... hope. I mean... I... like older guys, and all that, but that's... a pretty... low, self-image, I mean." She's having a hard time talking, just standing there on the sidewalk, the stuff she's stolen on the ground, s she then sinks to a crouch, putting her head against her knees and wailing out in tears. May be a good time for Johnny Storm to bolt. Else he'll be seen at the scene of chick made to cry by Super Hero headlines.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny sighed, seeming to relent, let it all go in one subtle motion. He moved astride her and collected the tire and other things, stowing them inside the tire and moved besider her where he nelt. "It was really harsh of me to cut myself down like that, I'm sorry." he said, maybe just for the sake of saying words in an order that had never been spoken before in recorded history. "Hey...hey, chin up. You're gonne be ok. Here, I gathered your loot for you. Come on champ, chin up. Better get home before a cop see's your Uzi and you have to shoot him in the face just to escape. Right? Mmm?" then he smiled, handing her the tire properly, "Whos my little soldier?"