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Time to talk to a boss
Date of Scene: 29 January 2022
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: Sara visits Peggy and Daniel to catch them up on her life over brunch.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Sara Pezzini

Peggy Carter has posed:
Brunch at the Carter-Sousa house. Peggy isn't cooking, of course, that's Daniel's job, but she has set a decent table, made plenty of tea and coffee, and is there to distract him from his work in the kitchen. The mid-sized house out on Long Island still has an air about if of the 1950s, the block built right after the war and no one has changed too much. Coming inside, the furniture only adds to it. They've likely had most of these pieces since the 1950s.

When Sara knocks on the door, Peggy opens it immediately, in a comfortable wool dress with a red and gray plain print to it. It's one of those that has a bit more give across her somewhat more generously hourglass frame (well, more than she used to be.) She smiles at seeing the woman, "Sara, I'm glad you came. Come, come in... food is almost done."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Indeed Daniel is hard at work in the kitchen putting together a brunch of omlettes with ham and spinich as well as some french toast with powdered sugar and strawberries. He enjoyed going all out sometimes and today was one of those times. He's dressed more casually than he is at the office, a button down burgandy coloured shirt and a pair of olive green slacks and a pair of subtly patterned desss socks. When Peggy heads for the door he starts plating the food onto a couple of big platters and takes it to the table for people to serve themselves.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It felt strange to Sara to be invading Peggy's personal space, going to her home, but this wasn't something she needed all the ears of SHIELD hearing. In all honestly, she was still wrestling over the idea of telling Peggy at all. It was the right thing to do, even if Peggy wasn't exactly a friend, she was still someone Sara respected a great deal.

Arriving on her motorcycle, she left her helmet on the seat, and approached the door. After a couple of calming breaths, she knocked and was greeted. The Italian woman looked like shit, there was no other way to describe it. She wore her usual jeans and a turtleneck beneath her heavier pea-coat, with scarf and stocking cap, but in face was exhaustion, pain, and an internal struggle that seeped into her eyes.

"Thanks for having me," Sara offers as she enters, reaching up to remove the cap first, then the heavier coat. "I've never been to your house, almost feel like I'm invading a private sanctum."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A smirk crosses Peggy's lips as the young woman admits to that feeling of invasion. Peggy shakes her head, "Sara, the ONLY reason this house even got reopened was because SHIELD needed safe houses when we all went underground last summer. We've kept a head of HYDRA prisoner in this basement for weeks. My back office might as well be another set of SHIELD archives. Daniel and I have done as much marriage business in this house as SHIELD work. You are no invasion." Ew. Is it like hearing your mom talk about sex? Hopefully not, but that's what the chief just implied!

Speaking of, she steps back and escorts Sara in through to the dining room that looks in on the kitchen, "And you've met my husband, yes? Daniel Sousa... another one of the oldest SHIELD agents around. And the far better cook in this household, so you can come here AND not be poisoned. Daniel, this is Sara." Peggy is too polite to remark on how she looks, but Peggy's dark eyes are clearly concerned.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
When Sara is introduced, Daniel smiles and waves before wiping off a hand with a napkin and offering it to the agent. "Good to meet you," he says with a warm and earnest smile. "Hope you brought your appetite, I think I may have made enough for an army this morning, so be prepared to be sent home with leftovers."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Well that was not what Sara expected. I mean obviously marital things happen in the home, it made perfect sense, but to hear about it? Yes, much like hearing your mom brought home her boyfriend for the night, and Sara hadn't had a mom... so it struck her dumb for a moment. What this meant is that when Peggy introduced her, Sara looked to Daniel with a blank expression on her face.

Snapping out of it quickly, she accepts the offered hand to shake. On the wrist of that hand is a wide silver bracelet with a huge red stone. Peggy might note that it looks different than previous times it has been seen. Instead of one intricate silver cuff bracelet, it now looked like two bracelets intertwined into one, with a large red stone and a smaller red stone.

"Pleased to meet you Daniel," she offers. "I've heard your name a few times, nice to finally put a face to the name."

And now the food, enough to feed an army alright. She was one Italian woman, that was a lot of food. "I'm always willing to devour left overs," she then comments with a chuckle. "Will certainly be better then the things Alis has been dropping off from the cafeteria."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Oh gosh, you're living on cafeteria food? I'm so sorry. Daniel will take far, far better care of you." Peggy motions her in to the dining area and past. While there IS a dining room table, it feels horribly formal. For a Saturday morning with just three of them, the yellow formica kitchen table by the little window nook is far more comfortable.

"Sit. Do you care for coffee? Tea?" Peggy's eyes narrow at the bracelet curiously. Daniel probably knows his wife well enough that there is something about the bracelet that is worrying her, but she doesn't bring it up yet.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Likewise Agent Pezzini" Daniel says sticking to formal means of addressing the agent until nudged to do otherwise. "And good, we'll make sure you have plenty to take home with you," he says about the leftovers. "Should we grab a seat? Food's laid all laid out to serve ourselves."

Noting Peggy's look at the bracelet, he raises his brows at his wife, quietly inquiring what has her puzzled. He pulls out chairs at the nook for both ladies and then settles into a seat of his own.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As she is moved through the house, Sara takes a look around. Not snooping, just getting a feel for the place through the decorations and furniture, and maybe also checking out where all the exits are. Some habits were impossible to get rid of.

"Feel free to call me Sara," she offers to Daniel. "I've been hiding out at my dad's old house, trying to put things together in my head. Cael would send Alis with cafeteria food because neither of us cook. I can successfully burn water, and I think Cael is about the same."

In the kitchen, the homie feelin hits Sara for a moment as she looks at the little table. It was nearly perfect, like something you see in movies. "I prefer coffee if you have it," she then replies, finding herself a place to sit and setting her coat down. "I'm not going to bombard you with information without first warning you, it's not pretty. I don't want to ruin your brunch."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I think... it's more what you are most comfortable with. If you'd rather eat first, Sara, we can. But... I've noticed things have changed," Peggy gives a slight nod to that bracelet, questioning with a tilt of her head, "And you're not looking the best, so, if you want to get it off your chest? We can talk and eat." Peggy gives her husband a faint smile, "Goodness knows Daniel and I have done more working dinners in this house than not. We're not ones to stand on ceremony. And ANYTHING you tell me... You can tell him. SHIELD wouldn't be what SHIELD is if it wasn't for Daniel."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Sara it is then," Daniel says cordially, and when it comes to the topic at hand he nods in support of Peggy's remarks. "We can do this whichever way makes you comfortable and it takes a lot to really spoil a meal for either of us," he says with a reassuring nod.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara glances to her own reflection in the window, yeah she did look bad and hadn't even realized it. Taking a slow deep breath she looks back to Daniel first, then over to Peggy, blue eyes seeming to brighten just a little.

"I have a... situation," she says quietly, chewing at her bottom lip. "Under normal circumstances I'd just follow my instincts, sort it out, and go on with my life. Thing is..." she swallows a little harder than intended. "... my instincts are sort of messed up right now."

"I didn't talk about it much," she continues. "A year ago, something happened and I lost a week of my memories. I spent several months looking for some sort of reason, or clue as to what or why it happened. I found clues as to why, but never what."

Even after nearly a week of living in a bottle of whiskey, being sober while talking about this was not easy and she found herself wishing for that bottle again. She had decided enough was enough, that's why she contacted Peggy, but still, it would be nice not to feel every aspect of this so utterly.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As they settle in with the food, Peggy doesn't quite reach for her's yet. She does stretch one hand over to rest on the back of Daniel's arm. Sara might not have much in the way of family present right now but, in this moment, there is very much the impression of gentle, worried, earnestly caring parents sitting across from her. Maybe because that's what Daniel and Peggy are, in a way. There is no judgment in Peggy's eyes, no distant, just quiet patience.

"Talk to us. Anything you say... well, it won't leave these four walls. If you wanted to meet outside of the Triskelion so things would stay off the books, we... We can respect that. But you can talk to both of us. We're older than most everyone around and... we've seen a lot of things. I'd like for you to eat and talk but... talk to us."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The coffee will have to due for now, so Sara adds a bit of sugar and cream, and takes a sip.

"I believe you two may be the only two alive to recognize the name Thule Society," she says looking between them. "They were behind my kidnapping a week or so ago. There's... a /lot/ of information, things I should have probably talked about in the past, but I was still in my cocky phase, believed I could handle it."

There is a pause here, as she considers the information they need to have, while actually taking some of the food onto her plate. "Let me start at the sort of beginning, that's the missing week. I didn't know at the time, but I'd walked into a trap set by the Thule Societies leader, Ava von Stucker. Her intent was to try and take The Witchblade, and since that wasn't possible, she made a copy of him." The food may be on her plate, but she's not eating yet.

"To do that, make that copy, she... took control of me. That missing week."

Her eyes get dark now, and narrow slightly, the food forgotten for this moment. "During that week I was trapped inside my own body, not controlling it. The magic was strong enough to fool Witchblade, he had no idea it wasn't really me. So..." a pause, and she looks up from the food toward Peggy. "I killed eight children and four adults to power the magic that created the impostor Witchblade."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The moment the Thule society is mentioned, Peggy goes just a little pale. She nods in understanding, expression darkening. "They have...always been dangerous. We were probably foolish to think they disappeared after the war. Much like HYDRA, they... found cracks of society to slither away into and hide until, well... something like this happening." Peggy lets out a slow breath, her expression pained and sympathetic. There is no blame or anger on her face for their young agent. Just quiet acceptance.

At the very last comment, Peggy's dark eyes go a little wider. "Oh...Sara... I'm so sorry. But you KNOW it wasn't you. It wasn't. That was *them*. You didn't do that. Just because they assaulted you, took your consent, and used your body as a tool, doesn't mean YOU did that. I need you to really listen. To know that's true. We... we can help fix whatever THEY did. But it's not you."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Really wish a few of these guys would have the decency to stay dead," Daniel says when the Thule society is brought up. "Guess it was wishful thinking that they were gone."

He listens to the rest in silence before nodding, "Peggy's right, Sara. It wasn't you, it was them, they used your body and the Witchblade horribly," he says. "So this Ava von Strucker, her weapon is as powerful as the one you have?" he asks nodding to the bracelet. He's at least read Sara's file, even if he didn't fully get how the Witchblade worked.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sitting there watching Peggy's expression change made Sara sit up a little taller, but what the woman says sucks all the air from her chest. Then Daniel adds the same opinion, that it wasn't she who had done it. The others, Jon, Cael, Wade and Johnny had all said the exact same thing, and still a part of her brain couldn't accept it. The pile on, that so many believed it wasn't her had at least opened a door in her head that it might be true, save for that small part.

"I'm... trying to believe that," she finally says. Nervous habit returns, she turns the silver bracelet around on her wrist. It was usually a cuff, the sort you can slip on and off, now it was a solid band that looked much like it wouldn't fit over her hand.

"Last week the Avengers got notice of strange happenings at the Museum of Natural History. It was a trap by the Thule Society to try and get their hands on me. Would have worked, except they weren't expecting the Scarlet Witch to be there. Their next attempt was in Elizabethport, NJ and that one took. The impostor managed to get his hands on me."

She looks back at the food on the plate, and finally takes a bite to savor real food, but it was just going through the motions. "Wade, Cael, Artemis and Ghost Rider came to get me, broke the spell, and this..." she holds up her wrist to show the bracelet more readily. "Is the impostor and Witchblade as one. He refuses to rejoin the piece of himself, it will make the lives that were taken to create it mean nothing. He's... angry, guilty, that he didn't realize it wasn't me. He's the reason the week went missing, because when the spell finally weakened and I could finally show him it wasn't me, all I could think is that I couldn't live with that pain, knowing what I'd done. So he took that week away, thinking it was what I wanted. When the impostor piece of Witchblade returned to him, he couldn't block it any more."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg listens to this all in silence, letting Sara get it off her chest. A bittersweet smile flickers across her lips. She nods towards the plate of food, "Eat something, if you can, while it's warm. Daniel makes an excellent ... well, everything." Peggy takes a bit herself to demonstrate, still contemplating this all. She's looking for words when she knows none will really work, it'll will just take time.

"I'm... glad the Witchblade is doing what he sees as right. I don't agree with taking memories like that but... it seems you are both working it out now. I trust him... and you... to get through this. It'll take time, but... that makes sense. And to keep control over that other... entity. Whatever it is. The false one." Peggy stares at her wrist, almost warily.

"Is there anything we can... Do?" She finally asks, leaving the door open for the young woman.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Trying another bite, Sara finds not only that she's hungry but that she would likely have killed her mother for this french toast. Apatite seemed to be returning, or perhaps it was just Daniel's food, either way she starts to enjoy the meal between conversation.

"Here's the thing," she finally says, after a sip of the coffee. "The only thing to do is something I... don't kow if you'll agree with or not."

She glances to Daniel a moment, then her eyes shift back to Peggy. "von Strucker is seriously powerful. There isn't a jail on the planet that could hold her, she has teleport spells for every contingency, including being knocked unconscious. Witchblade wants justice and vengeance for the people who died, the people he killed by my hands." She sighs, then just says it. "I want justice, and locking her up won't do that. So I intend to go after her with Wade and Ghost Rider, possibly even Cael and Artemis, but there won't be an arrest... Ghost Rider has already judged her."

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Peggy hears those words, her head tilts a little to the side, a slight brush of confusion across her features. "Sara. Some people just need killed." Peg states, flat and earnest. There is no hesitation behind her voice. Probably a fair amount of blood on her own hands too. "Yes... we try to bring them in when we can. It's a lot easier nowadays with the ICERs, but... those don't always work. And someone who is evil enough to kill 8 children simply for power?" She shrugs slightly, taking another bite of her own food.

"I don't know if I trust this Ghost Rider as judge and jury. But I do trust you. And myself. I've been through thees ethings... enough times. Some people are simply better off dead. Making certain they stay that way is the challenge..."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Once again Sara is forced to just stare at Peggy, slightly slack jawed even. Now she knew more about Peggy then she thought possible. One meeting, one confession, and one realization... no wonder Witchblade respected and feared her.

"I knew you'd been to war," she says softly, finally stopping the twisting of the bracelet. "I knew you have a level head, and high intelligence, but I never realized how pragmatic you are. I've been worrying over telling you that she dies, if we can find her, for a week now... and you just blew that worry out of the water."

A smile finally appears on Sara's face. It's a small one, but it's there. "Ghost Rider is unique, the Spirit of Vengeance. I'm still learning about him, but the man who carried him, Johnny Blaze..." there's almost something dreamy in her eyes for a moment. "He goes through hell in ways no one else could ever understand. He's a good man, and even though he can't control the Rider, the way I can The Witchblade, the Rider isn't a loose cannon. He has a purpose, and he serves it. That's why I accept his judgement of von Strucker."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's a quiet press to Peggy's lips as Ghostrider is explained, "Ah, yes. I met the man when we fought the Angels last. He is...unique." She takes another bite of her meal. Discussion of murder or not, she's not going to let it keep her away from her husband's deliciously cooked meal. Especially not now that her appetite has come back with a vengeance in the last few weeks.

"And... I wasn't just at war. We were in *the* war. I've seen the face of evil. True, absolute evil. Nazis. HYDRA. Those that would sacrifice the innocent for their own power and gain? She sounds like she belongs in hell with the rest of them. Do as you need... if you need back up, you ask for us. But... you know the right move to make. You have allies. If that move doesn't make it into the official books, well..." Peggy shrugs simply and then takes a small sip of her tea. "Self defense isn't murder. You are defending your sense of self."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"I think I like you even more," Sara states bluntly, with a laugh. "We think a like in some places, and in others... well, I don't know. We probably do, but I don't know you well enough to know. Can we change that? I'd like to learn more about you, be a friend if I could. You get a lot of shi... stuff on your plate, like today... laid a heavy pile right on your brunch, but I'd still like to offer to be more than someone adding to your troubles."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A softer smile crosses Peggy's lips, "I think I'd enjoy that. You are always welcome here. Well, as long as we live here. We'll probably be keeping the house but we're trying to find something up in Westchester that's closer to the Triskelion. Especially once the baby comes. But..." Peggy smirks a bit more wryly to the woman, "If you want to be friends... that means you're going to get stuck on helping us with packing duty." She then pours herself a bit more tea, relaxing now. She keeps that softer, encouraging smile there. It does seem the Director is willing to make friends.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A true, broad smile spreads across Sara's face. "I won't just help you pack, I'll help you move and babysit for free," she laughs. "It's all part of friendship, right? In fact, I'll even find you a perfect Italian housewarming gift... my Aunt tiramasu."

She continues to eat, well devour really, at a decent pace now. "Thank you for listening. I think that was the easiest of the times telling that, and slowly I think I'm coming to terms with it. I'll blame myself for a little while longer, and right now I'm not using Witchblade for anything... I have to find my place, you know? Am I capable and worthy without him, like I was before he joined me."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You absolutely are. I'm glad you're starting to see it as well. And... you can always bring anything to me, Sara. I'm the Chief... and your friend. And I'm certain we'll take both the baby sitting and the tiramasu. So, I'd say you're in." Peggy winks at her. And then they settle into a more relaxed breakfast conversation. More coffee. Seconds on the french toast. Just a genuinely nice morning, despite the dark clouds that brought them here.