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Latest revision as of 11:29, 20 March 2020

Trial of Glass
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Metropolis Courthouse
Synopsis: During an attempted interview on courthouse steps, a dangerous criminal attacks the crowd!
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Lois Lane

Clark Kent has posed:
The reporters had been camped outside of the courthouse for a few hours. The case? A criminal trial for Roland Glass, a villain (but not so super-villain) that had gone on a rampage throughout Metropolis months before. There had been a lot of wreckage, a lot of danger, and a lot of wounded.

The word came that he was found guilty, and marched out of the courthouse. The reporters rapidly began to give their reports, with the footage gleaned from the background of the man being ushered out behind them.

Showtime, it is, and Clark follows Lois quickly into place to try to get anything out of the lawyers, or anyone else: maybe even Glass himself.

Lois Lane has posed:
The camping outside was always long and tense. There was no real clue when their target would come out which meant they always had to be ready at a moment's notice. So in spite of having to spend quite a while waiting (at least the company is good), Lois is ready to go as soon as they get the opportunity and the chance to swoop in to get their man.

And the reporter is ready with the questions. "Mr. Glass! How does it feel, knowing that your actions have consequences and you can't do however you like? Do you feel remorse for what you've done? A sense of guilt?" She's going right for the jugular, but it's at least a tactic to try and get his attention.

Clark Kent has posed:
The cops are struggling a little bit with Roland Glass as they try to lead him further away, but the man has oriented on Lois. He's not a large guy: stringy looking, rather unassuming. There's a dead place in his gaze, though, like a fish from the depths of the sea. There's a rot of it, too, old trout, in his stare. That is now on Lois. She did get some attention.

"Not really," Roland remarks to her.

"What about the families of the victims?" Clark throws in quickly, following Lois's lead. Roland seems to ignore Clark, though, and stares at Lois. The cops move him nowhere against his will, and start to get agitated about it. "Don't make us use force," warns one of the officers.

Lois Lane has posed:
He's got a creepy look to him, but it's not something Lois hasn't seem before. There's barely a moment that she's shaken at all before she moves on, unphased. "So what I'm hearing is that you feel nothing for the people you hurt? The damage you did? Is there anything you want to say that you'd like the people of Metropolis to know about the crimes you've committed?"

Less of a strong bull charge, she's lured him in, now it's a matter of getting him to talk. These quotes could be big. She just needed to see how he took the prodding.

Clark Kent has posed:
"He's said enough today, it's been a long day," the pleased prosecutor says, coming forward into view fully, greeting the reporters with a big smile, attempting to pull their attention. He's had a big win, so of course, he's happy to get some publicity about it.

Roland Glass still looks at Lois, until his gaze is physically interrupted by the prosecutor in the way. There's a clear gesture of 'get him out of here' from the prosecution's team.

"She was asking me /questions/," Glass says, as he's finally allowed himself to be led to a car. Once there, though, there's a sharp scream from one of his defense team, as he's suddenly ripped the door off of the police cruiser!

Lois Lane has posed:
The prosecutor could have easily been asked a few questions, but Glass seemed to be the one who had the answers. Why did he do what he did? Did he care? Lois had intended to find out the motivations behind Roland Glass' attack and often people /loved/ to talk about themselves.

She's suddenly realizing that perhaps he had a different way of answering those questions. He's got the door ripped off, but she's not sure where he's going to throw it, if he does. "Clark?" She turns to look at him, to make sure he's not going to run off. They /should/ be alright at a distance. She hopes.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark's right there, he hasn't run off -- yet. He doesn't seem to be reacting in fear: she gets a full shot of frowny-Clark. There isn't fear yet, it looks more like he's disapproving of the door-tearing and concerned about the situation... but fear isn't really registering yet. Maybe he's stunned by it?

But Lois said his name and he reaches for her arm to try to guide her back: it doesn't seem like he wants to run off without her, at least at this immediate point.

In truth, Clark is making some quick calculations, but there's only so much he can control: the place is swimming with people!

And Roland Glass is quick. He uses the door as a battering ram to turn and clip people out of the way as he stalks towards Lois, Clark, and the prosecutor.

"Look out!" Clark does yelp, and the prosecutor, frozen in place by the suddenness, seems to duck in time to not be clubbed by the incoming car door. Clark automatically tries to pull Lois towards him to shield her physically. It's not a crazy move - well okay, it's crazy - men in love do crazy things.

Lois Lane has posed:
That's exactly what Lois was hoping /wouldn't/ happen. You wave the red cap in front of the bull, you get its attention. You do it again--he'll charge you. But Clark hasn't run off, which is unusual, usually the first sign of danger had him retreating. It's unusual enough that she spends half-a-second thinking on it, enough for Clark's tug to legitimately pull her close.

He's trying to protect her. She's managed to hopefully stumble with him far enough out of the way to avoid the jagged metal of the door. Breathlessly, she looks back at her partner. "We need to get him away from people."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark's in the middle of a tug of war internally -- the desperate desire to /help/ but also that he /can't/ help without doing a huge display on the courthouse steps!

"/How/?! I---" Clark doesn't have time to continue asking, because the bull that saw red has made the prosecutor flee straight towards them, and he bumps past them. Unfortunately that brings the path of Roland right at them as well. Good and bad. "You think you've got me?" Roland laughs, wading after the prosecutor, releasing the car-door. Clark makes a quick call.

Clark shoves the prosecutor back 'accidentally' with his hand in a flail of fear, then pulls himself down over Lois, forcing her towards the ground and safety.... but he takes the car-door a little hard. Well, a bit hard for a human. It's sort of glancing. Clark moves with it, which makes him fall to the pavement as well!

The police have reacted: there was a lot around, and they taze Roland, making him stumble and drop nearby with a howl.

Lois Lane has posed:
In her head, Lois had planned out finding some way to just throw herself as bait as she headed for somewhere a little more safe. But things were happening way too fast for any sort of real plan. It was all reaction. The car door is suddenly hurled towards them.

And then she's falling to the ground. All she can see is the pavement and Clark shielding her. She doesn't know where that door is, and for a second her stomach lurches and her hands grip onto Clark's shirt. "Clark?" He had better be okay. /Especially/ after protecting her like that.

Clark Kent has posed:
The courthouse steps and front has erupted in chaos. There's reporters everywhere taking full video of everything going on: the taze of the out-of-control criminal, the attack on the prosecutor and Daily Planet reporters!

Clark Kent... has done what he needed to do to protect others, and he has to fall into his role. Which at this point is playing the role of the poor guy hit with a car door in the head and back. So... Clark stays down, in proper unconscious pose, while people run everywhere and reporters try to get into Lois's face, asking if Clark's okay...

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois is trying very hard to keep it together. It's hard when there's people right there. "/Back up/," she barks, perhaps harder than she needs to, but she's concerned. She moves, carefully, shifting her body and her arms to cradle Clark against her. This way, at least, she can see his face, better able to check that his head is okay.

She does that, a visual once over to make sure there's no blood before she looks back down at him. "Clark, everything's okay. Wake up. Come back to me."

Clark Kent has posed:
20... 19... 18... Clark's doing a long count in his head. Because, of course, he's not injured at all. He's trying to keep focus outside of himself, listen to the sounds of the police handling Roland Glass and getting that taken care of: instead of the focus on Lois's worry or pain. But it will be okay, he knows, since he's not hurt. He just has to play the role a little while with all the cameras there.

So hopefully Lois doesn't touch his glasses. Small favors, maybe she won't.

So Clark lays there, cradled by her, but not bleeding: it seems he got knocked out, which isn't great, but he isn't covered in gore or appear to have his head bashed in, either.

17.... 16....

Lois Lane has posed:
It's an agonizing twenty seconds. If Lois is hurt at all, from hitting the ground or anything else, it's not visible, not to her or anyone else. All that matters is Clark. "I said /back off/," her voice is emotion-packed and she's certainly not letting anyone near Clark unless they're wearing the clothes of an EMT.

"Hey, Clark, listen to me. Just listen to the sound of my voice. I'm here, you're okay, you're safe here with me. Not going to let anything happen to you. You've just got to open those beautiful eyes of yours. Clark, I'm right here. Just listen to me."

Her eyes are fixed on him. Everyone else might not exist on the outside of this little bubble of space around them.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark is trying not, in fact, to listen to her -- might break character, if he takes in the emotion in her tone. But he can't ignore it, any more than he can ignore that need to protect her and the prosecutor, within the boundaries of what he was able to do.

"What?" Clark says, in a fuzzy voice, confused. He lifts a hand to shield his face from the flashing cameras that abruptly get really bright as soon as he moves. "What happened," Clark asks, muddled, eyes still shut, turning towards Lois though, partially curling towards her, uncomfortable with the attention on him.

Lois Lane has posed:
"You played hero, Clark," Lois murmurs. "You tried to protect me. You /did/ protect me." She watches the way he shields his eyes and her attention snaps back towards the reporters. "I am /not/ repeating myself again. He's fine, story's over, go back to whatever it is you're doing." She's very determined to protect him from that, at least. Her gaze drops back to Clark again, her arms tugging him just slightly closer. It's a protective gesture.

"Do you remember knocking me down? I didn't see where the door hit you, your head I'd imagine but you got off lucky, no scrapes that I can see." She smiles, not that he can see it, and one hand comes up to touch his cheek. "I've got you now. You're safe here. I'll get you home."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark does open his eyes now, registering through her somewhere distant. That's easy; he can see a long way. He brings his gaze back in slowly to meet her eyes, following a long blink, and a little grunt of discomfort. "I don't know," Clark answers, wishy-washy. That's very Clark, though. At least, the Clark from before.

"Okay," Clark just agrees to being safe, and taken home. Just agreeing and going along with what Lois wants is a comfortable choice. "I'm glad you're okay, then," Clark does add, soft and private to her, while her head is close and she's tugged him in, curling one hand around her, and allowing her to help him.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois doesn't move him until the EMTs come by to check on him. It doesn't take long for them to determine there are no neck or head injuries, but that a blow to the head like that may have him shaken for a while, but that regular painkillers should help if there's any lingering pain or discomfort. She takes the information in, in case Clark isn't able to listen. She's taking responsibility.

Once he's cleared to go, Lois and one of the EMTs help him to his feet, and Lois slides an arm around Clark, making sure to loop his about her shoulders for potential support.

"Come on, let's get you home to rest, hero."