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Latest revision as of 16:10, 28 January 2022

Storm summons Hyperion to the Hellfire Club
Date of Scene: 27 January 2022
Location: Lobby - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Hyperion busts out the Andriod Human Torch in Conversation.
Cast of Characters: Johnny Storm, Hyperion

Johnny Storm has posed:
In the oppulant lobby of the Hellfire Club, the celebrity hero Johnny Storm waits in evening casual appropriate to his surroundings for the recently summoned Hyperion. "You're hard to miss." he greeted, cheeky smile on his lips as he extended a hand to the much larger champion. "Bet your wondering why I dragged your goliath ass down here?" he shook the hand if accepted and explained. "You're a known man. Now I know you've only been 'in town' a short while, but the way I see it: Welcome to Earth Prime. On behalf of the Fantastic Four, we're pleased to have you. Hero work is lonely, believe me, I know. So I want to make sure you know someone. If you already know someone? Know you know two."

Hyperion has posed:
    Well, as a non-celebrity, and also a non-rich and non-influential type of hero... well, the only influence he really has is trying to inspire others with his own behavior and values. Either way, Hyperion received word through his comms that the Avengers gave him.

    So he showed up because why wouldn't he? He doesn't really get... invited places by people. But he does offer his hand in greeting as he listens to the pitch from Johnny. However... he inclines his head as he replies in a resonant voice, "The way I see it. This is my second Earth so to me, this is Earth Two." He smirks a bit with a shrug.

    "My world was -very- different. The theories I studied have said that most universes are very similar and different in small ways. Mine was entirely different from this one. But thank you for the welcome." he offers.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm chuckles, "Earth Two. Well you're new, man! Its ok to be wrong." might have been conceit, might have been humor, pour que no los dos? He lead the big man toward the night club propper. "Well look if you're good then you're good. I didn't realize the Avengers put their stink on you already, but color me unsurprised. Heres hoping they dont make you man the merch booth at the next AvengerCon." he lifted his chin, "You know about this Angel bullshit here in Manhattan?" waving vaguely toward the outside.

Hyperion has posed:
    "Well, I was hooked up to some sort of capacitor being run by AIM. They were using me to power their tech for two years before the Black Panther and some other Avengers found me and freed me. I'd been basically in a coma due to the trauma of being yoinked from my universe to this one by the implosion of a device they'd used to come to my universe. It's... all very complicated and scientific." admits Hyperion

    He moves after, following Johnny about the place as he speaks. "I spent a little time at their base before I found a home in the city for myself. I even got a local job to pay my own way." He shrugs and grins, "At this point, I might be happy to man their booth. After all, I owe them my freedom."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm nodded along, expressing a variety of emotions from curiosity to mild shock as the man wove his tale. He still had his baby face, but the corners of his eyes and the flecks of grey in his brilliant blonde hair gave away some hint of his true age. He seemed interested in the story, but also seemed to flow between states of varied concern as if he had a lot on his mind that he wasn't willing to share. "To you it was a life saved. To them it was Tuesday."

He glanced toward the nightclub entrance, as the door opened to empower someones egress and sighed. "On second thought, I really don't think I can do the club tonight. Feeling my age lately. You seem pretty wholesome, Hype. Hows your grip on reality, this isn't a wholesome business, and its not a wholesome planet. You seeing things for what they are or are you some kind dellusional idealist whos gonna get scammed or bamboozled one of these days, possibly by some green skinned alien bitch pretending to be your best friends girl?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "Well, I think I live somewhere in between the idealist and the realist. I like to think of myself as a pragmatic optimist. I do what I do to help people. I don't make a living by putting on the cape." offers Hyperion.

    His eyes turn about the place and he tilts his head, "Yes. This is not exactly the sort of place one would spend time were they trying to help others. Those here tend to help only themselves. I think that I will simply claim to not have noticed a few things I just saw... otherwise this would be a place I might damage in my attempts to rectify things."

    And then he looks to Johnny, "Have you had that happen to you before? Someone pretending to be your best friend's girl?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm glanced sidelong to Hyperion, quickly shuffling through his words. "No. Why would you ask something like that." and then turned to lead Hyperion out. "Well then lets get you out of here, the last thing I need is you murdering some son of a politician for his cosplay kink." he nodded to the attendant who he seemed to know, but held the door open for Hyperion. "Theres a lot of versions of helping people. In fact there are as many versions as there are Heros. Food for thought, right?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "Well, first of all, I don't kill people." remarks Hyperion. "But yeah. We should depart and find someplace else to spend our time." He turns towards the window and gestures, "After you."

    "As for different ways of helping people... I do tend to do heavy manual labor at times. Most recently, I helped a load of refugees reach safe harbor and then helped to build them housing. Not to brag. But yes, I understand that there are different ways to help people. What do -you- suggest?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm moved through the door after him, jogging down the stairs light on his feet. He waved his hand very 'so on and soforth'-ly, "Burn the bad guys, recue the babes, dont blow up buildings, and sign autographs when you're asked." he raised a finger as if to make an important point here. "Don't be a jerk to your fans. It matters to them, so dont judge them for the frivolity of it. If she shoves a tit in your face, you sign the tit. If he wants it on his stinky ballcap, you smile and scribble." he restates, "It matters to them, it matters to you, even if you dont want to be a celebrity you will become one and thats just how it is. If you live in denial about it, you'll just let people down."

Hyperion has posed:
    "Fans." offers Hyperion. He shakes his head, "In my home, we had some fans, sure. The Squadron Supreme... what an egotistical name that was by the way... we were the premier team on the planet."

    "But I did not spend much time doing PR. We had a whole department for that. But I will take your words to heart. You are the Human Torch then, right?" he asks, "Please forgive me. I am still learning the ins and outs of this world. If you ever need backup, and your other three are not available, you can call me. I should be able to be of use."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm offerd a fist to pound with the large man. "The one and only." he lifted his eyebrows. "Some heros do the dynasty thing. Like The Flash. I remember him from when I was a kid. Then you meet him and all the sudden hes in his twenties and his name isnt Barry, now its Wally?" he looked to Hyperion with fatuous incredulity and shrugged for effect. "So thats probably something you wanna think about, your exit plan. I fucked that up, probably overstayed. Now I'm old, unmarried, no kids, and forty eight. Tryna make the life I probably earned, not so much now." he sighed, "Anyway, the Flash figured it out. Thats why theres a new one every twenty years. Something -else- worth thinking about. Heres my contact info, and the Foundation as well." he flipped a card out of seemingly no where and handed it to the brute.

Hyperion has posed:
    "Well, I don't have an exit plan. It turns out that I am my universe's version of what this world calls... Eternals. I won't be growing old. I will just do what I do until something stops me. No matter how good and strong you are, there is always someone stronger."

    He inclines his head a bit then and says, "I was reading historical documents, and was there not another Human Torch in the nineteen forties? I am sure you could find -someone- with similar powers to train as a replacement, yes?" he asks.

    He did bump fists. He's seen that before. But he accepts the card and tucks it into his belt. "Thank you."