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Latest revision as of 12:18, 29 January 2022

Is it a bird ...
Date of Scene: 29 January 2022
Location: Robbinsville - Bleake Island
Synopsis: Carol falls from the sky and is rescued by the Huntress!
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Helena Bertinelli

Carol Danvers has posed:
There's never a quiet night in Gotham. Even when things are still, there's always something going on. Some low-level assault that needs stopping. A robbery that needs investigating. Maybe just some drunk driver who needs to be yanked out of his wrecked car before it bursts into flame. All this to say, Gotham's vigilante set rarely find themselves without a reason to don their collective masks and venture out into the brisk late winter air.

Tonight's reason began as a glowing ball of golden light in the late-night sky. A ball that streaked suddenly across the sky before pausing and seeming to arc directly downward. Falling, falling until it was remarkably close to Gotham's gargoyle-festooned rooftops. Then it struck, bouncing off an ironclad rooftop and onto a rickety fire escape. The ball of light, now clearly a woman clad in red and blue, bounces painfully downwards until she comes to a land in a dirty snowdrift piled up against the brick wall of an alleyway.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress was out on her own, doing some surveillance work. Perched atop a cold apartment building rooftop, she was listening in on a card game inside an apartment belonging to one of the Carsonne family's lower level strong arms. It was mind numbing and frustrating as the conversation wasn't offering any useful leads for her purposes.

The light from the meteor catches Huntress' attention and she looked up just in time to have to shield her eyes from the flaring light. The impact was close enough for her to hear the metal roof protest under the unexpected strike. She frowns and glances back to her target. She sets her bug to record the rest. She'll have to audit the recording later. Right now it seemed better to make sure that no one was hurt at the impact site.
Firing off a grapple bolt, she dropped off the edge of her perch and swung silently off into the direction of the apparent scene of the strike, not yet realizing it is a more human form than a rocky or geologic sort. As she stood atop the roof ledge above the alley, she blinked. "...damn.." seeing the figure below. She dropped quickly to the alley and approached with caution, looking for any signs of life. A fall like that, well. She was presuming mundane mortal and not expecting a sort that could survive this kind of fall from grace. As it were.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The figure lying on the alleyway pavement is a recognizable one. Captain Marvel. She's shown up on television enough that a number of companies have started merchandising her all across the country. Right now, however, it looks like none of that matters. She looks like she's been hit by a bus.

Her suit is scuffed, torn in places to reveal bloody scrapes. Her short hair is a mess, and her eyes are closed. She lies in the snowdrift that rapidly melts away into steam given the unnatural heat that radiates off of her. After a moment, she lets out a groan and reaches up a hand to rub her temple.

"Ughhh ... "

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress draws closer to the figure and blinks. "Wow." It may not be a Fast Radio Burst like the legendary signal caught decades ago by astronomers but it seemed a fitting statement for the moment. She ran her goved fingers through her hair for a moment then quickly knelt down beside Captain Marvel.

"Uh. Hey. You just fell out of the sky. So it's kind of a stupid question to ask.." she grimaces "... are you okay? Anything feel broken? Don't try to move yet.."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Captain Marvel groans, slowly rising to sit up and wincing at the sudden lightshow that is playing behind her eyes. She struggles to focus for a moment, groaning wordlessly and shaking her head. She looks down into her hand, peering at what looks like a shred of plastic with the numbers '451' printed on it. She grunts, shoves it into her pocket, and finally turns her attention towards Helena.

Uh, not ... ow ... not broken, no. Bruised for sure. Just need a little ... "

She glances around for a moment, squinting against the gloom: "It's really dark. Where are we?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress just kind of hovers. Hands not touching Captain Marvel but sort of "whoaing" her so as to keep her from just bolting upright. She did just crashland in Gotham.

"Well tht's good.. not feeling anything broken is a good start considering the same can't really be said for the rooftop or the fire escape you introduced yourself to on the way down here.." she offers a wry smile.

"Yeah. It's always pretty dark here. Even in the day time. But it's just after 1AM, so. Yeah. You're in Gotham City. Don't mind the smell. It grows on you." She moves back a step, "I'm Huntress. One of the, uh.. Crimfighers here." It sounded better than vigilante when talking to someone who had the galactic authority to arrest her or something. It could happen!

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I don't break," Carol says rather simply, rolling her shoulder testingly, "At least, not from a fall like that. Mmph."

As the Huntress explains where she is exactly, the Avenger lifts her eyes to squint at the sky and then peer up and down the alleyway. She lets out a low sigh, rubbing her head and pushing herself up to her feet. She doesn't spring up, instead she's bent forward as though she's still feeling a not inconsiderable amount of pain.

"Nice to meet you, Huntress. Gotham, you said? Blugh. Great. I - I don't suppose you've got a sun lamp or something I could borrow?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress moves to steand, offering her hand as Captain Marvel seeks to stand, "Thats probably really good given the circumstances." Again she cautions, "Take it slow." She then tilts her head, "Well no sun lamp on me.. but I can take you back to my place. There's one in the bathroom. Helps after long night kicking the asses of Gotham's criminal element." She shrugs, "You're welcome to use it."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Yeah?" Carol asks, taking the offered hand gratefully and testing her balance with a few cursory steps, "That'd be great. Bit of a quick and nasty solution, but it's a good way to get a little boost. Because right now?"

For a moment, Captain Marvel lifts into the air and hovers there. She glows from within with a weak, golden light that flitters out after a few seconds. She falls back to the ground, making an oof as she lands roughly on her feet.

"Yeah, no juice in the tank. Whatever hit me bled me dry."

Her brow furrows, and she mutters more to herself: "Whatever hit me ... "

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress helps her up then steps back, eyes widening as she gets to see real power up close for one of the first times. "Whoa... yeah take it easy. Maybe no flying for a little while? At least till we can get you a bit of a jump start.." she grimaces again at the triteness of the notion but hey.. it's not entirely wrong?

"Are you good riding jumpseat on a motorcycle? It's what I've got at hand. Otherwise it's walking. My Huntress Jet is in the shop..." she quips, now wishing she had all the cool toys like Batman.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Motorcycle'll do," Carol offers, grinning broadly at the mention of the Huntress Jet, "Hey, I can appreciate a bike. I haven't got a jet either ever since they found out I go faster without one."

Despite herself, Carol uses the Huntress for balance. She's not broken, but the bumps and bruises seem to be taking their toll without an influx of stellar energy to heal the aches and pains. She looks around as they walk, glancing sidelong at Helena.

"I love your outfit by the way. Costume? Uniform? Whatever, I love the purple. I'm Carol, by the way. Or, uh, I guess Captain Marvel if we're doing that whole thing."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress helps steady the galactic heroine without complaint. "Sounds good. It's just down the alley another block." She then smirks, "That I can't imagine but it is impressive obviously."

Blinking in surprise at the complient, Huntress fumbles, "Oh, um.. thanks. Yeah. It's I guess a Costume. It's the running theme in Gotham, right? Everyone's got some schtick or gimmick. Even the bad guys. Probably really all because Batman started it, but now everyone's doing it...!" she faux protests. "But it does help. It's not laser proof or anything, but it'll keep me from getting knifed or shot by anything less than an assault rifle. Usually." She offers a rueful smile at that.

"Hello Carol. It's an honor to meet you. Can't say I imagined I'd get to cross paths with one of the galaxy's, or well, universe's real heroes tonight. I was just out eavesdropping on some low level mafia goons. Not exactly the same" she observes with a light laugh.

She glances around slightly, then replies, "I'm Helena. But generally we try not to talk out of Guise in public. Too many ears and way too many people that would love to retaliate."

Soon they're at her bike. It's a well pedigree'd racing bike, currently outfitted with what must be custom tires that somehow help with handling in the Gotham wintertime. Swinging astride it, she starts it up and waits for Carol to climb on. "I'd offer a helmet. It's yours if you want to use it.." she nods to the helmet stowed on the side. "But if you lived through a fall from .. space..? You should survive my driving. Probably."

And once Carol is settled, the bike rolls out toward the place Huntress calls home.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I love costumes," Carol answers with a faint smile, "Mine used to be a crop top and briefs. I'm never going to be in a position to tell people they shouldn't be putting on a fancy get-up and fighting crime."

She can't help but chuckle at the universal hero bit: "I only go to space because it gets me away from all the stuff I have to do here. Plus, the whole secret identity thing becomes a non-issue when you're almost always on the clock. Besides, there's a lot to see out there. I get as good as I give. And keeping the mob in check is important. You're doing good work."

She seems to mean the last bit earnestly. She's not exactly Captain America when it comes to motivational speeches, but her overall persona does help a little.

"Your secret's safe with me."

She politely declines the helmet, climbing aboard the bike. Once they're moving, she closes her eyes and lets the brisk wind blow back her blonde hair. She lets out a happy little sigh, enjoying the speed and freedom of it all.

"Oh my god," she sighs, "I haven't been on a bike in forever. I love it."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress laughs, "Crop top and briefs? For real? That I don't think I can really imagine. I mean.. all I remember ever seeing is the uniform you're wearing I guess. But.. Gotham is pretty insular to, well, powered types. "He" doesn't usuall like having them around.." she says as if Carol should know who she's talking about.

"Thanks. Really. I guess you could say I'm kind of doing my part to atone for my family's sins. Not that knew about them when I was a girl." The ride isn't dangerously fast but perhaps a notch above what the conditions of mid winter would seem to advise. She remains in full control however so she seems to have some measure of driving skills.

"It's not my winter choice. But my Huntress-Mobile is in the shop. With the jet" she deadpans. "So it's this, run the rooftops, or walk."

Some time later she pulls the bike into a narrow alley and rolls it up to what looks like a Gotham City Utilities storage location at the back. It opens for her and she coasts the bike inside. There's enough room for them both to get off. Some of her vigilante gear is in the space so clearly the signage on the outside is just to chase off would be thieves. "Well this is the end of the ride. Hang on a moment..." and she checks a seldom used internal stair well that will lead up to her place. "Alright.. this way" she says with a shrug and a smile. It's hardly high tech by the standards of, well, most others in Gotham. But she makes it work for herself.

On entering her simple apartment, Huntress removes her mask with a sigh and shakes out her dark hair. "Well.. welcome to my place. I'm Helena Bertinelli. Mild mannered Highschool English teacher, and step daughter of a murdered Mafia Don by day... by night.." she holds her hands out, including the mask. She shrugs out of her weapons and equipment belts and holsters and nods, "The bathroom is there. Take your time. There are plenty of towels and some fresh pairs of sweats if you want to change or anthing to get comfortable. Want a glass of wine or anything to work on while you recharge?" she offers.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Yeah? I don't have much call to visit Gotham, if I'm honest. Always something going on somewhere else."

Carol follows Helena up the secret stairs, looking about her as she goes. Most of the heroic types she knows don't do the whole secret identity thing, so seeing an honest-to-god secret base in person is kind of fun for her. She sweeps into the apartment after Helena, immediately taking it all in.

"Oh wow, this is so cute. I love your place."

The offer of the bathroom draws her attention with a relieved sigh, and she's already moving towards the door when wine is offered.

"Ooooh, yes please."

She disappears into the room and, a moment later, the hiss of rushing water is heard.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli feels rather silly, if she's honest. Considering the level of power that Carol has at hand - at least when she's feeling like herself. It makes her feel like a silly cosplaying fan girl or something, in the moment. But the sincere compliments do make her feel good. "Thanks. It's more than enough for just me" she observes.

A nod as Carol heads for the bathroom. Soon a knock is offered, "Wine delivery... hope you like red.. it's some of the best from my uncle's vineyards in Sicili." A hand reaches in with keeping the door open just enough to set it on the bathroom counter then the door closes and Helena goes back out to get her own glass for a quick sip. She goes and changes, for her own part, into a hugely oversized sweat shirt and sweat pants to warm up and be comfortable. She sips at her wine again then closes her eyes and rests her head back, leaving Carol to recover as long as she needs.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol answers the door when the knock is heard. She's taken the liberty of wrapping herself up in a towel, apparently already well-steamed and clean. A cloud of steam follows her as she steps back out into the living room, taking her glass of wine and taking a seat on the couch. She sips the wine, eyes widening as she combats that inner demon urging her to just gulp it down. You sip wine, she reminds herself.

"Oh, that's good," she enthuses, "I've never been much for red myself but this is definitely changing my mind."

She lays back on the sofa, letting her head rest against the back of it.

"I feel like I've just wandered in and taken over your place. I promise, just need five minutes under that lamp and I'll be fine - "

She shifts, wincing at the pain.

"Okay, maybe more than five."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli might be surprised Carol is comfortable coming out just wrapped in a towel but she doesn't let on. She's really just trying to help the heroine recover. She grins and nods. "Yeah.. my Uncle has some really good vineyards. It's the volcanic soil with all the minerals in it they say." She gestures to a reclining chair with a large infrared heat lamp above it on an arching support arm.

"No. You're not imposing. I'm happy I can offer some sort of help. Really. Take your time. If you need to crash here for a while" she says before pausing "Oh. Sorry. Poorly chosen term I guess.. But yes. Take however long you need."

Offering a sheepish smile, Helena settles again in her place with her glass, sipping from it. "So.. what's it like? Space I mean? I can't really imagine having the ability to just... feel like flying into space - and being able to leap into the sky and make it happen..." she wonders aloud.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Sorry about, you know," Carol gestures down at herself, "This. I can still absorb through the sweats, but it'll take longer. The uniforms still on its cleaning cycle."

Carol can't help but laugh at the use of the word 'crash', nodding her head: "I appreciate that a lot, Helena."

She gets up, moving over to the chair with the heat lamp and laying down in it. She flicks it on before relaxing back, absorbing the artificial solar rays with a contented sigh. In fact, her entire body actually seems to glow as she does it.

"It's cold. Big. Way, way bigger than you can imagine before you've actually been. Everything is so far apart, it's a wonder all these aliens manage to even find the place as often as they do. You know, I can take you, if you want? Once I'm charged up? We can call it even for letting me use your place?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Oh, it's fine. I promise I only took a few blurry phone-cam pictures to sell to the paparazzi..." Helena tries to playfuly tease. "It's okay though. I think I understand. Solar power.. ish? Makes sense the more skin contact you have with the light the better you recover" she agrees. She looks impressed at seeing the seeming glow from Carol but tries not to gawk.

"Intellectually? Yeah.. I understand the measurements of light years and so on. But actually seeing the distances?" she shakes her head, "Kind of beyond my level of human brain I guess" she laughs. Then she blinks, "Really? You can take.. passengers?" she asks for lack of a better term to use. "I'm.. not sure. The idea seems amazin. The reality.. almost seems more terrifying.."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Oh, god, don't even joke about it," Carol says, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Do you know that they actually asked me to pose for a centerfold? Me! I was like: 'I was in the Air Force! I was Head of freaking Security at NASA. The NASA! I mean, don't get me wrong, more power to the people who do it but that's just not me. Not by a long shot."

The question causes her to shrug her shoulders a little: "I can make energy constructs. With enough concentration, I could make one airtight. We couldn't, you know, spend a week up there but I could take you for a joyride. I feel like I owe you."

She shifts, crossing one long leg over the other and laying back to continue enjoying the sun lamp.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "Well yeah. Any girl who is famous, or halfway, they want to try and chase down I guess. Clearly I haven't made it since no one's been after Huntress...thank god" she considers. "Security at NASA... wow. All kinds of prestigous pedigrees.. amazing" she admires.

At the prospect of really, actually, getting to go to space she pauses, taking a long drink from her glass to buy a moment's time. "Well.. you don't owe me anything. I mean.. professional courtesy at the very least. Right? I'd help anyone, but particularly I'm just glad I could offer some aid to Captain Marvel. Last thing we need is one of our best heroines down and out, not when I could offer assistance.." Another pause. "But.. if you'd really do that? I won't lie that the idea isn't beyond butterflies and a bit of fear in the pit of my stomach.. but.. who didn't ever grow up wanting to be an astronaut at least for a little while? I mean right before I wanted to become a Princess or a Magical Fairy.." she says with a smirk.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Well, if it's not a payment then just consider it something nice I'm doing for a friend," Carol offers, opening her eyes long enough to meet Helena's and give her a friendly wink, "We'll make an unofficial astronaut of you yet, Helena.

She lifts her arms over her head to stretch, enjoying the heat of the lamp and the general feel of invigoration she gets where the energy starts to course through her. Gotham has a dearth of such things, so it's nice to find a better supply here.

"So, tell me," Carol answers, "Is some tall, dark and handsome Sicilian guy going to stroll through that door in a minute and ask what the hell I'm doing?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs and smiles as she looks to Carol, "Yeah, that sounds pretty cool, really. Complete with cardboard astronaut's wings drawn in crayon? If so, I'm totally up for it I think. I might need another bottle of wine in me first, though. But friends? I'm flattered. And I know I would like that, having a new friend."

Just as her eyes were closed to relax for herself, they pop open and look at Carol again, "Well? I mean, maybe? This isn't really my apartment so I don't know who actually lives here.." she deadpans but very quickly winks. "I'm teasing. But no. I don't know of any guy that would put up with my lifestyle and my schedule. If I'm not out kicking crime in the ass, I'm either here grading student paper, planning for classes or teaching.." she smiles a bit. "Not sure many would tolerate my overnight unavailability and moonlighting."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I know how that is," Carol says with a laugh, rising up out of the chair and clutching the towel tighter around herself, "Very little room to move in the whole super-human business, you know?"

She pauses for a moment before she makes her way towards the bathroom once again.

"I'm gonna change into those sweats, then we are definitely having more of that wine."