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Latest revision as of 05:27, 30 January 2022

Villains be Villaining... or plotting it rather.
Date of Scene: 29 January 2022
Location: Suicide Slum - New Troy
Synopsis: Evil blue haired people save the world!
Cast of Characters: Valerie Killmore, Leslie Willis

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Today in the Suicide Slums, there is a sight to behold. A short, skinny woman with blue hair that goes down to her ankles is holding up a megaphone. She's also standing on a box to give her at least a 6' clearance to be seen as well as heard. "Citizens of... this, dirty... really..." She looks around, "Drab, kind of place. I mean, you should really be cleaning this place up, but " A pause and her eyes brighten, "Right, how can you!?! When the mega capes of the world are holding you back? Hmmm? How can you when the likes of Superman prevent you from rising up? To, uh, rob banks, and then blow them up?!"

This speech is going off the rails real fast, "And then they find you, put you in prison, and then when THAT's not good enough, you know what they DO!?! META PRISON! That place is horrible. You don't get food, pens or paper, and they take your trash!!! How can you ever be expected to break out, kill a few guards, find their cars, and spray paint them pink, IF they don't give you a tray to blow up!?!"

Some people walking by are looking at the woman, like she's crazy, others were... following along at first, and then lost track of what she's talking about, and the heavy panting isn't helping, when she then recovers, "SO! Come see me, and hear about plans to get back at... New York!!! Iknowthat'snothere, but I'msurewe'llswingbackaround, and get Metropolislater." She says that last bit in a fast prescription drug side effects speed.

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie's on her way to or from yet another dead end job. It's hard to tell which, given that she never really looks any _less_ ready to murder customers before or after a day at work. She's bedecked in some godawful gaudy fast food uniform... sure, bright yellows and reds and the like don't flatter _anyone_, but when you're preternaturally pale and have blue hair? It looks so much worse. Especially the dumb hats. Oh the hats. Leslie could kill the man who invented hats. One day she's going to find a time machine (Because they're all over the place don'tcha know?) And she's going to do it. She's going to murder Thomas Hat of Omaha Nebraska circa 1874. That'll settle his hash good.

For inventing hats. Look it up. It's totally true.

Leslie's distracted from her deathmarch to the fryolator by the sound of rambling insanity... wait, she's not talking! What's this then? She snaps out of her fugue state to wander speechwards, each step registering more of those words. And sure, while most of the crowd might fade in interest the more off the rails the speech goes, Leslie finds herself agreeing.

By the time she's nearing the front of the... crowd? Hurried sidewalk-goers just trying to get to or from work? Whatever they are, whoever they are, Leslie's practically throwing a fist in the air before she can think of it.

And then she's yelling, "YEAH!!! They say angels are attacking New York, but I haven't seen those guys that wrote Good Will Hunting at all! And they're TOTALLY angels! It's a false flag!! AAAAAAND THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! And like, they get mad when you try to turn quarters into bitcoins?! Everyone's all 'Leslie, that's not what bitcoins are!' and all 'No Leslie, Doge coin isn't made from dogs, you can't attack a computer factory to rescue the dogs! That's not what doge coin is!' If that's not what they are, WHY ARE THEY CALLED THAT?! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!"

This is fine. This is probably fine. This is definitely not the start of some sort of national crime spree by two blue haired unstable young women. Like, how would that even happen? What kind of unmerciful god would unleash this upon the world? What's next? An army of angels?

Oh. Oh crap. This might be happening.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
With all the people sort of milling about, and then starting to leave. Hex is just getting further and further into her own talking, her own head. She's even pacing on this stupid little box, turning right, then taking baby steps, then turning left and doing the same, no longer even looking at the crowd as her eyes get wider, her face more clearly angry, "Oooh, and then they are poisoning your food, with... well, NOT FOOD! Remember that, they are processing it, so you need to eat it really fast! Digestion ... is key!" She screams out and is breathing, when she hears someone in the ... non-existent crowd shout back.

"What?! Good Will Hunting is definitely a key element in this whole thing! Angels are bogus, I've seen them, they are just bird people, with powers, and light, and some other junk that makes you THINK they are angels. Probably chemtrails." She is nodding her head, eyes wide, looking at Leslie as she's shouting about quarters and these things called bitcoins, who would bite a coin? That's dumb, but they shouldn't stop you from making them!

There's a pause, and Hex takes a moment, she blinks, and blinks again, it's like a light bulb exploding above her head, "Oh EM GEEE! Is THAT what doge coin is about?" She thinks about it a moment and hrms, quirking her mouth, "Well, I mean, it makes sense, use the materials you have... that's actually kind of green, if you think of it. Make coins out of dogs, instead of out of governmentally stolen metals... but, I think we're losing the point." She's still using the megaphone.

"The point is!!! That if angels really ARE attacking New York. Guess what?! Let's ruin New York so they go back to whatever dark side of whatever moon they came from. Probablyours."

Leslie Willis has posed:
    Leslie points dramatically, nodding wildly, hat clenched in her non-pointing hand, "Yeah! Like, didn't they do that whole commercial about putting the dogs in coins? It has that sad song playing! With all the dogs looking at the camera! Those _scumbags_!" Leslie is indignant. About the poor dogs, you see. Not about her not getting any dogecoin. Ignore what she was just ranting about. She ignores what she was just ranting about all the time! It's super easy!

And then Valerie's making a really good point, "Yeah!! If we mess up the city bad enough they'll TOTALLY leave! But _they_ don't want you to know that! C'mon! Let's wreck it up!"

Leslie hauls off and kicks a trashcan over while she pumps her fists in the air, "Take that, you winged losers! We're not gonna take it anymore! ATTICA! ATTICA!!" This no doubt has the passing pedestrians moving faster... if only because there's starting to be the occasional spark from the wild-eyed fastfood uniform-bedecked gal, the garbage can she knocked over actually sparks a little with static discharge. "That's why they made that fast food commercial! With the weird moon guy who sings lounge music! To hide the _angels_! They planned it back in the 80s!! And why are there so many shows about angels?! Because they've been _preparing you_ to just lay down and take it! While they take all the corn! Because they're _birds_!! This gal knows the truth!! She's like... uhh... she's..."

Leslie trails off, blinks a few times, and then stage whispers... which is to say, pretty much shouts across the sidewalk, "Hey! Who're you?! We gotta like... get your brand out there!"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Pointing back, Hex is wild eye looking back at the hat clencher, and she nods her head, while saying, "I don't know, I don't watch TV or commercials! But, that sounds right!" And then there's a trashcan kicked over, what?!

Hex moves then to another trash can and she pulls an odd grenade sized looking thing from her waist. It was held there by... sticky hot pink yarn? And she brings it up to her mouth before biting the close end of the yarn to the steampunk painted on clatter bomb, and yanks, detaching the yarn from the device and tosses it into a nearby trash can, "Viva la resistance!" She screams as she does it and runs in the direction of the electric woman, before she crouches and plugs her ears.

There's a sound like clattering teeth from the dentist's office, before a sound that Leslie probably knows far better than anyone else. A surge of electricity, rippling out from around the trash can and destroying nearby people's phones, computer systems, shorting out a few lights that pop and explode, but only within a few feet. Hex scrunches her face up, closing her eyes tightly, and then... it mostly fizzles. Looking back, she stands up more slowly and hrms.

"Well, huh. Maybe I used too much gum and not enough duct tape. You know, gum is pretty non-conductive, and with the blue dragon blood in there, I was SURE it'd overcome that whole thing, and just to be safe, I did add a lot of extra rust, and paper crowns into the mix. I'm not sure why it didn't work so well..." Hands on her hips as she thinks, then she ohs, megaphone now hanging off her hip from... yarn, again, just bundled up and stuck to her like everything is velcro, "I'm Hex. My ... my brand? I don't have... a ... brand. I may be getting a little recognition these days for the record player trebuchet I made, it started as a VCR..." She laughs lightly and shakes her head, "But after the whole spatula incident... wellllllll I don't need to tell you, I swapped that thing out for a record player and wha-bam. Tossing noodles all day long."

Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie doesn't really _plan_ for the turn things take. Oh sure, she kicked over a garbage can. Maybe she was hoping for a little riot. Or like, some hecklers to kick. But then the other blue haired gal is pulling out a... shit, is that a grenade?! Wait, no, it's... chattery teeth? Is it a toy? That's weird. Who pulls out a toy so dramatically.

And then, suddenly, the chattery teeth toy is letting out electricity. And if there's one thing Leslie knows how to handle, it's rampant, free-flowing electricity!

Leslie knows what to do with that. Nomnomnom! Leslie will save those people from overloading phones and stuff!

Things get a little... loopy for a couple seconds. As electricity arcs out of phones, it twists in the air, and suddenly it's surging into the fast food-bedecked lass. It really only gets worse when the street lights pop, and there's a dramatic KRAKABOOM as small scale lightning grenade leads to a neighborhoodwide blackout.

On the plus side, Leslie doesn't have to worry about looking like a clown vomited a paint store on her anymore. On the other hand, the fact that her sudden electric transformation just incinerated her work clothes probably sucks. She's gotta _pay_ for those.

Indeed, she's even hovering a little. At least on reflex, she's formed her costume around herself. Tall boots, lightning bolt cutout leotard-type-bodysuit. She claps one fist into a palm, and suddenly there are elbow length gloves involved too. "Whoaaa! Trix ain't just for kids!" She blinks and peers at Hex, "Oh! We gotta get you a brand! Like... uhh... we'll... totally do thaaaat..." She frowns thoughtfully, "Can you like... hey, can I give you my number? I kinda gotta get going. I gotta see a guy. About some dogs. And coins. Trust me, I've got a _plan_!"

The wild, manic look in those practically sparking eyes does not _look_ like the sort of expression that screams 'I have a plan'. But hey! That's a problem for heroes to worry about. It's not like Leslie's going to get all hooked on being full of electricity and go on some sort of crime spree to break into a nuclear power plant or a hydroelectric dam, right?

Okay, okay, yes she's totally going to do that. But it's okay, there's like, five Kryptonians around Metropolis to deal with it. Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's the whole electricity arcing to the woman, who consumes it, and Hex is looking at her with a tilted head. Sideways, as she floats, and the costume goes nuclear and changes. She takes a moment, and pulls back a bit and huhs, "Well, if that isn't some kind of nifty thing. Do you have two jobs? Like, one as a fast food person and one as ... a mechanic?" Is that what a mechanic looks like? Leslie in her full blown evil person outfit.

Then the questions start showing up and the plan. "Oh, no worries, I'll just dial you on my phone, and it'll find you. Always does." And then she turns her head, looking down at her megaphone, "No, I didn't stop using you because you were too loud! Ugh, seriously? No, I stopped, because ... well, yes, you were too loud for a more normal conversation with this fine lady who understands."

Then she's putting a hand at the end of the megaphone, using her other hand to hold onto it, like she's covering someone's mouth with a rag coated in chemicals, "Oh oh, hahah..." Laughing off her trying to pass out a megaphone right now, "Yeaaaaaaaah, I got a plan too. Oh! So, anyhow, I'll call you, and you and I can go bust up some New York places, and people, and probably steal some hub caps. I am in desperate need of hub caps." Does she have a lot of cars?