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Latest revision as of 12:17, 29 January 2022

Wake up, sun!
Date of Scene: 29 January 2022
Location: Downtown - New Troy
Synopsis: Arthur tells the Sun to do its job, and Dinah hassles him!
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Dinah Lance

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The female computer's voice was chosen for its peaceful dulcet tones, its gentle way of phrasing, and the way it could make the most strange things sound peaceful and melodic. In the past it had announced the most dire news in the easiest tone of voice. But today, when the computer piped up loud enough in the guest room that Aquaman had been staying in, it seemed to hold something he had never heard before in its voice.
    "Arthur Curry," The AI had affected that use of his name ever since he made a disparaging scowling reply when it tried to use the word Aquaman. "There are three seemingly very angry individuals screaming at the front entryway for you to immediately be produced or they will tear the entire building down in search for you? I informed them that current security protocols would not allow such but they seem unphased."
    Which has Arthur grimacing as he rolls on out of the room. Over his shoulders is a black t-shirt that drapes over his bare tattooed chest. A loose pair of sweat shorts cover his legs in part, and his hair is tied back into a pony tail of some length. "Yeah? They have weapons?"
    "No, sir."
    "Are they known criminals?"
    "One has a public intoxication charge in New Zealand." The robotic voice chimes.
    "What?" Arthur says again, then he blinks a few times and laughs. "No way."
    And with that the tall man barrels down the hallway thump-thump-thumping with heavy bare-footed steps. He slips through the security gates that whisper open and closed behind him. Into the front hall that is for the public though closed right now. Straight up to the front door to see three /large/ heavy and bearded men _slamming_ fists over and over on the glass of the window and shouting.
    "Arthur! Arthur come out here you punk! Arthur!"
    "Yeah you little runt!
    "You can't hide from us Arthur!"
    Only for the doors to open revealing that tall grim silhouette of the prince of Atlantis, standing there dour with his beard frizzed and wild, his golden eyes narrowed, and a glower aimed at each of them. All of the men are taken aback slightly, though smiling, one snickers. Which causes Arthur to snicker. Then suddenly it's like a dam burst as the men embrace, and hug, and pat each other on the backs with resonant sounding thuds. A group hug but with jostling as each tries to get their own embrace with Arthur giving their greeting.
    And it only ends some forty seconds later with them still laughing and settling into a rough circle, Arthur shaking his head as he murmurs, "It's good to see you, Ari. Kai. Nikau. You guys got fat." He thumps Ari in the belly, "Fuck are you guys doing here?"
    "We brought some of your father's things, condolences man." Says Ari, the largest man as he nods his head gently.
    "Yeah, we sent you a mail but know you're busy and shit, Mr. Big Shot over here." The more muscular of the three, Nikau, smirks.
    "And hey, an excuse to come by. We got a competition down in Brazil. This is like, in the same neighborhood." Which has the others laughing as Arthur shakes his head.
    "Ah man, sorry. You know how bad I am with phones and junk." Arthur actually looks chagrined as he looks between them.
    "Yeah yeah, excuses man. But /fuck/ me it's cold, how the hell do you stand it?"
    "By being tough," Arthur says with a dead pan seriousness.
    Which gets another round of laughter.
    But then they shake their heads, "So messed up, why didn't you guys build this place further South?"
    "Cuz this was where the aliens invaded, duh?" Arthur replies with that wry smirk. "Or you know, central. To all the craziness."
    "Still." Ari smirks, "I think it's because you have been slacking on your duties."
    "Oh is that it?" Arthur looks between them. "Then shit, c'mon."
    "Right now?"
    And with that Arthur walks right out that door with the other three men in tow.

Dinah Lance has posed:
As they were moving away from the building, there was that roar of an engine approaching. It was a familiar sound around there. It wasn't a good choice for stealth. Course, she had ways to make stealthy approaches, so it didn't matter. No reason to use it at the moment.

This time, Dinah was in costume. The black bodysuit that was full coverage from the waist up. A zippered front, the neckline high, a little ring marking the top of the zipper. But the bottom was a bit more scandalous, high on the hips, showing a lot more flesh, legs covered in fishnet stockings and a pair of black boots on her feet. Her blonde hair was down, falling around her shoulders, the domino mask on her face.

Seeing the gathering with Arthur, she slowed her approach and finally came to a stop near them, feet going to the ground to support the balance of the bike since it wasn't in motion now.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    As the men were walking, Kai saw the blonde and her arrival. It was enough to get him to nudge Nikau who looked across the way and winked in Dinah's direction even as the men ambled onto the frost-covered grass in front of the Hall of Justice. Something was said in that group that earned Kai a /whap/ on the back of the head from Arthur but it ended with him lifting a hand to wave in Dinah's direction.
    Something more was said there amongst them that had the men getting more serious. They looked a rag-tag bunch, with the three visitors wrapped up in heavy coats and layers, yet Arthur wearing his shorts and t-shirt. The men all had facial hair of some sort, and Kai's hair was longer tied back into a braid. Nikau was the more muscular of them all, with a larger frame, Ari was the most heavy-set, but the guy who saw Dinah first... Kai? He had the most handsome profile.
    Though they all deferred to Arthur as they created a sort of triangle of the three of them, with Arthur walking back and forth in front of them, grinning wryly and wickedly. He undid the scrunchy that held his hair back so it frizzed around his face like a halo for a madman. His golden eyes gleamed in the early morning sun.
    The Atlantean turned and squared up pointing in the direction of the glowing orb that was rising above the horizon, stark against the chill Winter's day. He pointed an arm straight out, palm straight like a spear and gestured at the sun, all of them faced that direction.
    And then /loudly/ with such strength and vigour, Arthur shouts. "KA MATE! KA MATE!"
    His words were echoed by the three men. "KA ORA! KA ORA!"
    The voices of the men echoed again.
    Then Arthur turned and /roared/ at the men with wide eyes, features crazed, facial movements exaggerated as he shouted, "TENEI TE TANGTA PU'RU-HURU!" And the men shouted those words exactly at the same time as Arthur did, stopping to /thump/ their feet onto the ground in time, smacking their forearms together and slamming their fists into their chests.
    "NA'A NEI TIKI MAI WHAKA-WHITI TE!" Arthur turned bellowing as he points a finger almost accusingly at the Sun distantly as the men stomped their left feet, their right feet, then both forearms slamming hard into the ground with a thud.
    "RA! UPANE! KA UPANE!" Arthur seems to exult as he pulls at his t-shirt and /tears/ it open, slamming his fists into his tattooed chest.
    Only now for the three men to shout without Arthur, "A UPANE! KA UPANE!"
    Which then has Arthur turn around as he looks at them and /slams/ his forearms onto the shoulders of Ari, shouting in the man's face, "WHITE TE RA!"
    And those three men before him shout to Arthur, "HI HI HI!"
    Which has them all fall silent.
    A silence that lingers.
    The sun drifts upwards slowly.
    Then the men break out again into laughter and another round of bro-hugs. For this is the way.

Dinah Lance has posed:
As they chatted amongst themselves, Dinah watched from her position on the bike. She was going to leave them alone, but Arthur waved so she took it as an invitation. Thus, the engine was shut off and she swung her leg over the seat then put the kickstand down into place to keep the bike upright. She started toward the quad of men only to stop dead in her tracks as they started.

She had heard of this tradition. But it wasn't something she'd really witnessed. Some stuff on tv perhaps from time time but it was just a flash and then gone, never the full performance.

The demonstration was amazing. Very primal. Yet there was something more. Roiling there, under the surface, that feeling of the gathered chi. She suspected most wouldn't be able to sense it. Or perhaps they would feel something without knowing what exactly it. Dinah recognized it. Could feel it in her core, could almost visualize it in the air around the men.

When they finished, she had to put her hands together in applause. Even if they were laughing, she wanted to show her appreciation for the spectacle. "That was amazing."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Kai turned around and spotted the applause first, he laughed and called to her. "You wanna see something really amazing, lady..." He starts to say, only this time it's Nikau's turn to /whap/ him upside the back of his head.
    But the others are easy-going enough to give voiced thanks, polite nods and grins, Arthur standing there with his arms over the shoulders of Ari and Nikau. They all look similar, that vibe of men from an age old upbringing. Small aspects connect them, like their darker skin, their coppery hair, the severity of their features. But the smiles steal away the intimidation that was there moments ago as they reminded the sun it was time for it to do its part.
    "Thanks, Canary." He turns and nods to the others, "Gentlemen, this is the famed Black Canary. Be nice, she could whup all your asses without breaking a sweat."
    Which has them all giving solemn nods and looking toward her with appreciation. "Shoulda known you were one of the League people," Nikau says, "Because not for nothin'..." He gives a nod and gestures to what she's wearing. Likely the fishnets.
    "Yeah, I mean. Yeah." Is Ari's contribution to things.
    Arthur laughs then shakes his head, "Ok. For real guys, I'll make myself available while you're here. I got a few things to take care of. We'll get together tonight, go drinking."
    "Smartest thing you've said in a damn long time, Curry!"
    "Yeah!" The words are echoed by the men. "Feel free to invite any of your friends, we could stand to meet more..."
    Kai gives Canary a grin, "Celebrities."
    Which has Arthur pushing them around, urging them into motion. He even takes a fake kick at Kai's back side which has the man breaking into a token jog to get away. "I'll turn my phone on. Prolly around... seven? Eight? Cool?"
    "Sure thing man, you got my number?" Ari asks as he walks backwards for a time.
    "Yup, listed under Childhood Chucklehead."
    Which has Ari flipping Arthur off as he retreats, but laughing and shaking his head. After a time the three men are seen walking off, heading to their rental SUV that was in the public parking lot some ways away. Which leaves Canary and the Curry.
    "I..." He says as he looks sidelong over toward Canary, "Am probably not gonna be fit for my shift. I'll see if I can get Ted to cover." But then he lightly looks down and grabs the torn collar of his shirt and laughs a little at himself, shaking his head.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Though she is more an observer, Dinah does react to their antics with smiles and small laughs. It's obvious they are all good friends. Have been for a long time. They have that easy comradery that only comes with that level of comfort.

As the trio finally headed off, she turned her attention to Arthur. As he reached down to pick up his torn shirt. "I don't think there's any hope for it," she teased. "Might as well find a trash can and give it a good burial."

She was not letting on that it was cold. Not when she was in costume. Though honestly? It was cold! Yet he was used to being in the depths of the ocean where such cold was withstood thanks to his physicality. Must be a blessing. "Which shift do you have? I might be able to cover for you."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Midnight on," Arthur offers as he weakly tries to pull the collar back into place, and nope. Fail. But he smirks sidelong at her and then starts walking back toward the front door of the Hall of Justice, still bare foot and trailing some snow and grit along with him. Yet unmindful for the most part.
    "I was picking up a bit for one of the others, but will see. And nah." Arthur says with a wry smile, "Didn't you hear them? They practically invited you." As he walks he casually bumps her with his hip just to break her stride even as he's reaching that door and then swiping his hand over the sensor pad. Just enough to let the door scan him and open which he then gestures for her to precede him.
    "Though careful of Kai, he's with the merchant marine. Literally the perfect example of a guy who has a gal in every port of call." A nod is given as he oh so evilly breaks the bro-code.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Kai is the one that kept getting smacked on the back of the head?" Dinah asked, wanting to make sure she'd picked the right one of the trio. It seemed fitting by his behavior. He was good looking and was very confident in himself. But that wasn't what appealed to the Black Canary. There were other things that drew her attention. "Sorry, but he'll be disappointed if he thinks he'll add me to the ports."

She just left her bike where it was. It would be safe enough. It was still on Justice League grounds. As he started toward the door, she followed. Of course as she was following, she as getting an eyeful of his bare back and shoulders. In the field, one didn't get this sort of look at him. To be uncouth, it was a lovely view.

When they were indoors, she took a deep breath. Not because the inside smelled better but it got some of that warm air into her system. It felt much better in here and she could feel it already helping thaw her limbs.

"I'm invited to go drinking? Can't really do that in this." She touched her mask. "We'll see. Not like it really hides anything."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The Atlantean did have a casual approach to him and at times seemed utterly unaware of the way he looks or the impact such might have. Clothes were often chosen simply by being near at hand, and he often looked bedraggled like a man harried out of a park at sunset. But from her place walking behind him she could see the outline of his form, the muscular back, that elaborate series of tribal tattoos that seemed so precisely made to resemble armor upon his body.
    What set him apart, however, was that he always seemed to be in his element. Or didn't care to such a degree that he was comfortable even in the worst of circumstances. Like now walking in bare feet across the field before the Hall of Justice, then wandering inside, his manner was almost as if he felt he owned the place, so at home was he.
    And when he spoke? It was like any guy you might want to share a beer with down at the local bar. "Of course you're invited. They're good guys. But yah, you got an easy out if you want it." He looks sidelong at her, half-smirks, "I have to say though, the fish nets make an impression."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"That is why I wear them," Dinah says with a laugh. After all, it wasn't the best of fashion statements. They were considered far more trashy these days. At one time they hadn't been that unusual, but times changed. What was in her mother's day was not quite the same now.

"Though I like to think the legs in the fishnets are the draw." She bent a leg at the knee, flexing thigh and calf a bit to show off the muscular limb. Then she continued their path.

"I'll join for the drinks. I need to get out more. Although, what do you have on your agenda for the day? Business meetings? Visit the penguin?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    For a brief moment Arthur's eyes hood as he looks back toward Dinah and that extended leg, then up to her eyes for an instant as he listens to her explain the whys and wherefores of the Fish-Nets. It likely springs a few thoughts of his own that he doesn't voice. Instead he latches onto the questions she asks him as he turns and starts walking again down the hallway, likely in the direction of the guest room he had been using.
    When she mentions the penguin though, he laughs a little. "I should check up on it, actually. Gave the penguin to a new hero who was starting out so they'd get the rep for it. It's in the Bronx zoo. Might be a fun field trip."
    But then he's walking by the entryway to the breakroom and ducks in, reaching for one of the spare mugs off the shelf and flipping it around to thump it under the Keurig. "But nah, no plans for the day for the most part." He makes a face as he looks up and toward the wall that the Keurig is set up against, as if pondering the distance. "I mean there are things I /should/ do, but... will see."
    A glance over his shoulder to her, "You?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I'm off today and tomorrow. Had taken a few days off." Not just from the League but from her life. Though her life as Dinah wasn't really something she publicized. While some of them knew her first name, a few knew both names, and fewer still knew all her details. Such as Oracle herself. But she had closed down her florist shop for the week. It was the time leading up to Valentine's and she needed a break before that insanity. From this point until around July, her shop had holidays mixed with weddings. It would slow down in the summer then spike again around October.

"But I'm thinking if you have nothing to do, then you have time for a workout. Care to spar a bit?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Turning around as he rests a hand on the top of that coffee machine, the Keurig burbling as it produces its cuppa for him, Arthur meets her gaze easily enough. His golden eyes flit slightly back and forth between her deep blues as if trying to find what mystery might be hiding behind them. He's curious, that much is clear, but also isn't entirely sure what her game may be.
    "You serious?" He eventually asks. And, to be fair, the Hall has a myriad of facilities all done beneath the more public portion of their base of operations.
    For a moment there's something playful in his eyes as he rests his hands on his hips, takes a deep breath and... he really is rather tall compared to her. And his broad chest is right there at eye level as he towers over her and leans forward a bit. "You think you can take me, girly-girl?" He asks in an affected stern rumble. Teasing, perhaps, but there is something electric there, some vibe that sizzles between them as he bites his lower lip as his smile curves halfways upwards.
    "You come at the King you best not miss." He says with such dourness.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Don't let the fishnets fool you," she murmured back, leaning in just as he was. Which brought their faces very close together. Neither of them was one to back down though this wasn't a challenge. Not in the officially sense. It was more the two of them posturing a little in a playful way. At least, from her side it was. She felt it was from his as well.

"I'm a girly but I can take you down a peg or two, I'm sure of it. Of course, that's if you aren't scared to get beaten by a girl."

And she took a step to the side, reaching for that coffee cup that he just filled up for himself on the machine. Even as she made that move, she was looking over her shoulder pointedly at him. Letting him see the line of her body, the curve of her backside that was half revealed in those fishnets. The flex of her legs as she positioned herself just so to draw the eye and distract.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Well you put it like that," Though as she takes his mug of coffee he shakes his head and apparently surrenders that to her for he's turning away and walking out of the doorway, lifting a hand to wave over his shoulder as he tells her, "I'll find you in Gymnasium Suite 17 downstairs, try not to keep me waiting. I gotta go get changed anyways."
    And maybe a quick leap into the shower since really... once he's out of view in the hallway he takes a quick sniff-sniff of an armpit, and yah. He's a bit ripe. But as they break line of sight his smile appears, it's an easy one, wry as he glances back over his shoulder and murmurs to himself. "Never thought I'd be a fan of fishnets." But there's a first time for everything.