Johnny Storm
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Johnny Storm (Scenesys ID: 418) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Jonathan "Johnny" Lowell Storm | ||
Superalias: | Human Torch | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | Superhero/Celebrity | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Four Freedoms Plaza, NYC | ||
Education: | BS Mechanical Engineering, ESU | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Fantastic Four | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | Late 30s | Actual Age: | 50 |
Date of Birth | October 18th, 1973 | Played By | Chris Evans (2005) |
Height: | 5'10" | Weight: | 170lbs |
Hair Color: | Blonde | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | {{{Twitter}}} | ||
Theme Song: | Maneskin "Beggin" |
Character Info
/The/ Teen Superhero of the 1990's, actor, explorer, race car driver, Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch has been a household name for almost thirty years now and is one of the most recognizable names in the superhero business. While others like Superman and the Avengers have eclipsed Johnny and his family somewhat in recent years, neither he nor the Fantastic Four show any signs of slowing down.
1973 - Johnny Storm is born in Glenville, Long Island to Franklin and Mary Storm.
1987 - Johnny's mother is killed in a car accident that his father survives. The accident leaves his father traumatized and he drinks to cope, leaving most of Johnny's care in the hands of his older sister Sue. Johnny finds solace in the school auto shop and finds he has the makings of a skilled mechanic.
1989 - Johnny's father, now broke, kills a loan shark in self-defense, he becomes the ward of his sister Sue when their father is sent to prison. Now legal to drive, Johnny starts racing the cars he works on at school for a bit of extra money, the attention and the thrill.
1990 - Johnny joins his sister Sue on the ultimate thrill-ride when her fiancé Reed takes them and his best friend and former astronaut Ben Grim on the maiden flight of an experimental space plane. All four are irradiated by cosmic rays and develop powers, Johnny's are the ability to turn his body into plasma and flame control. Upon returning to Earth they set up in the Baxter Building and are attacked by Reed's rival Doctor Doom, the battle is caught on live TV and they're dubbed the Fantastic Four, with Johnny taking the name of a World War II hero from his comic books: The Human Torch.
1990-1997 - After the incident, Johnny returns to High School in Glenville but his celebrity is inescapable and instead jumps in with both feet, and is often seen partying with other child celebrities, makes various guest appearances on popular sitcoms and takes questionable endorsement deals (two words: Jnco jeans) while traveling the galaxy with the other adventures with his family. After he graduated from high school he enrolls in Empire State University at Sue's urging, eventually graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering.
1997 - Falls in love with and secretly marries an alien woman named Lyja, who claims to be pregnant with Johnny's child but is believed to be killed when more of her people come looking for her
1998 - 2000 - Thinking Johnny needs some direction after the loss of his wife Sue appoints Johnny the CFO of Fantastic Four Inc. It goes about as well as you'd expect. While Johnny ultimately gives up the job, he does actually take the time to learn about business and gain an appreciation for everything Sue does as CEO. Takes up car racing as a hobby not having the time to commit to it full time with his duties to the Fantastic Four.
2002 - Sue falls sick and is saved through the cooperation of Reed and Doctor Doom, easing his vendetta against the Fantastic Four and the team spends more time on exploration. Including the Negative Zone.
2006 - 2010 - Johnny catches the acting bug and stars in several budget sci-fi and action films before getting the lead in the Rawhide Kid, a blockbuster western about an old west superhero, he is forced to leave production when Zod and Annihilus attack.
2010 - Zod and Annihilus attack Earth before being contained by the Fantastic Four and Superman, as part of the battle to send them back to the Negative Zone. During the battle Johnny is forced to go nova to drive their enemies back into the portal. The force of the blast knocking him out and combining with the energies of the rift cause a massive tidal wave along the eastern seaboard. Johnny is believed dead but is instead is trapped in the Negative Zone for two years (from his perspective) develops PTSD after dying and being brought back to life multiple times when he refuses to tell Annihlus how to open the portal. Eventually is able to escape and return to New York only to find only a couple months had passed outside the Negative Zone. Retires from the Fantastic Four. Having no memory of what happened once he went Nova, the Fantastic Four elect not to tell him about his role in causing the tidal wave.
2011 - Finding his PTSD triggered by his usual acting fare of sci-fi and action and lacking the chops for serious dramatic work, Johnny tries out for comedic roles, landing a supporting role in a rom-com before being cast as a star of a comedy film.
2012 - Mid production of his comedy film Johnny is kidnapped by Lyja who reveals that she was never pregnant but did love Johnny which is why she came to Earth to take him off-world before the Alliance Invasion. Johnny convinces her to return him to Earth, but they are too late to provide warning about the impending invasion. Johnny takes part in the fight alongside the Justice League, X-Men and the rest of the Fantastic Four. After the battle Johnny rejoins the Fantastic Four. Losing his role in the film, Johnny quits acting but takes up running the Fantastic Four Inc. Formula One team. Occasionally filling in as a driver.
2013 - The Baxter Building is launched into space and destroyed. The Fantastic Four begin constructing Four Freedoms Plaza. Johnny moves to Metropolis and joins the Justice League while the Four are temporarily homeless.
2014 - Johnny dates Lyja who returned to Earth disguised as another woman, when it's discovered Johnny and she break up and Lyja leaves Earth,
2015 - Takes part in the mission to Wakanda that leads to the scientific alliance between the African nation and the Fantastic Four.
2016 - Johnny publicly opposes the Mutant Felon Resettlement Act, causing some friction between the Fantastic Four and the authorities. Four Freedoms Plaza is completed.
2017 - The Justice League, The Fantastic Four and others attempt to stop Doomsday but fail. Johnny has a chance to go nova and possibly land a real blow against the monster but suffers flashbacks to the battle with Zod and Annihilus and loses his opportunity. Superman is killed and the Justice League is scattered.
2018 - The Fantastic Four go on an interplanetary and interdimensional journey. They are off-world when Loki attacks, and the Avengers are formed.
2020 - Hitting a mid-life crisis, Johnny tries to figure out what he wants out of the rest of his life, while continuing to work with his family, and what's left of the Justice League.
IC Journal
Johnny died stopping Anhillus and Zod and that was traumatic enough, but then Annihilus had his worm healers bring Johnny back to life to try to discover the secret to escaping the Negative Zone. Johnny refused to give it up and died and was brought back over two years until he escaped back to his home dimension. The memory of those two years haunt him with flashbacks and bad dreams, something he's been working on but has never fully overcome and likely never will.
I know so on the nose, right? It's true though Johnny tends to speak or punch first and ask questions later. Jumping into life with both feet and without little forethought. It's gotten him in trouble a lot of times in the past and continues to do so, but he's reigned it in a lot from when he started out as a kid superhero.
Despite seeing enough of the ugly side of life to know better, Johnny still sees the world a good place worth protecting. By the same token he tends to see the best in people which can make him seem gullible at times but if he stopped to think about it, he'd probably still choose to look at the world the way he does, figuring better to be happy and take a few shots for it rather than being miserable all the time.
Johnny is one of those people who would rather die than betray his friends and family (and actually has). If you're one of those people you can count on Johnny to be there for you when the chips are down, yes, even Ben. If anyone ever hurts them? Well, Johnny's got two words for people responsible: flame on.
Winston Churchill once defined success as 'going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm' and by that measure, Johnny's love life is a success. Johnny's been sure that he's found 'the one' many times in his life (Lyja, Dorrie Evans, Frankie Raye and others) only to have his heart broken. Still despite all that (and as well as using his fame to be a bit of playboy when he doesn't have a main interest for his affections) Johnny Storm remains very much in love with love.
Thrill Seeker:
Johnny hasn't met a thrill he didn't love. Whether it's fighting an army of Doombots, riding in an experimental space plane, or driving a race car, Johnny is all about challenge and adrenaline. The bigger the risk, the bigger the thrill. Though a little older and wiser he's not quite as reckless about the thrills he seeks.
While the other members of the Fantastic Four all have their passions (Reed: science; Sue: the family and business; Ben: clobbering) Johnny has floated around from career choice to career choice besides 'celebrity, playboy hero guy'. Which was all fine growing up, but now in the middle of his fourth decade it's starting to eat at him making him wonder if there's more to life and what he has to do to find it.
Character Sheet
While in his plasma state Johnny is incredibly durable, able to take punches from super strong opponents like Namor and survive falls and impacts that should leave him a splatter on the street. However he's not invulnerable and blows and falls of sufficient strength can harm him and if struck in human form those blows will force him into his plasma state.
Fire and Heat Immunity:
Like it says on the tin, he can't be burned, scalded, or slightly toasted.
Nova Burst:
Johnny can release all his stored energy in a single burst that Johnny calls his Nova Burst. The blast vaporizes most matter within 900 feet, and has the power of a supernova. While stating the blast could destroy a small moon it comes at a cost, wiping out his reserve of power and reverting him back to his human state for a minimum of 12 hours. Also as a result of the potential for collateral damage, Johnny refuses to use the Nova Burst on Earth, unless he is sure there won't be innocents harmed by the blast.
Plasma Form:
By force of will Johnny can cover all or part of his body into a plasma-like substance radiating 780 degree flames out 1-5 inches out from his body at his basic level, and much hotter and wider with focus and more energy expended allowing him to vaporize projectiles with the heat.. Johnny calls this higher level version of his power his 'Nova Flame'. At his highest levels of this ability, Johnny's body becomes plasma and projectiles sent his way that aren't destroyed by the heat simply pass through him. He can maintain the low-level ability for roughly 20hrs straight (up from his original 16.8 hrs) but the hotter he gets or the more he turns himself into living plasma the time is reduced accordingly.
Johnny can make and shape flames from any point on his body (mostly his hands) and he can sculpt them into a variety of shapes, like spheres, cages, lassos, and of course famously skywriting. These forms remain as long as Johnny concentrates on them plus an additional 3 minutes once the concentration is broken unless dismissed. These constructs usually burn at around 2,800F but can be modified as long as Johnny is focusing on the construct.
Johnny's powers also allow him to manipulate heat which he uses to channel the heat put off by his plasma form to fly and fire concussive heat blasts. While flying he can carry up to 180lbs and can reach supersonic speeds, while his heat blasts can strike as softly as a punch or hit with the force of a runaway truck.
In addition Johnny can manipulate the temperature of the world around him to a distance of 80ft. While on Earth he can reduce an object's heat to around 30F and raise it to several hundred degrees and extinguish open flames. The catch to this is he adds heat; he's drawing it from his personal reserve of energy and when he takes it away he's drawing the heat into himself. If he takes enough heat into himself while in human form he will automatically transform into his plasma form, though once in that form there is no upper limit on how much heat he can draw into himself.
Johnny has honed his skills at flying well himself, and is able to pull off a bunch of quick maneuvers and tricks when the need calls for it, often making it harder for less experienced fliers to keep up.
Business Administration:
Johnny took some online courses on business when he was the CFO of Fantastic Four Inc. He was horrible at that job, but now after some experience running his racing team he's actually not bad.
Johnny's not a ninja, a spy, or a spec ops guy, but he's got a lot of combat experience under his belt. He can handle himself in hand to hand and can fight with a wide array of alien weapons, but mainly his skills lay with using his powers effectively in combat, he's got good aim with his heat blasts and can expertly shape and use his fire constructs in the heat of the moment.
Fantastic Four:
When you roll with the Fantastic Four you pick up a lot of loose knowledge and skills that can't quite be quantified, ranging being able to fix some of Reed's simpler inventions, learning his way around the Negative Zone, greetings in a ton of alien languages, and all the things that piss off Doom, Johnny has a lot esoteric knowledge to pull from his adventures with his family.
Johnny can speak English, Kree and Tilan more or less fluently, and has phrasebook level knowledge of Atlantean, Wakandan, and a host of others. If you need to ask to find a bathroom or order a beer anywhere in the multiverse Johnny's your guy to ask.
Johnny has his BS in Mechanical Engineering and is a skilled hands on mechanic with experience ranging from his old Ford Fiesta, to the top of the line spacecraft. He is capable of designing and building his own conventional vehicles and helping the super science types like Reed build vehicles that are truly...fantastic.
Vehicle Operation:
Johnny is an expert driver in all sorts of conventional vehicles, and through his time with his family picked up piloting, as well as the operation of vehicles like the Fantasticar and alien spacecraft as well
Famous since he was 17, Johnny Storm is a household name and that name can open a lot of doors. Johnny can lean on his celebrity for a lot of perks and as the member of the Fantastic Four most engaged with social media he's got a sizable Twitter following to throw around as well.
Johnny knows a staggering number of people ranging from the guy at his favorite coffee cart, the doorman at his favourite club, to alien queens and interdimensional tyrants. Not all of them are friends but they all know the name of Johnny Storm and know he's a member of the Fantastic Four. Generally in Earth, space, or a number of dimensions, Johnny can usually find people willing to listen to him if not lend him a hand.
Fantastic Four:
Johnny is more than a member of the Fantastic Four, they're his family, so he can count on their support no matter what team he's currently associated with. As part of the First Family of Superheroes, Johnny has shares in Fantastic Four Inc, making him a millionaire in his own right, a home in Four Freedoms Plaza, as well as access to all the gadgets that Reed has cooked up for the team. Most important to Johnny though is that when he needs them his family will be there to back him up.
Justice League:
Johnny joined the Justice League sometime after its founding in 2012, and is currently a reserve member in good standing with access to League communications and resources as well as help from other League members when he's in a tight spot.
Storm Household:
Johnny has recently purchased his and Sue's family home lost when their late father's drinking ruined their finances. Continuously in a state of being renovated, it is less a home than the place Johnny goes when he needs to think.
The Garage:
Johnny has an extensive collection of cars ranging from old hot rods, to modern supercars? Why would someone who can fly under his own power want cars? Because cars are freaking awesome that's why!
Johnny Storm is known around the world and that makes it hard to lay low, or not have your every mistake end up online, adding a layer of pressure to everyday life those with secret identities don't have to worry about. Plus it's not hard for villains to find you when you're face is splashed all over Instagram complete with location tags.
Johnny's flames can be put out by robbing them of oxygen while at his normal level of output, vacuum, water and fire retardant chemicals will all do the trick if used in sufficient volume. If put out this way, Johnny is forced back to his human state with all its weaknesses until the whatever put out his flames is removed and he can re-ignite. He is immune to this weakness in his full plasma state but the trade off is the amount of energy he has to use to maintain that form.
For all the friends the Fantastic Four has made over the years they have as many if not more enemies. They're all gunning for them at some level or another and they always turn up at just the wrong moment, but such is the life of a superhero.
Currently Johnny can maintain his low-level plasma state for 20hrs, if he we were to do so it would take him another 24 for before he could re-ignite, making him effectively human, but retaining his thermal and pyro kinetic abilities. Going into his nova flame mode, however taxes him much more quickly, and using his Nova Burst wipes out his energy reserves leaving him vulnerable for at least a day if not far longer.
Johnny has come a long way from his hotheaded teen years but he's still very much a leap first ask questions later kind of guy when it comes to a lot of things in life. In general he can still be counted on to throw the first punch or say the first thing to come to his mind without really thinking things through.
Power Synergism:
The Fantastic Four are linked by more than just family bonds but down to their core of their powers. While in the four are in the same dimension their powers remain stable regardless of distance, but if one or more are gone for an extended period of time the others begin to lose power and could with enough time lose their powers entirely.
Johnny was killed and brought back repeatedly over a span of two years while a prisoner in the Negative Zone. The memory of it haunts him giving him bad dreams and flashbacks. Additionally half-remembered images of unleashing his Nova Burst against Zod and Annihilus has made him hesitant to use the power and he will usually find any excuse to avoid it.
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Johnny Storm has
88 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Sun! The Moon! Positioning! (It's about the eclipse) | April 20th, 2024 | April O'Neil, daring investigative journalist investigates SCIENCE! And also assures Johnny Storm he is not, in fact, a dinosaur. |
Finding an Old Friend | April 8th, 2024 | Kitty watches Johnny Storm teach kids about a solar eclipse. |
Who Has the Olive Branch | April 1st, 2024 | A simple item retrieval goes awry, ending up in forgiveness and a joyful reunion between Johnny and Kenesha! |
Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo | January 28th, 2024 | The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap. |
Coffee Bean Hymnal | January 23rd, 2024 | A group meet for coffee and discuss their lives. Nothing interesting here! |
Lord of the Monsters - Attacking the Beast | January 17th, 2024 | A group of members of SHIELD and Superman face off against one of the escaped Kaiju along the Siberian coastline. A brutal struggle ensues where the heroes go all out. But in the end are victorious. Exhausted, but victorious. One beast is taken down. And a whole mess to go. |
Dream of Kali-formication | January 16th, 2024 | Johnny Storm comes across Phoebe Wayne at a fancy art show (sale of artifacts). They weirdly become friends. |
Meet the Storms | January 14th, 2024 | Johnny introduces Kenesha to Susan. And boy do they hit it off. |
Why Fly When You Can Drive | January 14th, 2024 | Kenesha finds Johnny working on his cars and they talk on what keeps him up and the future, which is promising. |
CEO's and Snarkage | January 14th, 2024 | Empanadas for everyone! |
The Floor is Lava | January 13th, 2024 | No description |
Fall Out From The Play | January 12th, 2024 | Doom and Latveria make it known they were not amused by the play but Reed comes up with a cunning way to take control of the situation. |
So. You're Not A Skrull | January 11th, 2024 | Kenesha explains to Johnny who and what she is and lays bare some things. A serious conversation becomes more light hearted and moves along... (Caution: Himbo Flirting) |
Book Night at Lulu's | January 10th, 2024 | Kenesha and Johnny enjoy a few drinks and a deep discussion on books. |
Vampire or Goth | January 10th, 2024 | Marking this 'finished' as it was left paused by the previous player. |
Briefing | January 10th, 2024 | Fury has a quick meeting specifically for introductions. What one reads in files is one thing; in person is something completely different. |
Just back from Outer Space and...golly are our limbs tired. | June 6th, 2023 | It's a chance meeting up with friends of Valeria and Franklin at the Starport. The world's a small place after all. Johnny's test drive of another of Reed's inventions segways into an opportunity to showboat and share the flightstick with Gabby. Surely nothing bad can happen taking a prototype for a test drive. |
Paradox: One slide | May 17th, 2023 | Johnny stops by the lab and sees all of Reed's spinning plates. Then asked him for relationship advice (not really). |
Shi'Ar and Savages | April 22nd, 2023 | The Shi'Ar SWORD Agent gives a briefing on Deathbird and the Brood. |
Planetary Defense Briefing: The Brood | April 6th, 2023 | Members of various super hero teams combine for one all out blowout cage match in the Watchtower. They discuss the Brood invasion, the Shi'ar that loved them, and how the various supers should react to it all. Act now, and catch it on Pay Per View for only 49.99! |
A Very Hellfire Club Mardi Gras | March 22nd, 2023 | Many beads were earned, and a good time was had by all. And the winner of the dinner with Sebastian neither wants the prize, nor does the prize want him. Maybe next year. |
Sort Of Like The Lone Ranger | March 10th, 2023 | Johnny Storm and Kitty take horses out to search for whatever slaughtered some deer near Xavier's School. |
That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce | February 18th, 2023 | What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another! |
This is not the Jen I was Looking For | February 18th, 2023 | No description |
Fire and Water | February 6th, 2023 | Kitty comes to visit Johnny and they have a swim |
Fantastic Friends! | January 24th, 2023 | No description |
A run-in at home! | January 9th, 2023 | Nice Family conversation is had! |
Meanwhile at the Plaza... | January 6th, 2023 | No description |
Happy Harbor: Ice Skating | December 21st, 2022 | The students and faculty of Happy Harbor High School and guests have their last meeting of the year. |
Aces & Mates | December 6th, 2022 | Johnny surprises Kitty with a trip to Vegas. |
Happy Harbor: Turkey Day | November 25th, 2022 | Turkey Day for Happy Harbor High School goes off without a hitch. Or anything exploding! |
NEGATIVE ZONE: The Incredible Shrinking Universe | November 19th, 2022 | The Fantastic Four and a group of intrepid young explorers head to the Negative Zone and find trouble! |
Disaster on Space LeX 17 | November 13th, 2022 | The crew of Space LeX 17 are saved thanks to Four Amazons, Burning Man, and Jean. The strange cargo that caused the catastrophe has been quelled. The shuttle itself is going to need some TLC from the ground crew. |
Dancing in the Dark | November 11th, 2022 | Johnny Storm tests his sobriety by going to Last Exit, where he runs into a dancing Kitty Pryde. |
New Yorkers For Children Gala | November 6th, 2022 | The charity gala goes off without a hitch. Or well...until the end of course! |
Hot Stuff | October 23rd, 2022 | Felicia stops by FF Plaza and Johnny gives her a tour |
A Maximoff Birthday Party | October 19th, 2022 | The Avengers, family and friends gather to celebrate Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's birthday. |
Justice League: Eating the Everglades | October 6th, 2022 | The Justice League does battle with more World Eater Hearts, this time coming across a veritable trove of them, along with two mysterious young people in a pizza van. Much grossness takes place, and crab dinners are enjoyed afterward. Diana also has to buy Cassie a new pair of shoes. |
A Guest Host | September 29th, 2022 | Aurora got to be a guest host in Fangtasia, and she got to meet the Human Torch and an alien for her trouble. Oh, there was also Mary Jane Watson. |
Storm summons Hyperion to the Hellfire Club | January 27th, 2022 | Hyperion busts out the Andriod Human Torch in Conversation. |
Algerian and Alien | January 26th, 2022 | Monet, Starfire, and Johnny Storm have lunch in Metropolis |
Torch confronts The Flash about the important issue between them. | January 24th, 2022 | Storm makes a fool of himself and learns the history of The Flash. Wally scores big. |
Hex vrs Torch | January 23rd, 2022 | Hex won, obviously. |
A chance meeting between Gwenpool and Storm on the roof of the Freedom Plaza | January 22nd, 2022 | Gwen listens to a drunk Storm complain about his life and then steals his phone. |
Chillin at the Hall | January 21st, 2022 | Arthur saved a penguin. Johnny is having a crisis. Dinah is totally not slacking while on watch duty. Just another day in the life. |
Storm and Husk on patrol in NYC. Sparks a flyin | January 20th, 2022 | Johnny kisses Paige, reporters flood the scene, the couple flee! |
They Live In Tunnels | January 19th, 2022 | No description |
Path of Glory: Lead Us Not Into | January 19th, 2022 | A contingency of heroes intercept an angelic strike force before it manages to take out cache of refugees. The refugees escape and most of the angels are defeated. But Manhattan has a new crater in answer to the relative defeat. |
New Blood - Old Problems | January 19th, 2022 | A conversation between the old guard and the new blood about the movie biz was had. |
Keeping up with the Torches | January 18th, 2022 | Karla gets GOLD BLOCKED on her efforts with Johnny |
8482=Gotham is Not a Nice Place. | October 30th, 2021 | Huntress meets a fiery celebrity. (Or, Johnny Storm meets a Gotham vigilante.) |
A Hellfire Halloween | October 28th, 2021 | The Halloween bash at the Hellfire Club goes as planned. Darkness, debauchery, deals, and costumes a plenty. Though, given the shenannigans toward the end, the bar might need to put a hold on jello-shots for the foreseeable future. |
Grave encounter | October 27th, 2021 | No description |
The Anywhere Device | June 22nd, 2021 | Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm get some outside help to test a probe device for Reed. It doesn't go great. |
Caustic Personality. | May 28th, 2021 | No description |
Confused scum | May 3rd, 2021 | A few anti mutant bigots results in a fight gets a cowboy free beer. Does it get any better than that? Jacen and Shazam got some throw down time and Johnny pitched clean up, poking fun of the situation. |
Krypton or Bust: Zod Returns | April 8th, 2021 | Zod turns up in a Kryptonian warship of design and capability never before seen by those on Earth. It was a good thing the Kryptonians weren't there to kill and conquer. They searched Earth for specific Brainiac technology and didn't find it. Their ship took quite a beating, as did Non, before they made a tactical retreat before more flowers grew on their bridge or Kryptonite was introduced in to their ecosystem. |
It's A Steal | April 3rd, 2021 | Johnny Storm tries to buy some furnature, and runs into a shadow manipulating thief. He handles things with his usual diplomatic grace and style. |
Art Night | March 14th, 2021 | Johnny Storm just wants to show off an alien statue he got on a mission. Things go perfectly! |
Talk to the Hand | February 22nd, 2021 | Creepy Amatur Carny Causes Chaos and Gets Away. No one Harmed. |
A Fantastic Favor | February 4th, 2021 | Jen works up the courage to ask Reed for help in being able to change back to Jennifer Walters. Reed does SCIENCE! and she and Johnny banter. |
Toadally Legal Business | January 18th, 2021 | Toad gets Johnny Storm to try out the hot new drug AMPH. Torch just can't say no! |
Another You: GAMMA WOMMAN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION | January 14th, 2021 | Doppleganger Jennifer Walters goes on a rampage in Times Square, doing major property damage and scaring the heck out of tourists. A rag tag bunch of heroes show up to stop her before she manages to kill someone. |
Bad Santa | December 27th, 2020 | Surprised Saviors Stop Society of Sinister Santas |
Let's Destroy the Planet | December 19th, 2020 | An eclectic mix of heroes manage to track down and finally put an end to Captain Planet and Gaia. The world is safe for big industry once more. |
It's Elemental My Dear Watson | December 6th, 2020 | Ant-Man, Human Torch, and Vivian Vision do battle with a bunch of teens in color coordinated T-shirts. Things do not end well. |
Do You Know What Happens When You Burn a Toad | November 23rd, 2020 | Toad's tonic transaction terminated thanks to Torch, terribly traumatizes typical tenant. |
Kind of Like Speed, But the Sequel. | November 15th, 2020 | Hercules, Hyperion, Human Torch, and Starfire ruins the naming scheme of all H names. Luckily they were still victorious in their battle against bio-organic marauders. |
The Impossible Box | October 29th, 2020 | Johnny needs help testing a mysterious artifact. With the Thing away, he calls in another strongman: the Incredible Hercules! Will the lab survive?! |
Oktoberfest in Salem Center | October 7th, 2020 | Oktoberfest in Salem Center sees dancing and drinking and eating but members of Xavier's school and other guests. |
The Match of the Century | September 19th, 2020 | The Thing and She-Hulk have an epic wrestling match for charity! By the end, the stage was destroyed and everybody had a good time. |
The Morning After | August 19th, 2020 | Do not poke the mamabear. (Also Val is grounded until she's 30.) |
A Change of Atmosphere | August 13th, 2020 | Nessa speaks with Johnny and Ben about determining who to trust in a complex situation, with a side discussion about hero names that may have marketing potential. |
Life's a Beach | August 7th, 2020 | Sunset on the beach brings some people together, with a side of icebergs. |
Stuffy Boring Parties | July 24th, 2020 | Lara and Johnny enjoy a bit of conversation after a social outing! |
Hashbrowns | July 21st, 2020 | Johnny and Nessa continue their diner conversation over hashbrowns, followed by an entirely innocent shower serenade. |
Greasy Spoons | July 21st, 2020 | Two symbiotes in a diner leads to some tense conversation while Johnny Storm is a smooth operator. |
Do you want to build a Snowman | July 20th, 2020 | Johnny flies Nessa to Antarctia for some carefree practice of her abilities in her natural habitat, with nobody around to risk hurting! Fun was had! |
Fantastic Fire Island | July 19th, 2020 | A small little party on fire island went off without a hitch, and no beacons visible from space were created in the making of this party! |
Because it's a Tuesday | July 15th, 2020 | A decent Tuesday night at the Public House |
Keeping it Cool | July 14th, 2020 | Nessa and Johnny chat in the ice palace. |
Food-Trucking | July 12th, 2020 | Four heroes visit a bunch of food trucks and find out one of them has a BIG rat problem... |
Genosha Burns: 10,000 Brainiacs (Scene 2260 overflow) | July 11th, 2020 | The Avengers, and more of Earth's heroes make Brainiac regret he ever chose to mess with Earth. But surely there are more threats out there aside from Brainiac... |
Brewing up a (Johnny) Storm | July 8th, 2020 | An interview within an interview, like minds! |
Fire and Ice | July 8th, 2020 | Johnny and Nessa meet and chat about being polar opposites over fries and shakes. |
Court of Owls: Lincoln March Re-Election Fundraiser | July 6th, 2020 | Mayor Lincoln March unveils a bold new vision for Gotham's future at his first Re-election fundraiser, and faces some tough questions. |
Coney Island Murderworld | March 17th, 2020 | An eccletic group of heroes save Zatanna from the latest version of Arcade's 'Murderworld'. |
An Afternoon in the Rathskeller, Hellfire Club | March 15th, 2020 | folks meet and mingle. |
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Johnny Storm has
88 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A Favor For a Friend | January 18th, 2022 | Johnny Storm considers his life choices while he test drives the latest Venom prototype for his friend John Hennessey. |
Entertainment Credits
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Johnny Storm has been credited in
0 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
No shows submitted yet. |
Johnny Storm has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Johnny Storm has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Johnny Storm has been listed in 1 groups.